When Kong Hongbo asked this question, Zhou Tianhui's cheeks immediately became flushed.

Yes. Zhou Tianhui nodded.

He mainly studied surgery, and I was in internal medicine.

In addition, what you taught me, Master, complements each other.

Well— Kong Hongbo nodded in satisfaction after listening to Zhou Tianhui's words.

The combination of inside and outside, good, good.

Yes, Master. In the face of Kong Hongbo's praise, Zhou Tianhui didn't dare to say anything, and could only answer.

After Kong Hongbo finished asking Zhou Tianhui, he looked at Mu Qing again.

Girl Mu, come and sit and let me show you.

When Mu Qing heard this, joy appeared on her face.

This was checked by Kong Hongbo himself, of course she was happy.

Zhou Shuisheng quickly vacated his seat and let Mu Qing sit down.

After Mu Qing sat down, she stretched out her wrist and placed it on the pulse pillow prepared by Kong Hongbo.

Kong Hongbo put his hand on Mu Qing's wrist, half-closed his eyes, and slowly checked.

After a long time, he took his hand back.

It seems that nothing is happening at the moment, and the fetal appearance is also very good.

Teacher, how many twins are there this time? Zhou Tianhui asked curiously.

Hehehe... Zhou Tianhui's question directly made Kong Hongbo laugh.

Even Mu Qing couldn't help laughing along.

Tianhui, how many twins can you have every time?

Isn't there a precedent? Zhou Tianhui asked innocently.

Sister-in-law, didn't you say twins last time?

It turned out to be triplets in the end!

Zhou Tianhui said, looking at Mu Qing very sincerely.

This time, I don't think your belly is too small. Maybe it's twins.

Teacher, your medical skills are brilliant, can't you see it? Zhou Tianhui turned to look at Kong Hongbo, and asked for advice very sincerely.

I'm still young this month, so I can't tell. Kong Kongbo said.

Is it possible that they are twins?

After listening to Zhou Tianhui's words, Mu Qing intuitioned that her sister-in-law was on the wrong side of the twins.

It's not impossible. Kong Hongbo said.

Wait another month and I'll probably see it.

It must be twins. Zhou Tianhui firmly believed.

Hearing this, Mu Qing finally couldn't help but ask.

Tianhui, why are you so fond of twins?

After you and Comrade Xiao Chen get married, you will have to have a few of your own.

Zhou Tianhui's face flushed, and she hurriedly spoke.

Sister-in-law, you are just making fun of me.

I... I... Comrade Xiao Chen and I are still early!

How early is it? Comrade Xiao Chen is over 22 years old. You can go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the certificate.

Dad, look at my sister-in-law. In desperation, Zhou Tianhui could only coquettishly ask Zhou Shuisheng for help.

Zhou Shuisheng's reaction was half a beat slower.

He didn't think that his careless daughter would actually act like a spoiled child.

It seems that his daughter and Xiao Chen are true love.

Zhou Shuisheng couldn't help feeling emotional when he thought of this.

Tianhui, you are not too young.

If it's suitable, let Xiao Chen propose marriage.

It's not the first time for us to be so fancy.

As long as he treats you well, Dad will be relieved.

Dad— Zhou Shuisheng said these words, which moved Zhou Tianhui for a while, and even his eyes were about to get wet.

Zhou Tianhui and Zhou Tianze were both raised by Zhou Shuisheng.

Therefore, the two of them have not lived very carefully since they were young.

Now that both brothers and sisters have found a good home, Zhou Shuisheng certainly cannot stop them.

Besides, Zhou Shuisheng has guilt feelings towards Zhou Tianhui.

Because Zhou Tianhui's previous marriage was a failure.

Zhou Shuisheng always remembered that incident in his heart, and always felt sorry for Zhou Tianhui.

He pondered for a while, then spoke again.

It's just that Dad doesn't have much money, so he may not be able to buy you much dowry.

This is the 500 yuan that Dad has saved in the past few years. I'll give it to you.

Whatever looks good to you, go and buy it.

If you have bad eyesight, ask your sister-in-law to help you watch it. Your sister-in-law has good eyesight, and the things you choose look good.

Zhou Shuisheng said, and turned the money bag out of the bag.

After marriage, you have to be diligent and thrifty, and think more about your life.

Zhou Shuisheng handed the money to Zhou Tianhui.

Fortunately, he has been transferred over the years. Otherwise, if this girl gets married, he may not be able to get 50 yuan.

Dad— Zhou Tianhui endured the emotion in her heart and wiped her wet eyes.

Mr. Jiang left Comrade Xiao Chen a second-entry yard, so you don't have to worry about it.

Moreover, I participate in research in the school, and I can make money to support my family.

My sister-in-law and eldest brother usually give me a lot of pocket money, and I have enough money.

You can keep this money for yourself.

Zhou Tianhui said, and pushed the money back again.

Chapter 481

I'll give you the money

Zhou Shuisheng, however, put the money in Zhou Tianhui's hand firmly.

This money, if it says it's for you, it's for you.

When you got married before, our family was poor and we didn't give you anything.

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