Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 936: Nova is here, you are serious, really want to assassinate 1...

Latest URL: Up to now, when the Golden Fleet Squadron of the Hero Federation belongs to the Protoss, when they jumped from the huge blue portal to the top of the synchronous orbit of Naboo, when the total number is There are only more than a hundred ships, with only one Protoss as the flagship, and the rest are all aircraft carriers and void glow ships. The small fleet easily destroyed the robot control ship of the Trade Alliance and recovered the entire Naboo star. , This idyllic planet near the edge of the outer ring of the Milky Way finally returned to calm again.

However, in order to achieve long-term protection of Naboo from military persecution by trade alliances or other third parties, from the day of the conspiracy to crush the trade alliance, the squadron of the Protoss will formally be stationed above Naboo. , Is stationed in the synchronous orbit of Naboo...

Therefore, in addition to starting to build star gates and spaceport bases in the universe, the Protoss also need to send new Protoss hubs, crystal towers, absorption cabins, Portals and forges, etc., in order to build a long-term garrison for the Protoss forward base here, to provide the necessary logistics and the fleets of the Protoss or the other two races that may be teleported to the plane of the Galactic Republic in the future. Support base?

Of course, although this kind of thing seems to have violated Naboo’s sovereignty a bit, after all, it is not a polite thing to station troops in another country... But, given that this is mutually beneficial, and the former queen of Naboo Amidala had negotiated certain agreements with Admiral Nova, so the Protoss construction activities were not hindered by any aspect, and it also allowed the ignorant Naboo people and the natives who barely moved on the ground. The Gungan people were able to witness the exaggerated construction process called the'stellar speed'!

There are some things that no one wants to believe if they don’t see them in person...

Anyway, the people of Naboo who yearn for peace and the technology is slightly backward, and the Gungan indigenous people who basically rely on planting technology (Lakapu plants) witnessed the ground of Naboo, at a distance from Sid. Not far from the city, the rapid construction process of that kind of magnificent and huge Protoss base from scratch!

Actually, it's not so much construction as teleportation?

In short, whether it was Padmé Amidala or Kuigangjin Jedi Masters who had the opportunity to observe the Protoss construction base up close, they all only saw it at that time: The floating golden sphere, after locking the so-called dimensional coordinates on the preset clearings, as the flashing blue miniature navigational beacons and the teleportation matrix continue to expand, soon, before reaching Within a few minutes, countless huge buildings and countless protoss appeared in front of them all!


In the blink of an eye, a Protoss base that was ten times larger than the city of Sid, which has been passed down for thousands of years, appeared in a majestic manner and opened the same huge spherical blue plasma shield in awe It was so golden that it lay across the huge plain ten kilometers east of Sid City, and the nearby Naboo and Gungan natives could easily see it at a glance.


So at this time, Queen Padmé Amidala was on this balcony on the cliff side of the palace in Nabhid, leaning on the railing a little, and looking towards the distant horizon on the east side of the cliff. Seeing the huge azure blue shield that went straight into the sky and was still open, it was like a giant Protoss base that was integrated with the blue sky and was reflected in her eyes abruptly.

A few days ago, there was nothing there, but now it has become a huge military base! Although the Protoss said it was just a small logistics base, in Amidala's eyes, it was indeed a huge military base!


"I hope I didn't do anything wrong..."

Although, I brought in the army of the Hero Federation to help the people of Naboo to drive away the cruel trade alliance, completely get rid of the opponent's control and imprisonment, and successfully destroyed the opponent's spacecraft, and captured millions of out of control. The B1 combat robots and other equipment of Naboo completely saved the beautiful planet of Naboo... However, in order to save our country and people, we resolutely led Naboo and the people of Naboo to the cusp of the storm, Whether it is right or wrong to let the other party station troops on the orbit of Naboo and the planetary ground, Amidala is temporarily unknown.

Because she knows a lot of the latest news. The trade union, the ‘new speaker’ alliance and the Federation of Heroes that they support, are currently in the republic’s parliament. Whether it is other members of the parliament or Palpatine, she has contacted herself many times in private, and explained to her the relevant interests, so that she should keep a clear head on the issue of Naboo. She has not responded to the other party until now.

After all, it is impossible for her Amidala to cross the river and tear down the bridge. After the threat of the trade alliance was lifted, she directly drove the fleet of the Hero Federation, and she also failed to drive away the other party's relevant power...


