Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 938: Huh? What happened to that spaceship ∑(?△`)? …

'Humph! ’

‘Members present! ’

‘Our trade union declares once again: We will never admit any unreasonable charges imposed on us! Our governor was illegally arrested by the army of the Hero Federation while passing by Naboo. We will never admit the evidence! ’

'Therefore, the Supreme Court of the Galactic Republic should release him immediately and unconditionally, and order the Hero Federation to compensate us for all losses and severely punish the killer who ordered the firing, instead of picking up our innocent governor's Excellency for no reason. Trial? ’

‘We strongly protest against the evil deeds and slanderous accusations of the Hero Federation! ! ’


'We are here to urge the Parliament and the Supreme Speaker to issue a special pardon immediately and unconditionally release the Governor Newt Gunley, who has been detained innocently for more than ten days, because of our respected Newt Gunley. Your Excellency is indeed innocent and framed! ! ’

In today’s parliament, the representatives and parliamentarians of the trade unions are still doing business routinely, yelling loudly at the parliamentarian Nova and the Supreme Speaker of the Republic on the rostrum and the opponent on the seat platform next to them. With.

Although their words have been said many times in the dome-shaped hall of this parliament, similar views have been put forward and appealed countless times, and even the voice of protest has made the Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren and members of the presidium In addition, the other congressmen present heard their ears almost getting alkaline, but today they still ran out of the old tune and continued to express their protest.

They have to do that...

Because the various measures taken by the parliament, or the Supreme Speaker and the party members, against their trade alliance have become more and more obvious, coupled with the fact that the governor of the trade alliance has been captured alive by the opponent and the critical investigation and trial work is coming to an end. So, now they have to secretly anxious, and they have to become more and more hysterical, wanting to fool things or continue to delay things at this critical moment?

'and also! ’

'We urge the parliament to immediately suspend the implementation of the illegal bill No. 020200105 of "Silver", and immediately declare that tax increases on remote trade channels are illegal and cancel relevant tax actions. Otherwise, we will reserve the right to take necessary measures. In order to protect our legitimate interests from infringement? ! ’

Now, anyone can see that the growing opposition and division within the Galactic Republic Parliament is already obvious.

In the opinion of the councillors of the Trade Union group, the Galactic Republic, under the recklessness of the Supreme Speaker and certain "turbulent state party members", the Parliament once again voted to pass and brazenly restored the kind of rules in Nabu Star. The agreement to impose high tariffs on important remote trade channels is extremely wrong, and their trade alliance will definitely not wait for it to die or pay taxes honestly!

However, what’s bad now is that it is no longer the small tax inspectors of Naboo and the stupid Naboo people who are not afraid to offend their trade alliance that are intercepting and collecting taxes on the route near Naboo. It was those **** horrible protagonists who didn't know where they were recruited by that hero federation!

Under the blockade of the opponent’s advanced and extremely fast warships that can still use the “space-folding” capability, in the recent past, countless trade alliances and large and small cargo ships related to trade alliances Smuggling and forcibly detained for'suspected refusal to pay tariffs', countless legal or illegal goods were also confiscated or destroyed at the same time, so that their trade alliance suffered extremely heavy losses in just a dozen days.

And this is the reason why the people of the trade alliance will continue to clamor in the parliament today and make strong protests, and even threaten to use force again!

Because, they really can't sit still now...

In fact, their trade alliance has long been unable to sit still, because they are now at an absolute disadvantage in the Parliament! As early as a few days ago, seeing the hope of restoring the situation, they had already tried some informal and brutal methods in the past!

For example: the most important and troublesome figure in the faction of the Speaker of the Speaker-Nova?

But, well, assassinating opponents that kind of unpretentious undertaking, people in their trade alliance will definitely not admit that they did it themselves! After all, the Jedi Knights are only investigating: it is just a stupid thing done by a group of bounty hunters who fled to the planet of Coruscant after receiving an anonymous fund. There is no formal trade alliance with them. Because the bounty is not the Republic’s credit points, but is issued in the form of precious minerals. This kind of thing is not difficult for a trade alliance that is rich in enemies and specializes in various trade and mineral development. No one will find out who issued those'bounty' collected by the other party!

