Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1138: ???(???????)????~Catch...

The next day...

Or more accurately, it should be twelve hours later in standard earth time?

Because of the imminent and external pressure, the second phase of the'Avatar' project had to be officially launched in advance. At the same time, the relevant training courses also officially started. This started from the empty space in the base research center. The poor performance of the second-stage'Avatar' trainees who stand, sit, or learn to walk crookedly in the training room transformed from another mine can probably be seen in the poor performance.

Of course, not all people are as clumsy as those ‘second-stage students’!

Isn't this?

It’s just been less than half an hour to formally link the body of the'Avatar', but a small avatar woman who throws a small fireball with one hand and supports her chin with the other, looks like a little girl. Some yelled impatiently:

"You guys are really stupid!!"


"Look at it. It's been almost half an hour. You have to learn something that is so easy to eat, sleep and walk?"


Maybe it's the physical fitness of this avatar is really good, maybe it's the balance in the game "Oasis", or Anne's own powerful balance and motor nerves played a role?

Anyway, Annie immediately grasped the bodies of these crooked stars called'Avatars' at the moment of linking, and felt that they were completely the same as when playing VR games, and what made her more satisfied was that , The magic and magic power level of her arcane archmage seems to have been completely transferred from the VR game body to this avatar.

She was very satisfied with this, and gradually became a little impatient with those stupid guys...



Those Marine Corps combatants and ordinary base personnel who have been linked to the'Avatar' did not dare to talk, because they themselves knew that, just like a certain evildoer, they could jump, jump, and sneer after being linked to the Avatar's body. Compared to the little girls, are they really that little bit worse?

‘Ahem! ’


‘Little guy, it seems that you have completed the first stage of training. Maybe you should start the second stage of training in advance? ’

At this time, a researcher wearing a white coat and a breathing mask walked up to Annie, and used a smart mobile terminal to pretend to scan in front of her. After no major problems were found, she did not intend to let her stay here. He seriously hit the confidence of other players, so he tried to suggest.

The other party has indeed done a good job now, and staying here is really a waste of time and interferes with their normal work and disturbs others. If they can be driven away sooner, it must be something Great thing.



"Doesn't that mean that people can go out and play directly now, right? They have to go to the sea to catch a big fish as a mount just like the Na'wei man yesterday!!"


Hearing the other party’s permission, Annie, who had been itching for a long time, couldn’t wait to jump off the big metal box full of precious ores, and was excited at the researcher who was a little shorter than her. To say.

Adult avatars or Na'vi people are generally more than three meters tall, so although she is still controlling a juvenile, Annie is now more than two meters tall. Therefore, the researcher standing in front of her It's normal for her height to be inferior to her.

'what! Do you want to go outside now? ’


Hearing what the other party said, the researcher hesitated. He didn't know if there would be any problems if he let such a little guy out in advance...because, his original intention was to let him go to another training room to continue training and Being familiar with the body is not for letting the other party out to play.



"Can't it work?!"



‘It’s not impossible...’

'OK then! I can reluctantly agree to the request you just made, but you must remember that you can’t run too far, you can only move around the base and help us collect data... Also, going outside may be dangerous, remember to take a good breath Equipment and anti-stress devices, because we have not yet understood why the Na'vi people can breathe and move freely under the water naked...'

Thinking of always needing someone to go out and collect data, and feel that the value of an avatar larva is not too high, even if the other party messes up or dies, it will not affect their work much?

After thinking that the other party could go out to play and provide them with first-hand data to some extent, this researcher who seemed to be a small supervisor, after thinking a little entangledly, finally nodded reluctantly, which was considered approval This matter of allowing the other party to go out.



"Uncle, don't worry!!"


As soon as she heard that she could go out to play, Annie no longer cared about the uncle researcher who still needed to look up at her. She just happily ran towards another cabin, and even someone was walking in and talked to her. The familiar Parker monsters didn't even bother to say hello.

'She is……'

‘The little one Annie? ! ’

It may be due to the use of DNA debugging and fusion. Although it was only a short night, Parker Seyfridge also saw a trace of a little guy from the face of the little Avatar girl who ran out. Silk outline and shadow, so he asked the researcher curiously.

'Yes! ’

‘Sir, that’s her! ’

Hearing someone's question, he raised his head and found that his base officer had come in with a breathing mask, and the researcher hurriedly answered.


‘Where is she going? ’

‘Report, report sir! ’

‘She has completely adapted to her new body, the matching rate of both functions and motor nerves is very high, and she seems to have inherited her original magical ability? ’

‘So, I don’t think there is any use for her to stay here, so I allow her to go to sea for debugging so that we can collect data! ’

'Is such that? ’

‘Yes! ’


‘It’s incredible, she got used to it so quickly...’

‘Yes, sir, she is very talented! ’

‘Okay, you guys keep working, I’m going to the connection room now. ’

'what! ’

‘Okay, okay, sir! ’

Parker Seyfridge didn't interfere with the researcher's work. Since the other party thought that the little girl had a good grasp and had allowed the other party to go out, he couldn't say much. For him, who was also a member of the Avatar Project, he is more terrifying than anyone knows that lay leaders are experts.

Those who are more professional can just be handled by professional personnel. As for other things, he doesn't want to interfere too much.

‘! ! ’

‘Sir, are you here too? ’

‘Hello sir! ’

‘Sir? ’

Soon, when Parker Seyfridge walked into a research room with a lot of researchers and densely packed rows, it looked like a space dormant chamber, full of at least hundreds of square neural connection capsules. Inside, they were warmly welcomed and received by the researchers who were working.