Regardless of whether she admits it or not, now she and the heroic federation and the speaker's faction represented by the other party are already grouped together, even if she does not want to clearly stand in line in the republic's parliament, which is gradually starting to form gangs, and does not want to join any faction If it is related, trying to maintain Naboo's independent status is probably impossible.


"Perhaps, this is actually good, at least they will not interfere in the lives of our Naboo people, will not invade our cities and arrest our people like a trade alliance, but on the contrary can provide powerful and powerful protection. What's wrong?"

After this Naboo crisis, and after seeing the ugly faces of the trade alliance guys who almost got Naboo up and down to death, they knew how aggressive this universe is. The fierce and cruel Amidala is no longer innocent like he was just elected the queen.

In her opinion, there must be gains and losses in this kind of thing...

Even under the atmosphere of the civilization and rule of law of the Galactic Republic, the universe still retains the cruelest law of the jungle after all, and it will never change easily, especially the star of Naboo near the outer ring of the galaxy. !

Facts have proved that there is no way to guarantee the safety of their Naboo star without powerful force! If there is no strong military power, let alone a financially strong organization like the trade alliance, when will a group of powerful pirate organizations jump out, maybe they will be enough for the people of Naboo?

After all, for the kind of threat from the universe with powerful warships, the power of their Naboo and the slightly backward Gungans is indeed too weak.

However, regarding the specific reasons for the Naboo event, she will explain to the councillor Palpatine when she next visits the planet Coruscant! Presumably, the other party must still be brooding about the loss of the Speaker's throne because of his sudden change of mind?

"What can I do then?"

Amidala heard about it. Palpatine would lose the election because of his vote. Otherwise, the opponent would already be the highest speaker of the Galactic Republic at this time!

Therefore, the other party will have strong hostility towards the Nova Senator, and will block the other party in the parliament from time to time, and then often contact myself and veiled bad things about the other party and the Hero Federation. The reaction is It couldn't be more normal.

She will explain this matter to the other party, but not now, not when she is still here in Naboo!

Wait for a while. After the government affairs of Naboo have been processed and the problems left by the Naboo and Gungans and the trade alliance have been sorted out, she will definitely go to that far away, far away in the Milky Way. Take a trip to Coruscant, the core of the Republic! At that time, she will specifically visit the Mr. Schiff Palpatine who had been tricked by her and hadn't explained the situation in advance before making a decision.


I pondered for a long while, and stared blankly at the Protoss base lying on the horizon of Naboo Star, and at the huge one, composed of golden buildings, tall and exuding charming blue energy. The luminous crystal tower, the kind of magical advanced portal architecture and folding gate that even the Galactic Republic does not have, the huge mechanical platform, the research institute with gleaming energy, the fleet navigation mark, and so on. Midala sighed again without knowing what it was.

Now there are many things that need her to sort out and deal with. Sure enough, a queen is not so good, even if she is just the queen of this sparsely populated, wild and backward agricultural planet!


"It's Master Kui Gang Jin. Are there any important things when you come to me at this time?"

Suddenly, Queen Amidala, who heard a movement behind her, turned around suspiciously. When she saw inside the palace, her royal guard was leading the Jedi Master who was walking fast towards her. After Quegang King, his apprentice Obi-Wan, and the young man Anakin, the young Queen Amidala smiled and hurried forward to greet him.

Thinking about this time, she has established a deep friendship with the Jedi Knights in front of her, and received a lot of care from each other, so she will definitely not neglect them easily! Of course, due to the queen's identity and etiquette, she can only do this at best.

"Hello! Your Majesty Queen Amidala!"

"It's like this..."

"Obi-Wan, Anakin and I are about to bring relevant evidence and the governor Newt Gunley who escorted the trade alliance to return to the planet Coruscant to report on our duties. Now we are here to say goodbye to you!"

The Jedi Master Quigang King didn’t go too long, just stretched out his hand and patted the Anakin who seemed to be reluctant and obsessively looking at the shoulder of Her Majesty the Queen in front of him, before smiling. He stated the main purpose of the three of them coming here to meet each other.

After all, the task of the three of them has been completed, and now the crisis of Naboo has been resolved, and the Sith warrior has also been killed, so he can't think of any reason for them to continue to stay here in the distant Naboo.


"But...Master Jin, you are going back so soon? Don't stay a few more days?!"

