Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 965: ?? Misfortune never comes singly??

After the "death" of the warrior Krum of Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in order to prevent students from seeing some blood, horror, evil, or things they shouldn’t see while eating. The necessary riots, after research by the principals of Dumbledore, Maxim, and Karkaroff, unanimously decided:

The dining hall for the students was moved from the original auditorium to the original dining hall. The auditorium, which was originally open all day, was changed to only forty-eight hours on two days at weekends and Mondays. It is open to students during a two-hour break at noon on Friday and four hours after dinner.


The school’s new measures with a good starting point, the new regulations that allow students to watch'images' in a limited and limited time, naturally let some illegal profiteers find an opportunity to make a profit and make a fortune. ...

   Isn't this?

'classmates! ’

'good news! good news! ’

  ‘Everyone, come take a look, don’t miss it when you pass by! ’

Today, when most of the students are hurriedly eating in the cafeteria, watching the Daily Prophet, trying to'make up' the'story' that they didn't see last night, so as not to miss some important plots. , Two of them quickly finished their lunches and ate George and Fred who were almost full. Their two Weasley twin brothers ran directly to the professors, but at this time they On the long dining table that no one diners had, he held up a large stack of photos in his hand and began to scream loudly.

'Take a look, what is this? ! ’

  ‘Our warriors at Hogwarts, Harry, Hermione, and Fleur from Boothbat’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the three of them’s exquisite collection of photos of the ‘Tent Three Knots’, each for only one silver sike! Limited release, limited quantity, first come first served! ! ’

   held in their hands, it was a dynamic picture of Harry, Hermione and Fleur stacking their hands on top of each other and encouraging each other last night! However, the photo has undergone post-processing and is very clear and exquisite, and there are beautiful patterns and trimmings and some colorful embellishments. Even the bottom of the photo also includes the repaired'swear of three people at the time. 'Speak!

  ‘You don’t know yet, do you? This is an exclusive photo, not even in the Daily Prophet. This is the only one in the world, which is very memorable! ’

  ‘What are you still hesitating now? ’

  ‘One only needs one silver sicor. If you buy it, you won’t lose money. If you don’t buy it, you can’t be fooled. If you’re late, you’ll be sold out! ! ’

I saw that although most of the students in the cafeteria had been attracted by their voices and turned their heads to look sideways, they were still stunned at this time. It seemed that no one was ready to take action. , George and Fred screamed and sold out again, and at the same time began to wink quietly at Lee Jordan and Colin Crevey on the Gryffindor table.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘I want one! ’

  ‘I want one too, give it to me first! ’

'I also want……'

Soon, when certain people in Gryffindor were prompted and pretended to brandish the silver in their hands, and roared around the two brothers George and Fred and bought them back, many did not know the truth. The Gryffindor students quickly discovered:

The limited collector's edition of the uncut magic photos peddled by the Weasleys’ twin brothers is indeed different from the photos on the Daily Prophet, and the content is much better than the newspapers with mostly descriptive text. They are indeed exclusive photos. After people felt that it was not unacceptable to buy a silver xico for collection, they also waved their change and rushed up...

  ‘I also buy one! ’

  ‘Give me first, I’ll come first...’

  ‘Don’t squeeze...’

  ‘Go away! ! ’

Then, under the group effect, the guys who bought first quickly led many Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and Slytherin students who were still planning to wait and see. .

  As the students from various colleges rushed up to buy them, they soon sold out the full 170 "limited edition" photos in the hands of the twin brothers!

  ‘Stop, stop! ’

  ‘Classmates, although I’m sorry, but this time the photos are really sold out, or else, next time, please hurry up? ’

  ‘Go back, it’s really sold out, we swear to Merlin! ! ’

  ‘There may be more in the future, but it’s really gone today...’

