Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 962: The Plague Steamer at Firestone Farm?

When the first human empire in the world of Azeroth, when the great Arathor Empire eventually collapsed and split due to continuous external expansion and increasing internal contradictions, and turned into Stromgarde (Stormgarde) After the seven independent nations, the Kingdom of Stormwind, the Magic Kingdom of Dalaran, the Kingdom of Gilneas, the small mountain country Alterac, the maritime power Kutilus, and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Thoradin Trollbane the Great The huge human empire that was created with one hand was finally completely a thing of the past, and it can only exist in the memories that the humans of Azeroth can cherish.

   In the split of the Arathor Empire into seven small human kingdoms, after thousands of years of development, the Kingdom of Stormwind in the southernmost part of the Eastern Kingdom and the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the northernmost part of the continent are the most powerful!

   However, this statement has been a long time ago.

   During the First Orc War, the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is located at the southernmost part of the human territory of the mainland, was opened after the Dark Portal, and undoubtedly became the first to be invaded and captured by the barbaric and cruel orc tribe...

In that cruel battle, Stormwind City, the capital of the Kingdom of Stormwind, fell directly, and even King Lane was killed in a despicable attack. In the end, a considerable part of the army and people had to cross the sea in a panic and as refugees. The identity fled to Lordaeron for help, and the people stranded in the territory of the Stormwind Kingdom were even more dead under the cruelty of the orcs.

Although Sir Lothar led the Alliance forces to defeat the orcs and retake Stormwind City, allowing the people of the Kingdom of Stormwind to return to the south and rebuild the Kingdom of Stormwind, but no one can deny that the current Kingdom of Stormwind, no matter what it is, They must be far inferior to the current Kingdom of Lordaeron...

  In fact, the current Kingdom of Lordaeron is indeed the most powerful country in terms of Chinese power, territory, economy, and even military power among the seven nations of mankind in the entire Azeroth world, and none of them!

From the map, you can know the current territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron: including the core area and the Tirisfal Woodland where the capital city is located, the East Tirisfal Woodland (later the Western Plagueland), and Dalong The entire forest and plain near Lake Mill (hereafter referred to as the Eastern Plaguelands), east to the coast of the Forbidden Sea, north to the Elven Gate of Quel'Thalas, and the Silver Pine Forest to the south to Gil The Kingdom of Nice and Dalaran are adjacent to the Hinterlands in the southeast, and the southernmost territory is located in Hillsbrad. It has vast forests, huge mountains, rich minerals, fertile farmland, and abundant water resources. Lakes and rivers...


It can be said responsibly that after the end of the ancient troll war, except for the high elves allies of Quel'Thalas, who claimed a small portion of the northern territory, those Zuls that should have belonged to the Amani Empire. The territory of the Omani jungle trolls, that large area of ​​essence and anointing, has all become the inherent territory of the Kingdom of Lordaeron today!

And now, when the orcs escaped from the prison of Lordaeron, when the plague began to spread in the land of Lordaeron, when the plague investigation force led by Arthas gradually arrived in the most important town of East Tirisfal. In the outer area of ​​Dohar, the fate of Lordaeron, a powerful kingdom, was still unknown...

   But at this time, Arthas and his team finally had to stop again after a daytime march.

Because they have not rested for two days and one night. As they walked all the way, as the bad conditions on the side of the road continued to appear, there was no need to send more cavalry to reconnaissance, and they could guess Andoha. The worst situation you might have!

and so,

Before facing the upcoming battle, the necessary repairs are necessary and necessary. After all, they do not have too many troops in their hands at this time. Nearly a thousand pieces of investigative troops are all but Lordaeron currently governs. The main force of the plague is still based on the Silver Knights led by Uther Lightbringer, which is active in the East Tirisfal and the east of Lake Dalongmir. Once they hurriedly approach, there will be dead souls. If Andorhal is active and unlucky, it will definitely not end well.

   beep~! !

  ‘Rest in place! ’

  ‘Watch out! ! ’

  ‘Lordaeron is the legionary infantry, stand out! Forward, erect the shield wall! ! ’

  ‘Dajjal, take your mortar and gun squad to the height of the battle flag in the middle to set up temporary positions! ’

  ‘Where are the guys? fast! Put the dry food and jerky in the pot and cook, our heroic soldiers of Lordaeron need a warm meal! ! ’

  ‘Give some fodder and beans to the horses, they must be exhausted too...’


With the sound of wooden whistles and the screams of the captain Farrick and some of Lordaeron's lower-level officers, soon the white battle flag of Lordaeron with the royal emblem was flat on this piece of land. It was erected on the high ground.


The infantry phalanx began to orderly erected their shield walls on all sides of this highland and sat on the ground, forming a large and loose temporary square formation, and waiting for the guys inside to bury the pot and cook, ready to be here Carry out a rare combat readiness rest.


After seeing the soldiers sitting on the ground and taking off the heavy plate helmets, revealing the young, old and sweaty faces inside, check that there is no hostility around them, and they really don’t need it. Alsace, who was doing something more, just turned over and got off his horse, handed the reins to the groom, and sat straight on the grass.

