Seven World Martial God

Chapter 159: 7 kill fist perfect

In the square of Shenxingmen, the atmosphere was fiery, with 72 arenas competing at the same time, and various martial arts and secrets were extremely shining, and everyone was dazzled. [More exciting novels, please visit]

Time flies, and after three days of large-scale elimination, the remaining inner disciples are getting stronger and stronger, and the competition is getting more and more exciting.

And just today, the fifth ring ushered in a peak showdown, making most people's eyes on the square converge.

"Ye Tian, ​​Shi Boyan!"

Accompanied by the loud voice of a black-robed old man, the entire square suddenly fell silent.

However, this dead silence didn't take long before it was replaced by a boil. Countless people chanted with excitement. The entire square was like a volcano erupting, and the atmosphere was high.

Everyone's eyes converged on Ye Tian and Shi Boyan.

During these three days, Ye Tian sang all the way, invincible, and with his powerful strength, he impressed many people, including those outside the field.

And Shi Boyan, who was originally the fifth strongest in the previous star list, was naturally the target of many people's attention.

In the entire No. 5 arena, so far, only these two people have been invincible all the way. They have not met an opponent. Their duel will determine the final winner of the No. 5 arena.

Even the audience in the other arena watched over.


Hearing his name, Shi Boyan smiled grimly at Ye Tian, ​​and stomped his foot, and he had already flown to the ring.

Ye Tian's face was indifferent, without the slightest hesitation, his body flew high, and fell to the ring lightly.

The eyes of the two people met in an instant, making the air full of tension.

"Boy, when you meet me, your road will be cut off. I will let you know that not all cats and dogs can climb the star list." Shi Boyan stared at Ye Tian coldly like a fierce beast with cold eyes , So that the surrounding temperature was lowered, and the entire ring was filled with a suffocating pressure.

"You have a lot of nonsense!" Ye Tian said coldly, looking at Shi Boyan with indifferent eyes, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

"Looking for death!" Shi Boyan was furious, a terrible evil spirit rushed into the sky, mighty on the entire arena, this huge and fierce aura made the surrounding audiences back dozens of steps.

Among the crowd, Wang Chongshan and Fu Xuedao stood together, watching the number five ring.

"Unexpectedly, he was so strong!" Fu Xuedao still had a look on his face. Ever since he noticed that Ye Tian was invincible in the fifth ring, he had discovered that this man was in the Star Poison Mountain Range. The little brother I met.

There is no doubt that after seeing Ye Tian's powerful strength, Fu Xuedao's expression is very complicated, surprised, shocked, and self-deprecating...

"Brother Fu, who are you talking about who can win?" Wang Zhongshan's eyes flashed and he asked thoughtfully. (Starter) In fact, when Ye Tian defeated Lang Tianjiao, he knew that Ye Tian must be the first in this year's God Star Ranking.

However, he wanted to make fun of Fu Xuedao, after all, the latter had underestimated Ye Tian.

Hearing the words, Fu Xuedao groaned for a moment, and said solemnly, "Shi Boyan is very strong. He has been promoted to the first level of Wuzong. In addition, his strength is unfathomable."

"As for Ye Tian...he hasn't encountered an opponent so far. He has always defeated the enemy by one move. He doesn't know his true strength and cannot be compared."

Fu Xuedao said hesitantly.

"Hehe, I bet Ye Tian will definitely win, do you believe it or not?" Wang Zhongshan smiled upon hearing this.

Fu Xuedao looked at him strangely, "What? Looking at you, you are familiar with Ye Tian?"

"Hey, this... you keep watching!" Wang Chongshan smiled without saying a word.

Fu Xuedao frowned, then looked at the ring.

There was no unnecessary nonsense. After seeing Ye Tian's mocking eyes, Shi Boyan was completely enraged, and the war broke out instantly.

After watching Ye Tian’s previous battles, Shi Boyan did not underestimate him. When he let out a low growl, a terrifying aura spread through his body, shattering his clothes, revealing his steel-cast demon body, full of Explosive power.

For an instant, a wild and ferocious aura made everyone watching the battle breathless.

Ye Tian's pupils condensed, and the surface of his body began to emit a faint golden light, and a strong breath also spread out.


Shi Boyan's speed was very fast, leaving an afterimage in the same place, and his body had already appeared in front of Ye Tian.


An ordinary punch, but with a powerful force, slammed Ye Tian's head fiercely. This sudden scene made everyone exclaimed in shock.

The entire space seemed to sink under this fist, and a terrifying energy wave burst out instantly, like a wave on the surface of the lake, surging continuously towards the surroundings.

Shi Boyan is like a terrifying Primordial beast. The tall demon body exudes unpredictable power. His fists are suppressed like a mountain. The terrifying power makes people feel suffocated.

"Boom!" Ye Tian's eyes shot brilliant divine light, like two lightning bolts piercing the sky, he didn't retreat but instead moved forward with a punch to meet Shi Boyan.

