Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1235: Sudden accidents and disagreements

"Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Journey(

It may be due to the sudden conscience discovery of the Separatist League, or it may be the result of the efforts of the peacemakers in the Galactic Council to mediate, or some other reason?

Anyway, when Anakin and Padmé had enjoyed more than a month's private life in the lake area of ​​Naboo without shame or rashness, they thought they could stay in Naboo forever like that. When the Lake District was enjoying the peace and sweet time that did not affect them, the arrival of a large high-speed spacecraft belonging to the Jedi Council completely disrupted some of his and Padmé's eager love and arrangements.


The Separatist League suddenly agreed to a peaceful and friendly negotiation with the Galactic Republic, and also specified that one of the leaders of the peace party, namely Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo, would personally lead the team. ?

The Jedi Committee and the Peaceists felt that the opportunity was rare, so Obi-Wan led a team of elite Jedi knights with the envoy to Naboo, and under Anakin’s consternation and somewhat helpless sad eyes. , Directly took away Senator Padmé Amidala, who was gearing up to contribute his best to the peace of the Galactic Republic, and went to a negotiation site designated by the Separatist League.

As for Anakin, he was not allowed to follow for various reasons, but was ordered by Obi-Wan to return to Coruscant as soon as possible to report to the elders of the Jedi Council?

However, I don't know why. Two days after Obi-Wan and the others left, Anakin still stayed on Naboo with no intention of leaving at all?

As a result, Obi-Wan, who monitored some of Anakin’s abnormal behavior on the spacecraft, found Padmé a little annoyed, and planned to talk frankly with Padmé about certain things he had never wanted to mention. once.


"Anakin seems to be rebellious. He still stayed on Naboo and didn't return to Coruscant... I want to know, what happened during your time in Naboo?"

After entering Padmé’s luxurious spaceship suite, Obi-Wan directly sat in front of Padmé boredly and went straight to the subject with a little impatientness to understand the topic.


"Obi-Wan, nothing has happened to Anakin and I. Why do you ask? Maybe he has something delayed, maybe he has some arrangements, you should choose to trust him, after all, he respects you very much. Yes, you should trust each other, not like you are now?"

Padmé suddenly leaned forward, and while slightly concealing her a little anxiety, she stubbornly stared at the Jedi who was visiting suddenly, wanting to see the other side's calm, self-control and indifferent eyes. Something.

Anyway, she was not afraid at all, because she and Anakin did not have time to make the final practical progress, but that might not be the case in the future.

"believe him?"

Obi-Wan repeated it in disbelief.

"Padme, do you know? Anakin's problem, to be honest, happened when we believed him too much! Of course, you!"

"Padme, we thought your identity and experience could be more mature and stable, but you actually..."

While talking, Obi-Wan suddenly couldn't speak.


"What is it that makes you mistrust Anakin? Is it because the upcoming Geonosis negotiations make you nervous?"

"So you put the blame on Anakin?"

Padmé, who frowned slightly, seemed to foresee something wrong. She felt that perhaps the matter between her and Anakin was really noticed by these Jedi Knights, so she was trying to pretend to be calm, but she stopped. Can't help the heart that started to speed up and pounding.

"Padme, the negotiations with Geonosis did not make me nervous, although there have indeed been some unpleasant things to our Jedi Order..."

While talking, Obi-Wan stood up a little bored, and the soldier turned his back and looked out the window.


Padmé did not rush to ask, nor showed any nervousness. She was waiting for the other party to have a showdown with her, although she would definitely deny it?

To be honest, it was the first time that she felt that Obi-Wan in front of her would be so obstructive, and very much hoped that the other party could leave her room soon, and she began to dream about it, if Anakin would go on mission with her. As for the planet Geonosis, how good would it be?

It's a pity that she didn't insist too much because she was excited about the changes in the separatist alliance. She directly agreed to the plan to let Obi-Wan and the others **** her, leaving Anakin on Naboo...presumably, Now that Anakin is not willing to leave Naboo, he must be waiting for him to go back?

That fool, why didn't he think about it, no matter whether the mission was successful or not, she would always return to Coruscant to report on her duties, and wouldn't it be better for the other party to return to Coruscant to wait for her? But unfortunately, they are already on the road now, and they are still sailing faster than light, and the communication may be monitored by the Obi-Wan in front of her, so she had to give up contacting each other after thinking about it. Plan.

