Sheng Liangping thought for a while, then nodded and said, Uncle, I know what to do.

Then I'll take Yu Mo back first, and I'll see you later when I have time.

Sheng Liangping got up, greeted Grandma Qiao and Mu Qing, and left with Sheng Yumo.

Sheng Zhengming rested for a while, and then beckoned Mu Qing to come and sit beside him.

Xiaoqing, did you hear what Grandpa said to your uncle just now?

I heard, Grandpa. Mu Qing nodded.

Your grandmother and I are both intellectuals, although we have encountered a lot of unfair treatment.

But trust Grandpa, change will come soon.

Grandpa will ask you now, have you read books? How's your education level?

When Sheng Zhengming asked this, Mu Qing was a little embarrassed.

However, she still spoke according to what she said in Sandoku Village.


What? Sheng Zhengming was surprised.

Mu Qing could only bite the bullet and say, Cultural education means illiteracy.

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she immediately explained again.

However, when I was a child, I secretly read my cousin's cousin's book and helped them with their homework, so in terms of strength, it should be considered a junior high school.

Later, I heard Grandpa Kong say a lot. I should be able to study.

Mu Qing was not sure.

Because she didn't quite know what the textbooks and knowledge were like at this time.

Sheng Zhengming felt relieved when he heard Mu Qing's explanation.

Almost, he thought he had an illiterate granddaughter.

Then you, wait for me to give you a few test papers to do.

Sheng Zhengming spoke directly.

When Mu Qing heard this, she could not laugh or cry.

Her grandfather is too active.

Fortunately, she has read a lot of books in the past two or three months, otherwise it would be really hard to talk about it.

Sheng Zhengming is a very capable person. He said that he wanted to test Mu Qing, and immediately asked Grandma Qiao to bring the paper.

Chinese, mathematics, politics, physics, chemistry, history, geography, a few of them have not been spared.

In language, Mu Qing dared to write.

For mathematics, Mu Qing wrote it casually.

Politics... This Mu Qing really didn't dare to write nonsense.

In physics, Mu Qing only wrote the answer.

Chemistry, Mu Qing only writes the answer.

History: Mu Qing thought it was easy to write.

Geography: Mu Qing can also write.

Sheng Zhengming handed the answer written by Mu Qing to Grandma Qiao to read together.

Mu Qing looked at the two of them with reading glasses seriously examining them under the light.

Feeling nervous for the first time.

Chapter 97

Zhou Tianze's mission in Kyoto

Mu Qing couldn't help thinking in her heart: I won't write too much.

She is not afraid of poor grades, but is afraid of being discovered.

Time, tormented 5 minutes passed.

Then, Mu Qing saw that the expressions on the faces of the two old men relaxed, and there was a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing this, Mu Qing put down a lot of her heart.

Sheng Zhengming took Mu Qing's answer sheet and said in a gentle tone, You don't learn very well about politics.

The answer is correct, but there is no process at all.

That won't work. We need to know the outcome as well as the process.

Mu Qing nodded after being taught, I know Grandpa, I will study hard in the future and improve every day.

Well, not bad. Sheng Zhengming nodded with satisfaction.

Other subjects are fine.

There are quite a few books at home. I'll ask your grandmother to pick out some for you tomorrow.

Once you have time, you can't let go of studying.

You are still young, you should study a lot. Even if you are pregnant, you can't slack off. You have to set a good example for the child in your belly.

Achieving a better self will make your children better in the future.

Mu Qing was moved.

The beloved son of his parents has far-reaching plans.

She felt it for real today.

At the same time, she also admired her grandfather's foresight.

Grandpa, I know. I won't let go of my studies. Mu Qing nodded and replied.

Then, she asked again, Grandpa, can I let my sister-in-law study with me?

Of course, so you can encourage each other and make progress together.

Sheng Zhengming said with a smile, with a wide smile on his face.

Well, thank you grandpa, I will keep your words in my heart.

Well, good boy, grandpa is proud of you too.

The preference of her grandmother and grandfather made Mu Qing live in peace.

She and Zhou Tianhui were studying with the two old people while conditioning Sheng Zhengming's body.

She went out to buy antiques secretly when she had nothing to do, and she lived a very full life.

Mu Qing was doing well here, but Zhou Tianze was not calm when he received a letter from his wife.

Grandma is here. Grandpa is still a person with a head and face.

Take my child and go to Kyoto.

Fortunately, Zhou Tianhui still knows to follow.

Fortunately, I also promised to come back. It seems that my daughter-in-law hasn't run away!


Zhou Tianze looked at the letter, his heart was a little over the mountains.

I almost didn't scare myself to death.

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