Unexpectedly, the other party only stayed here for a few days in Naboo, and had to leave in a hurry before he recovered here, which inevitably made Amidala's heart a little bit reluctant and disappointed.

After all, she was still thinking that after a while, she must return to Coruscant. At that time, maybe their friends who have gone through a lot of things together can take the same spacecraft back to Coruscant again?


"Because of the trade alliance, it is said that Coruscant's republican assembly is about to fall out. Therefore, both the speaker and the Jedi Supreme Council are urging us to go back as soon as possible...Furthermore, your Majesty, now Naboo Security, you no longer need our protection and assistance, do you?"

With a slight smile, the Jedi master Kuigang Jinnu snorted and motioned to the other party to look towards the cliff to the east, on the horizon, the huge blue plasma shield and the Protoss base that was protected straight into the sky. He was lying there, even if they were far apart, he could feel the strong sense of oppression here, and saw the charming golden light and felt the energy fluctuations that escaped.

He has seen the powerful and terrifying military power of the Protoss and that kind of magical technology, and even he and Obi-Wan have also worked with the subordinates of the high-ranking Thrandis executive, and those named'Fanatical The templars of "Zhe" have tried several times in close combat... As for the result, Master Kui Gang Jin doesn’t want to say more!

He only knows that compared to those templars who are exquisite, long-lived, and almost all of them are masters of fighting, their Jedi is indeed a little worse?

But how much is that ‘a little bit’, I’m afraid everyone can only savor it...

Anyway, after returning to the planet of Coruscant, he will definitely talk to the elders of the Supreme Council of the Jedi and you in every detail of everything he has seen, heard, felt, and personally experienced. Master Da and the chief master of Mays Windu have reported carefully, and they will definitely! !

"That's it..."

After listening to the other party's explanation, Amidala dropped her eyelids regretfully. Although she was a little bit sad, she also knew that today might be the time when they separated from each other.

"Then I won't keep you much..."

"Master Jin, Obi-Wan and Anakin, if you have time in the future, you can come to Naboo to find me. We Naboo will always welcome you!"

"Also, pay attention to safety along the way. Do I need to send Nabo's royal fighter formation to **** you?"

Now Naboo has fallen out with the trade alliance people, and it is still the kind of military conflict!

Therefore, regarding the journey of Master Qugang King and several prisoners who escorted the Governor of the Trade Union and important evidence back to the planet of Coruscant, she expressed great concern and planned to send Naboo’s few remaining royal pilots. We go to send each other a ride.

"No need! Thank you for your kindness, Her Majesty Queen Amidala!"

"You may not know that this time we are back with a Protoss warship from the Hero Federation. Their spacecraft is equipped with a hyper-time-return technology, which is faster and more convenient than our super beam engine, so you don’t have to help us at all. Worry about your safety!"

Yes, this time Quigang King returned to Coruscant by a small warship carrying the Protoss, because the other side needed to transport a group of templars for a ‘friendly’ visit to Coruscant? But no matter what the other party wants to do, Kui Gang Jin only knows that the other party doesn't mind that they just take a spaceship.


"Your Majesty, what about the head Anne?"

"We are going to leave soon. If we can, we still want to say goodbye to her first. I just heard the Protoss officer say that she doesn't seem to live in the Protoss military base, but Prefer living in your Naboo Palace?"

After speaking, Kui Gang Jin turned his head and looked around. After not seeing the little girl, he turned his head in a puzzled manner and looked at the Queen Amidala in front of him again, hoping The other party can point to himself where he is, so that he and his apprentices can say goodbye to each other.

Otherwise, after this separation, when will I meet next time, I really don't know.


"In the morning, she said that Sid City was'satisfied' by her strolling around, so she followed Ja. Ja Binks and the others. It should be to the Gungan city, which is in the inner ocean of the planet. The Otto Ganga in one hemisphere has gone to play, do I need to let her know?"

Amidala remembered that the other party should have said that at the time. Thinking about it, she hadn't seen the little girl for almost a day, and she must have indeed arrived in that city.

But when I think about it carefully, that little girl is really happy...

Unlike her, Queen Naboo, who has countless things to deal with, and then goes out and hugs her back and forth, the little guy who is also the head of a country and whose national strength looks countless times stronger than Naboo can be without any guards. With the maid, you can play and roam outside alone, and you don’t need to deal with military and political affairs, and people from the other country, like the Admiral Nova or the Cerandis high-level executive officer of the Protoss clan. Don't worry or ignore it at all?