'of course! It's weird to be in the office every day, isn't it? ’

‘Okay, just keep working and leave me alone! ’

'correct! ’

‘The thing I want, the avatar, are you ready? ’

After signalling the staff to leave him alone, Parker Seyfridge scratched his nose, walked to a workbench slightly embarrassed, and asked softly after pulling a person who looked like a supervisor.

'what? ’

'of course! ’

‘Sir! Your Avatar has already been matched and debugged. Do you need to connect for you now? ’

Seeing that the other party was his own chief, the director of the research project didn't dare to neglect, so he asked with a grudging smile.


‘Okay, let’s start now! ’

'Ok! ’

"Please come here..."

'and many more! ’

‘These closed neural connectors are already running? ’

'Yes! ’

‘How many people have successfully connected now? ’

"There are probably more than 300 people, and the current success rate is only about 57%..."

‘So low? ’

‘It’s not low anymore. Some of them can be reconnected after adjustments. We are confident that this success rate will reach over 95%! ’

‘Of course, it may take a little bit of time? ’


‘Let’s go, take me to my neural link pod! ’

'Ok! Sir, please here! ! ’

Although seeing that there were only more than 300 people successfully connected, I felt a little dissatisfied, but Parker Seyfridge did not say anything too harsh, and directly followed the other party to his link cabin.


One hour later.

When Parker Seyfridge, the top officer of the base, was familiarizing himself with his Avatar body, and standing tremblingly on the ground of the training room, with the help of those researchers, he tried to familiarize himself with his new body and his own. When he used his fingers, toes, and tail, and enjoyed the praise of the researchers, suddenly, there was a burst of exclamation.

When he turned around with the researchers suspiciously, he discovered that on the huge training room screen, they actually saw an extremely arrogant data collector with a bracelet on their hands. The avatar larva, whose breathing mask and compressed gas tank has been thrown away, is now riding on the back of a Pandora's deep-sea phosphorescent shark, and is constantly circling and waving her arms around the gate of the base, indicating The people inside open the door quickly?

‘! ! ’

‘Which is... is ours? ’

‘It seems to be, look at the contact and communication device she has! ’

‘God, how did she do it? ’

'do not know……'

‘It’s incredible...’

'fast! Let her in, let's go and see! ! ’

'what? ’

‘I’m Parker Seyfridge, do you have any comments? ’

'what? No! Good, good! I will make arrangements right away! ’


After a while of confusion and wonder, Parker Seyfridge directly controlled his avatar body, which was not able to walk too firmly, and followed the researchers and other curious avatars toward the sea gate of the base. The cabin ran.

Then, when they arrived in the sea valve cabin, what they saw was the little Avatar girl who was wiping the body with a towel and a big fish swimming in the pool!



"Quickly talk about it, how did you do it, why did you catch such a fish and come back?!"

Seeing that Pandora's deep-sea phosphorescent shark swimming in the low-pressure sea pool of the base sea gate a little violently, Parker Seyfridge asked in awe without waiting for other researchers to speak.

"It's easy!"


"It wants to eat others, and then they will definitely not give it! Then it rushed over, and then they had a fight with it, and soon it became honest!"


Annie said indifferently, as if she was just doing a trivial thing?

However, she will not tell them that it is really difficult to subdue this big monster in the sea, because they are very strong and powerful, and her power in the game is very limited...Anyway, she just tossed for a long time. Just caught it! However, after catching this one time, she already has a little experience, and the next time she catches it, she should not be so troublesome.



Parker Seyfridge and the other researchers just opened their mouths blankly, and then looked at the grumpy deep-sea monster in the cistern, not knowing what to say.

'and many more! ’

'I have a question! ’

‘I saw you lost your breathing device and gas tank, so how did you breathe in the deep sea? ! ’

At this time, a researcher wearing a breathing filter mask suddenly uttered a voice and asked.

Because they have seen it, the gas tank that the larvae avatar originally carried when he went out is gone, and the other party was completely unprotected when they were in the deep sea. How did the other party do all this? of?

They are very curious about this!


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"When I first caught it, I accidentally tore the breathing mask and gas tank by it. It was uncomfortable at that time. I felt like my stomach was about to be pressed out of my mouth..."


Thinking about the feeling at the time, Annie couldn't help but feel a little bit nauseated.

"But later, after someone accidentally connected this thing with the two ganglia behind its head, the situation quickly improved, and then they could breathe through it, and the whole person was not too uncomfortable."


While talking, Annie directly stretched out her hand towards the back of her Avatar and grabbed a braid like a braid, but at the tip of the tail there were weird, nerve-connected things like that.

To be honest, Annie almost thought she was dead at the time, but when she thought that it was someone else’s Avatar, she didn’t feel distressed if she killed him. Anyway, there were more than 10,000 of her in the base, so she clenched her teeth. Just persisted until after successfully catching the opponent, it was considered to be relieved.

Then, after spending half an hour in the beautiful underwater world outside, she couldn't wait to run back to show off.

"And this, have you ever seen such a big pearl?"


Annie directly took out a gleaming round bead from the pocket of her Avatar clothes, like a small sun, almost the size of an adult fist.

‘! ! ’

'this is……'

‘What a beautiful jewelry! ! ’

‘? ? ’

"this is mine!!!"


Without waiting for the researchers or someone else to come over and take it to see Annie hurriedly took it back, for fear that the other party would **** it, and then not return it to her.

Although it was just a beautiful pearl-like bead, she knew that it must be very valuable, and it must be sold at a good price in the center of the "Oasis"! Therefore, she would not give it to these people easily, but she found it with difficulty in the sea!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


(*^▽^*)?? Ask for a ticket?? (*^▽^*)

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