   They were indeed a bit too rushed along the way. Although he himself was far from reaching the limit, the soldiers were indeed very tired and had to get enough rest and food.

Think about it, they just fought one night last night and wiped out thousands of undead monsters, and today they have rushed for a long time. They are indeed almost reaching their limits. After all, they are living people, not those who don’t need to eat or drink. Rotten dead or skeletons that can move...

Fortunately, the road from the west to the Tirisfal Forest in the east, and even in front of Andorhal, is the wide Kingdom Avenue. They came along this way, and they were just normal marches, and they did not consume too much due to the rush. A lot of physical strength, but even so, the physical and mental fatigue will definitely not be less.


Think about it again, the dead bodies on the road and the deserted Tirisfal Avenue, the deserted farms and the desolate villages that were encountered along the way, Alsace’s angry heart couldn’t help it. It gradually sank, and gradually became a little cold.

   "Alsace, here, you can drink some water first..."

   "The broth may have to wait a long time, do I need to make some magic bread for you first? Although it will waste a little magic, please rest assured, if it is you, I will definitely not mind, and it is free!"

Removed the water sac on her waist and shook it. After realizing that there was a lot of water inside, Jaina directly handed the water sac to Alsace, who had been dismounted and was sitting on the grass resting at this time, feeling a little distressed. The face of Zhang Mingming who looked at the other party was exhausted, but still insisted, and then couldn't help but teased the other party.

Although her Jaina majored in arcane and frost attack spells, she could barely belong to the school of plastic energy, but Jaina said that as a serious Dalaran mage, she is still An apprentice of Speaker Antonidas, Chief Archmage of Dalaran, she must have also practiced spells from many other factions, such as the conjuration spells for food and water?

Of course, she also has a lot of contact with the protection, enchantment, illusion and transformation systems. Except for the taboo necromancer system, she has not dared to explore before, but now she has to patiently study them. Anna can be said to be an incredible mage of the whole family! Although, there is no way to compare with her teacher and that ‘old’ Kyle who has not known how many years he has lived?

   "Huh? Thank you..."

"But the bread is still not needed, Jaina, I think you are also very tired, it is better to save a little magic... Andorhal, it is right in front, I feel it, it is a very bad premonition, holy The light also gave me a little bit of harbinger... Maybe the enemy we need to face this time is stronger and more terrifying than we imagined, so you better go and rest for a while."

   When the other party was talking about magic bread, Arthas's cheek twitched subconsciously, and then quickly took the water bag and waved his hand to reject the other party's kindness.

   You know, during the time when he was in love with Jaina, he was fed up with that kind of magic bread that represents love... After all, no matter how delicious things are, eating too much will make you tired! Therefore, he would rather wait for the messy broth cooked by the guys than to suffer the terrible magical food again.


   "His Royal Highness, then I will go see our four little guests first? If you need me, you can go there to find me directly?"

Seeing that there is nothing happening here in Alsace, and she seems a little reluctant to talk to herself, and Jaina, who is not suitable for meditation and rest now, first looked at the carriage in the army that was still not moving. After a glance with the hood, he tentatively asked this lover of his own.

"Go ahead."

   nodded, and now Alsace, who was thinking about the plague and Andorhal, hadn't noticed the other party's little bitter eyes at all, and waved his hand directly.



   found that the other party did not put herself first, Jaina couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

However, knowing the seriousness of the matter, knowing that this is not the time when her children are in love, she quickly forgave each other after a cold hum in her heart, and nodded obediently, and when she stretched out her hand, the light of the palm of her palm flickered. Shu Shu refilled the opponent’s water bag, then turned around and walked towards the place where the vehicles and supplies were piled up in the middle protected by Lordaeron’s soldiers, leaving only for a certain prince. A burst of icy violet floral fragrance...



Arthas didn't pay attention to some of Jaina's subtle expressions. After seeing the other person walking towards the wagons of the little wizards, he thought for a while and stood up and asked the one who was still arranging affairs in the distance. Captain Farrick, the adjutant and captain of the bodyguard, greeted him.

"go with!"

   "You ask our cavalrymen to prepare, pick a few who are in good spirits, and let them scout in the direction of Andorhal to see the situation of nearby villages and farms!"

After hesitating again and again, Alsace decided in the end: to send the cavalry who were not many in their hands to the east to see. On the one hand, he could investigate the situation in Andorhal in advance, and on the other hand, he could provide them with enough. Early warning, so that they can be more at ease when repairing here?

"and also!"

   "Let the soldiers press the camp, today we will rest here for one night, you go and arrange it, pay attention to arrange more sentries!"

  ‘Understood! ! ’

Finally, looking at the exhausted soldiers, Arthas was anxious, but he knew the importance for the time being, and he felt that it would not be a good idea to go to Andorhal overnight, so he finally decided: he will fix it here tonight. , After the soldiers rest and regain their energy, they will go directly to Andorhal with plenty of physical strength and state!

   When the time comes, he will know where and what happened...

