Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1166: ???(*?)???attack! Turn the enemies around...

General Anne was walking along the edge of the somewhat bleak territory of Kaliad with more than a hundred mobs she had just abducted. This can actually be regarded as Negan’s territory, because the kingdom of Elasia collapsed and the king died suddenly. After that, Negan’s **** lords had actually occupied this place and began an extremely **** enslaving rule for the people of Elasia. If a certain former prince, Queen Catherine, would return for a few months at night, it is estimated that this place would be Negan will surely deepen his rule. At that time, there will probably not be many living people left.

Although Annie’s military strength is now ‘increased’, the voices in her team are not very harmonious, isn’t it? It’s not long before some guys have just ‘joined the job’, and they have the face to look for her. This is not a boss at all, at best it can only be regarded as a salary advance by the wizard of the company manager?

So, of course, she rightly taught a lesson with a certain unreserved crusader who had no helmet.



"What's the money? Don’t talk to people about money, they don’t have money yet! People tell you, it’s your honor to contribute to the land of Elasia and fight for the Kingdom of Elasia. You should be honored and feel honored. Proud, you should use your love to generate electricity, what kind of money to talk about, how vulgar is that?!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~



"Anyway, people don't have money. If you want money, you will find that big sister Catherine yourself in the future! It's a hot queen, you prince from Elasia, she has money!"

o(`^??)o Humph!

What are you kidding about, these guys actually asked her Queen Anne for money, where did she get the money? You know, even she herself is a part-time worker, and even she herself has only advanced two and a half days of salary, and she is still owed the rest. Who does she seek to make sense?

'grown ups! ’

‘But according to the tradition of the Kingdom of Elasia in the past, the army pays out before preparing for battle...’

Using love to generate electricity or something, this unlucky crusader leader must not understand, but he only knows that horses have to eat grass, they have to eat, they have to support themselves, and they don’t know whether they are dead or not in a war environment. People... So, if they can, they still hope that this adult can give them a few gold coins so that they can have a little money in their pockets, and then they can have a little confidence in the war, right?

"What tradition? Allahia is subjugated. Where is the tradition now? Now everything is done according to the new rules!!"


"In short, the objection is invalid! The money is owed first, and then you go to the Queen Catherine to get it! Before that, whoever dares to say nothing, who dares to complain about the strike, will be burned and buried!!"


‘! ! ’

'This this……'

‘Oh~! Head, don't talk about it, let's do it first! ’

‘Come back soon! ’

‘How can this be? ! ’


Although very reluctant, a certain Crusader leader who represented the fallen soldiers was still under the magic ‘persuade’ of a certain arrogant little girl, and was honestly dragged back by his men.

‘Report, report! ’

‘Master Wizard! A magical temple hidden in the woods was found in front, not far from here, there seemed to be several monks and monks in it to manage it! ’

Soon, a pikeman ran back from the front, and the other party excitedly said to their little officer.

"Magic Hall? There are monks in it?"


"Then they must have something to eat, you hurry up to shoot the door, let them join us unconditionally! And their supplies, also unconditionally expropriated, in the name of the Kingdom of Elasia!"


After half a day of tossing, Annie already knew that leading troops is not just as simple as fighting and marching, especially the troublesome living army, because they want to eat and drink Lazarus! So, under all kinds of troublesome things, she is now all thinking about expanding the army and finding something to feed these nasty guys!

So, now that she had discovered a magical palace, she didn't even think about it, so she directly fought the matter of pulling the strong and levying grain.

‘Master Wizard! ’

‘That’s a sacred temple of magic, or should you go there yourself? ’

To put it bluntly, these Elasia soldiers who are more afraid of magic don't dare to go over to shoot the door and give the kind of order that will definitely be rejected, let alone dare to ask the monks or the monks inside to join them unconditionally. .

"Really, there are people here, what are you afraid of?"


No way, Annie had to pat the horse to let the other party lead the way, and took her dog-legged soldiers around a dense forest, and then she found a big house hidden in the dense forest behind.

After walking in from the reasonably well-kept courtyard, Annie turned over and dismounted, and slapped the door of the house with only a separate hall that was indeed dissipating a little magical energy.

"Open the door!"

(??????????)?????? 咚! Boom!

‘? ? ’

'who are you? ! ’

There was a vigilant voice and a pair of scared eyes from the observation hole on the door.

Obviously, for this small magical temple, especially in this chaotic environment where the country is ruined and destroyed, it is surrounded by a group of insurgents, even if they are the kind of magical monks and monks. I would be a little worried.

"It's called Annie, an arcane archmage!"


"The ones behind are soldiers from other families. We are all members of the Kingdom of Erasia. Now, under the order of Queen Catherine, we are sweeping and investigating this area. You come out quickly. People now declare: You and your temple. They have all been requisitioned unconditionally, come with us to fight the Negan people!!"


When the others didn't even open the door, Annie unceremoniously said something that would definitely offend or irritate the other party.


'Sorry! ’

‘Regardless of who you are, and whether you are the army of Elasia, our sacred temple does not welcome you, let’s go, don’t force us to take action! ’


Abruptly, the observation hole on the door was slammed shut, and then a cold voice came from inside.

No one would believe that a little girl would be an arcane archmage, and no one would believe that a group of ragged soldiers would really be the same as a little girl said, by the order of a certain queen of the Kingdom of Elasia So, the response of the monks in the magic temple is justified.



"Don't let others in?!"