But whether you admit it or not, certain things have already been widely spread in the parliament. Therefore, after the people of the trade union had made their speeches, the other members of the parliament did not rush to speak, nor did they like He started whispering and coaxing arguments as before, but continued to watch the confrontation between the two sides with cold eyes.



That's right, most of the parliamentarians are waiting for the response from the party of the highest speaker, especially the response from the Nova Senator.

after all,

For the parliamentarians present, although they are good at wrangling and shirking their responsibilities in doing things, and are usually corrupt and arrogant, they are also a group of qualified politicians with a keen sense of smell!

Without thinking about it, they already knew who the Supreme Speaker was really talking about, and they knew who was supporting the gentle and cowardly Supreme Speaker!

and so,

Now among them, apart from the two opposing factions (the trade union and the parliamentary faction) who have a clearer attitude, the other neutral or wall-riding parliamentarians who occupy about 40% of the parliament, He has always been wise and defending himself, acting in a neutral manner, and will not speak easily, just waiting to see the two factions in the Republican Assembly that are getting more and more gunpowder to start more intense internal fighting.

In fact, until now, almost all the members of the galaxy countries on Coruscant, the residents of Coruscant, who have reached a terrifying number of one trillion, have already learned about the council from various channels. I know the current situation of the parliament that has almost split in half in the past half a month...

However, I know that I know that under the rule of the bloated and corrupt bureaucracy, the already insensitive people of Coruscant are unable or unwilling to react too much, even if they are currently in the parliament and are invited to participate in the observation. It's the same with two of the Jedi Masters.



On a special seat platform in the parliament, Master Yoda and Master Metz Windu silently glanced at each other, looking at the chaos in the parliament but did not dare to speak, because they did not speak now. s right!

And standing behind the two of them are Kui Gangjin and Obi-Wan mentor and apprentice. Jedi Knights appearing in the council is indeed quite strange, but it’s not too strange to think about it, because today’s original The issue is to ask certain parties to state the evil deeds previously committed by the Trade Union in Nabsing and the verbal portrayal of the trade governor’s indictment, so that the Supreme Court can choose a trial date?

But unfortunately, they were only allowed to speak once, and the topic had to be biased by the hysterical trade union representatives and representatives... Therefore, the representatives of the Jedi knights present here are only I was able to stay innocently in my seat, watching the well-defined legislators arguing about a little bit for a long time...


The two sensitive Jedi masters present have already discovered that the Republic is indeed now showing signs of intensifying division?

However, even if they are aware of it, they have no good way!

Because some things have long been beyond the capabilities of their Jedi Knights, and their Jedi Knights or Jedi Order, to put it bluntly, are just a group of thugs who maintain public order and order in the Republic. For some of the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Council Political affairs are indeed beyond the scope of his abilities, and they cannot intervene.


"Take the necessary measures? Do you want to continue sending people to assassinate me?!"

At this time, it was exactly the same as the congressmen who just watched the excitement and did not think it was too big, did not say anything, did not speak, and did not persuade them. Before the highest speaker could speak, the Nova Senator directly He retorted first:

"If you think that way, please let go!"

"Hmph! It's not that my Nova underestimated you guys, but the bounty hunters invited by you idiots are really laymen... You must also know that there are dozens of them. I was killed for as long as I could hold on, it really made me feel no sense of accomplishment!"


"Speaking of you idiots, you may not believe it. In the past, in an operation, I once infiltrated an enemy's military base alone and killed all the enemies in the entire base! More than a thousand people, All were dead, either I cut my throat or shot me headshot, none of them ran away!"

"and so……"

"Please, everyone from the Trade Union, next time you send someone back, can you find something that is more reliable or more resistant?"

Murderous words were uttered from Nova, a galaxy member of the law, making the already quiet parliament instantly quiet, as if everyone had their throats choked by an invisible giant hand?

Even the trade union councillors and representatives who were still in hysterics on the opposite side were scared to take a step back involuntarily by the words and deeds of the Nova councillor during the first showdown.

"Humph! I'm done!"

However, Nova did not put the face of the other party on her heart, she just hugged her arm and stared at the other party's reaction in time.