Of course, what Alsace was thinking about, the four warriors from Hogwarts, Hermione, Harry, Fleur, and Krum, didn’t actually know that they were still in their carriages, and Vaguely heard the voices of the groom and the Jaina mage coming from outside, and in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the audience only saw the charming lady whispered to the prince. Taking a light pace, walked to the carriage where the four warriors were.

'what! ! ’

  ‘Hello, you! Dear Master Jaina, may I ask, what do you need my help? ’

Seeing that the beautiful and charming lady mage who was just beside the prince was walking towards her at this time, the armed groom who drove the car suddenly became a little at a loss, not knowing how to deal with such an angel-like figure. He asked with a grin and flattery while wiping his muddy hands.


   He won’t need to worry about it soon...

'Hello there! You go to work for you, don’t worry about me...’

Because, after that charming lady just smiled at him and nodded and said something, she stepped on the cowl of the carriage that he had put down before, opened the hood of the carriage, and got into the carriage. Inside, his hands that were at a loss just now froze in midair.

  It is clear that that beautiful big man did not come to him, a low-level little man, after all, he is just a coolie horseman...


   "What an accident! It looks like a very good space-expanding spell? You may not know, I just thought it should be crowded here, and I am still hesitating to come in and find you..."

   As soon as she entered the carriage, Jaina was taken aback by the situation inside!

   She never expected that these four little wizards who don't look very good still have the kind of advanced knowledge and magic that expand the space?

   You know, she was still entangled just now, do you want to get into this small carriage that is estimated to be able to squeeze four or five people face-to-face, and still wonder if she would come in and squeeze with them! But I never expected that this place was a bit bigger than the biggest coach tent in Alsace, and even these four people could stand up and walk freely here and walk around and practice spells?

   The wizards named Fleur and Krum over there, they were still holding the short magic wands in their hands. They must be practicing, right? However, Jaina didn't understand, it was a bit late for them to practice spells now?

   "What kind of spell is this? I didn't seem to notice that you were still casting spells here!"

Jaina, who was a little surprised, quickly diverted her attention, and did not continue to care what the impractical short wands held by the four were gesturing. After she walked in directly, As he looked at it, he couldn't help but nodded in admiration and asked.

  Although she can also use space teleportation spells, but she never seemed to think that she could use space spells in this kind of home living place instead of teleportation or bagging for more needed purposes?

   "Ah! Ms. Jaina?"

   "Yes, that's it, this is the Unmarked Expansion Curse, which Hermione cast on the carriage of this carriage in the morning!"

   Seeing that it was the Jaina mage who came here, Harry, who was just about to ask Hermione for some protection and attack spell skills, quickly explained it with some eagerness.

   Then, his face soon began to have a little annoyed look. Maybe he felt that if he cast the Invisible Expansion Charm, he would definitely attract more attention from the Master Jaina?


   "Sister Hermione, you really can't tell, you are still a master of the space department?"

   Jaina directly changed her address a little bit, and directly referred to each other as her sister, bringing the relationship between the two inadvertently a little closer.

   In her opinion, someone who can use space spells to such an extent and can also be used in life is undoubtedly a master of space! This is like her teacher Antonidas, who can easily lead a large force to teleport over a long distance, a spell of that level, but many archmages can't do it.

   This is like her Jaina. She is only able to teleport herself at the moment. If she is carrying people, even if there are only one or two, it is relatively reluctant for her.

   "Huh? Oh no no no no!"

   When the other party called herself a master, Hermione's face inevitably became a little red. Then, she waved her hands and quickly explained:

   "You misunderstood, sister Jaina..."

"I'm really not a master of the space department. It's actually just an ordinary non-mark expansion curse. I just cast it according to the description in the spell textbook. Many of us can do it. That's easy. , This is really nothing great..."

"Also, it's actually just a temporary non-marking expansion spell, which can only last for a day or two. It will need to be re-casted and consolidated at that time, because I haven't learned the spell of making permanent expansion space. It’s so good."

You know, Hermione is just a fourth-grade student at Hogwarts. Although she has already taught herself the seventh-grade course and memorized more spells, she must not dare to call herself a master, because She didn't even pass the OWLs exam in the fifth grade, let alone the NEWTs improvement class of the improvement class!

  Although, she doesn't think those two exams are difficult for her omniscient know-it-all lady? However, no matter what, she is currently a fourth-grade student at Hogwarts. She is only fourteen years old this year. With a lot of knowledge and experience, she still can't compare with an adult wizard with more experience. This is an indisputable fact.


   "Then Sister Hermione, your non-marking expansion curse...If it is convenient, can you tell me now?"

Jaina took advantage of the time of the army to find these four people, originally with the idea of ​​secretly learning the other's skills, such as the one she found interesting last night, and the more practical'Patronarch Curse' for dealing with the undead. A "barrier" spell that resists a certain degree of magic and physical attack?

   Self-explanatory, now that she has seen the even more peculiar Spatial Non-marking Expansion Curse, she must also learn about it.

"Of course it is possible!"

   In a blink of an eye, Hermione, who was a little proud, agreed without any defense.

