Seven World Martial God

Chapter 456: Meet acquaintances again

In the square, the three elders of Phoenix Village, Yu Huaxiong, Luo Hai, and Zhang Qinfei, are arranging battle plans and mobilizing before the war. (Starting)

Ye Tian listened with interest, and when Yu Huaxiong started his'speech', the two brothers Zhou Long and Ou Sheng both sneered and mocked.

"Brothers, although we have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, I know you will not give up this dangerous mission, but I still want to persuade you to think clearly. This ambush is very dangerous. If you don't have enough strength, you should not go to death. "Yu Huaxiong said with a serious face.

"How can that work? In order to wait for this opportunity, I even turned away those tasks and lost a lot of spirit stones." A casual cultivator cried.

"Elder Yu, we know your worries, but we have all made up our minds, this time it will be a big deal." Another casual cultivator spoke.

"By the way, our martial artist is going against the sky, we are afraid of being a bird, and it will be a big deal." The casual practitioners shouted, they were not willing to give up this good opportunity.

Yu Huaxiong shook his head and sighed: "Since you have already decided, I will not advise you. If there is a fight, you remember to hide behind me and the two elders and don't be reckless."

"Thank you elder for your concern!"

"Elder Yu is the great wise man in our Phoenix Village. With your elder leading the team, we are bound to win a big victory this time."

"Elder Yu deserves to be a good old man in casual cultivating. At this time, he still cares about us. With such a strong leader leading the team, what are we afraid of?"


A crowd of casual repairs shouted one after another, and the atmosphere in the field was warm.

Ye Tian was stunned when he saw it. He didn't expect that the insidious guy who was jealous of Zhou Long and Ou Sheng would have such a huge popularity among casual cultivators. It was really unexpected!


"Despicable and shameless!"

Zhou Long and Ou Sheng hummed coldly.

"Interesting!" Ye Tian looked at Yu Huaxiong with interest, the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, and a strange smile appeared on his face.

Soon, after Yu Huaxiong's awe-inspiring "speech", the mood of the casual practitioners reached their peak.

Late at night!

Rumble...A large ship, carrying a group of casual repairs, headed out of the Smog Strait.

"It's really lively, it's been a long time since I saw such a scene." Zhou Long looked at the large ships around him with excitement.

"So many people, but I don't know how many people can come back alive." Ye Tian shook his head and sighed.

As one of the fifteen deacons, Ou Sheng led the team this time and led more than one thousand casual repairers. Ye Tian and Zhou Long were arranged on his boat. 【First Release】

At this time, Ou Sheng was too busy. He happened to be some of the Wuwang-level powerhouses studying tactics and battle plans after the outbreak of the war.

Zhou Long's repair base was too low to be able to put his mouth in. Ye Tian temporarily hid his repair base, and with his Martial King's seventh-level cultivation base, he was not qualified to participate.

The two of them sat on the bow to watch the excitement.

"Young Master Ye, will you hide your strength this time?" Zhou Long looked at Ye Tian curiously. He knew that Ye Tian's strength was terrifying, and he absolutely couldn't be measured by his cultivation.

Ye Tian looked at Zhou Long, and said with a smile: "At that time, if I can't reveal the best strength, I don't want to attract attention."

"Hehe!" Zhou Long smiled in a low voice, but he was very much looking forward to Ye Tian's outburst. He was very curious about Ye Tian's strength.

Ye Tian did not continue to speak, but raised his head to look far away. Suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Is it him?" Ye Tian showed a look of surprise, and looked at a yellow-clothed casual repairer on a large ship not far away. It just so happened that the yellow-clothed casual repairer also looked over.

Immediately, his eyes met, and two surprises sounded.

"Ye Tian!"

"Zhu Hongming!"

Ye Tian and the yellow-clothed San Xiu spoke almost at the same time, which caused some casual Xiu nearby to look over, somewhat curious.

"It's really you!" Zhu Hongming laughed, and was about to fly to Ye Tian's side, but was stopped by a cold-faced middle-aged man.

"Deacon Lin, what do you mean?" Zhu Hongming glared at the middle-aged man angrily.

"It's about to fight, don't just step into other warships, if they are like you, it will cause chaos." The middle-aged man said coldly.

Not far away, Ye Tian frowned, a cold color in his eyes.

"Deacon Lin, that person is a good friend of mine. We haven't seen him for a long time. When I go over and say hello, I will be back soon." Zhu Hongming took a deep breath and pleaded with his face.

He really didn't expect to see Ye Tian again, so he was very excited now, even if he bowed his head to the annoying person in front of him.

"No!" Deacon Lin shook his head coldly, and he hummed softly, "If we are all like you, we will be in a mess here. If you want to fight any ambush, go directly to die."

"Deacon Lin, I just met a friend in the past. You made a fuss too much. Besides, we have to go to ambush in Pentagonal State. It's early." Zhu Hongming said with a sullen face. He knew that the man in front of him was making trouble without reason. He just wanted to take the opportunity to teach him.

"I'm a deacon, I said no, but I can't." Deacon Lin smiled coldly and ignored Zhu Hongming.

Zhu Hongming was full of anger, but he had no choice but to look at Ye Tian apologetically.

"In that case, let me go!" Ye Tian shook his head carelessly, stepped into the air, and flew towards Zhu Hongming's warship.