These days, except for the rest days, she has been tit-for-tat in the parliament to tease the trade union people almost every day, she has long been used to it.



The parliament was a little cold for a while, because no one would doubt that Nova said!

The fact that the opponent was stared at and assassinated by the bounty hunter has now almost spread across the entire planet of Coruscant! Of course, the more spread, it must be the adrenaline hormone that the opponent will not only not run or call for support when under siege, but face the enemy alone and kill all the bounty hunters who commit the crime. Fun facts soaring!

Especially, when the protagonist of the story is also a beautiful-looking young congresswoman?

Of course, this kind of thing is only a private guess by the news media and certain channels, even if the guess is true, but in the absence of conclusive evidence, no one has ever put it on the surface. Over.

'you! ’

‘I, we protest! ! ’

‘This Congressman Nova, you are slander! Naked slander! ! ’

‘Yes! It's slander! ’

‘Our trade alliance has absolutely nothing to do with that despicable bounty hunter! We are all law-abiding businessmen of the Republic, and it is absolutely impossible for us to send people to assassinate a member of the council in such a bad nature! ’

‘So, we will never accept your wording just now! ’

For a long time, after a long pause, the trade union representatives and councillors who realized something and were unwilling to accept that kind of'slandering' all rebutted collectively and continued to pretend to be the same. Hysterical state and roaring, as if the louder their voices, the more it shows that they are innocent?

Although almost all the MPs who were present knew that kind of thing, it was just that everyone tacitly stated it without clear evidence.


"If you are legal merchants, you will not surround and invade Naboo for no reason; if you are legal merchants, there should not be so many armed warships and combat robots; if you are legal merchants, you will not return I have been pestering members of Congress for so long because of tax issues!"

"In my opinion, it is certainly true that you are a group of businessmen, but whether it is legal or not is open to question."

Nova looked at the instrument on her seat platform and watched the digital display above it was gradually approaching the time to leave work, and then she sneered and stopped talking.

'protest! ! ’

‘We repeat again: Our trade alliance never encircled or invaded Naboo from beginning to end. There is no evidence of slander at all! And our governor must be innocent, and he must be acquitted as soon as possible! ’

‘Yes! ’

'The distant route is full of interstellar pirates. The tax officers of the Republic and the Jedi Knights cannot protect our safety, so we must have our own means of self-defense, and it is not a battleship, it is just a merchant ship with self-defense weapons. , That is in line with the relevant laws of the Republic! ’

‘Congressman Nova, your irony is baseless! ’

‘We can all testify that we are not entangled in the issue of taxes. We paid those reasonable taxes on time! And now, we are entangled with the unreasonable part! The Republic should not levy heavy taxes on remote waterways. It is illegal and unreasonable without a full vote of the parliament. We have reasons to resist! ’

'On the contrary, your Protoss fleet surrounded Naboo, and openly built a military base on the agricultural and tourist planet of Naboo, and held the Padmé Amidala and Queen of Naboo It is a shame to attack the governor of the Trade Union passing by! ! ’

‘In this regard, you must give us an explanation! ! ’

‘Give me an explanation! ’

‘Release our Governor, compensate our losses and abolish unreasonable tax agreements! ! ’

Now the Naboo affairs have basically settled. Their trade alliance has actually planned to suffer a dumb loss and does not intend to entangle more, so they are now a group of representatives clamoring on their own seat platform just to confuse the audience.

However, in any case, the issue of the governor of the trade union and taxation must be resolved. This is not negotiable. This is why they have been in the parliament for many days, so that many affairs of the Republic have to be shelved and The reason for almost paralysis.


"Forget it, I still think it is reasonable for the Parliament to collect taxes on remote trade channels, and the taxes collected are a little too low. For you guys who smuggle in the name of trade, you should levy heavy taxes. Yes?!"

Nova hummed coldly, and indifferently revealed to the other party her plan to reform the taxation of the Republic in the next step: that is to impose heavy taxes on the trade union!

Because only then will the Republic have enough tax revenue to do some of the things she intends to do, such as conscription and formation of the Republican army? Anyway, when she didn't plan to pay for blood transfusions to this corrupt country out of her own pocket, she didn't have a better way other than the most efficient and quick way to fight against dissidents and collect oil from the opponent.