There is no doubt that Hermione is one of the best students ever at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Jaina is one of the most outstanding wizards in Dalaran. Therefore, this one is one of the two outstanding women. After the encounter, without any precautions for each other and the two sides are still a little deliberate to please each other, they quickly got together and you talked to each other in a low voice.


  ‘Furong, let’s go on! ’


Seeing that Hermione and the Master Jaina walked to the corner of the'spacious' carriage, and chatted quietly while sitting on the bed that originally belonged to Hermione, Krum and Fleur looked at each other and quickly settled on everything. It never happened, continue to practice their offensive and defensive spells.

After all, they are now in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which is about to fight those terrifying undead monsters at any time. If they can’t use the spell proficiently, they will probably lose their lives. Therefore, they cannot Don't work harder, so that you can live in this dangerous world of Azeroth!


   How can this be?

And Harry looked at the two innocently at first who came together and chatted about the topic of spells and spells, and completely forgot about her existence, then looked at Kru who was still practicing behind him. Mu and Furong, in the end, felt that they didn't seem to be able to intervene between those two super-learned women, who were esoteric topics like heavenly books. After forcibly listening in for a while, he could only go to Kru angrily Mu and Furong walked over there.

Discussing the spells and using skills of magic spells, Harry is definitely not good at it, because the spells he understands are only limited to the junior level of the fourth grade, and occasionally there are several super-grade spells, such as the'Patronarch's spell' such as? As for the others, especially the ones that Hermione was discussing with the beautiful and super-tempered Master Jaina, it was beyond his ability.

  '? ? ’

  ‘This way, you can use the non-mark expansion spell, sister Hermione, are you sure you’re not kidding? ’

   Soon, Jaina, who was hiding in the corner of the carriage and communicating, exclaimed. Obviously, she was surprised by the overly simple spell and technique of the Innocent Expansion Curse!

She couldn't believe that without in-depth understanding of the principles and foundations of space magic, without a deep analysis of the definition and meaning of space, and without a feasible and effective way to ensure the stability of the space structure, the other party actually let it be used directly. Did that spell and successfully expand the space of the carriage in a stable and safe way?

The apprentices of the mage in Dalaran know that the study of arcane is based on objective facts. Arcane is an advanced discipline that studies the rules of the world, and it is more advanced than the scientific skills of ordinary goblins and dwarves. It's more difficult, but now, when she sees Hermione's spell, she looks more and more like that kind of idealist school of magic who focuses on the spell itself?

'of course not! Don't believe me? ’

  ‘Μαγευτικ?επ?κταση? Traceless! ’

  Hermione directly chanted the non-marking expansion curse, and soon succeeded in making the area of ​​the corner of the carriage where they were a little larger.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Is this really possible? ’

  ‘How about, sister Jaina, have you learned it? ’


  ‘It doesn’t seem to be there yet, please let me be quiet, I feel a little confused now...’


   ‘Okay, Hermione, don’t look at me like that, I’ll try it first...’


  ’! ! ’

  ‘Sister Jaina, your wand is too big and it will be very inconvenient to cast spells. You have to change to a smaller one or take advantage of it! ’

'what? ’

  ‘The wand is too big? ’

   Jaina looked curiously at the small and delicate wand in Hermione's hand, but it was not conducive to melee combat, and then looked at the big mallet in her hand that was almost as high as herself...

   Obviously, her own wand is indeed a little bit bigger?

   However, in Dalaran, the wizards rarely use the kind of small short wand like Hermione, and even if they do, it is the kind of dagger-like short wand with a sharp blade and a certain melee ability! Such a small piece of wood as the opponent is holding in his hand is definitely useless at critical moments, such as when the enemy is approaching, and it is too dangerous.

And like this big mallet in Jaina's own hands, when she got rid of the entanglement of the ogres and rushed to meet Arthas, she also came to the heads of those huge monsters in danger. It's hard to get enough time to cast the spell.

'That one……'

  ‘Sister Hermione, can I try your magic wand? ’

Looking at the big wooden knot in his hand, and then at the other's small and exquisite gadget, Jaina had to confess that she had to admit that certain spells that required skill to guide seemed to be the opponent's That kind of wand might be more handy?

   Therefore, she was a little eager to try, planning to try the magic wand in the other's hand. If she took advantage of it, she could make one for herself when she had time.

'of course can! ’

'But I guess you may not be able to use it, because each wizard is only suitable for different wands. If you use a wand that does not belong to you, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. In our place, every wizard will buy An Ollivander wand that suits you best...'

  ‘You should try it first! ’

   Hermione explained as she handed her wand to the other party generously.


  ’! ? ’

  噗! ?

Jaina took it. She had just used her magic power. Before she had time to adjust, she was shocked to find that the tip of the magic wand suddenly exploded into a cloud of frost, so that she immediately recovered her magic power, and it did not cause any worse. things happen.

  Because she just discovered that she has just started to use magic power, hasn't tried to use enchantments and channeling spells, it almost caused a riot of magic power?