The fists of the two people slammed together, and there was a deafening sound, terrible energy, centered on them, surging in all directions.

The world trembled, and the entire ring was shaking violently.


Two blows, like stars in the sky colliding, deafening sounds resounded across the sky. The whole earth trembled for a while, and a trace of crack appeared on the fifth ring, spreading out from the feet of Ye Tian and Shi Boyan to the surroundings.

"Huh?" Shi Boyan saw that Ye Tian on the opposite side not only blocked his fist, but also didn't even take a step back. His face was full of disbelief, and his heart was full of shock.

"Is this your strength?" Ye Tian calmly looked at Shi Boyan in front of him, making the latter stunned, and then Ye Tian's eyes glowed with blazing divine light, and a terrifying breath erupted from him.

"too weak!"

Ye Tian let out a cold scream, powerful force gushing out from his body, excited with his fist, and with a **** light, he blasted towards Shi Boyan fiercely.

"Seven kills punch!"

Although it was an imperfect Qisha Quan, it also exerted a part of Ye Tian's Ninth Revolution combat body. The void trembled, and the airflow moved out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shi Boyan's eyes condensed, and there was an extreme crisis in his heart. With a loud roar, he exploded with all his strength. Wu Zong's first-level strength, combined with his physical power, made the entire ring tremble violently.

Ye Tian showed seven kills fist, controlled his strength, and did not make a full shot. He used Shi Boyan as a target to hone his seven-kill fist, making this fist more and more powerful.

Shi Boyan didn't know Ye Tian's thoughts, he had already shot with all his strength, like a fierce beast, fighting Ye Tian fiercely, every blow was full of explosive power.

The two fiercely fought, and the sound of muscle collisions made the surrounding audience enthusiastic and excited.

Cracks continued to appear in the ring, and finally the whole ground cracked. Their strength was too strong. Every step taken made the earthquake tremble, and the strong wind caused the spectators around to retreat again.


After continuous training, Ye Tian's understanding of Qi Sha Quan became deeper and deeper, and gradually mastered the essence of Qi Sha Quan. Every punch he throws is unmatched, with a force of murderous aura.

"Beast hunting punches!"

Feeling the pressure from Ye Tianqi's killing fist, Shi Boyan roared loudly, with a mighty breath, bombarding him with his fists, terrifying power, like the roar of beasts.

"Good fist, just to speed up the training of my seven-kill fist!" Ye Tian's eyes were blazing, and the fist in his hand was even more dazzling, like two golden suns.

"You are not ashamed of speaking, you are looking for death!" Shi Boyan roared, his face full of grimness, his fists seemed to break the sky. Between the fist and the front, there is a fierce evil spirit that makes people seem to be facing an angry beast.

The two of them collided with each other, like two huge mountains collided, and there was a shocking noise that was deafening and shocking.

The spectators were shocked, and they were all shocked by the powerful bodies of these two men, and everyone's eyes fell into sluggishness.


Ye Tian happily fought, couldn't help screaming loudly, and his whole body exploded with a powerful breath. Between his fists, he became more and more sophisticated, like two meat grinders, constantly shattering the void.


Shi Boyan was like a beast, constantly attacking Ye Tian frantically, but gradually couldn't stop Ye Tian's fist, and began to fall into the wind, which made him frightened and couldn't believe it.

However, this is the fact, Ye Tian stepped out in one step, the void seemed to be distorted, and the earth trembled violently. His fists carried the supreme killing power and crashed.

At this moment, Ye Tian's Qishaquan reached its peak state, but in the next moment, Ye Tian broke through this state, making the Qishaquan promoted to the perfect state.

When Ye Tian came to Shi Boyan, the sky seemed to change color, and a large violent wind suddenly surged, thunder rolling, and a terrifying sense of oppression enveloped Shi Boyan's heart.

"This...this..." Shi Boyan felt a panic of fear in his heart, and his entire body seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move.

Ye Tian's fist came with an astonishing force, pressing it hard, making Shi Boyan breathless, almost suffocating.

"Seven Killing Punch!" Ye Tian roared, his eyes shot dazzling divine light, he raised his fists, and slammed them down at Shi Boyan.


The intense crisis allowed De Shi Boyan to break through this restraint. He endured fear, raised his fist through gritted teeth, and greeted Ye Tian's fist.


The sound of cracking, as if the sky was broken, made the ears of those watching the battle numb.

The ring where Ye Tian was, couldn't withstand the huge power instantly, and was blasted out of a deep pit.

And half of Shi Boyan's body was blasted into the pit by this huge force. The muscles of his arms pierced violently, and finally broke apart, blood.

"Ah..." Shi Boyan screamed, and finally couldn't stand this force, and his whole person was blasted into the pit.

But Ye Tian put away his fists, patted the dust, and walked off the ring.

The spectators around were all dumbfounded, watching this scene in disbelief.

The mighty Shi Boyan was actually on top of his body, losing to Ye Tian, ​​and was beaten by Ye Tian abruptly.

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