'you! ! ’

reasonable? Nonsence!

Trade union representatives and lawmakers said that if the heavy taxation is a reasonable thing, who would still smuggle in that remote waterway? In the final analysis, isn't it because only smuggling can make huge profits?

And if they pay taxes honestly, their trade alliance will also send so many cargo ships to take the remote waterway like Naboo. Why not do it in the safer, more convenient and more prosperous galaxy and the core area of ​​the Republic? Legal small business?

‘! ! ’

'you dare? ! ’

‘We will never pay unreasonable taxes for even one credit! ’

‘Yes! ’

‘The illegal motion No. 020200105 "Silver" must be revoked today! ’

‘Revoke the bill! ’

‘Against the tyranny against legitimate businessmen! ! ’


Soon, under the lead or hint of the trade alliance, many lawmakers who had some interest in them started to clamor and clamor, once again turning a good Galaxy Council into a downtown Coruscant outside.

'quiet! ! ’

‘The time is up. Since Members cannot reach an agreement, today’s topic will be put on hold and the vote will be temporarily cancelled. ! ’

Everyone will get bored with this kind of meaningless wrangling meeting, even if it is the same for both parties?

So soon, before the councillors and representatives of the trade union continued to complain or refute, the presidium member who was experienced in interrupting the dispute between the two sides, the guy with horns on his head and neck stood up and said Loudly used his authority to announce the official end of today's parliamentary resolution.

Regarding certain things, he said that he is used to it...Anyway, the two sides have been arguing like this, and it is likely that they will continue to arguing, it does not make any sense to continue. Members handle it themselves?



Seeing those lawmakers stand up and leave the court as they are used to, Master Yoda and Master Mays Windu, who were fortunate enough to come here today, looked at each other, then shook their heads and sighed and got up with others. He turned his head and left from the entrance behind the seat platform.

Today, they can see the governing ability of the bureaucrats...

Today, the parliament quarreled for nothing, but until now half a day has passed, and until the end of the meeting, the two sides have not been able to quarrel with any result that satisfies both sides. They just saw that the two sides have been so uncompromising and tit-for-tat. After a long time of trouble, all the things are gone!


The members of the Parliamentary Presidium of the Galactic Republic announced the adjournment. When the members of the Parliament successively filed out of the huge steel mushroom-shaped parliament building, and left one after another, a silver-white, shiny ship , The streamlined J-327 Naboo royal interstellar spacecraft has finally reached the place where it has come and departed safely-the planet Coruscant!

"finally reached!"


Watching the spacecraft fly towards the atmosphere of the Coruscant planet that looks like a huge glowing steel planet in space, and follow the route arranged by the robots of the Coruscant Immigration Department to enter the capital of the Galactic Republic, Little Annie, who had been bored on the boat for three full days, finally cheered.

"Next time, I'll say next time! Miss Amidala, I will definitely never take your Naboo's slow broken spacecraft again!!"


Yes, Xiao Anni said that this ship can't directly use space to jump, can't directly'swish' to arrive, but can only rely on the backward super-light engine to navigate the broken spacecraft. She said that she is really a bit disgusted!


"Clean up, there may be important officials welcoming us later, Annie, as the head of a country, you can't be too rude."

After standing up and seeing that there was nothing wrong with the makeup and clothes on her body, Padmé Amidala walked out while blaming a little girl who she insisted to follow, but now she regrets it. Writes.

And behind her, in addition to her maid guards, there are representatives of the Nabogangan people, and her old friend, Jaja Binks, will become the representative of the Naboogangan people. And he is resident in the capital of the Galactic Republic and has a seat in the parliament.

And the reason why they returned to Planet Coruscant this time, in addition to solving some things, was mainly to attend the court against the trade alliance and its governor a few days later, and against certain evils of the trade alliance and the governor. Make a complaint!