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘How’s it going, sister Jaina, I didn’t lie to you, it really doesn’t work, right? ’

  Hermione thief laughed. It's because their wizards rarely use other people's wands.

'I feel it now……'

'It seems that its frequency is not right with the frequency of my magic power. If you can match the frequency, it should greatly increase the smoothness and resonance of the spell. This is indeed an amazing enchanting process, but the attributes seem to be too single, it seems that they are all It’s focused on the cast speed and success rate, and it’s too light and too small...'

  ‘Hermione, what kind of material is it made of? ’

   Frowning and observing the wand in her hand, and then roughly understood the advantages and disadvantages of this wand, Jaina nodded and shook her head and asked about its materials.

   Although she is not a mage who specializes in enchanting, if she can know the related skills of this magic wand, it will be a big inspiration for her, especially this kind of knowledge and craftsmanship that is not available in Dalaran!


  ‘When I bought it, Mr. Ollivander said that it was made of rattan wood and contained dragon’s heart tendons. As for the length and other things...’

  ‘Sorry, I seem to forget it! ’

  Hermione can't remember the exact length of the wand. Maybe if they find a ruler to measure it, they can know the answer? As for the more core craft of making magic wands, she didn't even know it, because that was Ollivander's core craft, and it was absolutely impossible to tell a small customer like her who bought magic wands.

'So this is ah……'

  ‘Thank you Hermione, it is indeed a very beautiful and practical magic wand, but unfortunately, its frequency does not seem to be suitable for me. ’

   Jaina regretfully handed the short wand in her hand back to the other party, giving up the idea of ​​testing the spell that the other party shared with her now.

'right now……'

  ‘Let’s talk about the barrier curse of yesterday, can you tell me about it? ’

After understanding the non-marking expansion curse and the magical short wand and writing down some of the key points that can be observed, Jaina smiled slyly, and after showing a charming smile, she started to give Hehe Min asked for another spell she was interested in.

She did not intend to suppress or adjust the frequency of her magic power to adapt to the wand, because it was not worth the loss. Therefore, she temporarily dispelled the idea of ​​trying spells, and prepared to write down those spells and techniques. It is not difficult for her.

'of course! ’

  ‘They are like this...’

Soon, Hermione said everything she knew and what the other party wanted to know... Including the barrier spell'?ναεμπ?διο' and the basic principles of the technique, etc., they just hid like this In the corner of the carriage that had been cast with the Unmarked Expansion Curse, he completely ignored the movement of Harry, Fleur and Krum in the distance, and just communicated with himself.

   Of course, Jaina is asking more, and Miss Master Granger from Hogwarts is answering and explaining...

   For Hermione, who has explained exercises and spells to the stupid Harry and Ron countless times, explaining to the beautiful and intelligent Master Jaina in front of her is much easier! Basically, she immediately understood the other party as soon as she talked about it, and she could also ask her some key points that she hadn't even thought of before, which made her very excited.




Seeing Hermione who was happily explaining the spell to the Master Jaina in the'screen' and Harry who was only practicing in the distance, Dumbledore really wanted to get in and give one to his two students. Brain collapse!

He didn't understand. How could that well-behaved Miss Granger know all the spells and techniques learned from their Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Why didn't she even ask the other party a little bit about that Ai? The world of Xerath, about the spells and spells of that magic capital Dalaran?

  Even if you teach the other party three in exchange for one, that's an extremely cost-effective thing...

   But it's fine now, that Miss Granger can only get in and out, really anxious to death Dumbledore as the principal! And that Harry, who didn't even listen at this time, just practiced with that Krum and Fleur? When did the students taught at his Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry become so stupid? !

   This is really unreasonable, he is about to **** off his over 100-year-old old man! !




Suddenly, just as Dumbledore’s eyes behind the reading glasses were shining, he stared at the live broadcast of Hermione above the auditorium, and was about to continue to slander his two unscrupulous students for a while, suddenly The small face in front of him and the big blue eyes blinking curiously really startled him.

   "Ann, Professor Anne?"

   "What are you...... Is there anything wrong?!"

I looked at the students in the auditorium. At this time, it may be that the freshness has passed, or it may be because there is nothing to look at right now, so except for part of looking up at the four big'screens', some are whispering, and some After writing his homework and no one paid more attention to him as the principal, Dumbledore asked a little girl curiously.

   "Dumbledore blames the old man..."


"It's strange to find you these two days. It's not like you stayed in your principal's room all day, or ran out and wandered all day without seeing people... Now you actually stay here every day, last night Almost all night...So, hurry up and tell the truth, what are your conspiracies?!"


   In short, Xiao Anni said that after careful observation and bold verification, she had discovered that this bad old man was not right in the past two days. There must be something wrong or a conspiracy that she doesn't know yet!


   opened his mouth and looked at this serious little girl in front of him. Dumbledore didn't know what to say for a while.


"Professor Anne, where do I have any conspiracy? You throw my students into that'Lordaeron' and let them fight a group of undead creatures. As the principal, shouldn't I be staring here? ?"

   "The Ministry of Magic has been quiet recently, and Wizengamo has nothing to do. I am here with the students to watch this rare ‘adventure film’ at Hogwarts. What’s so strange?"

