She's a dead girl, and she doesn't know what she's learning outside.

Not only slander our family, but also slander our family Mu Xue.

She was messing around with Sun Zhiqing behind the haystack, and when the Zhou family saw it, she bit back and said that we taught her.

My heart, it really hurts!

I take good care of her, why did she become a blind eye!

Zhang chūnhua's move is a typical villain who complains first and then bites back.

When Mu Qing heard this, she immediately refuted.

Zhang chūnhua, can you still order your face?

Ask Sun Zhiqing, are we messing around?

As soon as Mu Qing spoke like this, everyone's eyes shifted to Sun Yingzhuo.

Sun Yingzhuo was seen embarrassed, but he still said it.

Me and Silly... Comrade Mu Qing and I are innocent.

I just broke my belt and happened to pass by the haystack where Comrade Mu Qing was resting.

As for Mu Qing pulling her pants up to find the Big White Rabbit toffee, it was a lifelong shame for Sun Yingzhuo.

It was impossible for him to tell.

You fart! Zhang chūnhua cursed aggressively.

She turned her eyes and found Zhou Tianze again.

Boy Zhou, you were the first to arrive at the scene. You caught it. Say it!

When Mu Qing heard this, she only felt a little mysterious in her heart.

Because Zhou Tianze is an upright man, it is impossible to insult his own personality and lie.

Her eyes, too, looked at Zhou Tianze worriedly.

Zhou Tianze raised his head and raised his chest, not squinting.

He said calmly: I was the first to arrive at the time. When I arrived, Sun Zhiqing was clutching his pants tightly.

Comrade Mu Qing is looking for the Big White Rabbit toffee in his mouth.

After listening to Zhou Tianze's words, Mu Qing was relieved.

This week, Tianze was helping her, and his words were no longer as arbitrary as before.

Mu Qing took the opportunity and immediately seized the opportunity to shoot.

Uncle Captain...

Mu Qing's emotions were brewing, and she came to Wang Mingda's table with a choked voice.

Uncle Captain, you want to get justice for me, woo woo...

As Mu Qing said that, she started to cry.

While crying, she said, The Mu family, they all bully me!

They've called me a fool since I was a kid.

No food, no clothes, and I live in a firewood shed.

If I dare to speak out, they will beat me and lock me up.

My dad...the money my dad sent back over the years has been used by them.

They used the pension not long ago to buy a Shanghai brand watch for Mu Xue, and also bought her new leather shoes and new clothes.

Listening to Mu Qing's words, Wang Mingda couldn't help looking at Mu Xue.

Sure enough, he saw that Mu Xue was wearing a brand-new watch and bright leather shoes. The style of clothes was also popular in the county.

Although there are many people in the Mu family, it is impossible to live such a good life if they are not diligent.

That only means that what Mu Qing said was true.

Seeing Wang Mingda's gaze sank, Mu Qing continued to strike while the iron was hot.

They also said that my father is dead and that no one cares about me. They want to marry the hunchback in the next village for money.

Although I am stupid, I also know that if I don't resist, I will die.

When Mu Qing said this, she deliberately bit the flesh of her lips and sobbed.

Looking at her today, if they don't kill them, they have to peel off a layer of skin.

Wang Mingda looked at Mu Qing's pitiful appearance with sympathy.

He shot slowly and patted Mu Qing on the shoulder to comfort him.

Girl, the party and the country will not let the children of heroes be treated by others.

The state advocates freedom of marriage, and no one can force you.

Captain, she's talking nonsense! She's a fool, and she can't count what she said.

Zhang chūnhua, who was beside him, had a bad premonition, and hurriedly plugged in.

Our family provides her with delicious food and drinks, and records are recorded every month...

Come on! Wang Mingda stopped.

It's all a brigade, what kind of virtue do you have in your family, do you think others have no eyes to see?

After Wang Mingda scolded, he turned to look at Mu Qing again.

Girl, don't be afraid...

Go back in the future, if they bully you, you can go to the brigade to file a complaint, and we will help you seek justice.

Mu Qing listened to Wang Mingda's words, as if she would not give the Mu family any serious punishment.

Immediately I felt unhappy.

She said directly, Uncle Captain, I want to separate households, I don't want to stay with their family.

I want him to take all the money from my father for greedy ink and ink.

Separate households! Wang Mingda was surprised.

Chapter 4

The fool is going to marry the unlucky one

Wang Mingda paused for a while before speaking.

Girl, although it is said that women can hold up half the sky, it's not easy to live in separate households.

You are the daughter of a hero, and we should take good care of you.

Mu Qing listened to Wang Mingda's words, but she didn't care.

She had already made up her mind that she would not live with the scumbags of the Mu family just because of Wang Mingda's two words.

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