Then, she rang the small alarm that the space had purchased.

The alarm sound of Wahahahah sounded in the whole village in an instant.

Then, she quickly grabbed Cao Jianguo's big hand and jumped towards the bottom of the dam.

Cao Jianguo was afraid that Mu Qing would drag him to death, so naturally he would hold on to the fence next to him.

This scene looks like murder!

Yes, that's right, Mu Qing wanted to create this phenomenon.

Only in this way can Cao Jianguo be completely resolved.

Otherwise, the unsuccessful invasion just now will only be regarded as a hooligan for a few days.

Chapter 47

Zhou Tianze bào angrily beats people

Zhou Tianze, who was still on the roof of his new house, suddenly stood up straight when he heard the alarm sounding in the village.

Because the direction of the sound is the dam in the village!

What his wife just said was to go there!

A bad premonition rose from my heart.

He immediately dropped what was in his hand and said, Don't do it, everyone, if you have something to do, go quickly!

Before Zhou Tianze finished speaking, the man had already jumped from the second-story upstairs.

As soon as he landed, he didn't stop, and his body was like a nimble leopard, rushing towards the dam in the village.

Here, the small alarm in Mu Qing's pocket quickly attracted the villagers back.

When Mu Qing saw that they were approaching, she turned off the alarm and shouted out the lines she had prepared!

Do not kill me!

Cao Jianguo, don't listen to Mu Xue, don't kill me!


With a terrified cry, Mu Qing let go of Cao Jianguo's hand and fell straight from the top of the dam.

Before falling into the water, Mu Qing saw Mu Xue who had rushed to the scene.

She narrowed her eyes and smiled slowly at her.

People don't offend me, I don't offend people.

Since you don't want to be at peace with each other, don't blame me for disturbing you!

With a dong sound, Mu Qing's body fell into the water.

Here, Zhou Tianze, who had just arrived at the dam, jumped over the fence without anything and jumped into the water.

Then, towards the upstream of Mu Qing, he quickly swam over.

Mu Qing can swim, even if she can't, the oxygen bag in the space is enough to support her in the water for a long time.

She was holding her breath in the water, neither wanting to go up so fast nor let it be known that she could swim.

Otherwise, the effect will not be as good as expected.

It's just that she was holding her breath, thinking about who would go into the water to fish for her.

She suddenly found a familiar figure swimming towards her from a distance.

Mu Qing blinked, and immediately gave up holding her breath and struggled.

Because it was Zhou Tianze, she could completely believe that he would rescue her.

Soon, Zhou Tianze rushed over.

Mu Qing felt that he hugged her waist tightly, gave her two breaths, and then quickly took him out of the water.

Mu Qing closed her eyes the whole time, pretending to be dizzy.

She felt that Zhou Tianze had placed her on the flat grass, and pressed her hands on top of her.

Then, she squeezed her lips again to let out her breath.

After repeating this two or three times, Mu Qing spat out a mouthful of water and woke up.

As soon as she woke up, she immediately nestled into Zhou Tianze's arms and identified Cao Jianguo.

Cao Jianguo, he wants me to take money, he wants to kill me. My cousin wants to kill me too!

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she immediately grabbed Zhou Tianze's arms tightly.

He pretended to be afraid, but he was actually afraid of Zhou Tianze's chaos.

Because his face was completely cold, and the muscles in his body were stretched like a stone.

Zhou Tianze slowly held Mu Qing's hand, and the voice he spoke to Mu Qing when he turned back was very gentle.

However, Mu Qing could hear the trembling in his voice.

Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I'll get up and exercise my muscles and bones, and I'll be back soon.

After Zhou Tianze finished speaking, he slowly stood up.

Then, his body suddenly moved and flew towards Cao Jianguo.

Ah! It hurts! It hurts! Stop hitting, ah...

Zhou Tianze pursed his lips, grabbed Cao Jianguo's collar expressionlessly, and punched him with a fist.

At this time, Zhou Tianze was filled with cold-blooded and yīn forest like the king of hell.

Mu Qing looked at it and suddenly felt that she underestimated her position in Zhou Tianze's heart.

At the same time, she suddenly regretted designing such a set temporarily, which made Zhou Tianzexin think she was really worried.

Soon, Wang Mingda also rushed over.

However, when Zhou Tianze saw Wang Mingda coming, he didn't mean to stop at all.

It was not until Wang Ming reached the front that he slowly closed his fist.

However, he turned around and came to Mu Xue.

Then he sneered and wiped the blood of Cao Jianguo on the back of his hand on Mu Xue's face.

Mu Xue reacted, screamed ah in fright, and hid in Sun Yingzhuo's arms next to her.

Zhou Tianze looked at the couple coldly.

Sun Yingzhuo is somewhat lacking in confidence


Zhou Tianze, hitting someone is against the law.

It's illegal to beat someone, but what about intentional murder? Zhou Tianze asked in a cold voice.

Then, the corner of his mouth pursed into a sneer.

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