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at someone next to Snape who seemed to have seen him completely. After ignoring the other's contemptuous gaze and disgusting expression, Dumbledore cheekily talked about his disobedience. Words.

   Anyway, he just stared here cheeky to see if there is any content that interests him. As for what others think, that doesn't make him take it seriously! After all, he is very old. He shouldn't be able to survive for many years without taking the life-prolonging potions made by the Philosopher's Stone, so don't worry about old faces or something!



   "Of course it is true, I promise in the name of Merlin!"

Dumbledore raised his head and glanced at the top of the'screen'. The winking Miss Granger was still discussing with the Lady Jaina about the'Advanced Charm' from Hogwarts' fifth grade that he didn't care about, so he was very He quickly retracted his eyes and said nonsense.

   As for using Merlin's name to ensure that it will have any effect on the wizard who has been dead for countless years, it is none of his Dumbledore's business.



   "People are still a bit unbelievable, I always feel that you, the weird old man, didn't take any kindness..."



  Ε=(′?`●))) alas

(For a nasty little master who is bothered to care about what a nasty old man thinks, Tibbers no longer wants to do it... After all, without going outside to make trouble or wander around, the other party will find a bad The old man’s happiness is better than going to harm the animals in the forbidden forest, right?)


   "Professor Anne, I am just watching the adventures of the warriors in Lordaeron with the students. What else can I do?"

   "Your spell, I can't interfere..."

Dumbledore would not tell the little girl in front of him: He actually tried secretly last night, wanting to enter the world of Azeroth through those four'screens', and enter the Lordaeron... but it's a pity , The four'screens' with different warriors as the protagonists above the auditorium really seem to be just magic projections?

He tried quietly several times, but found that he couldn't get in, and couldn't find the four of Hermione, Harry, Fleur and Krum, so he had to give up and go back to rest, until the morning. Get up and stay here till now.

think carefully……

He, Dumbledore, as the principal of Hogwarts, the founder and confidential person of the Order of the Phoenix, the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards, the chief wizard of Wisengamo, and the old guy considered to be the greatest wizard of our time, seems It is true that he hasn't been doing business for two days, so he has been staying in school to chase drama?


   Suddenly, Dumbledore’s kind eyes sharpened...


   "I'm sorry, Professor Anne, how about you wait?"

After    finished speaking, he waved his hand quickly and motioned for the little girl to come and play first.

Because, now Dumbledore saw: At this time, the ignorant Miss Master Granger, finally stopped'leaking' their Hogwarts textbooks and advanced spells, but began to ask the Master Jaina. That kind of ice spell from Dalaran?

   So, he must go and listen to Dumbledore! Then, in his free time, he can try to study and see if the magic in the so-called "Lordaeron Mirage" is true? And if it is true, then some of the things he has been suspicious for these two days can surely be confirmed.



   "I see, you guys, you guys have such bad ideas?!"

  ? (????)?

Looking at the left, then at the right, and then at one of the four magical'screens' above the auditorium, little Annie quickly learned from Dumbledore's nasty old men and the thief. Professor Nep’s eyes learned what the **** is going on with these guys!

   It turns out that these guys actually want to learn the magic of other worlds from the world of Azeroth through Miss Hermione, or from the body of Jaina? !


  (● ̄(?) ̄●)



  ‘Krum, it’s getting dark this day, where are we going? ’

Riding on a war horse alone, Fleur, who knows a little bit of riding skills, looked at the front Harry and Hermione who were riding with a knight and Jaina respectively, and Fleur could only turn her head towards the one beside her. Krum, who was straining his face, asked.

  Because the Alsace prince had just brought them war horses and brought them out, just rushing on, she didn't know what was going on.


  ‘Furong, there may be a war, you should pay attention to yourself later, protect yourself first, and wait for other things to talk about when you return! ’

   Krum just said this faintly, and then continued to try to control his posture so that he could be a little more relaxed right away.

Because their Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry does not have a pegasus like Boothbatten School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, his riding skills are a little bit different from Fleur, who seems to be able to do well, so he must concentrate. In order to ensure that you are not left behind! Moreover, if possible, he would rather ride the flying broom he is more adept at than the slow and tossing war horse!

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Krum, can you be sure? ! ’

   It's just been a daytime, but there is a war again? Therefore, after hearing that kind of news, Furong hurriedly controlled her horse to get closer to the other party and then quickly confirmed and asked.


   However, Krum just tried to lie down in the saddle, and didn't say anything.

He just heard it. The cavalry came back to report, saying that they found that on the way to Andorhal, they found terrible things in a "Firestone Farm". It seemed that there were a group of dead and living people. There, there is still a pot of black smoke emitting into the sky?

Soon, that Arthas sent someone to look for them, and look at their all elite knights plus five wizards, then it is not difficult for him to imagine that the prince intends to lead them. Do something!

