Seven Crowns


Solemn reminder: This is not a testimonial, nor is it an April Fool's Day joke. This is the dream declaration of an old man who has entered the industry for 12 years and has not yet had a boutique novel.

Mingqiao has been reading and writing online novels in UU since 2006, which is considered a very early entry into the industry. However, it seems that there is no threshold for writing online articles, but if you want to support your family with this job, the hidden threshold is actually very, very high.

For a person like Mingqiao who has no talent, no creativity, no writing style, and slow coding speed, it is really difficult to get ahead in the online writing industry, and he has also experienced many setbacks.

Just starting the male channel, regardless of the books that have been blocked for various reasons, the current total number of books in the library is more than 800,000, and there are only more than 40,000 signed works, and the signing rate is only about 1/20.

After signing the contract, posting the courier fee and sending the contract is only the first step. After that, we must insist on a free period of two to three months without manuscript fees until the 200,000 to 300,000 words are put on the shelves. Many of them will be eunuchs before they are put on the shelves.

Then, after it was put on the shelves, it was necessary to face the situation of poor grades and whether it could persist until the completion of the book. Among them, there were big waves washing the sand. I don’t know how many people stopped the update midway and the eunuch gave up.

As for the works and authors who can get the boutique badge (more than 3,000 orders per order), there are even fewer.

Although readers' awareness of genuine editions is increasing year by year, and many readers have begun to recognize payment for knowledge, voluntarily give up piracy, and come to Qidian to subscribe to genuine VIP chapters to support authors, but the quality rate of Qidian is still very low.

Even though the number of genuine paying readers is increasing year by year, and there are rumors circulating in the Internet literature circle that ten thousand orders are everywhere and that high-quality products are not as good as dogs, for low-level writers like Mingqiao, the high-quality badge is still elusive. dream.

At present, there are more than 800,000 novels in Qidian’s male frequency library, and there are only more than 1,200 high-quality novels, and the high-quality rate is only 0.15%, which is about one in a thousand.

Considering the fact that Platinum Authors and Master Authors each have multiple high-quality works, there may be only one in 10,000 chances for low-level writers to get a high-quality badge.

The real one in a million is far more difficult than the college entrance examination, or even your civil servant examination.

Therefore, since Mingqiao entered the industry in 2006, he has changed several vests, and he has been silently on the street until 2017, and he has not seen where the boutique badge is.

However, no matter how much she rushes to the streets, Mingqiao still has a boutique dream in her heart. Otherwise, what is the difference with a salted fish?

In fact, Mingqiao almost succeeded in the last book Urban Almighty Superstar. The first order of 1800 was 24 hours after it was put on the shelves. According to the normal rules, it should be no problem to get the boutique badge after writing more than 1 million words.

It's a pity that Mingqiao has been on the street for too long, without any successful experience, and didn't focus on writing about one project of track and field. Instead, he asked the protagonist to change projects constantly. Xuechangyu's I'm Really a Big Star takes the road of an all-round superstar.

However, the facts have proved that he is a platinum, and he can go through the path of an all-round superstar, and he can write well, and the writing is so watery that people can't stop watching it, including myself.

But the reality is, Mingqiao is just a slut, I don't have that talent, I don't have that writing power, I don't have that level, I don't have that ability to arrange the plot, and the final writing is completely different.

The result is that every time the project is changed, a large number of readers who don't like the new project abandon the book. By the time the book is finished, the average subscription is only 2,500, and it is still a pity that it has not been able to get the boutique badge.

After learning the lessons from the previous book, I decided to write about football only in this new book Seven Crowns from the very beginning, and strive to write more than 2 million words while ensuring that the plot does not collapse. The last book had better grades and higher royalties.

Speaking of which, I have never received the support of my parents and relatives in writing online novels. To put it more directly, being despised and looked down upon by them,

Think I'm on the wrong track.

It's like telling your parents that you don't have to work, you can just play games, be a pro gamer and make money for a living.

I believe that if anyone dares to tell his parents that his ideal is to play games, most of them will definitely be beaten up.

Some open-minded parents in big cities may understand, but my family is in the mountainous countryside of Guizhou, and few relatives and neighbors can surf the Internet. My parents still don't know how to use a smartphone.

In their eyes, online novels and online games are electronic heroin. You can imagine how under the pressure of public opinion I insist on taking the road of online writing.

