Yuanyuan had just started to look at Zhou Tianze's eyes, but she was still a little unfamiliar with fear.

But after getting familiar with Zhou Tianze's aura, his little face immediately burst into laughter.

His voice cheerfully shouted at Zhou Tianze.

It's Daddy, Daddy.

Yuanyuan is awesome, I still remember Dad. Zhou Tianze smiled, bowed his head and kissed Yuanyuan's face.

Zhou Tianze looked away with a cold light.

Because, his big fat son has become a little skinny at this time.

Of course, it doesn't mean how thin he is now, just a little thinner than Kangkang.

A little bit healthier than the average child.

However, compared with the chubby round circle before, it always feels a little less.

This made Zhou Tianze clench his fist secretly.

However, at this time Kangkang and An'an just happened to run over.

Zhou Tianze's hostile aura that was rising faintly was immediately withdrawn.

Chapter 561

sleeping with son

When Kangkang and Anan saw their father came back, they rushed to Zhou Tianze's side happily.

The two children immediately asked around Zhou Tianze.

Kangkang, Dad, Dad, you're back.

Yeah, Dad is back.

Zhou Tianze raised his hand and clasped Kangkang's chin.

These two sons, the small appearance of the clever ghost, as always, makes people feel happy to look at.

An An on the side waited until Kangkang finished speaking, and then he said worriedly.

Dad, why are you injured?

It's so pitiful, just like the big brother, does it hurt?

Otherwise, An An gives Dad chuīchuī, and chuīchuī will not hurt.

An An, the little girl said, and immediately raised Zhou Tianze's big hand.

This small appearance is worthy of being Zhou Tianze's precious daughter.

Dad has a minor injury. It's all right. It will be fine soon.

Our family An'an has really grown up and will care about his father.

An An has grown up.

An An listened to Zhou Tianze's words, raised her eyes to look at him, and then winked cutely.

This warm and cute little appearance looks very attractive.

If Zhou Tianze wasn't injured, he would definitely pick up An An and give him a good kiss.

Here, Mu Qing has already comforted Yuanyuan, she said to Zhou Tianze.

Let's go back.

Zhou Tianze looked at his daughter-in-law with a big belly and a child, and his eyes were instantly distressed.

He reached out to Mu Qing and said at the same time.

Daughter-in-law, let me hug Yuanyuan.

No, you're still injured.

Mu Qing turned to one side, dodging Zhou Tianze's extended hand.


Zhou Tianze's worries and worries have not been spoken yet, and Grandma Qiao has also come over here.

Xiaoqing, let me hug Yuanyuan.

As Grandma Qiao said, she reached out and took Yuanyuan out of Mu Qing's arms.

Then, Grandma Qiao's eyes fell on Zhou Tianze.

Tianze, you are back.

How is your injury, is it serious?

No big deal, don't worry, grandma. Zhou Tianze replied respectfully.

Kong Hongbo, who came back from the side, talked to Grandma Qiao familiarly.

Mrs Qiao, don't worry.

With me following, your grandson-in-law will be fine.

That is, you eat and drink for nothing, but you must not take care of my grandson-in-law.

Grandma Joe spoke as if joking.

She said this, not to dislike Kong Hongbo living in her house.

But this Kong Hongbo is always uncomfortable.

Grandma Qiao said this just in time to find some use for Kong Hongbo, so that the old man Bai would not feel that he owed them to his family.

As soon as Grandma Qiao said this, she said it together brittlely.

My granddaughter is about to give birth. You can't run around. You need to watch every day.

Kong Hongbo naturally understood what Grandma Qiao said.

He nodded again and again, Yes! Yes! Yes! You rich old woman.

Wait until the Kong family's property is cleared out. I'll give you half of the food expenses, okay?

That's definitely possible. I will not refuse. I will save it for my granddaughter.

The two old people said cheerfully, which made the atmosphere a lot more cheerful.

Mu Qing returned to Zhou Tianze's side and helped him go back together.

Zhou Tianze came back so suddenly, still using this appearance, it really shocked them.

However, after Kong Hongbo confirmed that there was nothing serious, they quickly calmed down.

Because, Zhou Tianze's term of office has already arrived.

It's almost time to come back.

At night, Zhou Tianze successfully lay on his wife's bed.

It's just that her daughter-in-law

As soon as he got up, he hadn't started yet.

As soon as the door of this room opened, Yuanyuan appeared holding a small pillow.

The sinful hand that Zhou Tianze had just stretched out was immediately withdrawn.

Instead, he put on a serious face.

Yuanyuan closed the door and hugged the little pillow to Mu Qing's room.

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