Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 943: Is that the spaceship of Count Dooku? Do not! I have everything...

Things are often unexpected, but if you think about it, they are often unexpected?

No, not far from the planet Geonosis, the surprise and counter-surprise fleet encounter that happened suddenly in the same orbit, the battleship formation of the Federation of Heroes and the "warships" of the Trade Alliance However, the result of the artillery battle between the two was completely without much suspense.

Within a short time of less than five minutes when the two sides discovered each other, when Admiral Nova of the Hero Federation led her raid fleet, a total of 500 huge new battleships completed the third round with half-powered main guns. After shooting, the opponents of them had less than 400 ships, most of which were more than 3,000 meters in diameter, and looked like a flat plate or a ball-bearing ring-like warship. They directly declared that the entire army was annihilated...

Except for the few lucky ones who saw the situation badly, under the orders of the greedy but timid Nemoidian commanders, they promptly signaled the surrender and were able to survive the capture. The other large fleets of the trading alliance, which were originally'incomparably powerful', have all turned into ferocious steel fragments floating everywhere in the orbit of the planet Geonosis.

The battleships of the Federation of Heroes, for the first time using their strong ships and giant artillery to ram the galaxy for countless years, only know that they use armed merchant ships to bully pirates or certain unarmed planetary trade alliances have shown what is called the cruelty between regular forces. Space war!

The entire battlefield was silent, except for the navigation lights on the huge fleet flashing and the victors and survivors were able to enjoy the joy of life in the battleship and feel the sound of their own breathing, the losers were already silent. They lost everything...


Someday in the future, these cosmic junk consisting of more than 300 large trade alliance warships will drift to the orbits of other planets, or be captured by the celestial ring of the planet Geonosis, becoming the colorful and colorful Part of the beautiful multi-layer star ring?

Of course, that is the future, and it may be many years later!

Now, after completing a devastating blow to the trade alliance fleet and "captured alive" and captured several of these ring-shaped warships, at the same time, he also dispatched marines to board the opposing warship, controlling the opposing crew and After the battleship, in addition to ordering most of the battleships to form up and be alert to the possibility of the enemy's reinforcements, Nova sent more than one hundred battleships to the low Earth orbits of the planet Geonosis, and Before the opposing ground forces reacted, they met with the Phantom, which had been lurking in the orbit of the planet Geonosius for reconnaissance and monitoring, and began a complete blockade of Geonosses.



"A merchant ship is a merchant ship. I really thought that I made a small amount of money, and equipped with a ship shield and cannon, it would become a battleship? It's really ridiculous. You dare to rebel against such a thing, and you dare to charge our fleet. Going to a close dogfight?"

"I don't know what to say!!"

Looking at the brief data and related important parameters of the enemy's circular spacecraft transmitted by the Marines and engineers who landed on the enemy ship, Nova just took a look, then sneered and threw it aside. , I don’t even look at it more.


If she knew that the enemy’s ring-shaped warships were of that level, and allowed them to easily achieve a 0:348 record in a head-on confrontation, maybe she didn’t need to be so cautious at all at that time, and only needed to lead a hundred. More than enough warships to come over?


It was able to wipe out the enemy at the cost of zero casualties, and even wiped out the enemy’s warships, and captured a few ships by the way, and even forced the opponent’s warplanes to fled back to the Geonosian planetary turtle in a panic. Nothing could make her Nova feel comfortable and contented with her superb commanding skills!

She is already thinking about it. Maybe, after returning to the star area, she can proudly say to her old friends: Her Nova’s first battle in this galaxy has played an epic with zero casualties. Level victory?

Of course, that is the future, and now she is not in a hurry...

‘Report sir! ’

‘A complete blockade of the planet Geonosis has been completed, and the entire planet is currently under the surveillance of our fleet! ’

‘The landing force is being assembled, and it is expected that it will be ready to complete the preparations and launch the landing operation within an hour! ’

‘Please give instructions? ! ’

After Nova threw the instrument that summarized the data report aside, not long after, a young officer on the bridge walked over and reported loudly.


"One hour, although it's a bit slow, let's do this for now..."

Anyway, the planet Geonosis is already under the surveillance and encirclement of their fleet, and the opponent cannot resist or escape. It would be no big deal for her to wait in the universe for an hour, so Nova did nothing Comment, just turn around and prepare to take a nap.

After all, although they have now won, the battle on the ground will not have too much suspense. She also doesn't believe that the enemy can organize a fleet to come for reinforcements at this time, but the enemy's ground forces are said to be very powerful. Yes, there are also a lot of them. So, to be cautious, to prepare a little more time, and then through a perfect plan to carry out a'safe' encirclement and suppression of the enemy who refuses to surrender on the ground, and minimize our own casualties. Things.

