Zhou Tianze went to Xu Xiangyang with a sullen face.

Seeing that he was so serious, Xu Xiangyang stopped teasing him.

Instead, he turned around and pulled out the pressed envelope and handed it to Zhou Tianze.

As soon as Zhou Tianze got the envelope, his face changed like that of Sichuan Opera, from serious to smirk in an instant.

My wife's words.

My daughter-in-law's words are so beautiful.

Zhou Tianze praised cheerfully, turning around and leaving with the envelope.

Xu Xiangyang hurriedly called out.

Hey! It's not just a letter from home!

Take it apart and let's take a look.

Dream you! Zhou Tianze turned back, his face instantly cold.

Then, when he turned his head, the smile at the corner of his mouth lifted again uncontrollably.

How could he possibly show others the letter from his daughter-in-law!

This group of scumbags without a daughter-in-law would not understand his joy.

After Zhou Tianze came back this time, he was promoted to battalion commander, so he had a big separate room.

After returning to the room, he locked the door, and then quickly came to the table.

Zhou Tianze looked at the graceful font on the envelope, and could even imagine how beautiful his daughter-in-law looked when she wrote seriously.

The smile on his face softened.

He slowly opened the envelope, and the familiar scent of honeysuckle wafted out.

And, slowly began to fill the entire room.

The gossip in front of me is commonplace, like a frame of warmth like a peach garden.

But at the back, Zhou Tianze saw the words on Mu Qing's paper and blinked in disbelief:

Brother Zhou, I am pregnant. In nine months, we'll have a lovely baby.

Are you happy?

I think you are happy...

Zhou Tianze could no longer read the content that followed.

His eyes were all fixed on the word pregnancy.

Holding the envelope, he couldn't help laughing silly.

My wife is pregnant! I have a baby!

My wife is pregnant, and I have a baby!


Zhou Tianze shouted happily, took the envelope and rushed back to Xu Xiangyang's office.

Commissar, my daughter-in-law is pregnant, and I have a child.

Zhou Tianze said, his face became serious in the next second.

Political commissar, I request additional training to complete the task as soon as possible.

After Zhou Tianze finished speaking, the corners of his mouth turned up uncontrollably.

Ah? Xu Xiangyang was a little confused by Zhou Tianze's fiery behavior.

He paused for a while, and then asked, The current training has already increased a lot, no more...

You can rest assured, political commissar, the potential of those boys has not been stimulated.

I know in my heart that there will be no problem.

Then...do it in moderation.

Also, congratulations! You're going to be a father so soon. Xu Xiangyang said, and came forward to shake hands with Zhou Tianze.

He couldn't help sighing with emotion: I didn't expect your kid to be so lucky. Go back to take care of the injury, the wife is married, the house is repaired, and this will even have children.

Hey...you're lucky...I really don't know what to say...

Ha! Zhou Tianze couldn't help but smile, his face full of pride.

Political commissar, I've been unlucky for so many years, why don't you let me eat two bites of candy!

Chapter 64

County town son-in-law Sun Yingzhuo and cousin

By the time Mu Qing received Zhou Tianze's letter again, almost a month and a half had passed.

This time, Zhou Tianze not only sent a letter, but also mentioned in the letter that he sent a lot of things back.

Let Mu Qing open her stomach to eat, and don't lack nutrition.

He also said that he has now been promoted, and his allowance has also increased a lot. When the allowance comes down, he will directly let the troops call back.

That way, he doesn't have to worry about falling off.

According to the time, Mu Qing's stomach is almost three months old.

However, while she eats nutritiously, she does not forget to exercise regularly.

Therefore, although she is already three months pregnant, she can't see it at all, and her figure is still as slender as a young girl.

Not only that, her complexion was more rosy and healthy than before.

It looks like a peach blossom in March, and it is charming and fascinated.

On the second day, Mu Qing and Zhou Tianhui went to the county town together and took out all the things that Zhou Tianze sent back.

A big burden full of everything, and Mu Qing couldn't help laughing and crying.

Since there were too many things, Mu Qing asked Zhou Tianhui to transport it back first, and she would go shopping in the county town.

Zhou Tianhui looked at the burden and nodded in agreement.

However, when he left, he still did not forget to instruct: Sister-in-law, you have to be careful and don't run too many places.

Got it, Tianhui. Mu Qing replied with a smile.

Go back slowly, don't worry, two hours later, we will meet at the place where we last bought things.

Mu Qing said, blinking at Zhou Tianhui.

Zhou Tianhui reacted immediately, Okay, sister-in-law, we'll be here later.

meet there.

After Zhou Tianhui left, Mu Qing went to rent a tricycle.

she thinks:

This week Tianze has sent her so many things, and she should send him something as a courtesy.

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