Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1819: Golden Dome

Putting on a purple star robe, Ye Tian seemed to have returned to the time when he became a disciple of the Star Gate in the Eighteen Kingdoms of the North Sea. He moved his steps, like a glimpse of light, with a golden light, disappearing into the desert of dead souls.


Speeding all the way, Ye Tian felt the power of his own body, the pinnacle realm of the master of the eighth-order universe, plus the eighth-layer "Indestructible Calamity Body", Ye Tian's strength is comparable to Xue Luohua and Dongfang Xiongtian. The three big brothers, Yan Sandao.


   However, Ye Tian was not satisfied, he still needed more powerful strength.


   The Necro Desert is extremely dark, the blood moon in the sky is covered by dark clouds, the surrounding sand is surrounded by demonic energy, and the terrible gloomy aura lurks below the desert.




   Ye Tian snorted coldly, and stamped his feet on the ground, and suddenly countless cracks were opened in the sand, and a series of terrifying demonic energy rose into the sky, and darkness spread throughout the world.






   Then, from these cracks, a black bone spirit crawled out, they waved bone knives and bone swords, and killed them towards Ye Tian.


   "Boom!" Ye Tian urged "Indestructible Tribulation Body", and his whole body was golden. He blasted out with a punch, and his strength was like a rushing flood, blasting the chest of a bone spirit in front of him.


   Ye Tian's face changed slightly.


   "With this punch, I can smash the general ninth-order universe master, but I can't smash a bone spirit in this area. The strength of these guys is comparable to the general ninth-order universe master."


   Ye Tian's face was serious, and his eyes suddenly became serious.


  Because there are hundreds of bone spirits killed around, they are all comparable to the general tenth-order universe masters. This desert is too terrifying, no wonder many people dare not step into this place.


   It can be said that apart from the elite disciples cultivated by the big forces, only the overlord of the universe can set foot here, like Lu Haoxuan and Feng Xinyi, they are definitely looking for death.


   However, Ye Tian continued to move forward with the courage of Yi Gao.


   "Indestructible Tribulation Body" was urged to the extreme by Ye Tian, ​​he was like a golden king, swinging his fists, blasting and killing a bone spirit.


   Later, Ye Tian changed his combat skills again and displayed "Feng Tian Jue" and "Seal of Extinguishing Demons" to deal with these bone spirits in front of him.


   Unexpectedly, "The Devil's Seal" was terrible. Ye Tian held the Yin Jue and hit a bone spirit, then the bone spirit was turned into ashes, and the one who died could no longer die.


   "This demonic effect is also great, I don't know how you have dealt with the ancient demons?" Ye Tian was overjoyed when he saw it.


Later, Ye Tian also used "Feng Tian Jue". This is not an offensive technique. Once it was performed, it evolved into a heaven and earth oven, trapped the bone spirits in it, and turned into a ball of soul light by Ye Tian. Absorbed and strengthened his soul.




Ye Tian drew a breath of cold breath. Originally, "The Devil's Seal" had already shocked him. Unexpectedly, this "Feng Tian Jue" was even more terrifying. It could not only kill the enemy, but also refine the enemy's soul and improve himself. soul.


   "With this skill, as long as I continue to kill the enemy, I can continue to grow my soul, and my cultivation speed will be much faster." Ye Tian immediately overjoyed.


   The stronger the soul, the faster you can comprehend the Great Avenue of Chaos, and the faster you will improve your cultivation.


   Suddenly, Ye Tian looked at the bone spirits in front of him, as if he had seen a pile of food, he roared and cast "Feng Tian Jue" to kill him.


   As a bone spirit was refined by Ye Tian, ​​his soul became stronger and stronger, gradually reaching a limit.


   Since then, Ye Tian has encountered a bottleneck, he continues to refine the bone spirit, and can't improve his soul.


   His soul has reached the Great Perfection. Only by breaking through this bottleneck and reaching a new level can he continue to improve.


   "Is it the tenth-tier pinnacle? One step further, it should be the realm of the universe overlord." Ye Tian muttered.


   The overlord of the universe is one level higher in life than the lord of the universe, and the soul essence is naturally also one level higher.


   The souls contained in these bone spirits belong to the master of the universe. Therefore, no matter how much Ye Tian absorbs, he can only raise his soul to the limit that the Lord of the Universe can reach, which is the Great Perfection of the Lord of the Tenth Order.


   If you want to go one step further, you can only refine higher-level souls, like the souls of the overlord of the universe.


   It's a pity, even if there is a bone spirit of the cosmos overlord level, Ye Tian can only run, not dare to refine, because the strength gap is too big.


   However, after Ye Tian's soul reached the Great Perfection Realm of the Lord of the Tenth Universe, he felt that the speed of Chaos Avenue was much faster.


  His cultivation base had been cultivated in the barren well to the pinnacle of the seventh-order universe lord, and he ate another heavenly fruit during hunting activities, and he was promoted to the pinnacle of the eighth-order universe lord.


   Ye Tian has also been cultivating for a period of time when he came to the chaotic world. At this time, his soul grew. He felt that he was about to break through the eighth-order bottleneck and step into the realm of the ninth-order universe.


   So, Ye Tian quickly found a safe place, released some demon to protect himself, and his body entered the original universe to retreat and practice.


   After only three epochs, Ye Tian comprehended a new way of heaven and stepped into the realm of the master of the ninth-order universe. Since then, his cultivation level has been equal to that of Dongfang Xiongtian, and "Indestructible Jade Body" has also cultivated to the eighth level like Dongfang Xiongtian. His own strength is no longer inferior to Xue Luohua, Dongfang Xiongtian, and Yan San The three big brothers of Dao.


   If you add the Jie Mo Knife and the Black Demon War Armor, Ye Tian is already sure to defeat Ouyang Wugui. Of course, the premise is that Ouyang Wugui has not made progress during this period.


   However, this possibility is very small, because while you are improving, others will also be improving.




   Just when Ye Tian broke through to the realm of the master of the ninth-order universe, a message from his next celestial demon said that he had found a golden dome and the egg was very heavy, it could not be moved back.


   "Interesting, how can there be a golden egg in such a gloomy and terrifying place?" Ye Tian suddenly became curious, anyway, he had broken through the bottleneck, and immediately left the barrier and rushed towards the place of the demon.


   On the way, Ye Tian also encountered a lot of bone spirits, but now his cultivation base has been upgraded to a level, his strength is stronger than before, and he killed these bone spirits very easily.


   When he arrived at the location of the demon, Ye Tian suddenly saw a golden yellow giant egg, half of which had been submerged in the sand, and only the exposed half was the size of a person.


   At this time, the demon summoned by Ye Tian was moving the golden dome vigorously, but even with its strength, it couldn't make the golden dome tremble.


   "So heavy?" Ye Tian saw a look of shock on his face.


Although this demon is just an ordinary demon, he has not practiced "Sky Demon Overlord Body" like his clone of the demon, but after all, he is also the master of the eighth-order universe, and he can move a mountain. How can he not even move an egg? ? ) Download the free reader!!

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