What are you two doing standing in my way?

Xiong Liqun's child looked at Mu Qing and said with great dissatisfaction.

We both saw it just now. You give candy to other people's children, why don't you give candy to ours?

You are discriminating. If you don't give us two candies today, I will sue you.

As soon as Xiong Liqun's children finished speaking, Zhang Dongmei's children immediately followed suit.

Right, we're going to sue you!

Listening to the words of these two little brats, Mu Qing almost slapped them both.

No. Mu Qing said coldly.

If these two little brats talk to her properly, she might give them two more.

However, small children have learned to threaten, which is not a good thing.

If she gave it to them today, it would be no different from harming them.

After Mu Qing finished speaking, she moved the small push button on her hand.

Get out of the way quickly, or be careful I will tell your mother and let her spank both of you.

Mu Qing then threatened.

However, the two little brats are usually just plain spoiled.

Not only did the two of them not let go, but instead, they directly reached out their little hands, hugged Mu Qing's little pusher, and hung the whole body up.

I won't let you leave without the candy. The two little kids said in unison.

Come down! Mu Qing said fiercely.

Zhang Dongmei's daughter couldn't help muttering.

Every child gave it last time, but you won't give it to us this time?

The children in that family also throw bugs on the three of them, you give them all.

Neither of us threw it away.

What? Whose? Mu Qing's eyes flashed, and she finally had to catch the clue.

Mu Qing looked at Zhang Dongmei's child, and the expression on her face softened a lot.

She put her hand into her pocket, and actually took out a large amount of beautiful fruit candies from the space.

Whose child are you talking about just now, tell Auntie, all these candies are yours.

Just like that child from the aunt's family who usually plays with Xiaopang's mother very well, his family lives there!

As soon as Zhang Dongmei's daughter saw the candy, she happily told everything.

When Xiong Liqun's children saw it, they immediately shouted unhappily.

I want it too! I want it too!

Your candy looks much better than the candy my mother gave them that day.

And your mother! The smile on Mu Qing's face grew even more.

It seems that she is not far from the truth of the matter.

Then tell me what happened that day, especially after I left, and what happened before.

I'll give you double the amount of candy. Mu Qing coaxed the child.

Children don't lie about these things.

Okay, I'll tell you, but don't tell my mother...

Xiong Liqun's child immediately spoke up, and in the end he got three handfuls of candy from Mu Qing.

He happily followed Zhang Dongmei's children to eat candy, but he didn't know that he had revealed his mother's yīn conspiracy to bào.

Mu Qing watched the two children leave, the gentle smile on her face turned into a stern like a villain.

Xiong Liqun, you dare to plot against my child, let's see if I don't beat you.

Don't think I won't blush with you.

Mu Qing said, and directly pushed the small push button to change the direction.

She bent over and whispered to the little guys.

Babies, mother will avenge you!

Mom may be a little fierce later, but it's not for you, don't be afraid of you three, you know?

As soon as Mu Qing said this, the three little guys responded immediately.



Ah ah ah...

The babies are so nice.

Mu Qing couldn't help laughing and touched the heads of a few little guys.

Then he raised his head again, his face sank, and walked directly towards the family that Zhang Dongmei's daughter mentioned.

Mu Qing had also heard about that family.

The woman's man was a company commander, unremarkable.

That woman is thin and small, and usually likes to stay with Xiong Liqun.

Two people are basically the type that wears a pair of pants.

However, her acting skills are really good.

When she went to her house just now, she didn't see any flaws.

Chapter 229

play with bugs

Mu Qing quickly came to the woman's residence.

Just happened to bump into her who was about to go out.

Mu Qing looked at her with a smile, Are you going to go out to Comrade Xiong's house?

The woman's face froze when she saw Mu Qing who suddenly appeared.

No, I just went out for a walk. The woman said awkwardly.

She looked at Mu Qing and asked tentatively.

Comrade Mu, haven't you been here just now? Why are you here again now?


I'll come to see you. Mu Qing continued to keep a smile on her face.

When the woman heard this, she couldn't help but look strangely at Mu Qing.

Didn't you already see it just now? Why are you here again?

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