When Grandma Qiao heard it, she felt the same way.

He temporarily accepted the idea of ​​buying clothes and jewelry for Mu Qing.

Only seriously remember that when you arrive in Kyoto, you must give the best to Mu Qing.

Then we have to buy some food. The food on the train is not suitable for you. Grandma Qiao stepped back and said.

Well, this is fine. Mu Qing nodded happily in agreement.

So, the three of them turned around and were going to go downstairs to the food-selling area.

However, as soon as Mu Qing turned around, she saw a man fall over.

Seeing this, Mu Qing hurriedly pulled Zhou Tianhui and Grandma Qiao back a step, narrowly avoiding them.

The man just reached out his hand and supported the counter next to him.

He got up and said with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

I'm sorry, comrade, did my slippery foot frighten you?

Oh, you're pregnant, so you have to take a quick look to see if you feel any discomfort.

As the man said that, he warmly stepped forward, trying to get closer to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing frowned slightly as she looked at his slightly familiar face.

For a while, I forgot where I saw this man.

The man, with a face of self-blame, greeted Mu Qing with his hands.

Such a move made Mu Qing feel very abnormal.

She covered her stomach with one hand and stepped back again and again to avoid that person touching her.

Seeing this, Zhou Tianhui even stopped in front of Mu Qing, isolating the man.

The mall staff saw it and hurried over to stop it, and the man gave up and left.

It's just that the man had just left for a while, when the lesbian who was selling watches screamed in horror.

Ah, the watch in the counter is gone!

A loud shout was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and Mu Qing was shocked and reacted immediately.

She quickly checked herself.

Fortunately, nothing.

Then, she hurriedly asked her grandmother, fortunately, there was nothing.

However, when it came to Zhou Tianhui, Mu Qing's expression changed.

In Zhou Tianhui's pocket, there are two watches.

Mu Qing almost instantly understood what was going on.

With a calm face, she silently threw the watch in Zhou Tianhui's pocket into the space.

At this time, Zhou Tianhui was still confused.

Sister-in-law, what are you looking for?

It's nothing. Mu Qing got up and helped Zhou Tianhui sort out her clothes.

Thanks to you for stopping me just now. Mu Qing said.

Protect my sister-in-law, what I should do. Zhou Tianhui replied very happily.

After Mu Qing helped Zhou Tianhui sort out her clothes, she stood aside.

If things go well, the signs will burn to them right away.

If they leave now, they will definitely be called back.

Maybe he will be charged with absconding in fear of crime.

Instead, they might as well stand here.

Waiting for the story to unfold.

Sure enough, it didn't take a while to hear the lesbian say, I have been guarding here just now.

Just her... just a few of them...

The lesbian said, raised her hand and pointed in the direction of Mu Qing and the three of them.

The old woman said she wanted to take a look, so I opened the cabinet for her.

Then, they said no.

And then, a man next to him rushed over. They were noisy, and I never left.

This watch can't be missing.

The watch, the watch... the watch must be on them, we search, we will be able to find it.

The lesbian said so, and hurriedly brought people over.

The old woman said she wanted to take a look, so I opened the cabinet for her.

Then, they said no.

And then, a man next to him rushed over. They were noisy, and I never left.

This watch can't be missing.

The watch, the watch... the watch must be on them, we search, we will be able to find it.

The lesbian said so, and hurriedly brought people over.

As soon as the manager of the department store came to see it, he was still an acquaintance.

He was a little embarrassed to say this in an instant.

Just ask with a polite smile on your face.

Three comrades, our mall has lost four Shanghai brand watches.

I hope you can cooperate with the inspection. Of course, we have blocked the exit, and we will check the rest of the people one by one.

The manager's attitude seems to be a sequelae of the last time.

Seeing that he was so good at talking, Mu Qing didn't plan to talk about dignity.

Things, of course, the sooner the better.

Chapter 84

Fraudulently accused of stealing a watch

Check, of course. Mu Qing nodded.

However, the people you send to check must first check themselves.

Don't avoid when we don't have anything on us, but inexplicably more.

You can rest assured, we can ensure that the inspectors are completely clean. The manager nodded immediately.

Mu Qing went on to say: Also, although we have seen the watch there just now, the suspicion is relatively high.

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