"and many more!"

Suddenly, Nova, who had just turned and left two steps, turned around again.

"Who is the officer responsible for landing on the ground and commanding the occupation with full authority this time?!"

Nova suddenly remembered this important thing, and then hurriedly asked.

Although, Nova also knows that, to put it bluntly, she herself is just the big boss of the ghost force. She is good at assassination, sneak attack, infiltration, guided fusion strike and one-to-one or one-to-many real swords. Confrontation and fighting with real guns.

As for commanding fleets or ground forces, obviously it is not her expertise...

In any case, the ability to command the fleet is definitely not better than the enchanting little white-faced Marshal Matt Horner, and for commanding ground forces and landing operations, she is definitely not better than Jim Reynolds who followed Kerrigan. The paper eloped! However, this does not prevent her from choosing a suitable commander to direct the battle on the ground, so that her raid can be more perfect?

‘Report sir! ’

‘This time the commander of the ground forces is Brigadier General Grevin Hill! ! ’

Obviously, the young adjutant couldn't help with that kind of little problem, so he didn't even go through the reports, and directly named the ground force commander responsible for landing on the planet.


"You mean Grevin Hill..."

Nova was shocked when she heard the name that seemed a bit familiar, and then began to think back.


"I remember! If I remember correctly, that guy, he used to be in Renault's ranger, a regular member of the flagship Huberian?"

"Fortunately, when I was ordered to hunt them down, didn't I hit that guy's armor mask with a bullet too early?"

Yes, Nova remembers the guy named ‘Graven Hill’!

The opponent used to rebel against the rule of Emperor Mengsk with Renault's mixed rangers, and was one of the rebels! When she was ordered to hunt Renault, she had seen the opponent's name in the intelligence, and had encountered the opponent on the battlefield more than once! However, because her main target at that time was Renault, she let go of the mercenaries who would only add trouble to the empire.

And now,

Time has passed, and a small mercenary leader of the Rangers has become a brigadier general of the Federation? From this point of view, the information she had seen before was indeed correct. The guy from the political giant on the planet Umoyan is really a well-educated person, or else he wouldn’t get mixed up so quickly. The title of a general.

If you think so, this time the guy who has been experienced and has experienced a lot of cruel battles is responsible for commanding the landing and going to the ground to fight, there is really nothing she can not worry about?


"If it were him, there should be no problem, it's just a pity..."

Nodding, Nova said that apart from feeling a little bit of emotion, she was not dissatisfied with the general who had been hunted down by her.

‘? ? ’

‘Sir, what are you sorry for? ’

After hearing the last sentence of Admiral Nova, the adjutant, under a burst of curiosity and inexplicable courage, subconsciously asked again.


"Just do your own job, Lieutenant!"

Nova didn't explain to the other party what she was sighing, she just sternly screamed at the lieutenant adjutant.

‘! ! ’

'Yes! Yes! Sir! ’

After seeing the other person's eyes, the adjutant hurriedly stirred up, then stood at attention and gave a salute before quickly turning around and walking to his post next to him.

Now he came back to his senses. In addition to being their fleet commander, the woman in front of him was also the commander of the ghost force and a murderous demon! Therefore, no matter how beautiful he is, it is not that he can easily provoke him, or talk to the other party.


With a cold snort, Nova, who turned to her captain's seat and sat with her legs crossed, would not tell the young, high-ranking military academy student not long before graduation: She just sighed and felt it was a pity that it was actually the one who followed the mount. Jim Reynolds, the leader of the Rangers who eloped with Paper Kerrigan?

In her opinion, if the original Jim Reynolds chose to join the Federation of Heroes with the Rangers instead of running to the wild planet as a sheriff and eventually eloped with a **** and disappeared, I am afraid that it is at least some The supreme commander in a large fleet, right?

But what a pity...

She didn't understand, a female insect, even if it was sublimated to Sarnagar, is still a female insect, at most a female insect in energy form, what's so good about it? Was that Renault guilty of remembering and giving up his great future for it, or even eloped and disappeared?


I kept thinking, out of dissatisfaction with that Kerrigan, under the hatred of the house and the black, Nova couldn’t help but wanted to a former empire who didn’t want rights and status for the sake of a female bug. Guilty of thinking about it.