  ‘That’s really a limited edition, only one hundred and seventy, the negatives have been ruined by us, we really don’t have any more, of course we won’t have trouble with money! ’

When they found that the product was unexpectedly popular, although George and Fred wanted to give each ear scraper, they wanted to complain why they didn’t work harder in the morning... But at this time they regretfully appease those There is indeed no better way to appease those students who have not bought it.


  ‘Really, why are they sold out? ’

  ‘Let’s go, let’s go to the auditorium, it’s much more exciting than the photos! ’

  ‘But that photo was taken last night, and there will be no more...’

'I know……'


Seeing that the photos were really sold out, many of the students who hadn’t bought them had to go away angrily after their movements were a little slower. Leaving hurriedly in the direction of the auditorium.


"you guys……"

Seeing some two people happily running to the long table of Gryffindor, they began to count the amount they earned in less than ten minutes. The amount is likely to be more than a hundred silver coins. However, Ron's eyes were about to stare out.

   "George, Fred..."

   "You, you guys would actually do this kind of thing... That photo must have been taken last night? But when did you take it, why didn't I notice it at all?!"

Although Ron himself sometimes admits that he is stupid, he now knows even with his ass. The two must have used Harry’s invisibility cloak to take them to the auditorium last night. Secretly photographed!

   So, he is really envious, jealous and jealous now...

   It is impossible to imagine that Ron didn't expect such a good and profitable opportunity to make money. Instead, these two guys who begged him to take him to the auditorium caught it? And also made so much silver in one go?

  Looking at that heavy bag of silver Sico, I am afraid that at least a dozen gold can be exchanged for Jin Jialong, right?

   Anyway, that is at least one hundred times more than all his Ron’s current wealth! And there is no doubt that the bag of Silver Sike will definitely be able to exchange him for a brand new wand, maybe there is even more left? !

  ‘One hundred and sixty-seven...’

  ‘One hundred sixty-eight...’

  ‘One hundred sixty nine...’


  ‘Just right, one hundred and seventy, no more, no less! ! ’

   However, the twin brothers of the Weasley family did not pay attention to their greedy brother Ron at the first time, but quickly counted the silver Xicos one by one.

When they found that the number was just enough, there was no shameful thing that someone took but didn't give money, they carefully and contentedly threw the last silver **** into the bag, and made a clear and pleasant sound. After the collision sound, he plunged into the mouth of the small bag and looked at their brother Ron:


   "My dear brother Ron, there are so many things you don't know, we can't tell you everything..."

   "Also, we didn't hide it from you at the time, and it was impossible to hide it from you. It's just that you only watched the'movie' at that time, so would you care about what we would do next to you?"

Fred and George looked at each other and smiled. In half an evening and one morning, one hundred and seventy silver Sicos have been obtained, which can be exchanged for a full ten Jin Jialong. Now, their funds The child became abundant again.


   "But where did you get the camera?"

Ron knows that although his two brothers have better brains than his own, they have indeed made a lot of money by selling gadgets that go against Filch over the years, but both of them He definitely didn't buy a camera, and if he did, he would definitely find it!

   "Colin Crevy!"

   "He has a very useful camera..."

   "And we did some optimizations on the flash device, and gave him a free limited edition collection of photos, and he readily agreed to lend us the camera for one night."

Thinking of the fact that the two of them seized the business opportunities and emptied the White Wolf, except for the low cost, they made almost ten Jin Jialong's windfall out of thin air. After looking at the money bags in their hands, George and Fred responded with wit After a glance, he smiled brilliantly.

The two of them won’t tell Ron: Colin Crevy, Lee Jordan, and Angelina were the first people to rush out to buy. The silver in their hands was sent by the two. Those guys The brothers have already bought it in advance, and the guys who win it just pretend to be snapped up, they can get a free limited edition collection of photos, which is very cost-effective!

   And now it seems that their previous arrangement seems to be pretty good, is it really a huge success?


   "No, George and Fred! I also participated in that matter, but I took you there last night, so you have to give me a little too, because I also participated!"

   "At least, you want to divide me a third?"

