Besides, the old man in her family is still sick, so I'm going to serve someone?

Zhang chūnhua: Yo'er, this is an opportunity. If you don't hurry, why do you think Sun Yingzhuo won't divorce you.


What follows is not important.

However, from this short paragraph, Mu Qing already had enough information.

Then tomorrow, she should give them a surprise to be worthy of their Mu family's painstaking efforts.

Mu Qing packed her things and went downstairs to find Zhou Tianhui.

The next day, Mu Qing went out with Zhou Tianhui early.

the gate of Mu's house;

Mu Xue packed up a burden and was very reluctant to bear Zhang chūnhua.

Mom, then I'm leaving!

Let's go, let's go, it's better not to come back so soon.

This is the letter of introduction that I specifically asked Wang Mingda to open. You have received it.

Remember, you have to come back after you recognize your relatives. Your parents, the old man, and your man are all waiting for you.

But, Mom, I'm still a little scared! Mu Xue said.

Zhang chūnhua patted Mu Xue, What are you afraid of? It's already noon. If you don't leave, are you going to stay in the house for lunch?

You go to the National Hotel to eat, isn't it delicious?

If you want, then I'll leave. Mu Xue said reluctantly.

She looked up at Sun Yingzhuo again.

Yingzhuo, don't worry.

When I go back and recognize my relatives, I will definitely let them be nice to your parents and let you go back earlier.

Come on, hurry up. Sun Yingzhuo waved impatiently.

Mu Xue took a breath and walked out.

It's just that, before she could reach the road, Wang Mingda brought someone with her.

When Zhang Chunhua saw Wang Mingda coming, his face suddenly fell.

Captain Wang, what are you doing in my room?

Heh... Wang Mingda couldn't help but smile when he looked at Zhang chūnhua.

What shall I do?

The people in the entire Sande Village add up, and none of your Mu family can make trouble.

Let's go, your whole family, go to the production team with me, especially Mu Xue, you can't miss any of them.

When Wang Mingda said this, he couldn't help laughing again.

Mu Xue, when did you change your name to Mu Qing?

Wang Mingda's words instantly made the Mu family terrified.

Mom, what the hell is Captain Wang talking about! Mu Xue was frightened, and hurried to Zhang chūnhua's side.

Zhang chūnhua also turned pale with fright, but it was probably a liar, and she was very capable of carrying it.

She raised her hand and put her arm around Mu Xue's shoulder to reassure her, Younger, don't be afraid, hold on.

Let's go and have a look. Let's talk about it.

So, the members of the Mu family followed Wang Mingda to the production team.

As soon as they entered the office, they saw two familiar people in the office, sitting together affectionately.

That person, no one else.

It was Mu Qing who came to his Mu's house yesterday to ask for money.

Also, Mrs. Qiao, who was supposed to be in the guest house.

Seeing this, Mu Xue's reckless temper was suddenly revealed.

Mu Qing, why are you here?

Why are you with my grandmother?

As soon as these two questions came out, Zhang chūnhua behind her really wanted to slap her youngest son.

She has seen someone who removes the feet of a table, but she has never seen someone who removes the feet of her own table like this.

When Mu Qing heard this, she slowly turned her head to look at them.

Grandma Qiao also raised her eyes, her face was extremely cold.

Mu Qing looked at them, smiled slowly at the corner of her mouth, and asked a soulful question from her mouth:

My name is Mu Qing, what's your name?

Why did I hear the old man beside me say, what's your name Mu Qing?

Then your name is Mu Qing? What did you call me just now?

Do you think so?

Chapter 77

Granny's going to take you home on the fastest train

The people of the Mu family fell into a deep panic at this time.

Because it is obvious that they want Li Dai Tao Zang to be revealed.

However, they still don't feel that they have done anything wrong.

Zhang chūnhua still took the lead.

Fool, what do you mean by these words?

Also, Mrs. Qiao, didn't you say at first that you wanted to take my daughter back?

Look, we have packed up all our baggage, and we will go back with you and serve the old man with you.

Come over, that's your grandma.

Zhang chūnhua said, and pushed Mu Xue over.

Mu Xue stepped forward a little scared, but before she could go up, she was greeted with a flying slap from Mu Qing!

The sound of pop is abnormally loud! hit me... Mu Xue stuttered.

Mu Qing looked at Mu Xue, her eyes completely cold.

Don't you think you shouldn't be beaten?

My father left you the best

The last bit of face is not for you to bully his daughter.

I'm not asking you to replace my life!

If I hadn't heard the rumors in the village and sensed something was wrong.

Are you still going to recognize your relatives and wrap it up, and then come back and continue to bully me?

Well... actually the Mu family thought so, but they didn't say it.

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