When I retire, the two of us will live there.

Help Xiaoqing see the children and teach a few little guys knowledge. It's not good either.

When Grandma Qiao heard this, she couldn't help but glance at Sheng Zhengming.

It's all your broken train, and it hasn't gotten up to speed after so many years.

You should hurry up.

Sheng Zhengming knew that Grandma Qiao was losing her temper by diverting her attention, so she could only dote on it.

Good! Good! Good! I'm useless.

My old bones, work hard, make it faster, add up the momentum.

Well, that's about the same.

Come on, let's go out and see them off.

The two old mouths said, withdrew the sadness on their faces, and went out happily again.

Mu Qing and the others drove a car, a small truck, squeezed in, and they arrived.

It was the first time for Zhou Tianhui and Chen Siyuan to come here.

As soon as the quaint door was opened, a faint historical atmosphere came on the way.

Among them, there is also the light fragrance of flowers and plants.

The pattern of the entire yard has not changed much.

However, after simple repairs and maintenance, with some embellishments, the atmosphere is instantly reflected.

Zhou Tianhui couldn't help but be amazed when she saw this.

Sister-in-law, your house is too big.

It looks like the palace on the stamp, so imposing.

It always looks like this. We have a lot of people. We still want this house to be better.

Let's go, let's go first and see what's going on inside.

As Mu Qing said that, she brought Zhou Tianhui, Wu Ma, and a few other little guys in together.

Chapter 636

opinion, is there any

Nao Nao and Lele are already able to sit in the cart.

As soon as Yuanyuan and the three little guys entered the yard, they happily ran towards the children's area.

When Nao Nao saw it, he immediately raised his little hand and slapped it on the cart.

The little expression is fierce and fierce.

The one who was still shouting Abaaba followed.

That little expression was like scolding the brothers and sisters.

If it was normal, Yuanyuan and the others would probably come back to make a fuss.

But today, the three of them were both happy and excited, how could they care about the two little guys, Nao Nao and Lele.

Besides, there are still a lot of adults looking at the two little guys here.

Then the two little fellows have nothing to do with the three of them.

Nao Nao, don't worry. Mu Qing spoke out to comfort Nao Nao's little emotions.

Mom pushed you and your sister over to see, but you can't lose your temper.

Nao Nao seemed to be able to understand what Mu Qing said, and his emotions slowly calmed down.

With one finger pointing at Yuanyuan in the direction the three of them ran away just now, she cried out Ahhhh.

Mom knows, I'll take you there right away.

Mu Qing reached out and touched Nao Nao's little head, and then brought the two little guys over.

Although Nao Nao and Lele are twins, their personalities are completely different.

Noisy and hilarious, with a big and quick temper.

But Lele always has a smile on her little face, quietly like a little sunflower.

Lele, mom took you and brother there with you.

Mu Qing touched Lele's little head again, and then pushed the two of them to find Yuanyuan and the three little guys.

Zhou Tianhui followed, looking around curiously.

In the courtyard inside, Yuanyuan and the three of them have already played.

Zhou Tianhui looked at the novelty in front of her eyes, and her eyes lit up again.

Sister-in-law, there are indeed great benefits.

If this is replaced by a small western-style building, there is definitely no place to do so many things.

Yes. Mu Qing responded.

There are many children at home, and there will be several elderly people in the future, so the place is bigger and more convenient.

This is the children's play area, the yard next to it, and the leisure area for the elderly.

There are old people? Zhou Tianhui was pleasantly surprised.

Yeah, I'll show you there.

Mu Qing said, and pushed Nao Nao and Le Le to the vicinity of Yuan Yuan and the others where they were playing.

Then, I called Wu's mother to come over to help and watch.

Only then did she turn around to support Zhou Tianhui and go to the yard next to her.

In the yard next to it, the atmosphere is a bit cleaner than the lively atmosphere just now.

The arrangement is more artistic than Yuanyuan's playground.

In the future, our father, my grandfather, and grandparents may all come together.

This yard is big, just leave it to them, just right.

Tianhui, don't you have any opinion? Mu Qing asked directly.

After all, this house was allocated to Zhou Tianze from above.

She is the hostess and can naturally have the right to use and distribute.

If her grandfather and grandfather retire in the future.

As the only descendant of the two families, she must be obliged to take care of them and end their lives for them.

It's just that Zhou Tianhui is Zhou Tianze's only younger sister.

But I don't want anything to happen because of this.

Sister-in-law, what opinion can I have? Zhou Tianhui asked rhetorically.

This is your and eldest brother's house. You can arrange it however you want.

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