   After thinking about it, Ron, who seemed to be at a disadvantage, stopped doing it a bit, and stared at the small cloth bag that had been tied tightly with greedy eyes.

He thinks that the two of them were brought by themselves at the time, and they risked being discovered and seized by the professors. Therefore, the one hundred and seventy silver xicos earned by the two of them just now were in love Reason, it should be part of Ron!

   But, Ron is not very greedy. He only needs the part that he deserves, that is, fifty-six of the 170 silver sikes, or fifty-seven silver sikes?

   This is a very reasonable request, isn't it? Anyway, Ron thought so.

   "Oh Huh!"

   "We advise you not to think too much, dear Ron..."


Ron was shocked and angry. After looking at each other, George and Fred ruthlessly rejected him in the first place. It seemed reasonable and no one could fault it. Requirements.


   "It was obviously I who took you there!!"

Ron's voice became high in vain, and then, when he found that many of the students around him were looking at him with suspicious or angry eyes, he had to lean down and approach George and Frey. In front of De, and after staring at the bag of Yinxi Ke with bitter eyes, he lowered his voice and continued to complain:

"It was I who sneaked you to the auditorium while you were asleep. Without me, you would definitely not be able to take pictures, and you wouldn't even want to earn a copper nat, would you? "

   "So George, and Fred, you have to give me a share, I don't want more, I only need one third, so it's fair!!!"

I didn’t sleep in the middle of the night, and secretly used Harry’s invisibility cloak to bring his twin brothers to the auditorium to chase the drama. It must not be publicized. Therefore, Ron did not dare to speak too loudly or arrogantly. Come, afraid of being heard by others, especially those Slytherin guys, and then run to the professors to file a complaint or something?

He didn’t want to be punished for confinement, and then confiscated or took care of Harry’s invisibility cloak. If that’s the case, in the future, they want to go out to chase dramas in the middle of the night or at other times, and want to watch half a night more than others The wonderful part of that is difficult.


"We are very particular about the spirit of contract... We said before, we do the homework for you, you use Harry's invisibility cloak to take us to the auditorium to take a peek, you see, this is a fair and reasonable agreement, isn't it? ?"

"Oh, right!"

"This is the homework promised to you last night. It's a full eight sheets of parchment, and it's still written in your handwriting, to ensure that Professor Snape won't see the problem, and maybe he will give you an excellent ?"

Obviously, it was impossible for George and Fred to agree to the kind of unreasonable request of their brothers to'divide the spoils'. Therefore, after the two refused each other, they quickly took out a roll of rolled parchment and arrogantly Tucked into the other's arms.

They wouldn’t tell Ron that the assignment was actually made by the beautiful and talented eldest sister Angelina Johnson, who spent a penny of silver, to copy for them. Their clever minds did it without much effort. Everything is done!

All the troublesome work is done by others, and they just need to use their brains to make a lot of money for free, and by the way, they watched half a night of videos more than others... It’s really nothing. Something more proud of them than this.

   "How can you guys do this!"

   "It's not fair at all! You made so much silver, but you didn't want to share part of me, I..."

   The blushing Ron just wanted to continue to argue with the two of them, but soon, he was directly interrupted by his brothers pressing his shoulders.

   "No! Ron, this is fair!"

   "Because you made the agreement at that time, you said: You took us to the auditorium, and we did homework for you..."

   "Look, we have completed that agreement now. We haven't bargained with you at all. We have perfectly fulfilled all the promises between us. Don't you want to regret it now?!"

   As if it were a threat, the twin brothers first looked around and found that no one had noticed the corner of the long table where they were, and then gave their brother a harsh look with that threatening look.

"you guys……"

Ron just wanted to slap himself or force himself to refute something, but after looking at the potions class homework in his arms, and thinking about what he had said at the beginning, he opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. Up.

Because he also remembered now that he really made the agreement first, and the two cunning guys in front of him now seem to have fulfilled all their promises very quickly... Therefore, this kind of thing, even if If he said it himself, I'm afraid no one would be on his side?

