Mu Qing was startled and quickly turned over while wrapped in a quilt.

Seeing Zhou Tianze who went back and forth, Mu Qing's eyes couldn't help but light up.

Tianze, why are you back? Mu Qing asked.

Forgot something?

Daughter-in-law! Zhou Tianze jumped on the bed happily.

Leader Yu went out with a different person. I can stay with you for the summer vacation.

Really! Mu Qing was shocked by the news.

Tianze, I like it.

The loss that Mu Qing had just accumulated was instantly rushed away.

She quickly held Zhou Tianze's face and kissed several times.

Boom boom boom sounded.

Wu Ma saw it at the door, and quickly coaxed the little guys to leave, and then helped them to close the door!

Chapter 372

sleep with wife

The two made out for a while before Mu Qing responded and asked Zhou Tianze.

Why don't you go on a mission again?

Didn't you say you want to go abroad for a mission?

what 's wrong?

Zhou Tianze looked at his daughter-in-law and showed a big smile.

Captain Yu asked Battalion Commander Zhang to go.

Let Battalion Zhang go? Mu Qing looked at Zhou Tianze suspiciously, waiting for him to continue to explain to her.

Zhou Tianze stretched out his hand, took his daughter-in-law into his arms, and continued to explain.

The army is too chaotic. Commander Yu doesn't trust the battalion commander Zhang, so he sent him out and asked me to guard it in the army.

Isn't Comrade Li Hongxia still with a big belly, Captain Yu is worried.

Oh! That's what happened. Mu Qing nodded, expressing her understanding.

This time the arms smuggling involved Xu Changqing and the political commissar's wife Zhuo Xiuli.

Regardless of whether the political commissar is involved or not, Yu Zhenyong is afraid that in a short period of time, he will no longer trust him.

Therefore, at this time, the only person Yu regiment trusted most was her man Zhou Tianze.

Because Zhou Tianze came here for a short time and his abilities were so powerful, he did not join with other forces.

Now for Zhenyong, Zhou Tianze is still the most secure subordinate.

Mu Qing was of course happy about this.

It's good, so we can still be together for two months.

Mu Qing grabbed the clothes on Zhou Tianze's chest and looked up at him with a smile.

With a sound of Boom, Zhou Tianze lowered his head and kissed his daughter-in-law.

Daughter-in-law, I was tired of you last night. You go to bed first. I'll go watch a few little guys and ask them not to disturb you.

Zhou Tianze said he was about to go out, but was pulled back by Mu Qing.

She raised her eyes and looked at him.

As for the meaning in her eyes, she let Zhou Tianze experience it herself.

Zhou Tianze looked at the hand on his chest and couldn't help but smile.

Daughter-in-law, be good, go to bed and come back at night.

Mu Qing started and pulled Zhou Tianze's clothes again.

You didn't sleep last night, come up to sleep. Mu Qing said.

These little guys can play by themselves, you go to sleep for a while.

As Mu Qing said that, she made room for Zhou Tianze to come out.

Zhou Tianze grabbed Mu Qing's hand and kissed it on his lips.

He looked at his daughter-in-law, his eyes were affectionate, and his words were sweet and soft.

Daughter-in-law, you're so nice, and I'm tired of knowing that I feel sorry for your man.

When Mu Qing heard this, she couldn't help but glance at Zhou Tianze.

if not?

You still think I'm a fox jīng?

When Zhou Tianze heard this, he smiled and hugged Mu Qing.

How can my daughter-in-law be a fox, how can a fox have a daughter-in-law, you are so gentle and elegant.

It's almost the same, go to sleep, Tian Ze.

Mu Qing raised her hand and covered Zhou Tianze with a thin sheet on top of him.

Zhou Tianze turned around, and directly hugged Mu Qing in his arms.

Sleeping with your daughter-in-law in your arms is fragrant.

Mu Qing paused for a while and found that Zhou Tianze didn't seem to be doing anything else, so he put his hand on his waist and slowly fell asleep.

Wu Ma knew that Zhou Tianze and Mu Qing were sleeping, so she did not let the three children disturb them.

In the end, the three little guys were really noisy.

Wu Ma took them out for a walk.

Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze slept very sweetly.

By the time the two of them woke up, it was already noon.

The two of them made lunch and waited for the three little guys to come back.

In the afternoon, Zhou Tianze took the three little guys and Mu Qing to the army's open space and practiced shepherding.

However, what surprised Zhou Tianze was that his wife's striking skills were really good!

Daughter-in-law, who did you learn from? It's pretty good. Zhou Tianze couldn't help but sigh.

I said it was talent, do you believe it? Mu Qing asked deliberately.

Trust! Zhou Tianze nodded immediately.

My daughter-in-law is amazing, she can do anything


As Zhou Tianze said that, he patted the little guys who were circling around him.

You three, learn from your mother anyway.

Zhou Tianze suddenly said such a sentence, and the three little guys were all dumbfounded.

What's the matter with them?

The three of them are still kids!

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