But think again...

With the little girl’s ability, with the opponent’s fighter jets that can easily and comfortably shoot down countless enemies in space, they can also come and go freely in the heavily guarded castle and destroy the powerful destroyer robots, and even kill them with one shot. A Sith warrior, that kind of strength really does not require others to care or worry too much... After all, the current Naboo star is relatively safe, and it is under the protection of the protoss. The head of state is sure There will be no accidents.

"Otto Ganga..."

Nodding his head, Quegang King said that he had been there with Obi-Wan and Ja Ja Binks. It was indeed a magical and beautiful place. The little head of state wanted to go to that place. It couldn't be more normal.

If time permits, he might take Anakin there! But unfortunately, they don't have more time, and the Protoss spaceship must not wait for them to set off until dark.

"So it is!"

"Well, Otto Ganga is too far away from here, there is no time for a round trip, then we will not find her... Next time you see, your Majesty the Queen can send us a greeting, we I'm leaving now, don't pass it?"

"May the Force be with you!"

After finishing speaking, I felt that the time was a bit rushed, and did not intend to let those protagonists wait for the three of them for too long. After the Jedi Master Quigang King paid a last salute, he quickly pulled Anakin who seemed to be ready to say something. , Hurriedly turned his head and left.

"I also wish you all the best..."

The matter with Naboo has basically settled. Under the protection of the celestial spirits, there must be no additional things happening. Therefore, at this time, in addition to silently blessing these friends who are about to travel, I wish them Can safely reach the capital Coruscant, which is tens of thousands of light-years away from Naboo, what can she say, Amidala?


As the setting sun slowly fell, the golden stars reflected and reflected through the golden protoss building in the distance, and then a more charming golden light slanted onto the cliff-side balcony of the Naboo Palace. Pulling Padmé Amidala's figure very long and long...


Bang! Bang! Bang!


The deafening drums of classical DJ music played in the levitating car, and even the weird-looking Coruscant residents passing by or being overtaken could faintly hear this floating car passing by in the air. The abnormal noise.

"What do you look at, haven't you seen a big beauty?!"

Nova coldly moved towards an alien who was flying side by side with her, sitting in a scorching red temporary convertible flying vehicle, and after fiercely comparing her middle finger, she raised the window and kicked the accelerator. So he drove his new “supercar” levitating vehicle above Coruscant, which was invisible to the naked eye. The levitating aircraft guided by low light on the special “route” accelerated and flew forward in the direction of the traffic flow. The stray guy who tried to strike up a conversation with her Admiral Nova was thrown away.


Why doesn't that guy think that the other person is even uglier than Tosh, how could she like that guy with a bag full of heads?



The music is still playing, but after throwing away the alien who just wanted to talk to herself, Nova put one of her hands on the armrest by the window and turned on the autopilot mode. He raised his slender and tight long legs and stretched out comfortably.

Soon, as she turned down the music, she gradually let go of her thoughts while looking at the street scene...

Undoubtedly, the Coruscant planet in front of us, the only thing more advanced than the Kepulu region, may be just this prosperous city and civilian facilities.

After all, the Keplu star area has gone through three races of war for many years. Even to this day, if the human population in the Keplu star area is only counted, it may now be less than two or three hundred billion. That's it, maybe half of the population of Coruscant, where no one else is, is more? Of course, if you count bugs, it doesn't necessarily matter who has more population.

However, the only downside of this planet of Coruscant is that there are so many people here that the city is so crowded that it makes her want to see some green plants become a luxury...

However, no matter how strong the application of Coruscant’s technology to people’s livelihood is, Nova thinks it is useless, because in the military, the opponent only has super-light speed navigation that can be applied to the spacecraft, and there is no space discount of their star area The jump device or the mass effect generator from the world of mass effect, some details are far from their star regions!

What's more, the technology in their constellation is no longer single now. They not only obtained the space teleportation and related technologies of the Protoss, but also received some biochemical technical assistance from the Swarm, plus the harvest from multiple worlds and The magical support that their head of state gave them...It can be said that the technology of their heroic federation now far exceeds that of the Galactic Republic.

Especially in the military, whether it is the number or quality of the fleet or soldiers, as well as the fighting will and quality, etc., they can completely crush the existence of this entire galaxy!