‘Report sir! ’

‘Received a communication request from the enemy of Geonosius, and the other party named it to talk to our top commander. Are you connected? ’

At this moment, another adjutant stood up suddenly, turned to face the captain who had just sat in the position, was thinking about the mess, and the beautiful and eye-catching female commander who had not had time to rest for long reported loudly. .

"Oh? I'll just say, it's been a long time without any reaction, and now I can't help it anymore, want to beg for mercy and surrender?"

"Huh! Connect it to me!"

Anyway, it's boring now. Anyway, there is still an hour before the troops land on the planet. Nova feels that if you spend some time talking with the other party, it shouldn't be a big deal. Anyway, it won't delay things! Maybe, if the other party really came to surrender, they might be able to save the upcoming landing battle?



Soon, a holographic image of an old man in a black robe appeared in front of Nova's seat.

Undoubtedly, the old man in front of him is obviously the leader of the Independent Galaxy Federation. It is the one who gathered secessionist lawmakers from business guilds, trade unions, interstellar banking groups, and technology alliances to form a rebellion and split the Galactic Republic. The culprit-Earl Dooku!

‘! ! ’

'Hello there……'

‘I know you, that famous hard-line member of the Galactic Council, that Admiral Nova from the Hero Federation of the Kepru District...’

‘It’s a pleasure to meet your Excellency here on the planet Geonosis! ’

After seeing that it was a young woman who appeared in front of him, Earl Dooku was taken aback for a moment before he put on the kind and unhurried smile and spoke slowly.


"I know you too! Tsk tsk! This is really unexpected!"

"Look at who this is? The head of the Independent Galaxy Federation, the leader of the leader and the commander of the rebel army, you are really here, and I caught me on this planet Geonosis..."

Just like the other party, Nova couldn't help but froze for a while after seeing the other party's image. After a while, she suddenly smiled charmingly. As for what she was thinking, she didn't know.


"It's a pity..."

‘It’s a shame that the meeting with such an outstanding young lady like yours would be such an occasion! ’

'I can see that the omnipresent force tells me that you and I are actually the same kind of people. We share the same ideas. We all want to change the corrupt, bureaucratic and morally degraded Galactic Republic Greedy and corrupt MPs and parliament are dissatisfied, am I right? ’

‘It’s a pity that in the end you and I went to opposite positions...’

‘If both of us could meet earlier and seek common ground while reserving differences, it must not be the situation today, right? ’

Regarding the tough and transformational Nova in the parliament, Earl Dooku has long heard and read a lot of information from the other party, so now that he can finally see the other party face to face, he doesn’t know if he really feels it. Still in order to ease the next negotiation between the two sides, he smiled and said these unmarginal words.

"you are wrong!"

"I am now the commander-in-chief of the'Great Republic Army' of the Galactic Republic, and at the same time a staunch supporter of the Speaker, and a high-ranking member of the Galactic Council. Why should I be dissatisfied with the Republic?"

"What I am doing now is to destroy your independent galaxy federation, destroy you, the thief leader, and ensure the great cause of the unity of the Galactic Republic!"

Sitting on the position of the captain with a slanted body, Nova, who was still holding her arm and dragging her sleek and clean chin, was so interested in teasing him.

However, what the other party just said was true, because she, like him, is indeed unkind to the Galactic Republic!


Count Dooku did not continue to speak, just caged his hands and looked at the woman sitting in the seat with a smile, and did not express any sincerity about his meeting.


"Just put it straight, what are your plans to contact me this time? Are you going to surrender or want to ask forgive me to let you go?"

"If you have any conditions, you can put it forward now, but I won't necessarily agree to you!"

Now the planet Geonosis has been surrounded and monitored by her fleet, so Nova feels that in this case, besides surrendering or begging for mercy, there must be no other options, at least for a short time. Nothing inside.

'Do not! ’

‘I will not surrender, we still have a large number of armies on the planet, endless, you will never be able to occupy this planet! ’

For Count Dooku, he is very safe when he is hiding in the deep underground base of the Geonosians. He is not too afraid of the enemy warships in the universe, because he does not believe that the opponent can be in a short time. Occupy Geonosis or dissolve their resistance! And as long as there is a stalemate for a period of time, he will have a way to escape or dispatch a large fleet to encircle and wipe out these bastards, the ‘Great Republic Army’, who went deep into the ‘behind the enemy’ and raided them.

"Do you still want to fight back?"

"Huh! That's really a shame... But I think you should regret it soon, and I promise that your resistance will not last too long!"

Seeing that the other party was not here to surrender or beg for mercy, Nova straightened her face and became a little impatient.


