When she saw Mu Qing come in, she deliberately revealed the Seagull watch on her hand.

I see, our Yingzhuo bought it for me.

Mu Xue proudly showed off.

Mu Qing raised her hand and pulled down the sleeve of her right hand, covering the Shanghai brand watch in her hand.

she thinks:

Be low-key, otherwise it will easily make people hate the rich.

The watch is very beautiful, but your makeup looks like a monkey.

Mu Qing's words successfully angered Mu Xue.

You fool, you know shit! Mu Xue got up angrily and cursed.

I don't understand, but I know how to draw, it will be more beautiful. Mu Qing said.

You can wear makeup? Mu Xue's face was full of distrust.

That's right, otherwise, look at how I suddenly became beautiful! Mu Qing said, and showed her face to Mu Xue.

Although Mu Xue was angry, she had to admit it.

Mu Qing is indeed much prettier than before.

Then are you still dumbfounded? Why don't you come and help me? Mu Xue said fiercely.

You can help you. Mu Qing said, her eyes turned to Li Duojiao.

However, you have to let this Comrade Li go out. Makeup is also a skill, so you can't be seen and learned.

Mu Qing's words made Li Duojiao feel a little embarrassed.

However, Mu Xue immediately asked Li Duojiao to go out in order to be beautiful.

Jiaojiao, you go out first, don't waste my time.

Okay. Li Duojiao glanced at Mu Qing before going out.

Mu Qing closed the door and went behind Mu Xue.

I can put makeup on you, but you have to close your eyes first.

You can't open your eyes until I'm finished, and you don't say open your eyes.

You're not going to mess around, are you? Mu Xue's eyes were full of precaution.

No. How could it be? Mu Qing affirmed.

If I mess around and go back and spread the word, it will also tarnish my reputation.

Then... that's fine! Mu Xue hesitated for a while, but agreed.

She closed her eyes.

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth showed a satisfied smile.

She pretended to put her hand into her trouser pocket, but actually took the makeup out of the space.

After the transformation of space, cosmetics instantly become what they should look like in this era.

Mu Qing applied makeup remover to Mu Xue, then cleaned her face, moisturised her skin, moisturised her skin, followed by makeup cream, isolation, air cushion...

After one pass, Mu Xuebai turned into several shades.

However, Mu Qing didn't do too much for her.

Then, she paints her brows, eyeliner, eyeshadow...and finally big lipstick.

For eye shadow and blush, Mu Qing tried to use things that could be found in this era, so as not to arouse suspicion.

Okay, you can open your eyes. Mu Qing put her hands on Mu Xue's ears and said softly.

Mu Xue slowly opened her eyes, and was turned over by herself in the mirror.

He almost screamed with excitement.

You have to mess with your hair. Mu Qing continued.

She took scissors, cut a piece of red cloth down, and then clicked it twice, cut it into strips, twisted it into a twist shape, and tied it to Mu Xue's head.

Mu Xue dressed up like this, with no rural atmosphere at all, rather like someone who came out of a movie.

She raised her eyes arrogantly and looked at Mu Qing.

For the sake of helping me today, I don't care about the past with you.

However, you took our family's money, you'd better return it quickly.

Otherwise, my grandma and mother, there are ways to make you cry.

All the clothes on the table are mine, even if you gave me a wedding gift.

As long as you like it.

Mu Qing smiled kindly, but in her heart she was already looking forward to the scene when Cao Jianguo came back.

Because, when she went to the city yesterday, by the way, she was told about the marriage certificate between Mu Xue and Sun Zhiqing.

This Cao Jianguo, but Mu Xue's parallel head in his previous life, even pushed the fool Mu Qing into the river and drowned.

Today is such a happy day, of course she has to make them happy!

Chapter 36

find fault

After Mu Qing dressed up Mu Xue, Sun Yingzhuo walked in.

He had a reluctant look on his face originally, but when he saw Mu Xue's slack face, it lit up.

You... He moved his lips in surprise, How come you're so beautiful?

Mu Xue raised her eyebrows when she heard the compliment.

That's right, today is our wedding day, and of course I have to tidy myself up.

I'm dressed up, but I'm pretty.

As Mu Xue spoke, she immediately gave Mu Qing her eyesight again.

Mu Qing, go out, I don't need you here.

Okay then, I'll go out first. Mu Qing agreed in a very eloquent manner.

She left the new house and returned to Zhou Tianze's side.

There were a few more people in the yard.

Zhou Tianze approached Mu Qing,

Xin asked, Has Mu Xue embarrassed you?

Don't be afraid, I'm your man. If they dare to bully you, I will definitely seek justice for you.

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