But unfortunately, even if it was crushed, they did not intend to directly invade here this time. Instead, they planned to use the method of boiling frogs in warm water to use her now successfully as a member of the Galaxy Council and win over the speaker and control it. With the convenience of some congressmen, slowly use a more peaceful way to swallow up this galactic republic, this galaxy, and even this entire plane universe?

However, this will definitely be a long-term job, maybe ten or twenty years will have some results?

However, they are not in a hurry, because the Federation currently has a lot of worlds in their grasp and contact, and they do not lack the world where her Nova is... But even if there is no shortage, she Nova will not let such a development. The complete world stayed under his nose without touching it!

Because ah, if she succeeds in taking the world in a gentler way formulated by the Tri-Community Council and the Acting Head of State according to her plan, that would be a great achievement for her, and this is the most convincing. The reason why she was tempted and determined to stay here for a while.



The music is still going on, and Nova is still watching the night view of the planet Coruscant comfortably, thinking about her recent achievements, and analyzing her own shortcomings.


While I was comfortably letting my anti-gravity levitation car drive automatically, thinking about where to go tonight to relax and relax, suddenly, in the busy traffic that came and went in the sky, Nova subconsciously discovered There is something wrong...


Thinking it was her own illusion, she thought about it, and suddenly switched to manual driving mode, then with a kick of the accelerator, she quickly turned to the right at the traffic turn in front, and then turned to another one located higher. In the lanes of the sky, and merged into the flow of vehicles composed of large and small suspended cars and vehicles.


"It's really interesting!"

Nova, who understood some things, thought about it, and simply reached out and turned off the music in the car, because now she seemed to have more refreshing entertainment.

"It seems that tonight won't be too lonely... Well, I haven't done anything for a long time anyway, so I can barely accompany those ignorant idiots to have fun tonight!"

Pretending to change lanes twice in a row, Nova grinned with a rare grin when she found that the vehicles behind her were locked to her tightly, and still followed her far behind. The eyepiece of his ghost agent was put on his hair and at the same time he pressed the button of a device on his arm.

Soon, amidst the flashes of light, the Star Zone technology, which had already mastered both space technology and mass effect technology, allowed her, who was still wearing plain clothes, to complete the changeover in an instant while driving. So I put on that beautiful blue and white tight-fitting ghost suit.

It’s just that the movement in the car, those trackers who followed her luxurious and beautiful suspension supercar, must have no way to discover the situation in the car with excellent privacy. They are still dead at this time. Followed deadly.


"The place in front seems to be pretty good. As long as they move fast enough, before the troublesome Republican guards arrive, they should be wiped out, right?"

Soon, Nova found a place suitable for her hunting ground.

That is the top of an air manufacturing, processing and filtering factory on Coruscant Planet. There are several huge smoke cookers that continuously release filtered air and spacious platforms for robots to repair and inspect. She herself has been to those I have seen the scenery in this place, and if I go again now, it will definitely not look too abrupt.

After thinking it through, she sneered directly and drove her vehicle out of the traffic forcibly, and flew directly towards that place!

Although, such an unauthorized change of direction and leaving the constant flow of traffic will cause her Nova to violate the laws of the planet of Coruscant and be fined and deducted points, but for her as a member of the Galaxy Council and a federal admiral, She didn't care about the small fine.

"It's really interesting!"

Seeing those cars hesitatingly fall in the distance, or deliberately turning into a slow lane, and after confirming that the other party came to target and stare at her enemy, Nova finally stopped her suspension train steadily. There is a lot of debris on the top of the workshop of an air factory in Coruscant.

"It looks like a group of hunters?"

"However, a group of ignorant hunters have found the boss of a ghost like me. Is it a bit too high for their own ability?"

Glancing at the sky outside the window, Nova smiled coldly. After turning off the suspended supercar engine, she opened the car door carelessly, got out of the car pretending to be defenseless, and twisted her own Waist, walked towards the place where she had been to see the night view of Coruscant once.

Soon, after she turned a pile of debris, her figure disappeared directly into the dark night light on top of this inaccessible air factory...


'head! It was found that the target person was already walking to the third place she had been to! ’

'Roger that! ’


‘Number seven! Number seven! She is going to your side, ready to do it! ’

'understand! Received on the 7th, I am now on standby, ready to do it! ’


‘Number seven! Why are you still not doing it? ’


‘Report to the Chief! No. 7 did not see the target person coming, please confirm her current area! ’


‘The twelfth, what's going on? ’

'head! We saw the target person walking over there with our own eyes, I promise...’


