Mu Qing hurriedly explained aloud to prevent her grandmother from thinking wildly.

In the past few months when I went to work, I stopped by the southwest region and spent a lot of time there.

When Grandma Qiao heard this, a sudden realization appeared on her face.

It turned out to be there.

No wonder, otherwise I would still be strange in my heart.

Then it's enough to have children since the Chinese New Year. How can you just get pregnant?

Grandma, you are just that, thinking wildly.

Mu Qing took her hand and laughed.

I'm your granddaughter, don't think about this kind of thing.

Then I don't think Xiaoqing is fine with you anywhere...

Even if it is the sun in the sky, you can be worthy of it.

Ha ha……

Mu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard what Grandma Qiao said.

Grandma, Tian Ze is fine like this.

But in grandma's eyes, you will always be the best.

Grandma Qiao took Mu Qing's hand and sighed.

No matter what decisions you make, whether you do good or bad things, grandma will always be on your side.

Grandma, then you can't be unreasonable, right? Mu Qing laughed even more happily.

Her grandmother, she is completely indulgent.

Grandma Qiao took Mu Qing's hand and clapped it, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.

That's because this person is you.

Grandma believes you.

Grandma, you are contradictory when you talk like this. Mu Qing's eyes showed a smug gleam.

Then you were still thinking about it just now, and you were still asking about my child.

When Mu Qing asked this question, Grandma Qiao's face became embarrassed.

You little clever ghost! Grandma Qiao finally poked Mu Qing's forehead in anger.

I'm not worried about you yet.

You don't even think about it. You came back suddenly, you're pregnant, and you're so beautiful, you don't know how many people are attacking you.

Grandma, just for fear that you will suffer.

When you say that now, grandma will feel more at ease.

Okay, you've been tired all the way back. Grandma is going to make you some delicious tonic.

Grandma Qiao said, instructing Mu Qing to take a good rest first, and then went to the kitchen.

Mu Qing beckoned and called the three children to her side.

Babies, mother brought you gifts back, let's go and see.

As soon as the three little guys heard that there were gifts, they immediately clapped their little hands happily and followed Mu Qing into the room.

On the weekend, when Zhou Tianhui came back, I heard that Mu Qing took time to go to her eldest brother's place and kick a child back after work.

In private, he silently gave Mu Qing a thumbs up.

Sister-in-law, you are amazing.

It's a matter of nature, there's nothing powerful or not.

Zhou Tianhui's face suddenly turned red when she heard this.

She bowed her head, looking a little awkward.

As soon as Mu Qing saw her like this, she knew that she had something to do.

So, Mu Qing said softly.

Tianhui, you can ask me anything you don't understand.

I'm your sister-in-law, I will definitely help you with something.

Chapter 474

morning sickness

Zhou Tianhui raised her eyes to look at Mu Qing, her eyes grateful.

Sister-in-law, it's so nice to have you. You're so kind to me.

Fool. I'm your sister-in-law, of course I treat you well.

Mu Qing said, raised her hand and touched Zhou Tianhui's head.

Although, she is not older than Zhou Tianhui.

However, wisdom has surpassed Zhou Tianhui by a large margin.

Zhou Tianhui wants to ask her more about life issues this week.

Zhou Tianhui bowed her head shyly for a while, and then whispered to Mu Qing.

Sister-in-law, Comrade Xiao Chen and I, the two of us...he treats me...

We... The more Zhou Tianhui spoke, the more she blushed, and the more she spoke, the more shy she became, which made Mu Qing couldn't help but guess.

What happened to the two of you? Mu Qing lowered her head and approached Zhou Tianhui and asked.

Sister-in-law... I tell you, you won't laugh at me.

Zhou Tianhui said, and looked at Mu Qing anxiously.

You two are sleeping? Mu Qing tilted her head and asked.

When she asked, Zhou Tianhui almost jumped up in fright.

Sister-in-law...sister-in-law...what did you say?

The two of us...the two of us...

Since you're not sleeping, what's there to say?

After Mu Qing said this, the confusion in Zhou Tianhui's eyes disappeared instantly.

Oh yes! She and Chen Siyuan are boyfriend and girlfriend, but they don't sleep together, why is she shy?

Zhou Tianhui was suddenly enlightened because of a reminder from Mu Qing.

However, what she wanted to say was still a little hard to say.

Zhou Tianhui glanced at Mu Qing again before speaking.

Sister-in-law, my eldest brother, isn't he very good in that respect?


how about this

Say what?

Mu Qing completely did not expect that Zhou Tianhui would ask her this question.

Although Mu Qing's face was still serious, the speed of her heartbeat could not help but increase.

Tianhui, shouldn't you ask me about you and Comrade Xiao Chen? Why did you ask your elder brother?

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