Seven World Martial God

Chapter 1799: Demon Overlord

"You, Mr. Wu, brazenly called Brother Wang." Steward Wu smiled and nodded when he heard the words. Then he opened the door and asked, "I don't know if Brother Wang is here, whether he wants to join our Qingfeng Army, or Become our guest of Qingfengzhai?"


   Ye Tian moved in his heart when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking, "Is there any difference between the two?"


Steward Wu said with a serious expression: "The Qingfeng Army is the foundation of our Qingfengzhai. If Brother Wang joins the Qingfeng Army, he must accept the leadership of our Qingfeng Army. Relatively speaking, he will lose some freedom. However, the treatment of the Qingfeng Army. Very good, and if you do a lot of merit, you will become the top of our Qingfeng Village in the future, and you will have huge rights in this Qingfeng City."


"And Keqing, in Qingfeng Village, there are two levels: ordinary Keqing and Keqing elder. As long as you reach the seventh-order universe master or above, you can choose to become Keqing, and the tenth-level universe master can become Keqing elder. Our Qingfengzhai Keqing is very free. Normally, no matter where you go, what you do, or your cultivation, we don’t care. Only when we need you, we will ask you to make a move. We will get you a generous reward every time you make a move."


   Ye Tian nodded, he understood the difference between the two. The Qingfeng Army is a direct line of the Qingfeng Village. If you want to make a big difference in the Qingfeng Village, then joining the Qingfeng Army is the best choice.


   Keqing and Qingfengzhai belong to an employment relationship. Qingfengzhai uses training resources to ask you to take action, so there is a lot of freedom, but there is no power. This is most suitable for Ye Tian.


   After all, Ye Tian didn't want to be a bandit, he just temporarily borrowed the identity of Qingfengzhai.


   Therefore, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, and then said: "Steward Wu, I'd better join Ke Qing. After all, I am not that keen on rights. Just a quiet place to practice."


   Although Steward Wu was a little disappointed, he nodded and said, "In that case, I will report to the city lord later. Brother Wang will rest here for a while."


   "Thank you, butler Wu!" Ye Tian nodded.


   Butler Wu left immediately.


   It didn't take long for the steward Wu to return, and gave Ye Tian a token representing the identity of Qingfengzhai's guest, as well as a hundred chaotic rough stones.


   "Brother Wang, from today, you will be our guest of Qingfengzhai." Steward Wu said with a smile.


   Ye Tian smiled slightly: "I will trouble the housekeeper Wu to take care of it."


   "Where! Where... Brother Wang, every guest has an independent yard, I will take you there now." Butler Wu led the way immediately, still very polite.


   Keqing has no power, but Ye Tian's strength is there after all. It is better to befriend a strong person than to offend a strong person.


   When he arrived at the yard that Steward Wu arranged for Ye Tian, ​​Steward Wu was about to leave, and Ye Tian quickly said, "Steward Wu, do you know if Qingfengzhai has a practice transaction?"


Steward Wu said with a smile: "There is a Qingfeng Pavilion in the city lord’s mansion, which is filled with the exercises and combat skills collected by Qingfengzhai. Each has a price. As long as you have enough chaotic rough stones, you can buy them. However, You can only practice these exercises yourself if you purchase them, and you must not spread them out, otherwise you will be an enemy of my 72 villages."


   "Thank you for your advice, butler Wu!" Ye Tian nodded, and then sent Mr. Wu away.


   returned to the yard again, Ye Tian called a maid and asked her to take herself to Qingfeng Pavilion.


   The city lord’s mansion covers a large area, and Ye Tian and the others walked for an hour before they arrived at Qingfeng Pavilion.


   Ye Tian looked up and saw that the Qingfeng Pavilion was a circular building divided into three floors.


The maid who led Ye Tian respectfully said: "Senior, the cultivation techniques on the first floor of Qingfeng Pavilion belong to mainland goods, which are generally needed by people below the master of the fourth-order universe. The second floor is the boutique. All exercises require hundreds of chaotic rough stones. The third level of exercises can be cultivated to the realm of the universe overlord, which is worth thousands of chaotic rough stones.” The maid said softly.


   Ye Tian nodded, then threw her a supreme artifact, and said, "You can go now."


The maid immediately bowed with gratitude and thanked her. She dominates the realm. A supreme artifact is too valuable to her. She didn't expect Ye Tian to give it away. She is indeed the master of the universe with a rank 7 or higher. .


After    sent the maid, Ye Tian entered the Qingfeng Pavilion and went directly to the third floor.


   The number of exercises on the third floor is very small, but this is also normal. After all, there are some precious exercises here, how could there be so many in Qingfeng Village.


   Ye Tian searched carefully, and finally found a method called "Tian Demon Overlord Body", which, like his "Indestructible Body", belongs to the type of exercise method.


   Moreover, the level of this exercise is very high, and it is not inferior to "Indestructible Tribulation Body".


   At first, Ye Tian still had some doubts, how could such a high-level exercise technique fall into the hands of Qingfengzhai? I'm afraid there are no nine dynasties either.


But after a closer look, Ye Tian understood that it turned out that this is an incomplete practice. There are only the first nine levels, and can only be cultivated to the level of the master of the ninth universe, and not even the master of the tenth universe. No wonder Will be randomly placed here by Qingfengzhai.


   Any guest who can reach the level of the master of the seventh-order universe has the ambition to become the overlord of the universe, so of course they will not choose this incomplete practice.


   Of course, you can also complete the later exercises, but do you have the skills? The exercise behind that is at the Celestial Demon Gate, everyone knows this, but do you dare to go to the Celestial Demon Gate? That was purely a death-seeking behavior.


   However, Ye Tian chose this technique. Anyway, he was only temporarily using it to improve the strength of this celestial demon clone, and he didn't want to practice it for a lifetime. This technique was completely suitable for him to practice.


  Furthermore, Ye Tian discovered that this technique was created by the Great Emperor, and was later brought to the Heavenly Demon Gate by the heirs of the Great Emperor.


   Ye Tian knew that the main body of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was the Heavenly Demon and his own clone of the Heavenly Demon was also created by the Heavenly Demon Lair. In that case, the techniques created by the Heavenly Demon Emperor should be very suitable for the cultivation of the Heavenly Demon.


   Thinking of this possibility, Ye Tian didn't hesitate to choose this technique.


   Of course, even though this technique is incomplete, it is also worth a thousand rough chaotic stones, which makes Ye Tian pain for a long time.


   Now Ye Tian only has more than 1,900 chaotic rough stones left. If he can't cultivate for more than a dozen epochs, he will run out.


   delivered a thousand chaotic rough stones, Ye Tian copied "Tianma Overlord Body", then left Qingfeng Pavilion and returned to his yard.


As soon as Ye Tian left, Steward Wu came to Qingfeng Pavilion. He asked about the method Ye Tian chose, and his eyes could not help but show a different color: "Interesting, I actually chose a broken method, but it doesn’t matter, as long as you don’t harm it. I can do it in Qingfeng Village, otherwise even if you are the master of the eighth-order universe, that would be a dead end."


   For the Ke Qing who just joined, Steward Wu must of course investigate carefully to avoid mixing with the enemy's spies. ) Download the free reader!!

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