Seven World Martial God

Chapter 445: Ye Tian Du Ji

"Oh? Wang Guanshi, you are not mistaken? The highest level of these people is Martial King level. Even if I can destroy them with one hand, they dare to escape? Besides, how can they escape?"

Listening to Wang Guanshi's words, Ye Tian pretended to be puzzled and said. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Guan Shi rarely blushed. The kid escaped last time because of their negligence. Fortunately, it was the supervisor of the first mining area, not him.

Of course, Guan Shi would not tell Ye Tian about this kind of scandal.

"Yes, these people who don't know how to live or die are simply irresponsible, you'd better not learn from them." Guanshi Wang nodded and gave Ye Tian a threatening look.

Ye Tian hurriedly said respectfully: "I naturally wouldn't be so stupid, and I didn't expect to get the guidance of Lord Wu Huang here. You know that our casual cultivator has never been given guidance. If you said it earlier, you don't need you. Catch me too."

With that, Ye Tian still showed a fanatical look in his eyes, and Wang Guanshi was stunned.

"This kid is not a fool!" Guanshi Wang was puzzled, but he soon understood Ye Tian's purpose. He had also heard that some casual cultivators were difficult and could not get advice from the strong. Instead, he could be here for three months. Obtaining the guidance of the Wuhuang powerhouse did have an attraction for casual cultivators.

Thinking of this, Guan Shi couldn't help but feel a move. He felt that he had found a good direction to find slaves.

"There should be a lot of casual cultivators like him. If you can ask Master Wu to give them some pointers, I am afraid we don't need to catch them. These people will rush to mine for us." Guanshi Wang couldn't help being excited. Now, Fengyun Chamber of Commerce has mastered a lot of mineral veins, but there are too few people to mine for them. If he can solve the manpower problem, it will be a great achievement.

You know, these spirit stone veins are not easy to dig, because the aura is so strong that ordinary people can't approach it. Moreover, without the strength above Wu Zong, it is impossible to dig a piece of spiritual stone.

Therefore, these mineral veins are destined to only be mined by people above Wuzong, but who has reached the realm of Wuzong, who is so stupid to mine here all day.

Of course, if these miners are given some spirit stones, then they may be obediently digging, but the problem is that if you do this, then the harvest will be much less, and the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce cannot bear it.

However, if you just ask the Wuhuang strong to explain the experience, this is at most a delay in the Wuhuang strong cultivation, anyway, there are many Wuhuang strong in the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, can they follow one by one.

Thinking of this, Guan Shi looked at Ye Tian with a softer gaze. He nodded and said, "Boy, you are very good. Starting today, you will be the foreman of the third mining area. (Starter) You don't need to mine in the future. , As long as you are responsible for watching them, you can join our chamber of commerce when I apply for it."

"Thank you Wang Guanshi!" Ye Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he bowed with excitement and excitement.

"Haha!" Guanshi Wang laughed, he didn't notice. When Ye Tian lowered his head, the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

All the miners in the square were stunned. He didn't expect Ye Tian to go out as a result. He actually became their foreman and could join the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. Wouldn't it be a step beyond the sky?

"It's Ye Ge!" Tong Liang was shocked and admired. At this moment, his admiration for Ye Tian reached its peak.

"How could it be!" The two Wuwang 7th-level miners looked incredulous and looked like hell.

The other miners also looked envy and hatred.

"By the way, Guan Shi, do you know what the cultivation level of the Lord Martial Emperor just now is? I just felt cold all over, and I didn't dare to catch a breath. I didn't expect the power of the Martial Emperor realm to be so terrifying." Ye Tian was a little bit lingering. Said.

Guan Shi was less suspicious of Ye Tian at this time. Besides, it’s not a secret to say that the cultivation base of a martial emperor is no secret, so he smiled and cursed indifferently: "Nonsense, our lord is a martial emperor of the third level. How big is the gap between King Wu? Simply tell you, our adults can easily kill all of us here with a single finger."

"Hiss..." Ye Tian took a breath after hearing this, his face full of admiration.

"The third level of Emperor Wu! I don't know if I have a chance to reach it in this life?" Ye Tian's eyes were full of yearning.

Guan Shi smiled and joked: "You guys don't want to be too lofty. The realm of the Martial Emperor is not something you want to achieve, but if you have such a cultivation level at a young age, you also have a great chance to be promoted to the Emperor. Let me tell you, as long as you join us, someone from our Chamber of Commerce will come down to assess us every ten years. If you pass the assessment, you will be absorbed into the core of the Chamber of Commerce. At that time, let alone the guidance of the Emperor Wu. With all instructions, promotion to Emperor Wu is naturally not a problem."

After speaking, Guanshi Wang himself also looked excited. He felt that if he could solve the manpower problem of the mineral vein, with this credit, it would be enough for the upper level of the Chamber of Commerce to attract him to the core.

"If there is such a day, Ye must not forget the kindness of the adults." Ye Tian said excitedly.

Guan Shi was very satisfied with Ye Tian's attitude, his eyes softened when he looked at Ye Tian, ​​he felt how pleasing this kid looked, and thought that he would let him follow behind him in the future, maybe he could still give himself some attention.

