Come back home and make sure you have enough.

Who covets your beauty? Mu Qing was embarrassed and raised her eyes to stare at Zhou Tianze, a self-satisfied man.

Haha... Zhou Tianze laughed softly when he heard this.

Daughter-in-law, when did I say that you coveted my beauty, you can't hide your thoughts.

My man, I chose, mine, and I won't let you see, kiss, or touch.

Mu Qing was so annoyed that she grabbed Zhou Tianze's chest.

Zhou Tianze hurriedly took action and held Mu Qing's messy little hand.

Daughter-in-law, don't mess around, it's a serious time.

Seeing that Zhou Tianze's face gradually became serious, Mu Qing immediately stopped and looked around.

Over there, Xu Changqing and the others had already run away in a car.

Seeing this, Mu Qing said with great regret.

Tianze, you can actually follow.

I'm here to watch, you can come back later.

Or, you are guarding here, and I'll go see what they're doing behind them.

Just when Mu Qing sighed, Zhou Tianze suddenly said something.

If something goes wrong, who will be responsible?

As soon as Zhou Tianze said deep words, Mu Qing immediately stopped talking.

Daughter-in-law, you are not a soldier, there is no need to take risks with me.

If it wasn't for you today, we wouldn't even be able to find out about this.

If you weren't there, I could only do this.

I can't ask you to do anything more than just because you are my family.

Also, the soldiers in the army are not so cowardly. I'll step on it first, and I'll discuss a plan with them later.

Well, that's fine. This time, Mu Qing nodded obediently.

Just listen to your professional.

Mu Qing held Zhou Tianze's hand and smiled.

Then, they circled around the old house again.

It was found that the windows around the old house had been sealed with wooden blocks.

If they wanted to go in to check, they could only go in while the two men at the door were changing guards.

In other words, directly and quietly open a dòng around the old house.

The two methods, of course, the second one is more secretive, and will not be discovered by others.

Chapter 365

Daughter in law do something for me

Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze discussed it for a while, and finally spent a few dollars to let the surrounding villagers come here for a few laps to divert their attention.

Taking advantage of the moment when their attention was diverted, Mu Qing and Zhou Tianze went to the back of the old house.

Tianze, use this.

Seeing that Zhou Tianze was about to move the wooden board on the window with his bare hands, Mu Qing hurriedly took out a hammer from the space.

And lied and said, I just bought it from the villagers here.

When Zhou Tianze heard it, he completely believed what his daughter-in-law said.

joke! He can disbelieve anyone in this world, how could he disbelieve his daughter-in-law.

Daughter-in-law, you really have foresight. Zhou Tianze immediately praised her daughter-in-law.

After complimenting, he started to do it.

With a hammer to help pry the nails, it is more secure and secretive than moving the board with bare hands, and it will not disturb the people in front.

Zhou Tianze was strong and fast, and quickly removed the wooden board above the window of the old house.

After removing it, he entered the room himself, and then turned around and carried Mu Qing in.

The movements of the two were carefully placed so as not to be heard by outsiders.

However, the two of them listened to the movement outside, and found that the few dollars did not seem to be given in vain.

The aunt and aunt who invited me started talking about the two gatekeepers.

This day, from the south to the north, anyway, it is a random chuī.

Chuī got the two gatekeepers, and he was in no mood.

Zhou Tianze and Mu Qing smiled at each other before coming to check the contents of the old house.

The site of the old house is still quite large.

On the open space in the living room, there are wooden boxes one by one.

Zhou Tianze held the hammer and gently pried it open to see that there were guns and ammunition under the straw.

Zhou Tianze's face darkened when he saw this.

Really. His tone, he couldn't tell how he felt.

How to say Xu Changqing also worked with him for a while, and now it was found out that he was smuggling.

This is not a happy thing for Zhou Tianze.

For their Southwest Corps and Yu Zhenyong, it is not something to be happy about.

Companions break the law, it is more disappointment and helplessness.

Zhou Tianze gently put the lid back, and then checked the rest of the boxes.

Without exception, it's all guns and ammunition.

Zhou Tianze checked it silently, and when it was almost time, he and Mu Qing went out through the window.

Then, the two of them hid in the weeds not far from the old house again.

Zhou Tianze looked at the old house in front of him, his mind turned.

Daughter-in-law, can you help me with something? Zhou Tianze clenched Mu Qing's hand.

What's the matter? Mu Qing asked.

Before Zhou Tianze could say anything, Mu Qing had already guessed it.

Do you want me to go back and call someone?

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