The aggrieved expression on his face became even more powerful.

At the same time, the strength of his embrace of his daughter-in-law is also increasing.

He deliberately leaned into Mu Qing's ear and spoke.

Daughter-in-law, can we not mention the old accounts from the past?

The tone in his mouth was as soft as a sheep, but the strength in his hand was like a hungry láng.

You didn't mention it first, let go and drink the soup.

Mu Qing shrank, raised her hand and patted his big hand.

She was very afraid that this man would do something inappropriate for children in front of several children.

Zhou Tianze reluctantly let go of Mu Qing's body, but made a domineering announcement.

I have a mission tomorrow, and I have to be full today!

Mu Qing's face flushed, and she hurriedly glanced at him.

Don't say this in front of the child, eat yours first.

Zhou Tianze was happy when he saw that his daughter-in-law was shy.

Yes, eat the winter melon and mung bean soup first, and then eat the daughter-in-law.

Rogue! Mu Qing cursed in a low voice, and quickly turned around to play with the little guys.

This man is really becoming more and more open to meat.

Brother Zhou, who used to be an honest man, is gone forever.

Chapter 200

Xiong Liqun to find fault

The next day, Mu Qing deliberately got up early to make breakfast for Zhou Tianze.

I still have a lot of the insect repellent ointment I made last time.

Mu Qing asked him to take it with him so that he would not use it when he needed it.

Zhou Tianze's things, someone in the army packed up, he had breakfast and just went there.

However, before going out, Mu Qing asked carefully.

Tianze, that bug feeds something every day, and then it will be more sensitive and active to poison.

Also, don't let anyone know.

If someone with a heart kills it, I can't find the second one for you in a while.

Knowing my daughter-in-law, it is the key to whether this mission can be completed or not. I will protect her well. You can rest assured.

Zhou Tianze said, stepped forward and hugged his daughter-in-law.

Wait for me at home, I will be back soon.

Mu Qing stretched out her hand and wrapped it around Zhou Tianze's waist.

She leaned against his arms and listened to his heartbeat quietly for a while before letting go.

Okay, it's getting late, you hurry up, or the horn of the gathering will be sounded later.

Well, daughter-in-law, I'm leaving.

Zhou Tianze raised his hand to straighten his clothes and looked into Mu Qing's eyes, a bit of reluctance flashed.

However, he pursed his lips and turned to leave.

Mu Qing watched Zhou Tianze's figure disappear, and then turned back.

As a soldier's wife, she knows that there will be more and more such things in the future.

However, since you have chosen, you cannot regret it.

The only thing she can do is to do everything well so that he will never have to worry about it!

Zhou Tianhui called Mu Qing in the living room.

Sister-in-law, my brother is gone.

Well, just left. Mu Qing nodded.

I made breakfast. You can eat it when you wake up. You will also go to the hospital later.

Oh, I know sister-in-law. Zhou Tianhui responded immediately.

The three little guys haven't woken up yet, so Mu Qing can have a quiet breakfast.

When Zhou Tianhui left, she started to do housework.

Laundry, sweeping, babysitting.

The clothes are thrown directly into the washing machine in the space, and after washing, they are directly taken out to dry.

It is convenient and fast to place several sweeping robots on the floor.

As for the nursing children, the little ones are a little older and need to add complementary food.

Mu Qing took carrots, apples, bananas, etc. and made vegetable and fruit puree, and fed a few mouthfuls to one person.

Then, is to push them out for a breath of fresh air.

However, when Mu Qing was out for a walk, she happened to bump into Xiong Liqun and a group of people who were going to do laundry.

Based on the principle that one more thing is worse than one less thing, Mu Qing pushed the children aside and made a way for them.

Xiong Liqun glanced at Mu Qing unwillingly.

When passing by Mu Qing, he deliberately talked about Qiao.

Ouch, Comrade Mu is free to wander around here, but not to go to the army to send your man off?

This drug investigation is not a trivial matter. I heard that there are many people who are not mentally strong in drug investigation, and put themselves in it.

Your family's battalion commander Zhou, don't lose your temper when you are young and energetic. After all, this drug investigation is not something anyone can do.

Mu Qing didn't want to pay attention to Xiong Liqun at first, but when this woman came up, she was provocative and found fault, and Mu Qing didn't intend to be polite to her.

Anyway, she is not her relative or superior, she doesn't save face for herself, what is she doing to save face for her.

Mu Qing's mouth curled into a sneer.

She raised her foot and walked to the front of Xiao Tui, protecting the three children well.

Then he raised his voice and laughed.

Comrade Xiong, I heard that you were splashed with urine yesterday. Did you put it in your mouth and didn't wash it? Today, I smelled a stench from far away.

Mu Qing said this

, Xiong Liqun's face instantly flushed with anger.

Mu Qing, you're talking farts, your mouth is full of feces! Xiong Liqun couldn't bear it anymore and scolded directly.

Whoever has feces on his body knows it in his heart. Mu Qing said slowly, completely not afraid of Xiong Liqun's anger.

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