   "Ron, you..."



   "Pi, Pipi ghost?!"

George and Fred just wanted to say something to stabilize Ron, and then tried to persuade each other to continue to take them to the auditorium tonight. Suddenly, they discovered that a transparent and grinning little Heads, unexpectedly poked their heads from under their table at this moment?

   Obviously, the other party is the most difficult and unwelcome Pepi ghost in Hogwarts!

What’s more frightening is that this person who likes to create pranks and chaos has always made the entire school’s teachers and students, especially the guy who has a headache for the administrator, Argus Filch, not knowing that he is eavesdropping under the table The conversation they just had? !

  ‘Haha! ’

'I heard……'

  ‘There are three students, the three little ghosts from Weasley’s house...They stay up at night and use Potter’s invisibility cloak to peek in the auditorium...’

  ‘You said...’

  ‘If I ran to tell the professors or Filch that idiot now, what would you end up like? ! ’

   While talking, Pippi asked with a wicked smile while drifting up from under the table.

   This thing is really interesting to Pippi!

   Take a look, it unexpectedly caught the handle of the three problematic students in the school, and it is still the kind of terrible one? You know, he originally just heard the news, and then planned to come here and take the opportunity to grab a photo... But now that kind of thing is not important anymore, it is already thinking about whether to say it right away or Wait a while and then say it... Then wait to see the three little boys of Weasley's unlucky?

   After all, Pippi is the favorite to watch others unlucky. It has been playing pranks in school, isn't it just for that kind of thing?

  ‘Oh~! ’

'correct! And find someone to copy homework...’

  ‘I think that respectable Professor Snape would be very, very interested in this report, right? Do you mean, dear idiot student Ron? ’

After watching the two twin brothers whose expressions were getting colder, Pepy Ghost suddenly turned around and, with its transparent grimace, leaned towards the stunned Ron Weasley, and was satisfied. Looking at the other party's expression, under my own gaze, became even ugly and paler than my own ghost's face.


"you you……"

Ron was so scared that he couldn't say anything. At this time, his face instantly turned pale, and he could only use trembling fingers to point Pepy Ghost in vain, but his mind was blank, and he didn't know what to say. .

  Because he knows that Pepigui, a guy who fears that the school will not mess up, will definitely shake the matter out, and then they will be all over! Therefore, he has no daring to think about those things about Silver Sike now, and he can't wait for him to have nothing to do with George and Fred!


   "You must not dare to say anything, we dare to bet with you, you dare not do that!!!"

However, what surprised a certain Pepi ghost was that when he finished admiring the funny expression of Ron’s stupid student and turned his head, he suddenly discovered: the two difficult Weasley twin brothers, this Shi was still in the mood to laugh and still looked at it with that strange expression?

  ‘Why don’t I dare? ’

  ‘I, I’m going to report to Filch, to Professor McGonagall, to Professor Snape! ! ’

Seeing that the two of them dared to underestimate themselves, Pippi was furious and flew directly, planning to cross the thick walls of Hogwarts Castle and ran directly outside to find what it just said. Those people or more, then report to them what these three guys did and wait to see them unlucky!

   However, it didn't intend to shout out to the students directly in the cafeteria, because Peppy Ghost also knew that it would be useless to shake things out with the students.



   "If you go..."

   "We will tell her about your throwing owl droppings at the balcony and glass of Professor Anne's room!"

   "We saw it this morning. You made the masterpiece on Professor Anne's balcony, right?"

   "You may not know that after she woke up, she was wandering around the school, preparing to trouble the **** owl..."

   "If she knew that it was actually a good thing you Pipigui did..."

   "Guess, how many days will you hang on the wall by her?"

Soon, George and Fred's gloomy words of you and me and still lowered their voices really scared Pepigui directly into the air and forcibly stopped it. The act of reporting that you want to rush out.