"By the way, Wang Guanshi, what cultivation level you are now, I found that I can't see through your realm at all, at least it is above the eighth level of King Wu." Ye Tian asked curiously.

Guan Shi heard that the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, suddenly showing a touch of arrogance, and said faintly: "I can't compare to an adult. I have been stuck in the half-step Martial Emperor for many years, alas!"

Sigh, sigh!

Not to mention Ye Tian's look of contempt, the warriors of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce behind Wang Guanshi all looked contemptuous.

Half-step Wuhuang, this is the strong man on the island second only to the three Wuhuang strong, otherwise how can he be qualified to be the manager of the mining area?

Ye Tian pretended to be shocked and said, "Half a step Wu Huang!"

"Hmph, a small half-step Martial Emperor, I can kill you with one hand!" Ye Tian sneered in his heart, but he pretended to be overwhelmed with shock on his face, his face sluggish.

"Wang Guan, you turned out to be a half-step Martial Emperor, wow, doesn't this mean that you have stepped into the realm of Martial Emperor with one foot." Ye Tian seemed to be completely stunned.

Guan Shi was very satisfied with Ye Tian's shocked look, his vanity greatly increased, and he smiled and waved his hand: "Martial Emperor Realm! I'm still a long way from it. You guys work hard, and sooner or later, you can reach my cultivation level. "

"Then Wang Guanshi must be helped a lot." Ye Tian said with a smile on his face.

"It's easy to talk about, haha!" Guan Shi laughed loudly. He was very comfortable being beaten by Ye Tian's invisible flattery, and his eyes on Ye Tian became more and more pleasing.

Ye Tian saw that the time was about to come, and immediately organized the language, and whispered to Guanshi Wang: "Guanshi Wang, what should I do with these guys? Also, do we keep watching this?"

"Your boy is pleasing to my eyes. I will call me Big Brother Wang from now on. As for this group of guys?" Guan Shi glanced at the Seventh Prince and said gloomily: "My lord has ordered, let them die. Don't worry, wait. In a few days, you will be able to go back, and you will speak with Big Brother and me these few days."

"It's Big Brother Wang!" Ye Tianqiang endured the nausea in his heart and called out "Big Brother Wang".

"Brother Wang, I don't know if I should say something?" Ye Tian looked at Wang Guan carefully.

Guan Shi is in a good mood now, and he waved his hand nonchalantly when he heard the words, and said, "You are called my eldest brother. Just tell me if you have anything."

"Brother Wang, you see, there are more than 30 of these people at any rate. If they are allowed to mine, and they still mine without sleep. Then their output is enough to be three to five times that of other miners, which is equivalent to half The output of this mining area..." Before Ye Tian finished speaking, he was interrupted by Wang Guan.

"Do you want me to let them go?" The smile on Guanshi Wang's face suddenly disappeared, and he stared at Ye Tian coldly, like a poisonous snake.

"No! Brother Wang, I don’t mean that. I mean, the adults want to torture them anyway. Instead of putting them here and blowing the cold wind, it’s better to let them mine. Don’t give them time to rest and let them mine. Exhausted, isn't it better?" Ye Tian said quickly.

"Oh!" The chill on Wang Guanshi's face disappeared, and he nodded thoughtfully.

Normally, miners still have time to rest. Otherwise, no one can stand it. If 30 miners are allowed to work sleeplessly, the output is almost equal to the workload of hundreds of miners, which is equivalent to one Forty-fifth of the total output of the mining area.

Thinking of this, Guan Shi's eyes brightened. This is indeed a good idea. Anyway, the adults' decision is to torture them in order to achieve the purpose of shocking people.

Now the deterrence has also been reached, if it is killed like this, it will waste a group of free labor.

Moreover, simply killing them is better than letting them dig to death, which can increase the output of mineral veins.

Guan Shi thought to himself, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He patted Ye Tian on the shoulder, nodded and said, "Good boy, you have a lot of wicked ideas. Wait for me to talk to the adults and see if it works."

"No, just do what this kid said." Before Guan Shi started, a cold voice came.

Ye Tian pretended to be but he knew it from the bottom of his heart, he knew that the black-clothed martial emperor had been paying attention here secretly.

The last time Sun Yun escaped, the Wuhuang powerhouse on the island during this period certainly did not dare to relax.

"Yes, sir!" Guanshi Wang nodded respectfully, and then looked at the Seven Prince and the others, his brows frowned, "It seems that they need to be treated for some treatment, otherwise, how could it be possible to dig a moving stone."

"Sir, it's enough to treat them two or three times, don't heal them all, don't the adults want to torture them? It's better to let them bring injuries to mine." Ye Tian suggested.

"It's poisonous enough, I like it." Guan Shi laughed, and he truly recognized Ye Tian in his heart. He is not an idiot. Ye Tian must want to hug his thigh and enter the core of Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

Guan Shi is not afraid of Ye Tian's ambition. Only if he has ambition, he will not betray the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce. They asked Emperor Wu to give instructions to these miners, didn't they just hope to absorb some elites from these miners to join the Chamber of Commerce!

Ye Tian fully met their standards.

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