Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1887: visit

In the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy, after the birth of each Venerable Universe, he will ring the ancient bell of the Desolate Lord alone, and then the Dean of the Great Desolate Martial Academy will announce his promotion to the Vice President.


   The former law enforcement elder Zhan Yuantang was promoted to vice president today.


   It's just that Meng Wubian, the Taoist Master of the Illusion Academy, has unexpectedly become the new law enforcement elder, which is a bit unexpected.




   In the stone palace of the silent master.


   The old drunkard's face was ugly and extremely gloomy.


   Ji Wu's face was sad, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Brother, in terms of strength, you are much better than Boundless Dream, so why should he be the law enforcement elder."


The old drunkard sighed: "Whoever let us die of the Universe Venerables born in the Miedao Academy, now there are at least three Universe Venerables in the Fourth Avenue Institute and the other Third Avenue Institutes, and there are even five Universe Venerables in the Magic Path Institute. There is only one Universe Venerable in our Annihilation Academy. The seat of the law enforcement elder is elected by those vice presidents of the Universe Venerable level. How could they choose me."


"It's really hateful. I think that back then, we had four Vice-Presidents of the Universe Venerable. Who would dare to underestimate us at that time? It's a pity that they all died in the last Seven Realms War. Our Destruction Academy is now in decline." Ji Wu was full of unwillingness.


"Don't be discouraged, as long as you give me some more time, I will definitely become the Venerable Universe. Moreover, Ye Tian has also grown up. He will definitely become the Venerable Universe in the future. Sooner or later, our Annihilation Academy will rise." Said confidently.




   Outside the wild city, a huge chaotic flying boat slowly landed.


"Is this a wild city? It's really a great city. It was a symbol of the wild world countless years ago. From here there have been countless powerful people, such as the deserter, the law enforcer of the wild world, etc., but it is a pity... after all, it has declined. "


   A young and handsome young man flew down from the Chaos Flying Boat. He was tall, with long flowing hair, a pair of purple eyes, and a confident color, as if everything was under control.


"Wang Lie, you're pretending to be forceful again." A little loli hopped off the chaotic flying boat. She looked like a little elf, and looked strange. Under her long eyelashes, there was a pair of water and spirit. With big eyes, a hint of cunning flashed from time to time.


"Wang Lie is right. The Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy is indeed in decline. Last time, even Ouyang Wuhui, the strongest disciple of their Fourth Avenue Academy, could not beat Wang Lie. Their strength is getting worse and worse, and now they only rely on the old one. The strong generation is supporting." A cold voice came.


   The next moment, a young woman walked down from the Chaos Flying Boat. She was dressed in a black tights, with long hair curled up high, her face was indifferent like an iceberg, she looked very capable, but she had a sense of inaccessible distance. Her figure is very good, with concavities and convexities, especially under the outline of the tights, which should be warped and convex, full of other temptations.


   "Master Zhang Lin, your figure is really good, how do you take care of it?" Little Lolita looked down at herself, then looked at Zhang Lin in front of her, her face suddenly ashamed.


When Wang Lie next to    looked at Zhang Lin, a fiery light flashed in his eyes.


   Zhang Lin glanced at little Lolita, and said coldly: "When you grow up, you will be like me."


   "Then I have to wait. It takes a hundred thousand epochs for our long-legged people to grow up to adulthood. I only live 30,000 epochs now." Little Lori muttered.


   But then, Little Lolita reacted, raised her pretty face, staring at Zhang Lin's chest with a puzzled look and asked: "No, my sister is already an adult, but she is not as big as you here!"


   Little Lolita pointed to Zhang Lin’s chest curiously and asked, "Master Zhang Lin, are you hiding something here?"


   "Ahem!" Wang Lie who was next to him heard the words, his face twitched and he kept coughing dry.


   Zhang Lin's face was even darker, she ignored Little Lolita and walked directly towards the deserted city in front of her.


   "Hey, Master Zhang Lin, wait for me." Little Lolita pulled off her long legs and ran up.


   Wang Lie respectfully waited beside the Chaos Flying Boat, welcoming an old man with crane hair slowly flying down from the door.


  The old man has a strong and unfathomable aura. He looked at the Wild City in front of him and sighed: "I have come to the Wild City for the second time after so many years. I don't know where the old friends have reached now."


   Wang Lie said respectfully after hearing the words: "Great Elder, you swept the geniuses of the Fourth Avenue of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy back then. Even if they grow up, they are not as good as you. I am afraid they are still wandering in the realm of the universe overlord."


The old man shook his head and said lightly: "Never underestimate the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy. They are short of cultivation resources, so they are not as good as our Nine Heavens in the early stage, but in the later stage, they will catch up. Back then, in my generation, they Two geniuses came out. I heard that one has now become the dean, and the other has also become the law enforcement elder of the Dahuang Wuyuan, which shows that their talents are not worse than mine."




   At this moment, there were waves of ancient melodious bells in the wild city, spreading throughout the entire space.


   "This is?" Wang Lie raised his head and looked at the great desert city not far away, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Do they know we are coming, so they greet us in advance?"


"This is the ancient bell of the Desolate Lord. I am not qualified to let the Great Desolate Martial Academy use the ancient bell of the Desolate Master to welcome The old man smiled self-deprecatingly, then his face became serious, and he said solemnly: It is known that after the people of the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy are promoted to the realm of the Universe Venerable, they will become the vice president of the Academy, and then ring the ancient bell of the Desolate Lord alone. It seems that someone in the Great Desolate Martial Arts Academy has been promoted to the realm of the Universe, which is really not to be underestimated. "


   "Venerable Universe!" Wang Lie's expression also changed.


   For their super power, the overlord of the universe is not a strong one. Only by becoming the sage of the universe can they become the pillar of their power and can shock one side.


   "Let's go, go in and take a look, maybe this person is still my old friend." The old man smiled immediately and walked towards the wild city.




   "I didn't expect Meng Wubian to become the law enforcement elder. It seems that I have to be more careful in the future, so that he can't get the handle." Ye Tian thought secretly in the stone house.


"Jiuzhongtian, Xuanyuan Changkong is here to visit, old friend Ji Tianlin! Old friend Zhan Yuantang! Are you there?" An old voice suddenly sounded in the sky above the wild city, the voice is mighty and uninterrupted, making people's souls there. Trembling.


   "So strong!" Ye Tian's expression changed. This is definitely a powerful existence at the level of a cosmic venerable.


   Immediately, Ye Tian became curious again: "Who is Ji Tianlin? Zhan Yuantang should be the law enforcement elder. Our Dahuang Wuyuan is isolated from the world, and Jiuzhongtian will suddenly send someone to visit, I am afraid something is going to happen."


   Ye Tian left the stone house immediately.

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