‘I’m here to negotiate with Senator Nova! ’

Finally, for a while, after seeing the woman's expression getting more and more indifferent, the hologram of Earl Dooku, who was still laughing, finally spoke slowly.


"Let's talk about it, although I may not accept it..."

Yes, if it weren’t for the troops landing on the planet and launching full-scale occupation operations are still in urgent preparations, and countless fighters, tanks, marines, command and transport ships, etc. would have to be deployed, she Nova would have been If you go straight down, where will you talk more nonsense here?

‘Three days ago, a group of guests from Coruscant came here secretly and visited me...’

‘Of course, you may not know, Your Excellency Nova, they did not come with kindness. ’

‘They attacked my headquarters, seeming to want to disadvantage me and my allies? So, we fought back. After killing some of them, we managed to capture most of them...’

‘I don’t know, how does your Excellency Nova feel about this? ! ’

Having said this, Earl Dooku suddenly stopped, standing still smiling and looking at the woman in the seat with the kind of gaze that seemed to control everything.

"and then?"

Nova cast a noncommittal glance at each other.

Anyway, three days ago, all the ghost agents under her had completed their mission perfectly and evacuated quietly. Except for a certain head of state who had always liked Hulai, who was still roaming around the planet Geonosis, preventing them from bombarding the planet at will, She has nothing to worry about at all.

‘Then I’ll just tell you...’

'Your Excellency Nova Senator, we have a group of Jedi warriors, more than 100, including many Jedi masters and elders in the Jedi committee, and even the chief master of the Jedi Order. Windu and others, so I think they must be very important to the Galactic Republic, right? ’

‘So, we advise your fleet to unconditionally agree to some of our small requests, otherwise, maybe we will kill them? ’

To be honest, Earl Dooku is really a little lucky now, if it weren’t for the dead Jedi three days ago, taking advantage of the stellar storm to quietly attack and be killed in the complex underground world of the Geonosians If their robots are defeated and arrested, maybe they don't even have a bargaining chip now.


"Then you can do it now, go and kill them all!"

‘Your Excellency Dooku, I’m here to inform you that our troops will start landing on time in an hour! So, after you send someone to kill the Jedi Knights, you can think of a decent way to die in advance! "


"If you can, you'd better leave a whole body for yourself, so we can take it to the Jedi Order for an explanation?"

After a sneer, Nova simply hugged her arms and sat down in her position, because the other party threatened her with the lives of those Jedi knights, that was really the wrong person!

To be honest, if the other party caught her ghost, maybe she was really a little afraid? After all, she can't ignore the lives and deaths of the soldiers on her side, but if it's a group of Jedi...

If she can, she even wants the other side to help, all the annoying, non-violent and uncooperative neutrals in the Galactic Council and the Jedi warriors who image her in taking over the core area near the planet Coruscant in the Galactic Republic Kill all? In that case, her next job will really become countless times easier!

'you! ! ’

For the first time, Earl Dooku's face cooled down, and it was still slightly black, as if he was very angry?


Nova snorted, without the slightest intention of changing her mind.

What kind of interstellar joke, the other party used a group of Jedi to threaten her Nova? That kind of boring bargaining chip is obviously impossible to play any role, even if the old green-skinned man of the Jedi Committee had indeed sent someone to know her, and asked her to find ways to save the Jedi Knights!


‘If you dare to land on the planet Geonosis in an hour, it’s time for us to execute the Jedi! ’

‘And before that, if your Excellency Nova changes your mind, you can contact this communication band! ! ’

After speaking, Earl Dooku snorted again irritably, and then unilaterally closed the holographic communication directly, leaving Nova with a blue square projection of nothingness.


"Don't worry, I will definitely not contact that communication band again..."

At the moment when the opponent disappeared, the senior crews and adjutants of the Anhe Hero Federation in Cambridge heard them for the first time, the kind of Admiral Nova that seemed to say to the opponent, but it seemed to say The whispering words that she heard to herself.



After looking at each other at each other, the officers and crew members quickly engaged in their respective tasks.

Fortunately, the observers of the Galaxy Council and the Jedi Committee are not on this flagship. Otherwise, if they heard about the negotiation process of their Admiral Nova, they would definitely fall out? After all, they know that Jedi Knights are really important to the Galactic Republic.


After an hour...

Nova did not disappoint the Earl Dooku and the Geonosians. After the Ravens reconnaissance, the battleship’s secondary artillery, Viking fighters, and Banshee fighters quickly moved the entire Geonosis planet to the surface. All the scanning and communication equipment, planetary defense facilities, and the huge organic spires found were all in ruins!

