Seven World Martial God

Chapter 443: Mine profile

"Hey, Brother Ye, you drink tea, we can do this kind of small mining matter. [First issue]"

"Brother Ye, please sit down, you just take a rest, and we leave the rest to us. Anyway, as long as the quantity submitted every month is sufficient, they won't care."

"Brother Ye, no matter what you order in the future, just greet my little brother."


On the site of the third mining area, a scene of a shocking reversal was being staged. The miners around were dumbfounded, and even the guards of the warriors had their eyes widened and their faces were full of disbelief.

But seeing Ye Tian lying comfortably on a chair, behind him, two miners were kneading his shoulders, another person serving him tea, and another person fanning him.

And the child boss of the sixth rank of King Wu was bending over, standing aside respectfully, with a smile on his face.

This group of miners who were planning to rob Ye Tian before, all had their noses and faces swollen, and even their tone had changed, becoming Ye Tian's younger brothers.

"What a powerful young man, he defeated Tong Liang so easily. You must know that Tong Liang is a strong man at the sixth level of King Wu!"

"Tong Liang has a railway iron plate this time. I really didn't expect that the newcomer would be so powerful."

"It's a good lesson. The boy surnamed Tong used to bully us, but today I finally got retribution."


Not far away, a group of miners talked a lot, and everyone looked at Ye Tian with surprise and shock.

They saw the incredible Tong Liang and others who were beaten up by Ye Tian and lost their temper.

Even the two Martial King 7th-level experts were alarmed, looked over with a little surprise, and secretly looked at Ye Tian.

At this time, a guard warrior came over and shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and work. If you pay less spirit stones in the middle of the month, don't blame us for being polite."

A group of miners didn't dare to say much and continued to mine, but they were still talking in low voices.

The guard warrior took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then turned and returned to his post.

"This kid is really amazing, he can defeat the sixth level of Wu Wang in a mere five, he is still a little genius."

"Although Tong Liang is a trash kid, he has reached the middle of Wu Wang's sixth level, and he didn't expect to lose to a Wu Wang fifth-level kid."

"Unexpectedly, Guan Shi brought a little genius this time."

"This kid has good qualifications. I think Guanshi Wang is ready to hone him, so I let him join our chamber of commerce. [For more exciting novels, please visit]"


More than a dozen guards of the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce warriors were also talking in low voices. They also saw Ye Tian's ‘good’ strength just now.

The mining area is so big, there is usually nothing else except mining, so soon this news spread to Wang Guanshi.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this kid to have such aptitude. He is not very old. If he is trained, he will still have a chance to reach the tenth rank of the Martial Emperor." After learning the news, he rarely smiled.

Ye Tian didn't expect his unexpected performance to be valued by Guan Guan, and wanted to introduce him to the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce.

At this time, Ye Tian was asking his newly-acquired younger brother for information here.

This Wuwang sixth-level martial artist was called Tong Liang. He was arrested here as a slave thirty years ago. Because of his good strength, he quickly conquered a group of younger brothers and became the third mining area second only to the two Wuwang seventh-level strong A leader of the author.

With thirty years of experience, Tong Liang naturally understood this place, and Ye Tian learned a lot of useful news.

"Tong Liang, we usually mine here. Are there no other things? Don't you have to stay here all day, without any freedom?" Ye Tian asked angrily, lying on the chair.

"Hey, Brother Ye, you don't know, we would be pretty good if we weren't killed. What kind of freedom are we talking about. I remember that I am the only one who came with us now." Tong Liangwen Yan's eyes darkened, and he sighed.

"What? Do they still want to kill us?" Ye Tian asked in shock.

"Hush!" Tong Liang cautiously looked at the dozen or so guards who were not far away, and whispered: "In Sandaohai, no! In the entire Shenzhou Continent, the most important resource for our warriors is the Lingshi Mine, you say , Will they let us leave and leak the news of the veins here?"

"Killing kills... hiss, aren't they afraid of pushing us back?" Ye Tian gloomy and looked at Tong Liang.

"No, we still have hope. As long as we survive a hundred years and perform well, we will have the opportunity to join their forces." Tong Liang said expectantly. He dreamed of joining the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce, so that not only could he recover Free and still have resources for cultivation.

"That's it!" Ye Tian nodded. It seems that the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce still gave these miners a hope, otherwise, if they are all dead, then these miners will definitely rebel.

"So, we have to stay here for a hundred years and can't leave one step away?" Ye Tian said a little irritably.

"If this is the case, we would have been driven mad, where can we mine for them?" Tong Liang smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

Ye Tian was right to think about it. After a hundred years of continuous mining, everyone would be crazy if he changed it.

"In fact, every three months, we can go to a large underground square to listen to Emperor Wu's training experience. This is a remedy for our hard work. Of course, this is actually using Emperor Wu to deter us and make us even more uncomfortable. Dare to rise up the heart of defecting." Tong Liang continued.