The two warships were not far apart, and Ye Tian quickly approached the warship Zhu Hongming was in, but just as he was about to board the ship, a sword light came and whizzed past his face.

Although he was not injured at all, Ye Tian's expression turned gloomy. He squinted his eyes and looked at the man who shot.

Zhu Hongming also glared at the shooter.

Deacon Lin put away the long sword in his hand, looked at Ye Tian coldly, and shouted: "Is this your Deacon Ou disciplined you? There are no rules at all, please get out of here."

"Deacon Lin, you are too much." Before Ye Tian spoke, Zhu Hongming roared. He was really confused, but when he saw a friend, the other party was so too much.

"Presumptuous, it's not your turn to speak here!" Deacon Lin yelled, and a powerful aura broke out, directly blasting Zhu Hongming out, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

"You..." Zhu Hongming flushed with anger, but didn't know what to say.

"Boy, don't get out of here, otherwise this will be your end!" Deacon Lin ignored Zhu Hongming, but gave Ye Tian a disdainful glance.

Wu Wang 7th level?

The kid at the seventh level of King Wu is completely vulnerable to him, a powerful man at the tenth level of King Wu.

Deacon Lin didn't pay attention to Ye Tian at all.

"Really?" Ye Tian squinted his eyes, the cold light flickered, and his stern gaze made Deacon Lin a little frightened, but he took a closer look at Ye Tian's cultivation level. It was indeed only at the seventh level of King Wu, so he didn't care.

"Boy, it's up to you, Deacon Europe, to get out of here, or don't blame the deacon for being rude." Deacon Lin said much lazily, and shouted directly.

"Haha, Deacon Lin, does Ou Sheng save me this little face? I really dare not take it!" At this moment, a loud laugh came.

On the warship not far away, Ou Sheng with a sneer on his face stepped into the air, appeared next to Ye Tian, ​​and looked at Deacon Lin coldly.

A look of jealousy flashed in Deacon Lin's eyes, but there was no fear on his face. He laughed and said, "It turned out to be Deacon Europe. It's been a long time since I saw him. Deacon Europe's cultivation has improved!"

"Where, if Oumou's cultivation base increases, there won't be any cats and dogs who come to Oumou for trouble." Ou Sheng said coldly.

Ye Tian smiled slightly. This Ou Sheng was really good at talking. He was secretly accusing Deacon Lin as a cat and dog.

Sure enough, anyone who can become King Wu is not an idiot. The Deacon Lin heard Ou Sheng’s ridicule in an instant, his face suddenly became gloomy, and he pointed at Ou Sheng and shouted: "Ou Sheng, don’t be shameless, I Lin Hengke is not afraid of you."

"Even my brother dared to scream, Oumou certainly knows that you are not afraid of me." Ou Sheng sneered.

"Is he your brother?" Lin Heng looked at Ye Tian, ​​frowned, and said, "I have never seen this man before. How could it be your brother?"

"Why? My brother Ou Sheng, do you still have to tell you one by one that it is impossible? Or are you inquiring about my information secretly?" Ou Sheng mocked.

Old Lin Heng blushed and said angrily: "Whoever has the time to care about your ass, I will care if he is your brother or not. In short, this is my warship. You can't step into it."

"Really? I have stepped on now, what can you do?" Ou Sheng snorted when he heard the words, and landed directly on Lin Heng's warship, staring at him coldly.

Lin Heng was so angry that his seven orifices smoked, the long sword in his hand was shining, and a dazzling sword light flew out. He shouted: "Opif, you are so deceiving, when Lin is muddled!"

"Come well, let Oumou see how many people like you have grown?" Ou Sheng was not surprised and rejoiced. He laughed and greeted him directly, waving his fists constantly, and the sky was full of fist shadows, and the light was blazing.

"Well open and close, don't have any aura!" Ye Tian glanced at Ou Sheng's boxing technique and exclaimed.

On the contrary, although Lin Heng's swordsmanship was good, he was worse than Ou Sheng, and soon fell into a disadvantage and was chased by Ou Sheng.


Just when the surrounding San Xiu watched with relish, a loud shout came.

It was the elder Luo Hai who came in the air.

However, Ou Sheng did not stop. Instead, while Lin Heng was stunned by Luo Hai, he hit him with a fist and smashed him blood spurted wildly. .

"Opif, you..." Lin Heng was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He didn't expect that Ou Sheng would even dare to ignore the elder's shout. Before he could react, he was hit by Ou Sheng.

"Hey, it turns out to be Elder Luo, I'm discussing with Brother Lin, what wind is blowing you all the time?" Ou Sheng ignored Lin Heng's anger, but smiled at Luo Hai.

"Naughty!" Luo Hai was stunned when he heard the words, and then his old face twitched fiercely. In the end, he only suffocated one sentence: "We are about to fight, and we are not allowed to learn from each other, otherwise the old man will relax your muscles and bones." After all, he went back to the big ship ahead.

"Elder Luo go slowly." After Ou Sheng finished roaring, he looked at Lin Heng who was aggrieved with pride and smiled: "Brother Lin, let's discuss it another day."

"Humph!" Lin Heng snorted coldly and returned to the cabin, but Ye Tian sensed a pair of spiteful eyes and glared at him fiercely.

"You'd better not die!" Ye Tian looked at Lin Heng who entered the cabin, and smiled coldly.

At this time, Zhu Hongming greeted him with a smile.

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