‘Continue scouting! ’

'Yes! ’


For a long time, in a certain communication channel where only a small decibel sound was heard, no matter it was the 12th or the 7th, they did not continue to report the new situation again. Obviously, they did not seem to find the target they needed to do?

‘Damn it! ’

‘Call Zero 27, you will now conduct aerial reconnaissance to confirm the target situation! ’


'understand! Received at 027, now conduct reconnaissance now! ’

Next second,

An old-fashioned levitating car that looked no different from the usual household levitating cars used by the residents of Coruscant, suddenly emerged from the distance with the constant flow of traffic, regardless of the fact that it would be monitored by the traffic management department of Coruscant. He filmed it, and then faced the threat of a high fine, and flew directly over the air factory.

It is pretended to be a very ordinary car, in order to cut corners or save fuel, and then think that the light here is insufficient and will not be monitored, and then can take the risk of those common lawbreakers?

Soon, after quickly passing over the air processing and filtering factory, the car pretended to be forcibly merged into a high-speed traffic flow in the distance. Many suspended cars in the traffic flow were caused by waves. After Feigou jumped and blurted out all kinds of curses, he flew directly in the other direction.

'report! ’

'head! Zero 27 did not find the target! ’


‘! ! ’

‘How is that possible? Her car was still there, and we obviously saw her walking past... number seven! You continue to look for it in another place. I think she must be sitting and watching the scenery in a place that we can't monitor, just like the description in the intelligence! ’


However, the ‘chief’ waited for a long time, and he didn’t even hear any reply from No. 7 on the channel.

‘Number seven, number seven? ! ’



Suddenly, when the leader wanted to say something, there was a burst of abnormal electric current and friction in the channel. It seemed that someone was using brute force to pull off the ears that they had installed. Portable and compact communication device?

‘Humph! ’

‘Nova is here! I must be here to assassinate my ghost agent, am I right? ’

‘Then, please don’t hesitate to let your horse come here...I’m waiting for you on the terrace of this air factory, don’t let me wait too long...’

‘By the way, your number seven, I just accidentally sent him to see God, I thought, you should know what God means? ’

"Beep~! ’

Regardless of whether the other party can understand it or not, Noda smashed the small communicator with one hand, and then closed the single-molecule light blade in his hand, letting the red blade disappear and insert it into his rounded stiffener. After he was in the slot behind the cocked buttocks, he raised his leg and kicked a head that was bleeding with brown disgusting blood, and kicked it into the distance!


As soon as she turned around, she disappeared in place under the action of the tumbling and twisted hexagonal stealth force field modules, leaving only a headless alien body and an unknown race. A long-range blast energy beam rifle...

Looking at the crooked rifle, it seems to be a certain sniper rifle reassembled from the A280 explosive rifle?


At this time, the head kicked by Nova finally fell along a parabola onto an iron box in the distance and bounced and rolled onto the dusty factory roof.


‘! ? ’

‘Damn it! Head, I saw it, that was the head of No. 7, and he was killed by her! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'To shut up! I saw it too! ’

‘Brothers, immediately switch to Channel 2 and everyone will come together. We must let the paper mount to see how good we are! ! ’


Obviously, the sound of the head kicked out by Nova after it fell to the ground was discovered by the alien bounty hunters who rounded up Nova, plus the provocative words of Nova just now, it was finally completely aroused. The anger of the interstellar bounty hunters who came to hunt the target!

So, after another communicator on the headless corpse rang such a roaring word, it soon became quiet.


Almost instantaneously From the endless traffic in the sky, several suspension cars of different models were suddenly shot out from different lanes. All of them are all Qiqichao without exception. The platform of the air factory rushed over aggressively.


When the cars parked in different places, the doors were quickly opened. They were fully armed and armed with different weapons. They were all different in size, fat, thin and tall. They seemed to be mercenaries or rewards from different races. The Golden Hunters formed a team in an orderly manner and divided into several teams of three to five people. They ran quickly in an enveloping formation, sneaking into the darkness of this huge terrace and disappearing.

A hunting operation targeting members of parliament is about to unfold above the dimly lit Coruscant Air Factory!

As for who will die in the end, it is temporarily unknown...



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