Seven Nights of Forbidden Love: Good Morning, Chief!

Chapter 1575: (Si Yi) It's not easy

It should be when I was sixteen. I am now twenty-six. "

Baby fat?

Indeed, when she first entered the Tang family, she did have baby fat.

After entering the Tang family, even if she wanted to get fat, it was impossible.

Mother Zhang recalled, blinked her eyes, and said with a smile: "Eh, oh, so many years have passed, our Xiao Yi has also grown up and become a big girl."

Tang Yi almost choked.

Coughed, silently picked up a glass of water, took a sip, and said, "Mother Zhang, I thank you."

"When you get older, you should find a good person to marry." Zhang Ma looked at her distressedly.

It's so old that he can't be alone anymore.

Tang Yi shrugged and looked at her indifferently: "What are you going to say?"

Madam Zhang stood up with a smile: "Young Master Tang is good, I think it's a good match for you."

Tang Yi: "I knew it."

She held her chin silently, raised her head, looked at the housekeeper, and said with a smile: "It's impossible for me and him. Noise is not unaware of this matter."

"The person your young master likes is not me."

"How come." Mother Zhang looked disapproving: "You don't know, since you left, Master has never been better."

"Although, he looks the same as usual, but everyone who knows him should know that he has changed, he has become...not like before."

"The simplest thing, Xiao Yi, since you left, Master Tang has taken a lot of sleeping pills."

Tang Yi's face didn't show the slightest movement, her eyes were lazy: "If I change to be me, I will probably also have a conscience. After all, although I used to be a spy in the past, the things I have done for him over the years, it is true."

"It is true that I have helped him a lot. He has so many brothers who will be where they are today. I dare not say that they all say my credit, but at least, 30%, I did it."

"It's him, a girl, who has done so many things, but didn't get anything. If it was me, I would also have a conscience."

The butler said weakly: "...Young Master Tang, it's actually not bad."

"I know." Tang Yi stroked her stomach. She had already had dinner. This time, she just didn't want to disappoint others. As a result, she ate.

"But, he is good or bad, his future wife doesn't mind it, it has nothing to do with me."

"Me and him, in this life, it can only be like this."

"It's impossible to go further."

"Only, retreat, retreat, and keep retreating."

"He is just disturbing my conscience."


The butler looked at her, distressed and didn't know what to say.

When Tang Yi was sixteen, Tang Yan was already eighteen.

An adult.

In the face of the **** winds of the Tang family, the two of them can be said to have spent time together.

Even if everyone knows. Tang Yi is an undercover agent arranged by the Tang family next to Tang Yan.

But, after all, it is true that Tang Yi helped Tang Yan wholeheartedly.

The two of them shared weal and woe.

It's just that no one thought that it would come to such a terrible place today.


Perhaps it is more terrifying than strangers.

"She's back, too?" Tang Yi suddenly said, "It is said that she has been staying abroad for these years."

The housekeeper raised his head, glanced at her, and said, "Yes, they are all abroad. I haven't come back in the past few years."

"I don't know why."

Tang Yi opened her hand: "Where is she?"

"...You, are you going to see her?"

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