Mu Qing looked at the time, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

She made herself a cup of coffee, and didn't sleep.

She has read all the materials just now, and now it is time to practice.

Practice can help her better integrate knowledge.

It has been said before that in Mu Qing's space, objects are converted into things that match the characteristics of the age.

If it cannot be converted, it means that there is no such thing in this era.

Therefore, Mu Qing copied her own computer and converted a lot of computers from the late 1970s.

The shape is so old-fashioned that Mu Qing's hands are unfamiliar!

However, Mu Qing still started.

She was in the space, trying to take apart the computers one by one, and then put them back together.

Destroy a place, then fix it.

After doing this for a while, the sky was completely bright.

Mu Qing changed her clothes, kissed a few little guys, and after breakfast she hurried to school on her bicycle.

Today is the opening ceremony.

At the opening ceremony, everyone was full of spirit.

However, there were only five people in their computer department. They were led by Teacher Luo and stood aside, very eye-catching!

Chapter 308

computer repair

The frequent glances around made several male students in the computer department turn their heads to the side very uncomfortable.

However, Teacher Luo, who took the lead in standing in front, was still standing upright, completely ignoring the eyes of others.

Mu Qing admired him very much when she saw him being so spoiled and not surprised.

The small body that was standing upright now became a little straighter.

Looking at it from a distance, it feels quite a bit proud and cold.

When several male students saw Mu Qing and Teacher Luo, the embarrassed expressions on their faces disappeared a lot.

Then, they also imitated Teacher Luo and Mu Qing, and stood up straight.

When they really stood up, they realized that those eyes were not so unacceptable.

Moreover, other people's eyes are just curious, not malicious.

Ten years of faults have made this opening ceremony very meaningful.

Under the stage, both teachers and classmates listened very attentively.

Mu Qing looked at the front with serious eyes, but the spirit had already entered the space and continued to ponder her computer.

After the computer problem was solved, she wanted to study the telephone.

At that time, I will give it to her and Zhou Tianze, as well as my grandparents and Zhou Shuisheng.

Then it will be easier to get in touch.

Mu Qing didn't know how long God Jing stayed in the space until Wang Genshun's voice came from the side.

Mu Qing, Mu Qing...

Ah! Huh? What's wrong? What's the matter? Mu Qing asked with a bit of daze.

Wang Genshun pointed to the front and opened his mouth to remind.

The opening ceremony is over, we can go back to the department.

Oh, let's go then. Mu Qing responded and quickly followed the pace of the computer department.

Mu Qing followed Teacher Luo and the others back to the Department of Computer Science.

Teacher Luo gave them the timetable for five.

This is your class schedule. Teacher Luo said.

Professional courses can't be left behind. Basic courses and elective courses can be passed.

What I want to train is computer professionals, and it doesn't matter if the rest are random.

However, you must listen carefully to my class, and you can't miss a single class, remember?

Teacher Luo spoke out sternly.

When Mu Qing and the five of them heard it, they immediately answered in unison.

Understood, teacher.

Well, good. Today I'll take you to repair the computers and see if I can fix those two.

When Teacher Luo said this, the four male students next to Mu Qing were very excited.

That kind of feeling, it's similar to the feeling that they finally seem to be able to flex their muscles.

However, Mu Qing was also very happy.

I don't know if she can help Teacher Luo after studying hard all night.

A teacher and five students came to the computer room again.

Wang Genshun and the others were not as excited as they were yesterday, and their eyes were replaced by cautiousness and seriousness.

Seeing them like this, Mu Qing also restrained the smile at the corner of her mouth and her face became serious.

Because Mu Qing is a lesbian, Teacher Luo didn't even think about asking Mu Qing to help at the beginning.

In ordinary people's cognition, girls are born with shortcomings in terms of computers.

Although Mu Qing's college entrance examination mathematics is a perfect score, but it does not mean that her other conditions are very good.

Teacher Luo kept instructing several male classmates to do things. Mu Qing was standing aside now, looking at their clumsy appearances, she really wanted to come forward and say a word.

I can! let me on!

However, Teacher Luo didn't speak, and Mu Qing was embarrassed to make the teacher feel that she was impatient, loves performance, and is eager for quick success.

Therefore, Mu Qing watched from the sidelines, waiting for them to help when they were too busy.

Mu Qing waited for about 20 minutes, and Lin Quan finally stopped.

There is a problem.

Teacher, I don't dare to do it! Lin Quan spread his hands, his face was so anxious that sweat was about to come out.

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