What's the matter, Tianhui?

If you have something on your mind, you can tell me.

Zhou Tianhui bit her lip and asked carefully.

Sister-in-law, shouldn't you go to the city, if you don't come back, don't you want my elder brother?

My eldest brother is such a good man, and he takes care of the family and looks good, so he is not lucky. Sister-in-law, you must not lose my eldest brother.

If you lose my eldest brother and my eldest brother comes back, he will definitely scold me to death.

Also, you still have a child in your belly. You should think more about the child. The child can't live without a biological father!

Where is your stepfather better than your own father? My elder brother is your best man.

Sister-in-law, think about it, can you leave our family behind?

Zhou Tianhui said pitifully, and timidly reached out and pulled La Muqing's finger.

Her pitiful little appearance was completely different from the usual Shuri.

Seeing her like this, Mu Qing couldn't help but help her forehead with a smile.

I'm going to take a long trip, but I don't mean to abandon my husband and my son.

Tianhui, what is in your head?

Sister-in-law, aren't you going to abandon my eldest brother? Zhou Tianhui became happy and immediately grabbed Mu Qing's hand.

Mu Qing began to explain: You heard it just now, my grandfather is ill.

My grandparents have been looking for my mother for many years. I can't help but go back to see his old man and do my filial piety.

I'm out, and I'll be back.

It's you, what are you thinking about all day long in your head?

Zhou Tianhui bowed her head in embarrassment, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Sister-in-law, I didn't think so on purpose.

There were educated youths who went back in the village before, but they all had wives and children in the village, but they never came back before they went back.

I'm afraid too.

Sister-in-law, you are so good. If you leave, I will be reluctant.

There is no better person in this world than a sister-in-law.

In the future, I will honor my sister-in-law like a mother.

Tianhui, hehe, can you stop saying golden sentences from time to time?

Mu Qing was amused and laughed.

Zhou Tianhui usually looks very bright, but in her temperament, there is often a little honesty.

Sister-in-law, I'm serious. Zhou Tianhui made a serious statement.

Well, I believe you are serious. Mu Qing nodded with a smile.

It's just that you don't have to treat me as a mother, you can just treat me as a sister-in-law. I also want to be younger and more beautiful.

Okay, sister-in-law. Zhou Tianhui nodded obediently.

At night, Grandma Qiao slept in the room next to Mu Qing.

When they built the house, they reserved two more rooms.

Moreover, Mu Qing was pregnant, had a light sleep, and was unbearable.

The next day, when Mu Qing got up, she saw Zhou Tianhui running towards her very happily.

Tianhui, why are you so happy this morning? Mu Qing asked.

Sister-in-law! Zhou Tianhui blinked at Mu Qing.

Dad asked me to go out with you, saying that you need someone to take care of you on the way, where can you take care of others.

She asked me to take care of your grandpa instead of you, and you won't have to be so tired then.

Mu Qing stopped twisting the towel, looked up at Zhou Tianhui, and couldn't help being moved.

Tianhui, it's hard to take care of people. It's my job. How can I make you suffer.

Sister-in-law, it's not bitter. Zhou Tianhui shook her head.

The days when you didn't come before were really hard.

You are here, and our family's luck has changed.

My dad is still alive, and he can always pick up things.

Sister-in-law, let me follow you.

Otherwise, if my eldest brother knew, and asked you to follow an old man out with a big belly, you wouldn't have to scold me to death when you turned around.

Don't worry, I bring my own ticket money and won't take advantage of it.

Zhou Tianhui spoke carefully and cautiously, for fear of making Mu Qing unhappy.

Mu Qing looked at her for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement.

Okay, I'll take you. When the time comes, you'll be tiring and tiring, and I'll give you all the bags. Don't call it hard work.

Don't worry, sister-in-law, no, I'll go and prepare breakfast for you and grandma.

After Zhou Tianhui finished speaking, she immediately ran away.

In the morning, Mu Qing received a letter from Zhou Tianze.

Mu Qing was very happy to receive Zhou Tianze's letter at this time.

That way, she doesn't have to worry about missing the content of the letter.

Chapter 82

Sun Yingzhuo was driven out with a man and a car

Mu Qing was holding the letter and just turned around when she heard the sound of a bicycle.

She didn't take it seriously, and continued to raise her feet and turn around.

However, at this time, a familiar and annoying voice came from his ears.

Mu Qing, Mu Qing, wait, don't rush.

When Mu Qing heard this voice, a wave of disgust instantly hit her brows.

she just pretended

If you can't hear it, turn around and close the door.

However, the person riding the bicycle rushed over quickly.

Mu Qing had to protect her stomach with one hand and let her drive aside.

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