  ‘Call~! ’

  ‘Everyone, stop and fix it now! ! ’

At this time, without waiting for Furong to continue to ask, there was a low voice in front of her, and then the reins of herself and Krum’s horse were almost simultaneously stretched out by the knights on both sides to help them in time. Stopped to avoid hitting the horse's **** in front.


  ‘Alsace, that’s not a good thing in front, do we have enough manpower? ’

'do not know……'

  ‘But no matter what it is, we must destroy that place first before going to Andorhal! For the Kingdom of Lordaeron, for my people! ’

  ‘I see, let’s prepare now! ’

  ‘I beg you later, Jaina! ’

'of course! That's why I was sent from Dalaran, isn't it? ’


The conversation between Prince Alsace and the Master Jaina that faintly heard from the front made Furong, who was already a little worried, immediately sinked, and then she quickly learned how Krum looked, just holding her own Magic wand.

She knows that if she fights with those terrible undeads later, there may no longer be thousands of strong Lordaeron soldiers at the forefront. They only have less than a hundred knights here, which can be called. There are fewer than fifty cavalry, so she can only rely on herself later.

   "Prince Alsace..."

   "We only bring this number of people, isn't it a bit less? Or, let's get rid of more soldiers, maybe it will be easier?"

   At this time, sharing a strange ride with Jaina, Hermione, who was sitting behind the other person and hugging the other person's waist, already knew Prince Arthas's overall plan, so she couldn't help but asked a little nervously.

   Less than a hundred people went to raid a village, and there were probably hundreds of undead in it. This kind of thing was still a bit too scary for her.


"Early tomorrow morning, we will move towards Andorhal. The soldiers are now in the camp. They need adequate rest in order to deal with the possible war tomorrow, so this mission tonight can only let us come. !"

   If it was someone else, Arthas would definitely not explain, he only needs the other person to obey his orders! Because he is Arthas Menethil, the crown prince of Lordaeron, that's enough, he doesn't need to explain more to the soldiers!

However, the witch sitting behind his Jaina is not a member of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, nor his subordinates. In addition, he still needs to rely on the strength of the other party tonight. Therefore, this is just reluctant to say. Two sentences.


"This is just a raid, and it's just a small village. They shouldn't have too many people. All we bring is elite. Plus you five wizards, it must be enough. If you let a large army come over, Instead, the enemy will discover it!"

   Of course, there is another problem: the heavy armored shield and sword infantry who brought Lordaeron over came really too slowly. After this time, they won't have to do anything tomorrow! Therefore, after fully analyzing the intelligence, Alsace decided to carry out this operation.

  ’Report to Your Royal Highness! ’

  ‘We figured it out. There are about three to five hundred of them. Most of them are useless skeletons and zombies, a few dangerous ghouls and that kind of weird dead people! Also, just ahead, we found some living people, look at the black smoke, they are near the weird steamer! ’

  ‘Your Highness, be careful, those black smoke, they are very dangerous! ! ’

   At this time, it seemed that it was a cavalry who had come to spy in advance. The opponent suddenly jumped out of the dark woods, and then stopped before the team. At this time, he didn't know why a thick layer of cloth was covered on his face, or what kind of water it was on.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Sister Jaina, what black magic is that? ’


   "That should be the steam of a plague, it is probably one of the sources of the plague!"

  ‘You have to be careful, Hermione, don’t inhale them, otherwise, you might become one of them! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

   Bubble head curse! !

Hearing Jaina's words, Hermione was shocked. She hurriedly stretched her wand and pointed it towards her head. Then strangely, a blister appeared on her head, like an aerospace mask, dangling directly. Protected her head inside.

  '? ? ’

   "Hermione, what are you?"

   Jaina didn't quite understand the behavior of the little girl behind her, but she also vaguely knew the effect of that little spell.

'This is a bubble head curse, a spell that can create a large bubble around the head, which allows people to get enough oxygen to breathe under water or when the surrounding air is dirty, and can hold for thirty minutes or longer. Do you want it? ’

Putting a head-foaming spell on herself and Harry, and seeing that Krum and Fleur behind had also learned to protect themselves, Hermione looked at Jaina and the cold-faced Arta beside her. Prince Si.

  ‘No need! ’

  ‘Holy water is enough to protect us, that kind of trick will interfere with our sight! ! ’

   Seeing that the expressions of the witches in the ‘bubble head curse’ were all a bit distorted, Arthas didn’t even think about it, and directly rejected the other’s kindness.

Now they are in the upper hand, and the time to fight will not be too long, and there is also the protection of holy water. Later, they can use holy water to soak their face towels, just like the scout, so Al Sass is not too concerned about the trick that guarantees breathing.

  ‘Everyone, prepare now! ’

  ‘Abandon unnecessary heavy objects, soak the face towel with holy water, and prepare to attack! ! ’

  Since the enemy here did not exceed his expectations, Arthas, who was unwilling to wait any longer, yelled again.

Soon, those cavalry and a small number of Paladins, including Captain Farrick and others, got busy, checking their weapons and equipment for the first time, and after drinking a sip or two of water, they collected all their unnecessary things. Abandoned in this concealed place, and put on a face towel instead.

