Seven Crowns

Chapter 21 Fatal Strike

Outside the penalty area of ​​1st China University, Lu Wenbin, who received a pass from his teammate, first used a continuous spike to break through a midfielder with poor defense.

Then, two full-time guards from No. 1 Middle School quickly blocked Lu Wenbin's forward route.

There were also two players from the No. 1 Middle School on the left and right, rushing over, preparing to surround Lu Wenbin together.

The No. 1 midfielder who was left behind by Lu Wenbin's breakthrough just now is also turning around and chasing after him.

It is equivalent to Lu Wenbin alone attracting the attention of five opponents. Except for a forward who deliberately stayed in the frontcourt looking forward to attacking opportunities, there were only four people left in the middle and backcourt.

Except for the four defenders from Meijiang Middle School who did not come up, the other five players except Lu Wenbin were all actively moving in the first half of the middle, waiting for Lu Wenbin's fatal pass and the chance to kill the first middle school.

Han Dapeng inserted into the rib of the penalty area from the side, Nie Yingkun ran laterally, Xiang Youming ran diagonally to the left of the penalty area...

Although the remaining few people in No. 1 Middle School saw the movement of these people, they only shifted their positions a little and didn't care too much.

Because, in the first half, Lu Wenbin hardly passed the ball after receiving the ball, so he just immersed himself in the breakthrough.

And from the beginning of the second half to now, Lu Wenbin has not even passed a single pass, and has done it all by himself.

Therefore, several other players of No. 1 Middle School also focused their attention on Lu Wenbin, who was about to break through with the ball and was about to be surrounded by five people, and did not pay too much attention to the movements of other members of Meijiang Middle School.

What's more, they still have four people left, and Meijiang Middle School has five people besides Lu Wenbin. Even if they are marked one-on-one, there are not enough people and they can't keep an eye on them.

So, just as the players in Yizhong watched with confidence that Lu Wenbin was about to be surrounded, thinking that he was either stealing the ball or finishing the attack with a shot, Lu Wenbin, who had been observing the situation on the field, had already made up his mind. Decide.

This is the opportunity Lu Wenbin has been waiting for.

In the eyes of everyone on and off the field, this time Lu Wenbin did not wait for him to be completely surrounded by the players of No. 1 Middle School.

Before they completely formed the encirclement, Lu Wenbin unexpectedly raised his foot to pass the ball to the rib of the penalty area, and rolled past a No. 1 player who was running towards him and was about to surround him.

The player from No. 1 Middle School was shocked, and stretched out his foot to stab the ball like a conditioned reflex, but the ball rolled past his toes by the slightest error.

The cheerleading students of No. 1 Middle School, who had not expected this scene at all, exclaimed: Damn it, Lu Wenbin actually passed the ball!

The cheerleading team of Meijiang Middle School, who saw the direction of the ball rolling, also applauded: Good ball!

And those neutral citizens who were watching, shouted: Good news!

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the ball rolled from the encirclement of the No. 1 players to the feet of Han Dapeng in the rib of the penalty area.

A simple pass is almost a one-shot. Between Han Dapeng and the goal, there is only the goalkeeper of No. 1 Middle School.

Moreover, when Han Dapeng received the ball, the goalkeeper was still in the middle of the goal, and he was still focusing on defending Lu Wenbin's shot before!

At this time, Han Dapeng received the ball and raised his foot to shoot the goal. After Lu Wenbin passed the ball, the goalkeeper of No. 1 Middle School, who was completely shocked and completely lost his ability to think, quickly threw himself to the near corner, ready to block Han Dapeng's shot.

And another central defender who had been with Han Dapeng all the time also rushed to Han Dapeng with all his might, fell to the ground and flew to tackle the ball, ready to block the hole with his body.

However, Han Dapeng's next move was the same as Lu Wenbin's passing, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

When everyone thought he would shoot directly, Han Dapeng did not actually shoot, but passed the ball from the goalkeeper to the other side of the small penalty area.

Bi Rui, a midfielder from Meijiang Middle School who seldom rushed to the penalty area before and who had not noticed, appeared at the far end of the goal.

And there was no one around him, and the nearest No. 1 player was three or four meters away.

Lu Wenbin had already attracted the attention of most people, and the rest also focused on defending offensive players such as Han Dapeng, Nie Yingkun, and Xiang Youming. No one noticed that Bi Rui rushed into the small penalty area.

Han Dapeng's pass is a stick-to-the-ground pass, whether it is catching or shooting, it is not difficult.

Of course, in the small penalty area, Bi Rui didn't waste time to stop the ball, but stretched his legs and made a standard push shot. The ball bounced on his arch, and then rolled into the goal briskly.

The nearest No. 1 player who rushed over when he saw the ball passed to Bi Rui, only had time to run to Bi Rui's side, and before he had time to fall to the ground to tackle the ball, the ball rolled into the goal.

Meijiang Middle School finally scored. Bi Rui scored the goal and Han Dapeng assisted.

Lu Wenbin neither scored nor assisted.

But there is no doubt that Lu Wenbin passed the ball to Han Dapeng in the circle of five players in the first middle school, which became the key to this goal.

After seeing the ball in the net, Bi Rui turned around excitedly and rushed towards Lu Wenbin.

However, before he ran to Lu Wenbin's side, Xiang Youming, who was not far away, shouted, and fell to the ground and pressed him.

Then, Nie Yingkun, Han Dapeng, Lu Wenbin and the others also rushed over excitedly, folded the Arhat, and pressed Bi Rui below to scream.

On the sidelines, Zhang Minghai and the supporters of Meijiang Middle School also applauded excitedly and celebrated.

On the other hand, the players who conceded the ball were all dumbfounded. The coach of No. 1 Middle School, who widened his eyes after seeing Lu Wenbin passing the ball, was also blank-eyed at this time.

The cheerleaders of No. 1 Middle School were also stunned.

Unexpectedly, their school team defended for more than 80 minutes regardless of face. Lu Wenbin's first pass in the second half resulted in their loss.

No. 1 Middle School is 0-1 behind Meijiang Middle School.

The citizens and the audience on the sidelines also applauded and discussed in surprise.

Lu Wenbin passed the ball really well!

I thought Lu Wenbin had never been able to pass the ball. I didn't expect that this time he passed the ball, and he also scored a goal. It's surprising!

I don't know if he did it intentionally or not. If it was intentional, then the phenomenon that he had been dribbling and breaking through before was an illusion, a smoke bomb. That's really amazing!

It should be intentional, otherwise Lu Wenbin wouldn't pass a single ball in the second half. However, although Lu Wenbin is very good, Han Dapeng's fake shot is also very important!

Wrong, the key is still Lu Wenbin. He attracted the defense of five people in the first middle school, and then passed the ball out. Even if Han Dapeng doesn't pass to the one who scored, Han Dapeng's chances of scoring are not low.

Yes, Lu Wenbin's breakthrough and passing are more critical!

It's a fatal blow! With Lu Wenbin here, they have no chance. This final is lost!


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