"Padme... the Jedi Council already knows the matter between you and Anakin."

"Please trust me, stop in time!"

"You have no possibility of surpassing the friendship of friends, Senator, you should know that since Anakin chose to become a Jedi apprentice, he has already made a firm promise to the Jedi Order by default: he You are destined to be with us all your life, but now you are delusional about another result that cannot happen and is allowed. That is very stupid!"

Obi-Wan slowly turned around and looked at Padmé, who had turned pale, and her eyes that had been clear because of some difficult mood began to turn a little dull.


"Sorry, Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, I don't know what you are talking about!"

After the initial hesitation, soon Padmé felt a flame of anger and reluctance ignited in his blood, just as she and Anakin had encountered when they were racing in the desert of Tatooine more than two months ago. The kind of violent desert wind that almost wants people to dry.

"Don't treat us all as fools, Padmé!"

"You should understand what I mean. We know that he was emotional for you. The Force also told me when Naboo was in contact with him that it was a very strong feeling. It blinded his judgment and made him dare to be open. Violating the order of the samurai group!"

"And you, do you want to pretend that you don't have the same feelings for him in front of a Jedi?!"

Obi-Wan asked harshly, and just watched Padmé's face gradually become gloomy.


‘Master Kenobi, my feelings are my personal business, and you have no right to intervene! ’

Padmé’s tone gradually became cold, and if they weren’t on the spaceship now, but if they were in Naboo, or when she was the queen, it would be the Obi-Wan Kenobi who dared to add Interfering with her emotions, she had already blasted the opponent out!

You know, even if she is no longer the queen, she is still a senator of Naboo, a pivotal presence in the Galactic Republic Parliament. Why should he teach her Obi-Wan Kenobi? He is just a little Jedi Knight, not an elder Jedi! Besides, even the elders of the Jedi Committee would not speak to her like this!

"On the contrary, Senator Amidala, when a Jedi matter is involved, it is not a private matter!"

Obi-Wan panted heavily, glared at each other and argued for reasons. There was no room for Padmé to retreat, because in his opinion, in the eyes of the Jedi Council, it was indeed very serious. There was no Pader. The kind of personal affairs that Mei thinks is so simple!


"Obi-Wan, you came to me today just to be here, to tell me that I must keep a distance from Anakin?"

Finally, Padmé softened, a bleak look began to appear on his angry face and asked softly.

She actually had a hunch about this before, but she still couldn't control herself... Because human emotions are a very strange thing, and they are not easily controlled by reason, and she is not. The kind of very rational and self-controlled person.

"I also know that it is not good to tell you this kind of thing before the negotiation starts, but..."

"I received the order. It was the elders' intention. They have been following you and Anakin for a long time. Do you think you have been doing it secretly?"


After a self-deprecating laugh and silence for a while, Obi-Wan's tone gradually softened, and he sat down on the sofa opposite Padmé and answered like this.

"Although it's a little unkind..."

"But because I want to protect him, and I want to protect you! Although I don't expect you to believe it, Padmé..."

"This is real!"

"You must understand that continuing this path will only break your hearts... If you truly love Anakin, you must let go! He can't have both of loving you and being a Jedi, and In the prophecy, he was born to be a Jedi, and he is destined to have a great destiny beyond your imagination!"

"What's even more frightening now is that he is on the verge of danger. His feelings are allowing the darkness in his heart to sprout and grow. The elders feel that it is the force of the dark side! You may not even realize the problem. Seriousness, but I can tell you clearly that if you continue like this, without a firm heart and conviction, Anakin is likely to embrace the dark side and become a terrible dark Jedi. Is it what you want?"

After speaking, Obi-Wan stood up again and stepped aside violently.

There is another reason Obi-Wan did not say, that is: In principle, all Jedi knights are not allowed to marry and have children. That is to prevent the abuse of the Force and form a powerful Jedi family. And now, Anakin is a powerful Jedi knight, and Padmé is a senator, the high-level of the Galactic Republic and Naboo, once the two are combined, it is bound to give birth to a high fibrinogen The descendants of somatic heredity, then, the formation of a powerful Jedi family is inevitable!

And that kind of terrible and subverting Jedi tradition, how can the elders of the Jedi Committee watch it happen?

