Daughter-in-law, I will rest for the next two days. Let's go out and walk around tomorrow.

Turn around? Where to turn around? Mu Qing asked, her eyes shining brightly.

Zhou Tianze washed his face and turned to Mu Qing's side.

You don't like to collect things, you like to be lively. There are several ethnic minority areas nearby. I heard that they are very good for shopping.

In October, they have activities. Just these two days, I will take you and Tianhui out for a walk, and by the way, I will give you two some relaxation.

That's it, then I'll prepare for the evening and go out early tomorrow.

Well. Zhou Tianze nodded, and his big hand touched his daughter-in-law's hand again.

He looked at his daughter-in-law and continued to speak.

Daughter-in-law, am I great today?

Mu Qing raised her eyes to look at Zhou Tianze, couldn't help but pursed the smile at the corner of her mouth, reached out and pulled Zhou Tianze's ear.

What? Have you learned to invite credit?

Don't take credit, just give some benefits.

Zhou Tianze's eyes clearly fell on Mu Qing's body, what it meant, it was almost self-evident.

Daughter-in-law, you reviewed your homework recently, but I didn't bother you.

Then tonight...

Hearing this, Mu Qing glanced at Zhou Tianze directly.

You're going out tomorrow, do you want Tianhui to see my jokes?

Then it's alright when you come back, Zhou Tianze asked.

If you have the strength, you can come.

Mu Qing said, her face flushed, and she hurriedly made an excuse and walked out.

Zhou Tianze looked at the back of her daughter-in-law and couldn't help but be excited for a while.

He shouted towards Mu Qing's back, Daughter-in-law, don't you know about your man's physical strength? It's great.

Rogue. Mu Qing whispered back, and immediately walked away.

Chapter 241

Three little guys, who is bullying whom?

After Zhou Tianhui came back, she was very happy to know that she was going out the next day.

Before she had dinner, she immediately ran back to the army and asked for leave from the military doctor Bai.

On the second day, Zhou Tianhui was more active in preparing things than Mu Qing.

Mu Qing waited until she was ready before speaking to her.

Tianhui, your things are ready, can you help to run to Li Hongxia's house and tell her what we are going out today.

In case she doesn't know later, come over again.

As soon as Zhou Tianhui put away the things in her hand, she immediately agreed.

Sister-in-law, yes, I'll go right there, I'm moving very fast.

After Zhou Tianhui finished speaking, she ran out.

In fact, Mu Qing's things here are almost the same.

The three little guys also put on beautiful new clothes.

It looks like three angels who have landed in the world.

Mu Qing fiddled with the three of them, and then started to take things one by one onto the car.

The place they go out is a bit far, and it is very inconvenient not to take a car.

But fortunately, she has a car, so she can buy more things to come back.

When Mu Qing was about to get her things, Zhou Tianhui also flew back.

Sister-in-law, everything is done, we can set off. Zhou Tianhui said happily when she came to her.

I'm almost ready here, so let's hold the child, call your elder brother, and let's go together.

Okay. Zhou Tianhui responded and ran back immediately.

But after a while, Zhou Tianhui hugged An An, and Zhou Tianze walked out with Yuanyuan and Kangkang.

Then, the five of them got into the car and started heading towards the county town next door.

The weather in October is already very cool, not as sultry as before.

Overall, it was a very good day for travel.

A few little guys have grown up, and their favorite thing is to see all the novelties outside.

Mu Qing and Zhou Tianhui were sitting outside, but they couldn't stop the curious movements of the three little guys.

In particular, Yuanyuan and Kangkang climbed hard on Mu Qing and Zhou Tianhui, wanting to see the outside world from the window.

Although An An also wanted to climb, but Nai He couldn't compare to her two brothers.

Can only be anxious to call out in a hurry above the location.


A few little guys have recently learned to speak and can make some relatively simple sounds.

Mu Qing looked at An An's anxious eyes that were about to turn red, and hurriedly comforted her.

An An, don't worry.

Mom coaxes brother, and I'll hug you.

As Mu Qing said that, she started talking to Yuanyuan, who was looking at the scenery with great energy.

Yuanyuan, you've been watching it for a while, and my sister hasn't watched it at all.

The three of us, take turns watching.

You show your sister first, then Kangkang shows you again, and An An shows Kangkang again.

By taking turns, you can see different scenery, and everyone can see it.

Yuanyuan nodded knowingly, then climbed off Mu Qing's body and gave her place to An An.




An An had something to look at, and immediately crawled over to Mu Qing's body happily.

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