"Brother Ye, your luck is very good. In three days, it will happen to be the next time the Wuhuang strong will explain the experience."

A look of expectation appeared on Tong Liang's face.

Emperor Wu, for them, is still very far away. If they don't have the talent, and don't have enough Lingshi support, they might not reach the realm of Emperor Wu for a lifetime.

If it is said, as long as there are enough resources, even a pig can cultivate to the realm of King Wu.

So, it is not so easy to become Wu Huang. This not only requires huge spiritual stone resources, but also some talents. Only by becoming the Emperor of Martial Arts can you be regarded as a powerhouse in the mainland of China.

As for the higher Wudi realm, it would require even greater resources, and at the same time, it would take a lot of time to cultivate, and talents cannot be less.

It can be said that Emperor Wu is the backbone of a force, each is a treasure, not so easy to be born.

Moreover, the Wudi strong can live for two thousand years, long enough, the higher the value.

However, it is even more difficult for a powerful martial artist like the Dragon Emperor. Among 10,000 geniuses, I am afraid that only one martial artist can be born, and at the same time, huge resources that dare not be imagined are needed.

Take the Dragon Clan as an example. In this generation, only Prince Long had the qualifications to become a powerful Wu Zun, and all the resources of the Dragon Clan could barely create a Wu Zun.

However, if the Dragon Clan gave all the resources to Prince Long, what about the other children of the Dragon Clan?

Therefore, Prince Long still had to experience experience, he had to go to Zhenwu Academy, and he had to go to the Chinese mainland to have a chance to advance to the realm of Wuzun.

Not only the Jiaolong clan, but also the major forces of the Three Swords Sea, including the forces of the Shenzhou Continent.

Unless it is the sacred place where the martial **** is strong, or the super power with the martial sage strong, can you independently cultivate a martial master.

On the bright side of the Shenzhou Continent at present, Wu Zun is the strongest, and the Martial Saint on it is hidden from the world.

A big empire, a big power, as long as it possesses a martial master, can it be stable.

As for the powerhouses of the martial arts level, they can't be cultivated by ordinary forces, and even if the Dragon Clan goes bankrupt, it is not qualified.

Only those sacred places that have been out of the martial arts powerhouse have hope, and there is a little bit of hope for the super powers where Wu Sheng sits.

Of course, because the resources required to achieve Wu Sheng are too huge, even larger than an empire, these must rely on those peerless geniuses to compete.

Wusheng realm, that is a cruel and **** road of killing, without super talent, strong perseverance, without enough wisdom, without great opportunities, it is impossible to step into this realm.

Thousands of troops and horses cross the single-plank bridge, nine deaths and one become a martial sage.

This is the best explanation for the realm of Wusheng.

As for the highest realm of the Martial God...From ancient times to the present, even a strong Martial God has never been born. It can be seen that the difficulty of this realm is simply unimaginable.

"Brother Ye...Brother Ye..." Tong Liang's voice awakened Ye Tian, ​​who was a little surprised.

Ye Tian took a deep breath, looked at Tong Liang, and asked, "Is it that day, all of our people from the mining area will be there?"

"No, as far as I know, we have a total of three mining areas here, and each of them is guarded by a Wuhuang strong. Of course, the Wuhuang strong usually practice in retreat, and the guards here are strong enough that they are not afraid of us fleeing." Tong Liang pouted.

Ye Tian frowned when he heard this. He thought he could take the opportunity to meet the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. If this were the case, the place was closed, and there was no way to detect the news of those people.

"Let's wait and see, if it doesn't work, I can only rush." ​​Ye Tian sighed secretly. He regretted giving Mu Bingxue the blue love of life and death. Otherwise, with that powerful imperial weapon, it might be possible. Fight against the three martial emperors here.

What Ye Tian is most worried about now is the whereabouts of the warriors of the Eighteen Kingdoms in the North Sea ~ and the cultivation bases of the three martial emperors here.

Three days passed safely and steadily, Ye Tian was alone in retreat and practiced, and those mining matters were left to his younger brother. Not only does he not need to mine, but he can also collect some protection fees from his younger brother. Of course, he doesn't care about this protection fee.

There are rules in the mining area, but all high-grade spirit stones must be handed in, and the remaining middle-grade and low-grade spirit stones are of little use to him now.

However, the spiritual energy here is indeed ten times stronger than outside. One day of cultivation here is worth more than ten days of cultivation outside, but it is a good opportunity to improve cultivation.

However, in just three days, Ye Tian couldn't be promoted from the fifth level of King Wu to the sixth level.

"It's no wonder that the forces in the Sea of ​​Three Swords have smashed their eyes for the mineral veins. Without the high-grade spirit stone cultivation, the speed of cultivation is too slow." Ye Tian secretly sighed.

After experiencing the triple jump for a month, he is now full of high-grade spirit stones. As for the aura that he usually absorbs by martial spirits, he simply doesn't like it.

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