Subsequently, her fleet launched a large-scale full-scale landing and occupation operation on the planet Geonosis on time. Numerous large and small transport ships, warplanes, and planetary fortress headquarters and other buildings have broken through the planet like a huge meteor shower. The atmosphere, with a high-temperature trajectory after rubbing the air, forcibly landed on the reddish surface of Geonosis and quickly deployed the troops and battle command base.


Not long after the troops were deployed, before they had time to figure out how to attack the Geonosians and their cities hiding under the ground, Grevin Hill of the ground troops soon discovered something strange.


"What are they doing? Are they running out to die?!"

Brigadier General Grevin Hill, the Terran commander who had just built the landing base, was a little puzzled. After watching the movements of the enemies temporarily appearing on the military holographic map, he pointed to the platoons on the map for some unknown reason. In a dense formation, lined up one by one, under the support of those large combat weapons, Zheng Xiong arrogantly approached his landing site and asked the combat staff around him.

To be honest, I have fought for most of my life, first as a mercenary, fought with bugs, fought with Star Spirit, then joined the Rangers and fought with the Empire, and after joining the Hero Federation, he fought a lot with UED. During the fierce battles, he was almost alive several times, but he really couldn't understand the neatly dense formations, and with the coordination of large weapons, the army of robots rushing out of the underground lair and those insect-like What is Geonosis going to cause?

What is that tactic? What kind of joke, is it possible that Butan cooperates with a dense charge to kill him? !


‘Report to the commander! ’

‘It looks a bit like the queuing and shooting tactics before the Middle Ages on Earth? ! ’

After exchanging opinions with each other and comparing the analysis of the combat intelligence, a certain staff member spoke uncertainly.

Originally, he wanted to say that it was like the Zerg’s worm-sea tactics... However, looking at the number of opponents, it was only a million at most? So, after thinking about it, he still feels that the number of opponents is still too far behind the Zergs, and it must be impossible to play the insect sea tactics!


"Are they crazy?"

"That kind of tactics, we humans would not dare to play that way during the First World War era on earth!"

"Never mind them!"

"The order: Let the Banshee Fighter Brigade and the Viking Fighter Troops clear out their tattered space fighters as soon as possible! Then let the siege tanks immediately switch to the siege mode, and coordinate with the Raytheon Troops and the battleships in the low space orbit to carry out indiscriminate coverage bombing on them. !"

No matter what tactics the opponent wants to play, Brigadier General Grevin Hill is definitely impossible to let his marines and armored forces play the tactics of queue shooting with those machines! Therefore, without even thinking about it, the battlefield commander directly issued an order to cover the bombardment!

He felt that, regardless of what the other party wanted, it would not be wrong to blow the other party out of sight first! !

'understand! Sir! ’

It didn't take long for the order to be communicated for the first time.

boom! boom! boom!


Soon, as the heavy siege tank troops uniformly switched their positions in their positions, with those 180 mm, the number of plasma blasters, which may be as many as tens of thousands, lifted towards the sky. , Soon, when the detected enemy situation and related shelling data were transmitted to each tank, an anti-infantry high-explosive shell was bombarded by the roaring electromagnetic plasma cannon!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!


It didn't take much time to clean up the enemy's few remaining fighters with the missiles of the Viking fighters and the Banshee fighters, and they began to carry out a bombardment beyond the visual range!

Noisy~ Click!

The Thor troops also raised the muzzles of the huge and hideous Punisher artillery in their hands and behind.

boom! boom! boom!

Both arms are at least 250mm, and the 600mm ferocious barrel on the back begins to glow red, and then when it is shot out of the chamber, it emits huge shock waves and flames, which emits terrible friction air. After the sound, he blasted toward the sky fiercely, and soon disappeared to the horizon.

The human forces from the Heroic Federation of the Kepru sector, before the robots of the Independent Galaxy Federation and the coalition forces of Geonosis entered the visible range, they launched a super long-distance beyond visual range saturation. Blow.

far away,

Oh oh...

In the mighty formation of B1 combat robots, the fighters in the front phalanx heard some anomalies. Then, they only had the cheapest hearing aids installed, and they raised their heads subconsciously. .


'what is that? ’

'do not know……'

‘It’s like a bomb? ’

woo woo woo woo……

The sound of that kind of ‘whoop’ is getting sharper and more frightening...

"Oh oh..."

Then, without waiting for them to talk about the reason, something faster than the sound blasted down! !

Rumbling rumbling...

