Mu Qing deliberately tried to confuse people.

But, it's getting dark now. Lu Hu struggled.

Why is it so difficult to fall in love?

Straight up the marriage certificate, close the room and sleep in bed, build a bed and fight the landlord, and eat Tangtang crookedly, isn't this fragrant?

If Mu Qing knew what Lu Hu was thinking now, it would still be the same.

He would really give him two kicks regardless of his image.

How can a man be so straight?

This Cailing's vision is estimated to have brightened her whole life, but she was blinded when she was picking people.

It's getting dark, you don't know how to climb over the wall and get in?

Your ability, Bai Xue?

A bit of incredulousness appeared in Lu Rover's eyes;

Sister-in-law, being a hooligan will be invited in for dinner.

I'm afraid you don't play a hooligan now, and you won't even be a hooligan in the future.

Land Rover, you are so smart, you are at least a little bit in love.

Can't you wife, you have to run away sooner or later.

Ah! Lu Hu turned pale in shock.

You're still! Mu Qing rolled her eyes at him.

Xiang Cailing has already told me that if you want to break up with you, there is only one excuse.

You'd better coax your Xiang Cailing carefully recently, or the white swan will really fly when you turn around.

Break up, how is this possible? Lu Hu's face sank directly.

I don't want to break up with her.

It's no use telling me, go and tell Cailing yourself.

Mu Qing left her hands behind and said that she could do nothing.

Uh... Lu Rover was silent for a while before finally reacting.

Sister-in-law, I'll go find her now.

I want to tell her that I want to marry her and have a monkey, and I don't want to be with anyone else, just her.

Mu Qing endured the laughter of her old mother and continued to look cold.

Don't say it to me, go say it to the person who wants to hear it.

Hey! Land Rover finally responded smartly.

Sister-in-law, I'm going right now!

After Lu Rover finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran away.

Chapter 677

spanking dad

Land Rover, who ran out, just happened to pass by Zhou Tianze.

Zhou Tianze glanced at Lu Hu strangely, but did not call out to him.

Instead, he went to his own daughter-in-law's side.

Zhou Tianze used his chin to indicate the direction of Lu Hu's departure, and then asked his daughter-in-law.

Daughter-in-law, you pulled Lu Rover over, what are you whispering about?

Mu Qing glanced at Zhou Tianze, then turned to inquire from the side.

Does Lu Rover often run to Doctor Bai's place?

Zhou Tianze was stunned for a moment, his smiling facial features converged, and his relaxed body stood up straight.

Zhou Tianze did not directly answer Mu Qing's words, but instead asked.

Daughter-in-law, why do you remember asking this?

Did someone tell you something?

Mu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

It seems that not only is Lu Rover hiding something, but this Zhou Tianze doesn't seem to be much better.

When Mu Qing thought of this, she was a little more annoyed.

She and Zhou Tianze have been married for several years, but she didn't expect that he would hide something from her.

As soon as Mu Qing thought of this, her eyes sank instantly, she raised her eyes and stared at Zhou Tianze.

Zhou Tianze's body tightened, and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Daughter-in-law, why are you looking at me like this? Zhou Tianze's palms couldn't help but get wet.

Why does he feel that his daughter-in-law's eyes are a bit awkward at this time.

Mu Qing's eyes tightened step by step.

Zhou Tianze's body couldn't help but step back.

In the end, there is really no way to escape.

She could only speak bluntly.

Daughter-in-law, don't look at me like that.

You're looking at me like this, I feel weird and flustered.

Mu Qing continued to stare at Zhou Tianze.

Staring at Zhou Tianze, he turned his head in embarrassment.

However, as soon as Zhou Tianze turned his head, Mu Qing's small slap turned his head back.

Then, he continued to stare at him for a few seconds before he asked.

How many times have you seen Doctor Bai?

You two, shouldn't you be in close contact with each other?

When Zhou Tianze listened to Mu Qing's words, he almost didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He instantly turned passive into active, and directly hugged his daughter-in-law's waist.

Daughter-in-law, you... shouldn't you be jealous?

A successful smile appeared on Zhou Tianze's face.

It was Mu Qing who forced him just now, but now, their identities have been reversed.

Mu Qing looked at Zhou Tianze a little furiously, her red lips were a bit more angrily rebutted.

I'm not jealous, I'm asking you serious things.

How many times have you and Doctor Bai communicated?

Zhou Tianze looked at Mu Qing's jealous appearance, but he was extremely happy in his heart.

Because her daughter-in-law is always so bright

, as if nothing could make her worry.

Now it's hard to see her angry and mad.

Zhou Tianze just thinks it's more fun than the New Year's Day.

Kiss me and I'll tell you. Zhou Tianze took the opportunity to demand.

Mu Qing glanced at him and reminded him.

Deputy Head Zhou, in broad daylight, don't be a hooligan.

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