After she finished, she put the clothes on the bed and waited for a while before Zhou Tianze came back.

Zhou Tianze's slightly frowned brows loosened when he smelled the faint scent of honeysuckle in the room.

He closed the door with a big hand and walked quickly to Mu Qing.

With a force of both hands, he placed the person on his lap and rubbed it into his arms.

In the future, don't give me flowers anymore! Zhou Tianze pressed the rapid beating of his heart.

When Mu Qing heard this, her nose suddenly became sore.

If you don't like it, why are you holding me?

If you don't like it, I'll just throw it out. Mu Qing's small temper came up.

This man, I am afraid that he does not understand the meaning of honeysuckle at all.

She was so kind when she was blinded!

It's not that I don't like it, Zhou Tianze explained, while the strength in his hand tightened a little.

So many people, you send me flowers, I can't help but want it on the spot???

Zhou Tianze's words instantly turned Mu Qing's grievance into sweetness.

Although this man's words are rough, but the essence is similar.

Then try the shirt I made for you. Mu Qing blushed and arched out of Zhou Tianze's arms.

She picked up the shirt on her bed and made a row in front of Zhou Tianze.

It's my first time making clothes, I don't know...

Don't know!

Before Mu Qing's words were finished, Zhou Tianze suddenly came to her and held her in his arms again.

You can stroke it with your own hand, and you won't know if it's suitable or not.

As Zhou Tianze said that, he wanted to get close to Mu Qing.

God knows, he has been holding back from when Mu Qing sent flowers to now.

Hold on, he's not a man anymore!

Chapter 45

Send comrades away, pick wormwood

The next day, Mu Qing started chatting with Zhou Tianze.

Last night, although he was enthusiastic, he managed to restrain himself and didn't bother Mu Qing.

Zhou Tianze put on the shirt Mu Qing made for him, and fiddled in front of the mirror at the end of the bed.

Look at his strange appearance, as if he had never worn new clothes.

Daughter-in-law, am I looking particularly good today? Zhou Tianze asked back.

Well, very handsome, very good-looking. Mu Qing nodded earnestly in praise.

That's right, my daughter-in-law is ingenious and can do anything. Zhou Tianze praised proudly.

Even Mu Qing even wondered if the filter was too heavy.

After the two packed up, they went out.

In the yard, Lu Rover and Chen Biao were already stretching their muscles.

The two of them met Mu Qing and greeted him very warmly.

Good morning sister-in-law, good morning brother.

Well, good morning. Mu Qing smiled and nodded.

Then, she turned around and said to Zhou Tianze, You accompany them first, and I'll go to the kitchen to help Tianhui prepare breakfast.

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Zhou Tianhui was busy.

Tianhui, Lu Hu and Chen Biao are leaving today, let's prepare more food.

Mu Qing started talking to Zhou Tianhui while washing her hands.

Don't worry, sister-in-law, I steamed the steamed buns and will bring them later. Zhou Tianhui replied.

Steam 10 more boiled eggs to avoid hunger on the road.

As Mu Qing said that, she took 10 eggs, washed them, put them in the steamer and steamed them together.

Then, she helped Zhou Tianhui make breakfast.

Breakfast is millet porridge, corn cakes, capers, green vegetables, and steamed bacon.

After breakfast, Zhou Tianze took Mu Qing to send Lu Rover and Chen Biao away together.

Feng Shengli's tractor was waiting by the side, waiting to take the two of them to the county seat for a ride.

Two brothers, this is gān food, take it with you on the road.

Mu Qing handed them the prepared steamed buns, eggs, and sauerkraut minced meat sauce.

The two of them immediately turned their attention to Zhou Tianze.

What are you looking at me for? Zhou Tianze scolded with a bad temper.

He reached out and took the burden from Mu Qing's hand.

I don't know what to do next. I've made my daughter-in-law trust her for so long.

As Zhou Tianze said that, he stuffed something into their arms.

Let's go quickly, there will be no business to come back later.

Brother Zhou, you really don't want to go back with us, your legs are all healed. Chen Biao endured it for a long time, but couldn't help but say.

The chief said that when you go back, I will give you a promotion and a raise, which is no better than farming in the countryside.

You know shit! Zhou Tianze scolded directly.

Let's go quickly, don't talk nonsense. Go! Zhou Tianze yelled out.

In the end, the two of them could only bow their heads in disappointment and leave.

Mu Qing watched the tractor go away, then looked back at Zhou Tianze.

Brother Zhou, let's go back. We will meet again in the future.

Mu Qing calmed down.

Yeah. Zhou Tianze replied in a depressed mood.

He squeezed Mu Qing's hand, then turned around and went back to the business of building houses.


The weather is getting warmer, and in a blink of an eye, it's the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

The Zhou family's new house has already begun to cap, and it will be completed in a few days.

There is the Dragon Boat Festival in the fifth month of the lunar calendar.

A few days ago, Mu Qing saw a lot of green wormwood on the edge of the dam in the village.

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