A giant artillery shell fired by an unknown thing came first, and directly plunged into the formation of the B1 fighter aircraft. Then, as the explosion and shock wave swept across, the number of robots about one kilometer in diameter was almost impossible to increase. Thousands of B1 combat robots, destroyer robots, heavy combat robots, southern fighters, spider robots, and even AAT tanks, etc., were either blown up instantly or lifted off, directly in their neat A big chunk has been gnawed away in the formation!

However, this is only the beginning...

After a while, the incoming artillery shells, missiles, orbital bombings, etc., exploded in the ridiculous dense formation of the other party and soon covered all the places of the robot army. Smoke, large and small mushroom clouds, and roaring sounds directly enveloped the entire formation of the independent galaxy federation.

However, without waiting for the statistical results or the smoke to dissipate, the continuous attack came again...

In the formation of the human forces in the Kepulu region, the Thor’s huge artillery roars, the impact of the siege tanks roars, and the Viking fighters and the Banshee fighters fly forward while constantly firing missiles of various calibers. , The secondary guns of battleships flying in low-altitude orbits are washing the ground with their number of secondary batteries that can be called terrifying...

Soon, the army of B1 combat robots and other troops that the Independent Galaxy Federations are proud of was instantly submerged in that kind of over-the-horizon saturation attack, making them have never experienced regular and large-scale attacks for a long time. On a large scale, national-level armed confrontation machines have seen what a real war is!

At the same time, on the various surface battlefields of the entire Geonosis planet, fire, bombing, and heavy smoke became the main theme, and the Marines, marauders and chariots of fire could only stand innocently in their respective positions. Go up, watching countless shells and missiles flying from behind them, and then continuously flying towards the original sky...


Rumbling rumbling...

Even if you are in the depths of the planet Geonosis, you can clearly feel the slight tremor of the whole land! So, naturally, some of the captured Jedi Knights stood up from their cells, and then looked at each other while feeling the movement of the ground carefully.



'what happened? ’

"It seems that there is a battle..."

'Great! We are going to be saved! ! ’

From the current situation, it is not difficult for them to guess that there must be some kind of war on the ground that can affect the underground body here. Therefore, after being arrested for three days, they mentioned their respective hangings. That heart! Because they knew that it was likely that the fleet of the Galactic Republic launched an attack on this planet, and then, their hapless Jedi knights would soon be saved!


Soon, what made them feel desperate was that they might not be able to wait for the Republic's troops to rescue them, because two apparently malicious B1 combat robots and a destroyer robot came from outside the cell.

'Ok! Ok! ’

'understand! ’

The two B1 battle robots seemed to have communicated with each other, and then walked to the beam cell in the eyes of the Jedi Knights:

‘Hello, according to Governor Dooku’s order, come and execute you now! ’

‘Please don’t resist? ’

‘We will complete the task soon. ’

After speaking, the two B1 combat robots stepped back together, letting the Destroyer robot with a powerful double-barreled gun hung on the end of the heavy mechanical arm walk up to the beam cages and raise the muzzle. He aimed at the Jedi Knights who were locked inside, with special shackles on their hands and feet, and there were more than one hundred men.


'what! ! ’


‘Doku that bastard, is he really going to kill us? ’



'be quiet! Remember the creed of our Jedi: Nothing perishes, only the force! ’

‘Death is not terrible, it is just a long sleep! ’

‘May the force be with you and me...’


‘May the force be with you and me...’

It was discovered that those robots seemed to have been ordered to execute the execution. The Jedi knights made a fuss for a while, and then quickly calmed down after the Jedi master Windu’s yelling, and stood calmly. Then, with their different expressions, looking at the Destroyer robot outside the cell that aimed the barrel at them.

‘Obi-Wan, I miss my mother...’

At this time, a little boy looked up at the brother beside him who was going to be killed by the robot soon, and then said in a voice of fear.

‘Don’t worry, Anakin, you will be fine soon...’

Yes, soon!

In Obi-Wan’s view, the weapon of the Destroyer robot, the powerful double-barreled gun, is at least a hole as large as the mouth of the bowl, and it is even possible to smash the human body directly. Therefore, they should There won't be too much pain, and you will be fine soon!

Of course, what he said was the kind of unawareness?



Grand Master Kui Gangjin sighed and closed his eyes directly.

He didn't even think that he wanted to persuade his mentor before, who knew that the persuasion would not work, but it ended up with this tragic end, and what made him sad is that he still killed so many Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters to accompany I went to death, and even Maes Windu, the chief master of the Jedi Committee, came up...