"Come here! Breach this broken door for me, people will want to see, what dare they do!!"


‘! ! ’

"My lord, is this too bad? ’

"People are here to support you, what are you afraid of?!"



'Yes! ! ’

Soon, under the command and monitoring of a disgusting little girl and the deterrence of force, a group of soldiers who were dressed like wolves and seemed to be good at doing these things broke the door and rushed in.

‘What are you doing? ’

'Do not! ! ’

‘Stop talking nonsense! Catch them! ’

‘Whoever dares to resist, kill him! ! ’

'you guys……'


There was a burst of noisy sounds, and when the soldiers swarmed in, the noise inside soon ceased.

"Bring out all the people and things inside!"


Soon, the excited soldiers unearthed two fallen monks and a lot of food and a magic book that was forcibly torn from a certain position, and even the cover was torn. .


?? You have acquired the'Imperial Qi Thaumaturgy'. After learning, you can consume a certain amount of magic power, allowing you and your troops to fly over obstacles or cliffs.

?? Note: The more troops you have, the longer the distance, the more magic power you consume.



"Are you a high-ranking priest? Very good, people now announce that you and your companions have been unconditionally recruited by the army of the holy Kingdom of Erasia! Follow us to fight the enemy and calm the chaos in this land. !"




"No! We need to take care of this sacred magic temple, we are not anywhere..."



boom! ! !

The monk didn’t finish his words, but saw the terrible little girl throwing a fireball into his almost evacuated magic hall with a blast of fire, and then they were in the courtyard. , I could only watch his magic temple, which has been passed down for hundreds of years, ignite in the sky with the sound of an explosion...

"All right!"


"Now your magic hall is gone, can we go now?"


Squinting her eyes, Annie looked maliciously towards a certain high-level priest who was still being grabbed by the soldiers and did not dare to resist. In fact, what she meant was very obvious. If the other party dared to say half no next Words, she must be the pipe burning regardless of burying!


"No, no problem..."

"Dear sorceress, we are willing to follow you and fight under the banner of the Griffin of the holy Kingdom of Elasia..."

A good magical hall will explode if it explodes. What else can it do if you don’t give in?

For the two monks who can only fly thaumaturgy and the first-level magic arrows in front of them, to such a terrible little witch who also claims to be a great mage plus those soldiers who are like tigers and wolves. , What else can they do?

"Don't worry!"


"When the Negan people are driven away, our Kingdom of Elasia will definitely help you rebuild a bigger and higher magic temple here!!"


Anyway, you don't need to execute it yourself, and it's not your own money to spend, so Anne once again unceremoniously opened a blank invoice.

‘! ! ’

‘You, are you sure? ! ’

As soon as Anne’s words came out, these two were originally robbed of their homes, their things were robbed, and they were still a strong man. They still seemed to be reluctant and daring to speak. Those two pairs were originally sad and angry. The desperate eyes finally had so little light.

"Of course!"


"Anyway, when the time comes, you can just look for the Queen Catherine, she will still be the prince of your Griffin King! By the way, and your double salary, just remember it now, then you will just look for everything. She can take the money!"

(??????????) Hey!

Anyway, it’s not her own money, anyway, she doesn’t have to clean up the mess by herself, so little Annie gave a dozen promises and empty checks without hesitation. After all, this Elasia is not her family. Wait until she has enough. The commission she ran away, and the mess left by that time, how should Catherine clean up? Will she take care of it?


ε=(????`●))) alas

‘Report! ! ’

I just successfully recruited two monks who know a little spell, let them cry with their noses and tears begging to join their team, and donated all their property for free, but didn’t wait for Annie to want where to go next. , Another pikeman sent out to investigate the situation ran up to her again panting.

"what happened again?"

∑(??△`)? !

‘Report to Master Witch! ’

‘On the west, there is a logging yard about two or three miles away. There are a lot of Erasian loggers in it, but now they seem to be guarded by a group of monsters from Negan and ordered to log? ’

‘Master Wizard, do we need to save them? ’

The visitor said excitedly, but he was a little strange, wondering why the stone building in the courtyard behind the crowd suddenly ignited that kind of terrible fire?

‘Save them? what is the benefit? ’


Annie is here to investigate the situation and wait for an opportunity to teach the Negans, so she is not very interested in rescuing the trapped workers in the logging yard.


‘Master Witch, at least we can stop them from providing wood for Negan, and we can also rescue the workers. This is our mission, isn’t it? ’

Wood is still a very important strategic resource for people in this era, because whether it is building houses, equipment, weapons or bows and arrows, etc., they are inseparable from those things, and that is why Negan’s The main reason why the **** lords will send the demons to guard those places.



"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and lead the way, let's go and defeat the bad guys now! Grab their things, and then let the lumberjacks join our team!!!"


The Negan forces from **** must be However, at the same time, her own strength has to be expanded, so Anne naturally took the idea of ​​those loggers again.

As for whether the lumberjacks would like it or not, she did not care about it at all!

You know, she is now fighting for the sacred Kingdom of Elasia, working hard for the order of Queen Catherine, and fighting for the restoration of the sacred Elasia continent. Therefore, those NPCs should be more conscious , Join her sacred cause unconditionally!

Of course, it's not just the people of Elasia, she also wants any inhuman creatures that live on this land and can fight! Moreover, she also firmly believes that her diplomacy (magic) is enough to persuade them to join in! If it can't, it must be because they belong to Negan's side. When that happens, she will just kill the other party and burn to death and then **** the other party's things.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


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