Oh, that's fine then, it really scared me just now.

Ma Xiaoyun patted his chest and rejoiced for a while before his eyes turned to Li Hongxia.

Why isn't Comrade Li so fat?

It seems that Comrade Li is not worried either.

Haha... Mu Qing couldn't help laughing when she heard this.

Sister Li is different from you. What she needs to focus on is her health. Obesity is not important.

Yes. Li Hongxia nodded.

She raised her hand and touched her round belly, her face full of maternal radiance.

I don't care if I'm fat, thin, beautiful or ugly. I only care about my children being safe and healthy.

Ma Xiaoyun glanced at his belly, then touched it and said.

Me too, but it's better to be good.

Then you two sit and wait for me for a while, and I'll go get some delicious food and serve you two.

Mu Qing said, patted the backs of Li Hongxia and Ma Xiaoyun's hands, then got up and entered the room.

Now, Li Hongxia and Ma Xiaoyun are both in the third trimester of pregnancy. It is good to eat some nuts to replenish energy at this time.

So, Mu Qing entered the room and took out a lot of walnuts, nuts, and peanut sesame paste from the space.

These things were the best ones she bought at the beginning, and pregnant women can also eat them with confidence.

Mu Qing took out the things, and first made a cup of peanut and sesame paste for the two of them to try.

See if the two of them can get used to these things.

When Ma Xiaoyun saw the food, he did not refuse.

She was the first to taste the peanut sesame paste that Mu Qing brought back from the 21st century.

Fragrant, soft, glutinous, delicious! Ma Xiaoyun shook his feet, his eyes almost lit up.

Li Hongxia tried it and was full of admiration.

Well, it tastes good, and it's quite fragrant.

Then if you like it, bring more back home. Mu Qing said immediately.

Okay, okay, sister-in-law, you are really kind. Ma Xiaoyun immediately agreed.

I'll trouble you, big sister. Li Hongxia also said.

No trouble, we are all good friends, good sisters.

Mu Qing said, and quickly divided the two of them into two bags.

Tonight, eat here with me, and I'll cook you something delicious. Mu Qing invited.

Okay, okay, sister-in-law, the food you made is delicious, I want to eat it. Ma Xiaoyun nodded in agreement.

Li Hongxia smiled softly, but was sorry.

I'm afraid not.

When Li Hongxia said this, Ma Xiaoyun next to her immediately broke the news.

I know! I know! It's because the head of the regiment watched closely, and didn't let Comrade Li walk around casually.

Ma Xiaoyun, you big mouth, why are you yelling so loudly!

It was an ordinary thing, but when Ma Xiaoyun yelled so much, Li Hongxia was instantly embarrassed.

Mu Qing laughed while watching, but she was really happy for Li Hongxia.

Brother Yu is really a good man, and you are so kind to Sister Li.

Hearing this, Li Hongxia turned her eyes around Mu Qing a few times.

Immediately, she couldn't help but smile.

Your battalion commander Zhou, when you're not around, I heard that he often runs the playground in the middle of the night.

You didn't go last night.

Everyone was from here. When Li Hongxia said this, Mu Qing blushed instantly.

Yeah, I didn't run the playground last night.

How to vent your energy here!

Chapter 357

Ren Junduo pick

Zhou Tianze didn't come back late at night, so Mu Qing left him a meal.

Then they ate together.

After eating, Mu Qing sent Ma Xiaoyun back.

It was dark and she was a pregnant woman, so she had to be more careful.

On the way back, Mu Qing happened to bump into Zhou Tianze.

So the couple held hands and walked back slowly.

Mu Qing walked side by side with Zhou Tianze, feeling a little decadent in his body.

She took Zhou Tianze's hand and walked more slowly.

Then he spoke softly and softly.

Tianze, why do you seem unhappy?

Is there a... What's the matter...

Before Mu Qing finished speaking, there was a sound of clothes rubbing in the air.

She was pressed into the corner of the eaves next to her by Zhou Tianze.

Immediately afterwards, the rapid breathing rang in Mu Qing's ears.

Huhuhu... One after another, it sounded very clearly in Mu Qing's ears.

Mu Qing looked at Zhou Tianze's abnormal appearance, and tried her best to be submissive without resisting.

Zhou Tianze looked at Mu Qing's eyes with tightness.

In the dim moonlight, it also emits a deep light.

Tianze...what's the matter? Mu Qing reached out her hand gently and held Zhou Tianze's face.

The man's face has lost a lot of weight compared to the New Year's period, and the man has become a lot darker.

But there is still spirit and spirit.

It's just that his reaction at this time was a bit abnormal.

Zhou Tianze stared at Mu Qing for a while with his eyes frighteningly bright and his eyes tightened.

Then, with a sudden force, he pulled Mu Qing into his arms.

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