Today, so many Jedi warriors have died here. There is no doubt that Kui Gangjin has become a sinner of the Republic and the Jedi Order. Even if he dies, he will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever. This is something he never thought about!


"May the Force be with you and me..."

Now, besides sighing and holding out his hand tightly on the shoulders of his little apprentice Anakin, giving him the encouragement and comfort he can do, what else can he do?

If he knew this would end, I am afraid he would not bring the other party...

Suddenly, when the barrel in the hands of the Destroyer robot began to turn red, it seemed that a large group of Jedi warriors who were locked in a beam cage with special shackles on their bodies would be beaten into one. When there was a lot of minced meat, something happened!

Huh! !

A red light flashed, and the Destroyer robot was chopped in half along with the shield.

'what's the situation? ’

'do not know……'

‘Those Jedi Knights did it? ’

'do not know……'

However, after seeing the change, before the two B1 combat robots figure out what happened, another red light flashed, and the two small heads that controlled their bodies flew...

Then as the light twisted, a little blond girl wearing a beautiful ghost suit of red, white and gold, holding a single-molecule light blade in her hand, and a long-handled gun on her back, appeared. In front of the cell.



"You Jedi Knights must be here to make trouble, right? Every time someone comes to rescue you?!"


A little girl complained.

‘It’s Annie! ’

'Great! Thank you very much, Head Anne, this is the second time you have saved us...’

'is her? ’

'Great! saved! ’

'fast! Head Anne, come and help us, help us close the cage, and cut off the shackles in our hands! ! ’

'Correct! Please hurry up! ’

Soon, after being surprised, the masters of Kuigangjin, Obi-Wan, Anakin and Windu suppressed the unstoppable joy and cheered and urged some of them at this time. A cute little girl who looks like an angel in her eyes.



However, for a long time, a certain little girl just stood in front and frowned at them, but said nothing.


"Aren't you just watching us joke again?!"

After the master and disciples of Kui Gangjin looked at each other, he couldn't help but asked nervously, seeing the little girl making no more moves. Because they remember very clearly that the little girl did that last time! !

"of course not!"


"People are really here to save you this time!"


Three days ago, when she discovered that this group of people and gods had secretly sneaked into this planet, she chased after them.

But in the end, these people who only play lightsabers and don’t even carry a gun are too useless. When she catches up to find them, these guys will have been killed and injured by the robots. Less, and all the rest will be caught! So, at that time, she thought about it, and felt that she should give these inflexible brains a little lesson to those insecure guys who don't use explosive guns but have to play swords?

So, at that time, she didn't care about them, let them continue to be kept here, just wandering around on this planet by herself, and then adding equipment in the factories of those Geonosians?

Anyway, she just wandered around like that, until not long ago when she noticed that the fleets of the trade alliance in the universe were beaten down, and then waited until the troops of her heroic federation had begun to land and bombard the enemy. I finally remembered in time that there was still such a bad group of guys here who wanted her to rescue.

(Little master, time is running out...)

(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Suddenly, when Tibbers saw that his own horrible little master seemed to want to continue talking with these sword-playing Jedi, he quickly reminded him in private.)

"Oh! Right!!"

!? (??\'\'????)??

"Don't say anything, you should cut the handcuffs by yourself, and then run away quickly!!"


Suddenly, Xiao Annie ran directly to the beam cage, and after two knives smashed the switch and circuit, and let them close directly, she unceremoniously threw the single-molecule light blade in her hand to the Obi-Wan He turned around and was ready to run in the direction of his head.

'and many more! ’

‘Head Anne, why are you? ’

"There must be a war outside right now? This is a good opportunity, we can go out, meet the inside out, catch the Earl Dooku! ! ’

‘Yes! This is an opportunity! ’

'good idea! ! ’

"You can try..."

Picking up the light blade and slashing it under Obi-Wan’s rapid movement, the Jedi masters who soon regained their freedom began to roar, some even picked up the E-5 explosive gun in the hands of the B1 combat robot ! Obviously, they feel that now is a good opportunity to defeat that independent galaxy federation leadership core in one fell swoop.


(* ̄△ ̄*)

"Forget it! Regardless of you, I will run if you don't run!"


After speaking, Little Annie didn't explain, she turned her head and ran out.



The Jedi masters looked at each other, wondering what was going on with that little girl, or if they should run with each other.


"You are great, why don't you want to do like the masters?"

At this time, little Anakin yelled out in confusion.



"Because I have buried several fusion blasting devices here, and they will almost explode in a dozen minutes! Don't say anything, I will run first, and good luck to you!"