Right now, it was Pippi's turn to open his mouth wide, and was so frightened... However, its eyes were still rolling, seeming to be thinking of something terrible, or thinking The kind of good way to deal with it?

   "George, I think it's probably thirty days, what do you think?"

   "No! Fred, we all know that Professor Anne is very vengeful, I guess it should be a year!"

   "Um...very possible!"

   "However, it is also possible that a poor ghost was burned by a fire? If it was Professor Anne, there should be a way to kill a ghost, right?"

   "No doubt, that's for sure!"

"Fred, you might not believe it. A while ago, I don’t know why, the Ministry of Magic sent a dementor to Hogsmeade to wander around, as if it was monitoring or looking for something, and then it happened When I arrived at Professor Anne, I dared to do impolite behavior to her, and then she burned it all over, and there was no scum left..."

   "Ah! I heard that too, now the whole Hogsmeade has spread it!"

   "So she must also be able to burn a ghost, such as a certain person called Pepigui?"

"you are right!"

George and Fred are just like this. You said, I replied and said a lot of irrelevant content. As I said, I was so frightened that a little ghost floating in the air could not help but shiver. Up.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘You are ruthless! ’

  ‘You wait, bypass you this time, but not necessarily next time! ! ’

Finally, Pippi, who felt that he shouldn't use his own life to risk the report, lest he be retaliated by the other party afterwards, turned around abruptly, and first glared bitterly at the two cunning twin brothers of the Weasley family. After making a vicious face, he turned his head to the floor and disappeared completely.



  Hoo! !

   "It's so risky, George!"

   "Fortunately, Fred, we saw it when we went to pick up the goods in the morning, otherwise..."

Seeing Pippi confessing and escaping, the brothers George and Fred were relieved. After looking at each other and letting out a sigh of relief, they did not look at their dumbfounded brother Ron. Bringing their trophies and those Yinxi Ke hurriedly left from the canteen door.

  Because, now they have to go to the auditorium to watch a movie. If they are late, there is probably no seat closer, which is very detrimental to their earning career.


On the outskirts of Andorhal, an important traffic town in the middle of East Tirisfal Woods, on this Kingdom Avenue that also belongs to Lordaeron, Hermione, Fleur and Harry are hurried forward, but, They did not follow any Lordaeron soldier or dwarf musketeer behind them. On this quiet boulevard, there were only three single people hurried forward in a slight embarrassment.


At this time, Arthas and the others had led a large force to build a camp on the main road of Andorhal and confronted an evil village where the undead gathered outside the west gate of Andorhal. They were preparing to break the undead and the necromancers from the front. Gathering did not know what conspiracy they were playing, and then regained Andorhal!

However, at this time, the total strength of Alsace’s forces was only more than 1,000 people, and the number of undead is likely to be close to 10,000. Although most of them are those skeletons and zombies, they are not easy to deal with. ...So, while the large forces confronted the enemy head-on and advanced for the camp, they also needed to wait for more troops to come to support. Therefore, as a last resort, Harry, Hermione and Fleur had to follow a team. The knights were ordered to go out to scout the situation south of Andorhal and wait for an opportunity to attack the undead?


Just now, the team of knights originally planned to take them around a wetland and go to the Southwest Gate Bridge in Andorhal to scout, but unfortunately, the leader of the knights in the team planned to venture through that piece of land. When the tidal flat depressions occupied by rock giants named'Earth Element', they didn't know why they were alarmed by those terrible things...

   What happened at that time? Hermione, Harry, and Fleur couldn't bear to remember anymore, because they only remembered that those giant stone giants seemed not to be afraid of their spells, especially the biggest one!

   At that time, whether it was a spell of obstacles, flames, or broken bones, even if their countless spells had accurately hit the huge stone giant, they were all like a stone sinking into the sea, without any reaction at all?

after that,

Naturally, the knights were quickly knocked to the ground or directly trampled by the violent stone giants into a mass of fleshy mud, and in a hurry, if it hadn’t been for Hermione to take the two of them for an unskilled If the apparition of the phantom ran away directly, the three of them must be ruined under the big feet or fists of those terrifying stone giants now...