'and many more! ’

'This village is full of farmland, there are many flammable haystacks and houses. I think we can set fire to them first with a fire curse, so that it can prevent the spread of the plague and stop the troublesome skeletons and skeletons on the periphery. Burn the zombies! ’

  ‘Hermione, what do you think? ! ’

  At this time, Harry, who had never been able to find a chance to express himself, saw the terrain and environment of the small village in the distance, and suddenly looked towards Hermione with some excitement!

   But, he saw more, it was the Jaina in front of Hermione...

  ‘Harry! this is a good idea! ! ’

   Hermione cheered directly, and she also knew that those skeleton zombies who were slow in speed must be afraid of the raging fire, and the flames could definitely burn them!

However, those ghouls are not necessarily... because Hermione has seen them, they run fast when they are on fire, and they don’t seem to feel pain at all, if they can’t be killed or broken immediately With them, that kind of monster would be even more dangerous after it catches fire?

   However, in this case, the benefits of arson are obviously more than the disadvantages, because doing so can make the people who raid the village less and more dangerous, without having to face more enemies.

'Ok? ’

  ‘Sounds great...but are you proficient in fire spells? ’

   Looking at the terrain, Jaina also thought it was a good idea, but as a mage proficient in arcane and frost spells, she was obviously not good at setting fire.

'Humph! ! ’

  ‘There’s no time to discuss! ’

  ‘You two set fire on the periphery, knights, charge with me! For Lordaeron! ! ’

Seeing that his subordinates were ready, Arthas asked Jaina and another cavalry to put down the two little wizards who agreed to set fire, and then raised his warhammer so that the dazzling golden holy light began to flash above it. , After giving himself and his subordinates all blessings of strength, they rushed out in the first place!

  Blessing of Strength

  -Blessing the friendly target, increasing its melee attack power by 20%, ranged attack power by 10%, and recovering 68 mana every 5 seconds for 1 hour.

  ‘For Lordaeron! ’

  ‘For Lordaeron! ! ’

Soon, as the two little wizards were put down, the entire cavalry team, including the Prince Arthas who followed the golden light warhammer, shouted slogans, and under the blessing of the light, began Accelerating, riding their horses towards the village where they were...



Krum and Fleur looked at each other, looked at Harry and Hermione who had been put down, and then looked at the many skeletons and zombies around the village that were alarmed. They felt that it would be safer to follow the large forces. Tacitly flicked the reins, allowing their horses to follow the large forces to accelerate.



   Seeing that the situation was urgent, Hermione raised her hand, and a barrier shield directly protected herself and Harry.

   "Harry, I am responsible for keeping the shield and attacking threatening monsters, and follow me around the village to set fire, okay?"

While the skeleton zombies didn’t wield the botched weapons in their hands, and before the dung forks approached her two, Hermione swallowed and hurriedly dealt with Harry who was also a little frightened. Asked.

   She really didn’t expect that Arthas would actually leave her and Harry here...

   "When, of course!"

  ’! ! ’

   Blazing flames! !

Without Hermione’s command, Harry hurriedly lifted the wand in his hand, and then a flame slammed from his root made of holly wood, eleven inches long, flexible, and containing a phoenix (Fox) tail hair. The end of the wand sprayed out, directly igniting the distant haystacks, farmland, and the monsters who were stumbling and accelerating towards him and Hermione, grinning and grinning...

   boom~! ! !

The flames soared into the sky, and then, with bursts of "flaming blazing" spells sounded, as the fire grew stronger, soon, a Gryffindor lion composed of magic and flames , Appeared on the outskirts of this Firestone farm, and violently relied on combustibles to move in all directions, roaring out indiscriminately between the enemy and the enemy, and there was a tendency to burn everything...

  'Roar~! ’

A flaming lion rushed out of the fire field and ran all the way along the wind. After igniting several haystacks and several zombies, it gradually dissipated into the Although, its power is not It’s big, and it’s not useful except it looks scary and set on fire. It can’t directly blow up and melt a section of the city wall like Pyroblast. However, with the help of fuel, the fire here is getting bigger. , And more and more fires are burning...

  Because a little wizard who is focusing on setting fire is still reciting his ‘flaming blazing’ spell!

  ’! ! ’

'enough! Harry, stop setting fire! You will burn sister Jaina to them! ! ’

Soon, when the soaring flames burned, and under the action of magic, the flame elves turned into angry lions and began to wreak havoc without restraint, Hermione hurriedly held on to something that seemed to be addicted to the fire. companion.

'not good! ! ’

   There are many obstacles! !

  ‘They found us! Run! ! ’

  Hermione hurriedly pulled Harry, who was panting, turned his head and ran away after a ghoul, who was still running fast with fire on his head, gave an obstacle curse. Because, Harry’s fire curse may be easier to burn those dry skeletons or zombies, they will be burned after a while at most, but for those fresh “dead” or strong corpses Ghost, it's not so easy.

   So now, if she and Harry don't want to be surrounded by the monsters on the periphery, it's best to evacuate the dangerous place first? !


  (*^▽^*)? Ask for a ticket? (*^▽^*)


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