Little Annie is already very good to be able to save these people, she won't be foolish and stay and blow herself up again! So, she is going to run now, how fast and how fast, run out and ride the small motorcycle she hid, and then run to the ground, and run as far as possible!



A group of Jedi Masters and Jedi Knights once again looked at each other and quieted down.


‘Wen, Master Windu, what shall we do now? ’

A Jedi knight asked a little nervously.


‘What else can I do? run! ’

'fast! Run out and find a flying machine and leave here quickly, the sooner the better! ! ’

Although I don’t know how powerful the blasting device that the little girl buried, but since the other person is unwilling to wait for a moment, and she also wears the blasting device and the two terrifying words of fusion, Master Windu knows. It would be better for them to leave here early?

As for the Earl Dooku and his party members, they have to wait until the explosion is over before searching for them! Believe that the other party can't easily escape from this planet, right?



‘%¥%¥#¥%! ’

‘Dog month’s! Lao Tzu's C-20 Gauss rifle is still full of nail-piercing bullets, and their clutter surrendered? ! ’

‘No surrender, they seem to have fled back to the bottom...’

'Pooh! What's the difference? ’

‘Maybe we’re going to be sent out to clean their underground facilities? ’

'Oh! God……'

‘Brother, believe me, that’s not a good idea. Fighting in underground tunnels will definitely cause huge casualties, worse than street fighting! ’

‘No way, who made us the Marines? The armored forces must be unable to clean up the enemy underground. ’



When the heavy armor and the howling fighters finally stopped, there were no more red dots showing the enemy on the map shared on the tactical radars of the Marines’ visors. They only saw A large map area in the distance is a mess of heat sources and low-radiation areas.

As for what kind of tragic end the enemies will be, they feel a little bit shy about thinking about it...but fortunately, they are not the side that was bombed. Now they have an absolute advantage, at least on the ground. .

‘! ! ’

'Do not be silly! Guys, the order from above is down, and all the Marines immediately withdrew to the temporary landing base! If you want to go underground, I'm afraid you won't be able to go! ! ’

At this moment, a Marine Corps officer ran over and yelled loudly on the channel of their team.

At the same time, a hemispherical blue transparent shield slowly rose from the base behind, directly covering an area several kilometers in radius.

‘Captain, why is that? Didn't we win the battle, why not retreat and retreat? ’

'Yes indeed? Stop fighting like this? ’

‘No matter how dangerous the bottom is, you must try it, right? ’

'what! I saw the order came...’

‘I saw it too, but there is no explanation, just let us retreat...’


The Marines expressed their dissatisfaction one after another, because they did not fire a single shot, and now they are going to retreat, which makes them a little confused.

‘It’s a ghost! The ghost deployed a fusion device in the enemy's lair! ! ’

After breathing for a while, the captain slowly exhaled a word that made everyone breathe.

In the next second, dozens of Marines on standby here turned around and ran without even thinking about it! And further afield, countless Ma Runs are doing the same movements, as if they were running a little slower and there was no food to eat. How many more legs do you want your parents to give them?

‘! ! ’

'Hey! Brothers, wait, brother, don’t run so fast...’

But it's a pity that no one paid any attention to the captain officer. Even the fierce chariot that flew past him didn't mean to stop, so that he could only fall to the very end, staggering and stumbling along... …

Rumbling rumbling...

Soon, mushroom clouds lit up on the planet Andonosis...


The battle soon ended. Under the attack of the nuclear explosion, the Geonosians surrendered directly, and the planet returned to the embrace of the Galactic Republic...

'report! ’

‘Admiral Nova! A small Geonosis solar sail spacecraft was found to be fleeing from the enemy, and it detected the powerful force response above. It is speculated that the Earl Dooku is on it. Will you send a fighter plane to intercept or shoot it down? ’

On the flagship in the universe, an officer suddenly stood up and reported to the female admiral who was owed.


"Do not!"

"Let him go, let's assume that we haven't seen anything!"

Nova, who had just wanted to order the destruction of the opponent's spaceship, after thinking about it, suddenly smiled and said this to her adjutant.

'what? ’


Although I don’t know what the chief Nova is thinking, why not take advantage of this to destroy and destroy the enemy’s leader, and then directly break the opponent’s rebellious alliance that has just been formed, but instead wants to let the enemy escape... But, know If you shouldn't ask, try not to ask him as much as possible. He turned around and left, ready to convey the latest command of Admiral Nova to the captain of the battleship that found the enemy ahead.


"A good show, it has just begun..."



Wonderful book house

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