Mu Xue, don't you think so? Sun Yingzhuo gave Mu Xue his eyesight.

Mu Xue reacted and immediately said, Oh... yes... yes... yes...

We just came to see if Mu Qing is okay.

Mu Qing glanced at the two of them, and probably knew what was going on.

She said slowly, I'm alive and kicking, I can eat and drink, but unfortunately, I didn't get what you wanted.

Leave things, you can go.

Mu Qing chased people away with no face at all.

When Mu Xue listened to Mu Qing's words, she instantly froze.

Mu Qing, we have all come to see you specially, what do you mean by acting like this?

Don't take our good intentions as donkey liver and lungs.

And the matter of Cao Jianguo has nothing to do with me. Don't bite people everywhere like a mad dog.

When did I say that Cao Jianguo's matter has something to do with you? Mu Qing raised her eyes and asked.

Mu Xue only felt a crack in her heart.

She knew that she was tricked by this fool.

It's good if you know. Don't forget, our family's identity as Yingzhuo. Mu Xue said fiercely.

When our family Yingzhuo returns to Beijing, you can only look up to us in the future. I advise you to be smart now.

Maybe we'll be able to give you a bite to eat at that time.

It's unnecessary. Mu Qing waved quickly. Although I am poor, I have no habit of robbing wild dogs for food.

Mu Qing, you actually called me a wild dog! Mu Xue widened her eyes in anger.

Oh, sorry, wrong, wrong. Mu Qing quickly explained again.

Mu Xue's face became a little better, and she immediately raised her chin high up in a arrogant voice.

It's you... Consciousness...

I made a mistake, your attribute is to add a mother after the wild.

Mu Qing! Mu Xue instantly exclaimed angrily.

Mu Qing looked at her bào angry look, and still said calmly:

I think your Sun Zhiqing is quite generous, and he can even bring you to see me.

If I were you, I should go home and explain it well. Why does Cao Jianguo drag you without saying anything.

Of course, I would also like to believe that cousin, you are kind-hearted, but my cousin-in-law has only known you for a few days.

He definitely doesn't know you as well as I do, don't you think, cousin-in-law?

As Mu Qing said that, she deliberately looked at Sun Yingzhuo.

However, he saw that Sun Yingzhuo's eyes were dim and bright, and he didn't seem to be angry.

Um? what happened?

Mu Qing couldn't help but wonder in her heart.

However, just as her doubts arose, Zhou Tianze, who was beside her, suddenly stood up.

He got up, cut off Sun Yingzhuo's eyes, and issued a warning at the same time.

Sun Yingzhuo, take care of your own daughter-in-law!

You can get out now.

Sun Yingzhuo turned his eyes slightly absent-minded, and his face showed a little embarrassment.

Okay, that's the end of the matter, I won't let Mu Xue come to disturb you in the future.

After Sun Yingzhuo finished speaking, he couldn't help but wanted to look for Mu Qing's figure again, but was stopped by Zhou Tianze's tall body.

He could only leave with a disappointed Tong Muxue.

On the way back, Mu Xue and Sun Yingzhuo got into trouble.

Isn't your family powerful and powerful? Why can't you stand up in front of the hapless Zhou?

You just watched your daughter-in-law feel wronged?

Look at Mu Qing's appearance, she...

Shut up! Sun Yingzhuo said angrily.

He stopped and looked at Mu Xue with disgust.

In the future, don't touch Mu Qing.

Also, the current wind is very strict with the educated youth, otherwise you think I will marry you.

Don't cause me any more trouble, or the two of us will just break up!

Sun Yingzhuo snorted coldly and walked ahead with a wave of his hand.

Mu Xue was full of anger, so she could only press on and follow.

Here, after Mu Qing washed and went back, she found that Zhou Tianze's expression was a bit weird.

She asked, Brother Zhou, what's the matter?

Still angry about Cao Jianguo?

No! Zhou Tianze said, reaching out and pulling Mu Qing back into his arms.

In the future... don't go back to Mu's house alone, and don't go out alone.

If you meet Sun Yingzhuo, ignore him!

Huh? Mu Qing expressed her doubts slightly.

She can understand in front of what it means in the back.

What happened to Sun Yingzhuo? Mu Qing asked.

Anyway, I just can't pay attention to her, remember?

As Zhou Tianze said, a squeak sounded.

Mu Qing was pressed on the bed by her.

She found that Zhou Tianze looked at her deeply and seriously.

The corners of the stubbornly pursed lips were a little sour.

Okay! Mu Qing compromised with a pursed smile on the corner of her mouth.

Don't laugh, be serious. Zhou Tianze leaned over and took a bite of Mu Qing.

That kid, don't worry about it.

It's all light looking at you, my daughter-in-law, can he see it? Don't even think about it...

Zhou Tianze said, angry, domineering and let Mu Qing completely become the baby in his palm...

Chapter 51

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