"It's ridiculous!"

"Obi-Wan, would you rather let him endure a lifetime of loneliness for a prophecy? And that prophecy, I am afraid that even the elders of your committee dare not assert that it is true, right?"

"This is how you treat a promising Jedi?"

Padmé blinked her eyes desperately, and forcibly held back her tears.

"That's to protect him!"

"Padme, if you think we don’t know what we’re asking for, you’re wrong. I know perfectly well that the Jedi’s way is the way of loneliness, and it requires us to make the deepest sacrifice! In the last place, and the needs of strangers come first. But if the Jedi left their responsibilities, how much torture would they endure? Is that what you want? Do you think Anakin would want it?"

"It is impossible for him to not only want to stay in the Jedi Order, but also to love those he loves. The elders will not allow it, nor does the Jedi tradition allow him. He can only be forced to choose one of them!"

"I know I am not qualified to order or ask you, I am asking you now..."

"When the negotiations between Geonosians are over, you will leave Coruscant and return to Naboo. Don't go to see Anakin again... Our elders He will try our best to arrange for him to stay away from you and Naboo. Bu's arduous task has left him no time to take care of you, and it also allows you to have enough and necessary time to heal your wounds... Please believe me, giving up each other is your best choice, while it is not too late!? "

Obi-Wan knew that the other party might be upset, and that he had a showdown before the negotiation started. It was a bit bad. However, he had no choice. The Anakin and Padmé affairs really couldn't continue. , He will not let Anakin fall, and the elders will not let the tradition of the Jedi Order be easily broken!

The Jedi Order is affiliated to the Ministry of Justice of the Galactic Republic and is responsible for peacekeeping. It does not participate in political decision-making, and its actions are not controlled by the Ministry of Justice. It has great power. Once the tradition is broken, once the Jedi family is created or formed, it is Disaster for the Galactic Republic!


"Obi-Wan, you go out, I want to be quiet..."

Padmé sighed softly, resisting the tears that came out of her eyes, and not letting her fragile side show up in front of Obi-Wan. In the end, she did not continue to refute the other party's ridiculous and selfish remark , Just motioned to the other party to leave her room and leave her sight.


No way, Obi-Wan had to sigh, bowed his head and bowed, then turned and walked out of the luxurious cabin suite of the senator and negotiator of the Galaxy Republic.


"Huh? What's the situation?!"

However, Obi-Wan, who had just walked out of the cabin, suddenly felt the hull shake. He didn’t know what happened, and immediately contacted the bridge of the envoy through a communicator in the corridor of the spacecraft. I want to ask what happened.

'report! ’

‘We’ve just jumped out of the teleportation and have now arrived at Geonosis. Maybe it’s because there are a large number of trade-linked spacecraft in front, which caused the turbulence caused by gravitational disturbance? ’

The Galactic Republic pilot on the bridge reported with some uncertainty, but after seeing that the spacecraft was quickly balanced and stable, he did not check.


"Come We are here to negotiate this time, don't worry about them!"

Through the porthole, Obi-Wan also saw the massive Trade Alliance spaceships in the distance. Even he did not expect that those guys would have built so many giant ships! Of course, it is also possible that the other party is left behind?

After all, the original trade alliance is a consortium of commerce and transportation. It effectively controls the freight and trade of the entire galaxy. It is extremely powerful. Even if it has been suppressed for so many years, the family is still strong, so there are so many spaceships. It shouldn't be too strange.

'Yes! ’

"I am approaching..."

‘! ! ’

‘Master Obi-Wan! Nothing, we were captured by their gravitational beams, and the spacecraft could not control it! ! ’


"Damn it! This is not diplomatic etiquette..."

Hearing the exclamation of the captain on the bridge, Obi-Wan was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression became a little sordid, and he returned to Padmé’s cabin for the first time.


Seeing Obi-Wan suddenly came in again, and his face was still so ugly, Padmé hurriedly wiped the wet marks on his face while looking at him strangely.


"Be prepared, I'm afraid something will happen this time, it's probably a conspiracy!!"

After speaking, Obi-Wan directly took out his lightsaber hilt and held it firmly in his own hand.


"How could this be……"

Padmé also got up from her seat almost at the same time, with an expression of disbelief all over her face.


?? Ask for tickets, ask for subscription, ask for everything??

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