The manager looked down and asked, You two, you are married voluntarily, nothing else.

No. The two shook their heads at the same time.

Have you concealed any physical defects or something?


Come on, get your name signed, here.


The two obeyed the command and did some good things one after another.

Until Boom! Boom! twice.

When the big seal was stamped on the marriage certificate, Mu Qing's heart relaxed.

When she turned to look at Zhou Tianze, she found that he seemed more nervous than her, and a layer of sweat was on his forehead.

Okay, congratulations to the two of you, you have officially become partners.

Staff formulaic congratulations.

thanks, thanks!

Zhou Tianze got up quickly, held the hand of the staff member and thanked him for a long time.

Mu Qing watched from the side, why did he think his smile was a bit silly.

However, silly and cute.

After leaving the gate of the county government, Zhou Tianze did not let go of the smile on the corner of his mouth.

He turned to look at Mu Qing, with tenderness and light in his eyes.

Daughter-in-law, from now on, I can hold your hand openly and go shopping.

Let's go, let's go buy wedding candy now.

I want everyone in Sande Village to know that I, Zhou Tianze, have married a wife.

Okay! Mu Qing agreed directly.

However, I don't think you need to promote it, the Mu family will promote it for us.

When Mu Qing said this, thinking about the scene after they found out that the money was gone, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but lift.

The people of the Mu family... Zhou Tianze's voice was deep.

They bullied you before, and I will help you find them one by one in the future.

Daughter-in-law, believe me.

Zhou Tianze looked at Mu Qing's eyes with a radiance of determination and confidence.

Mu Qing also nodded seriously and said, Brother Zhou, I believe you will do what you say.

Later, Mu Qing followed Zhou Tianze to the department store in the county seat.

Zhou Tianze found the candy section of the department store.

He said directly: Give me three catties of the most expensive and delicious candy here, no, five catties.

Brother Zhou. Mu Qing called quickly.

She reached out and grabbed his arm, approaching him for a little reminder.

You are so reckless, like a capitalist style, be careful to be caught.

It's not my first time getting married, I'm happy. Zhou Tianze was silly.

Besides, I used to go out with money in my pocket, and it always dropped, but this time it's still there.

I'm going to spend them all today, so I don't know when they'll be gone.

The salesperson next to them glanced at them with disgust, and the service attitude on his face instantly dropped.

You have to give sugar tickets to buy sugar, and each person is limited to one pound per month.

A pound is not enough. Zhou Tianze's brows could not help frowning.

The disdain in the salesperson's eyes increased.

If you want to buy it, buy it, if you don't buy it, you will pull it down. We working class do not serve the bourgeoisie.

Comrade, what are you talking about?

Mu Qing's voice was instantly cold.

Don't talk nonsense about the bourgeoisie, we are downright peasants. She warned.

My husband has been on the battlefield and made great contributions to the country's construction and development.

I demand that you apologize to us now. Otherwise, we'll have to find your manager.

Mu Qing's whole face sank.

The thing she is most uncomfortable with is this kind of person who, with the slogan of serving the people, looks above the top every day.

The manager is my uncle, you can call me, two lackeys of capitalism.

I still want to apologize, but there is no door.

The salesperson twitched the corners of his mouth and raised his chin, completely looking down on others.

Call your manager out!

Zhou Tianze's face turned cold, he shouted loudly, and threw his merit book out of his hand.

The salesperson glanced at it a few times, his eyes panicked, and he quickly raised his hand to pick it up.

However, when she opened the merit book, her lips trembled.

One special-class gong, three first-class gongs, and second- and third-class gongs are arranged in a row.

In an instant, her face was pale, her body was sweating, and her legs were shaking!

Chapter 16


The salesman's hands trembled, and it took a long while to respectfully place the meritorious deeds on Zhou Tianze's hands.

I'll sell you five catties of sugar, can you not ask our manager? the salesperson choked.

How did she know that two unremarkable farmers would be so relentless.

No! Mu Qing categorically refused.

People like you are ideologically broken and must accept criticism from the party and the country!

Now, find out your manager. You are his subordinate. If you have a problem, he should solve it.

Mu Qing said righteously.

Regarding the cultural characteristics of this era, Mu Qing has checked a lot of information, just to avoid things like today.

Didn't you hear what my daughter-in-law said, call your manager out.

Zhou Tianze also reminded Shen Sheng.

In the end, the salesperson had no choice but to cry and invite the manager out.

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