  As a price, the three of them left the team gorgeously and completely lost their way!

   Of course, in fact, it can't be said that they are lost, because they have never been to this place at all, and they are not familiar with the Kingdom of Lordaeron at all, so at best, they can only be regarded as ignoring the way?


   "Hermione, are you sure this is the way?"

   "Why it looks gloomy, there is no one..."

   walked, when Harry saw that there was still no one in front of him, and the sides of the avenue were gloomy, especially in the shade of the tall and dense giant trees, it looked like how shameless people were!

   Therefore, I feel that this road is getting more and more wrong. It shouldn't be Harry who leads to Prince Alsace's camp, so he can't help but ask with some worry.

   "Harry, don't worry!"

"When we set off at noon, Prince Alsace and their camp were south of Andorhal. Their plan was to lead troops to attack the undead gathering place in the southwest. It may take many days to defeat... and we are going towards I started reconnaissance in the northeast and rode for almost three hours, and at most 30 or 40 miles, I’m right?"

  Hermione started to explain to Harry with her energy.

   Although she is also worried now, she doesn't know what happened to the team of knights who set out with them before, and how many can escape from the hands of those terrifying stone giants? However, for them now that they have lost their way, finding the right direction and finding large troops is obviously more important, so they can only temporarily leave those things behind.

   "And my Apparition can only travel a few miles at most..."

   "So, before I calculated our position based on the position of the sun, now we only need to go southwest and walk along this road, and we will definitely find Prince Alsace and the others!"

   "Or, it won't be long before we can meet the scattered Lordaeron soldiers who are out for reconnaissance, and we can quickly find the organization?

In this regard, Hermione is more optimistic, because according to her calculations, the three of them are at most 30 to 40 miles away from Prince Alsace’s army, as long as they walk along this road and walk on In about ten hours, you will be able to find the team.

   However, the premise is that Prince Arthas and the others are not defeated by the undead or fled? And if that happens, I’m afraid Hermione doesn’t know what to do...because she also knows that once they leave the army of Lordaeron, they want to be in this dangerous strange world, everywhere. It must be a very, very difficult thing to survive in a place where the plague of undead is raging!

   "The sun?"

   "Well, Hermione, I hope you are right..."

Although Harry didn't fully understand, he looked up at the dazzling white star that was shining diagonally from among the dense tree branches. He felt that the method Hermione was talking about was very tall. , But he didn't understand him at all, so he nodded dumbly, and then continued to walk along with the two of them.

   After all, besides choosing to believe in Hermione who knows a little bit about everything, he must have nothing to do.



   "Furong, what's wrong with you?"

Harry, who continued to bury his head on the road, suddenly bumped into Furong's back. Then, he almost lost his balance and fell to the ground. After standing firm and holding his glasses, he stopped in front of him with some confusion. She came down and asked Hermione, who was looking at Fleur.

"It's nothing……"

   Furong shook her head, ignoring Harry behind him, but with a hesitant look at the still-confident Hermione in front, wondering if she should hit him.

   "But Hermione..."

   "Can you be sure that the sun in this world, just like the earth, rises from the east and sets from the west?"

   Looking at the sun in the sky, Furong thought for a while, and finally couldn't help asking.



   Hermione couldn't help being a little confused, obviously, she didn't seem to be sure?

And, soon, her face became ugly, because she also thought of a more terrifying fact, that is: if it is inaccurate to use the sun in this world of Azeroth to determine the position, then, Doesn't it mean that they are now not only lost, but also completely lost? !



   With his mouth slightly opened, Harry and Fleur in front of him looked at each other, then he could only stand innocently, staring blankly at both sides of this avenue leading to different directions, not knowing what to do.

   Obviously, both of them know the seriousness of the matter, because now they must be lost, and they still can’t tell where they are...



