Seven Crowns

Chapter 27 The Unlucky Draw

In 2007, there was no expressway from Meitan County to Zunyi City, only 326 National Road.

In the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou, the national road that crosses mountains and mountains has narrow lanes. If there is a traffic jam, it is common to walk three or four hours from Meitan to Zunyi for more than 70 kilometers.

Especially at this point in time, many people who want to go to work in the coastal areas are going to Zunyi and Guiyang to take the train from the counties below after the Spring Festival, and the traffic on the national highway is more congested than usual.

However, fortunately, the bus from Meijiang Middle School was lucky. Although the speed was not fast, it was not stuck in traffic jams and arrived in the urban area smoothly two hours later.

After Cai Yusen, the principal and team leader, contacted the staff of the Zunyi Education Bureau, the Meijiang Middle School football team was led and arranged to settle in the dormitory building of the Municipal Sports School not far from the Zunyi Sports Center.

While eating lunch in the canteen of the city sports school, Lu Wenbin and others saw many students wearing uniforms from different schools. Obviously, they are all gathered here from various districts and counties to prepare for the competition.

It's just that some schools have arrived, and some schools haven't arrived yet.

In the afternoon, all the teams from various districts and counties arrived. The leaders and coaches of each team brought the players to the organizing committee to report and fill in the competition materials.

After the report was over, the drawing ceremony began.

Because the main job of high school students is to study, football is only an amateur game and cannot occupy the usual study time.

Therefore, although the so-called high school football league in each season is called a league, it is not a real league, but a competition system, which is similar to the World Cup and the European Cup.

Starting from the city-level competitions all over the country, the winter and summer vacations are used to hold competitions in the competition system to determine the champion and the qualifications to participate in higher-level competitions.

Zunyi City did not hold the group stage because the weather was cold during the winter vacation and the competition time was relatively short. Instead, the knockout stage was directly drawn.

When the lottery ceremony was held, principal Cai Yusen and coach Zhang Minghai attended. Even the captain Nie Yingkun didn't go, let alone Lu Wenbin.

Therefore, Lu Wenbin and others in the dormitory did not know who Meijiang Middle School had drawn.

However, everyone knows the list of all participating teams in the Zunyi High School Football League Finals this season.

Last season's Zunyi finals champion was the Maotai Children's School, which is the internal staff children's school of the Maotai Group.

They have sufficient funds, high-end hardware and software facilities, and professional football coaches. Although the source of students is limited and the results of the college entrance examination are not satisfactory, the school team is a first-class player in football.

Last season's runner-up was Zunyi No. 4 Middle School, which is a provincial-level public key high school in Zunyi City. The school team is composed of specially recruited sports students from all over the city, and its strength is quite strong.

Moutai Children's School and Zunyi No. 4 Middle School were directly shortlisted for this season's finals as the champions and runners-up last season.

The remaining 14 teams, except the champion Meijiang Middle School in Meitan County, the other 13 teams are Zunyi No. 1 Middle School in Zunyi County, Zunyi Aerospace Middle School in Huichuan District, Zunyi Tsinghua High School in Honghuagang District, Suiyang Middle School in Yang County, Xishui Second Middle School in Xishui County, Renhuai First Middle School in Renhuai City (county-level city), Yuqing Middle School in Yuqing County, Fenggang Middle School in Fenggang County, and Wuchuan County Hongsi Middle School, Tongzi No. 1 Middle School in Tongzi County, Jianguo Middle School in Zheng'an County, Chishui Vocational High School in Chishui City (county-level city), and Sanqiao Middle School in Daozhen County.

When everyone was discussing in the dormitory, they all hoped that they would meet the weaker teams in the county below in the first game.

Several teams in the city are strong in their own right, and they also occupy a convenient location. They are not as exhausted as the teams in Meijiang Middle School and other counties.

Only teams from the following counties,

Like Meijiang Middle School, they all came to participate in the competition by long-distance bus. In addition, the strength is weak, Meijiang Middle School is relatively sure.

While the teammates were discussing, although Lu Wenbin didn't speak, he was thinking about his skill points.

Lu Wenbin still has 12 skill points remaining. At first, he wanted to keep it at halftime during the Zunyi game to see the situation and make targeted additions.

But then he thought about it carefully, this approach is too risky.

The city-level competitions are the championship teams of each district and county. In fact, Meijiang Middle School only qualified for the city-level competition because of Lu Wenbin alone. The overall strength of the other teammates of the school team is quite different from the opponents in the districts and counties. .

In the event that a strong team is encountered in the first game, and others lead Meijiang Middle School by a large score in their overall strength in the first half, it may be useless for Lu Wenbin to add a bit more during the halftime break.

The game is not necessarily strong and players with high attributes can score goals and win.

Even if Ronaldo, who is at his healthiest and at his peak, is brought to play in the Chinese Super League, he cannot guarantee that he will score in every game and lead the team to victory.

Therefore, Lu Wenbin's original idea of ​​adding attribute points during the intermission was considered to be underestimated by the enemy. One bad, Lu Wenbin may go home in the first game.

This is something that Lu Wenbin will never allow to happen.

Therefore, after many deliberation, Lu Wenbin has decided to add points before the game starts, rather than wait until halftime.

However, if the opponent he encounters is stronger, it can strengthen Lu Wenbin's determination.

Just when everyone was talking about the result of the lottery, and Lu Wenbin was also looking forward to it, the principal Cai Yusen and coach Zhang Minghai came back with a sad face.

Seeing the faces of the two, everyone froze in their hearts.

Nie Yingkun asked cautiously, Principal Cai, which opponent have we drawn?

Cai Yusen shook his head, sighed, then waved his hand and said, Let Coach Zhang tell you, I'll go to the logistics teacher to check the equipment for tomorrow's game.

Then, Principal Cai left, leaving behind Zhang Minghai, who was not very good-looking.

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, Zhang Minghai had to grit his teeth and said, Everyone, prepare for a hard fight, we drew last season's runner-up Zunyi No. 4 Middle School!

Suddenly, there was a wailing in the dormitory!

Damn it, 15 teams, how did we get the runner-up last season?

The strength of the fourth middle school must be much higher than us, right?

Is it going to return to Meitan after the first game? I haven't had time to walk around the city!

Isn't this luck too bad?


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