"Wait for me……"


The spacecraft finally flew to Coruscant. Therefore, after spending many days on Naboo and scared the Gungans to the little Annie who almost moved the capital, she would definitely not continue to be on this broken spacecraft. So, she hurriedly carried her little bear and followed the Queen Amidala, planning to get off the spaceship and find something fun or delicious here in Coruscant.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


‘Naboo’s Royal Interplanetary Spacecraft has docked at Airport 066 of the Republic. Welcome Her Majesty Queen Padmé Amidala and Head of State Anne to visit Coruscant again...’

‘The Supreme Speaker Phoenix Valoren and Congressman Nova are on their way here, because the assembly has just ended, so they can’t come right away...’

As the Naboo royal interstellar spacecraft slowly arrived and stopped at an airport on the top of a building in the Congressional District of the Galactic Republic, soon a robot in charge of reception greeted everyone.



Little Annie didn't pay attention to the boring and clumsy robot. She just slapped and stretched, and then began to look around.

"I know."

"Take us to find a place to rest first, we drove a few days away..."

Padmé Amidala just nodded when he heard it, and didn't care about the little things that no one would come to receive him at this port apron at this time, and directly ordered the robot.

'Ok. ’

‘Please wait a moment, this will arrange the shuttle boat for the reception...’

The robot's eyes flickered a few times, and then signaled everyone to wait patiently, because there are no stairs or elevators here. You must wait until the arranged reception train arrives before you can send Queen Padmé Amidala. And the little head of state Anne was taken to the reception area of ​​the Republic.


Neither Padmé Amidala nor a heartless little girl, nor the royal guards of Naboo who were in the same group, did not notice. At this time, in the distance, in a certain building, There is a suspicious guy looking through the window with some kind of instrument to monitor the situation here?

Then, after he (she?) saw it clearly, he quickly picked up a communicator:


'report! ’

‘Goal reached 066! Repeat, the goal has been reached! Location 066! ! ’


'understand! ’

‘Express number 066 is arriving, five seconds to the count! ’

'four! ’

'three! ’

'two! ’

'One! ’

‘Start delivering packages! ! ’


Suddenly, a huge anti-gravity interstellar spacecraft that was originally in Coruscant's sky, flew well in the flow of aircraft formation at the original low-altitude intercity orbit and speed, suddenly shook. Then its engine part burst into flames with an explosion, and soon there was a loud sound!

Soon afterwards, it braved the billowing smoke and flames, violently following the inertia of the original flight, after being re-captured by the gravity of Coruscant, it made a parabolic shape, accurately obliquely toward the stop 066 Ping hit...


∑(??△`)? !

That is……

As the sound rang, and as soon as she looked up, Annie saw it for granted: a huge spaceship, which seemed to be about the size of a building with dozens of floors and a large iron block, it was braving. The heavy smoke, it seems that there is something wrong with the engine, and it hits them viciously?


(● ̄(??) ̄●;)

(Undoubtedly, Tibbers knew that it was a big guy that fell down after losing the anti-gravity device and almost all the power! If it weighs tens or millions of tons?)

Soon, without waiting for the little Annie and Queen Amidala on the tarmac of Airport 066 below to react or plan to escape, it hit the tarmac so hard!

boom! ! !

Then, under the impact of that huge spacecraft, the entire airport of No. 066 was smashed into a dent in an instant, followed by the bigger and more terrifying explosion, it just blasted straight out, Then fire, smoke and continuous explosions directly enveloped a large area of ​​the entire airport!

As for the people who had just arrived from Naboo who were standing on the tarmac waiting for the shuttle, and the other spaceships of different sizes and the escorting Naboo N-1 starfighters, etc., obviously It is unlikely to exist intact.

‘! ! ’

'Oh my God……'

'That is……'

'not good! That is……'

‘Is the airport where Queen Padmé Amidala and Führer Anne stopped? ! ’

In the distance Members such as Nova, Speaker Phoenix Valoren, Master Yoda, and Quegang King, who were waiting in a luxurious republic reception hall, turned their heads when they heard the movement When I went there, I only saw the distance. I saw the huge interstellar spacecraft that was exploding after the impact and the flames and billowing smoke in the location of Airport No. 066...

Rumbling rumbling...

As the fire exploded, finally, for a while, the sound of the explosion, which traveled much slower than the beam of light, came from afar, and the terrifying sound also shook everyone. The floor glass in front of him shook slightly.



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