   Hermione sighed heavily, and then her chest rose and fell sharply twice, and then she took a deep breath before she gradually calmed down.

   "Wait first, but I will take care of it first!"

"There must be no problem. I have seen a lot of books, all kinds, including Harlott's adventure books, and "The Wilderness Survival Guide". I believe I will find a way!! "

   Hermione also realized her mistake, because she shouldn't judge the world by those experiences on earth. No, she would mess it up if she was not careful!

   But fortunately, it is not too late for them to find out now, because they have only walked for less than an hour, no matter whether they are going in the right direction, there must be a chance of remedy.


   Suddenly, Harry seemed to hear a faint rustling noise in the thick forest bushes that looked dark and gloomy beside the muddy road with some rocks?

  嗖~! !

However, before he could see what was going on, or wait for him to ask or remind his two companions to be careful, he saw a dark shadow flying out of the grass, and then exactly It hit Furong's shoulder!


   exclaimed, Furong subconsciously clutched her neck close to her shoulders, and at the moment when blood burst out, she also fell directly on her back to the ground.



  ’There are so many obstacles! ! ’

Seeing Furong screaming and falling to the ground, he found more rustling noises in the bushes. Harry only felt his scalp tingling for a while, and then he didn’t think much about it. He already had a lot of practical experience. He directly waved the magic wand that he had been holding in his hand, towards the place where the sound was made.

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   tu! Tuk! Tuk!

One by one, the small black shadows that could not be caught by the naked eye rushed from the dense forest again, and then hit the barrier curse like an invisible wall, and then they were naturally bounced out. ...

   And then, Harry realized that it seemed to be... terrible short arrows? !

The facts are already clear. At this moment, in this deserted place, and it does not look like there are undead, on this road, some enemies hidden in the jungle attacked them and shot Fleur. ! !


  ‘?Ναεμπ?διο! ’

  ‘Fall to pieces! ! ’

Hermione, who was planning to think of a solution, found that Fleur’s tragic situation and Harry’s response, and discovered the arrows that seemed to be crossbow arrows that had been bounced off, she couldn’t help feeling cold from the shock, and then realized When she reached what had happened, she quickly waved her magic wand, and instantly protected her three in a golden shield, and at the same time, her heart was ruthless, a curse that contained powerful magic power. He slammed into the jungle where the crossbow arrows were launched.

   boom~! ! !

  In an instant, the bushes of the jungle and the trunk of a tall giant tree were blown to pieces in an instant, and then there were strange ‘whipping’ sounds inside at the same time?


   Boom! ! !

After the sawdust, bark and grass blades shattered and flew, the huge tree whose torso was blown to pieces finally fell slowly on its side with a dull groan, until it slammed into another big tree next to it. On the, it stopped after hitting the place with waves, the mountains and the branches and leaves flying across...

At the same time, a gray-brown fur, looking like a hyena, but with the size of a human, and seeming to be a strange creature walking upright on both feet, was killed when the tree fell. It slammed hard to the ground not far from the three of Hermione.


However, the other party didn't seem to be doing anything. Instead, he quickly got up, and quickly grabbed the crossbow-like thing in his hand, while grinning cruel warnings. , Directly pointed the arrow of the crossbow arrow at Hermione who was supporting the shield and looked at it suspiciously?

  嗖! !

   A short but extremely sharp crossbow arrow, immediately slammed directly at the head of Hermione who had just launched the spell!


   Obviously, that crossbow bolt couldn't break Hermione's barrier shield.

  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

   However, more arrows quickly gathered from all around and shot from all directions, like an immortal heart, toward the golden shield...


After discovering that the arrows seemed to be invalid, more of them looked exactly like the previous dog-headed monster, with the same crossbow-like weapon in his hand, and even some crude weapons like mace or crooked waists. The sword monsters finally got out of the jungle on both sides of the road. .


  |?˙?˙)? Do you still have tickets?

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