In 2016, when the monthly manuscript fee was only more than 2,000 yuan, writing novels part-time at home on weekends was regarded by my parents as not doing my job properly and being playful, almost smashing my computer.

So, after a quarrel with my parents, I ran away with my wife and children, and rented a single room in a private house near the company that has the functions of a kitchen, dining room, and bedroom. I continued to pursue my dream by writing novels part-time while going to work.

Fortunately, my wife has never given up on me, and has shared joys and sorrows with me. Even if she only buys meat once a week, she has always supported me to continue in the career I love, and firmly believes that I will surely usher in the day of success.

Urban Almighty Superstar written after working full-time in 2017 was not a success, but after all, it reached the income level of ordinary people working part-time, which relieved both my wife and I, and eased the attitude of my parents towards me. A little bit.

However, they still do not recognize my profession, and they are still ashamed to mention it to relatives and friends.

When people asked them what your son was doing, they all lied and said that I was working outside and dared not say that I was writing online novels, and they repeatedly told me not to tell my relatives and friends, as if I was doing something shameful and shameful. Their faces are the same.

So, in fact, I have been holding my breath and want to prove to them that I am not ashamed to write online novels, I can earn money to support my family, and I can be successful.

Even, when I succeed, I will earn more than most of my relatives and friends.

360 lines, every line is the top pick, as long as you are willing to work hard, work hard, and persevere, even if you don't have talent, you can still stand out.

I have always believed in this.

2018 coincides with the year of the World Cup in Russia, so I chose football as the type of new book, and I did not release the new book seamlessly after the old book was completed on December 27, but waited until 0:00 on January 1, 2018 to release the book , I have a feeling of grabbing the first football novel in 2018, which is a good sign.

Two chapters and 4,000 words per day. Two months after the book was published, the number of words had actually exceeded 200,000 by March 1, and it was ready to be put on the shelves.

However, holding my breath and wanting to succeed in football novels in the year of the World Cup, I chose to give up putting them on the shelves. Even if I get more words and time for free, I have to wait for Sanjiang and forcefully promote them to achieve better results.

Fortunately, my persistence paid off. Of course, I would also like to thank the editor-in-chief Hui Hui and editor-in-chief Chang Tian for their support. In mid-March, I have successively been recommended on the starting point Sanjiang and the homepage.

According to the general rule of the starting point, if it is not at the beginning of the month, it must be put on the shelves at noon on the Friday that was forced to be pushed, but I applied for an extension to the shelves in the early morning of April 1st, and it was not put on the shelves at noon on Friday, March 23rd. .

I'm still holding back, even if it takes another 9 days for free and more than 30,000 words.

Not only was it forced to not be put on the shelves, but since more than 200,000 words were not put on the shelves on March 1, I was ridiculed by some fellow authors in the author group.

Because it is on the shelves earlier, readers have to pay earlier to subscribe to VIP chapters, and authors can receive manuscript fees earlier.

In March, I was free for an extra month. Based on 2 chapters of 4,000 words per day, that is 120,000 words. Based on the income of about 50 yuan per thousand words in the last book, I almost gave up about 6,000 yuan in net income after sharing.

Therefore, some people in the author group call me mentally retarded, stupid, and brain-dead, which is not worth it.

However, how can a chick know the lofty ambition?

People who ridicule me are not as high-level writers as I am, I am not as rich in manuscript fees, and I have not been writing books for as long as I am. What do they know?

One more month of free and 120,000 words more free, I am using more free chapters to attract more new readers, so that there will be more collections and a larger reader base before it goes on the shelves, and then it will be a success when it goes on the shelves on April 1 .

Today is already March 31, and after 24 o'clock in the morning, it will be the day when it will be put on the shelves on April 1.

Now all the data tell me that my decision and persistence are correct.

There are more than 20,000 collections in the background, more than 2,000 recommendation votes per day, more clicks than before the release of the previous book, more rewards than before the release of the previous book, and more comments than before the release of the previous book. This chapter says that the number of discussions is higher than before the release of the previous book many.

The most important thing is that this is the football novel with the highest overall subscription rate and the highest reader VIP payment rate recognized by the starting male channel.

The 10,000 collections of football novels are as high as the 20,000 in other categories.

Therefore, I am 100% sure that I can get the boutique badge that I dreamed of before.

However, just relying on the accumulation of time and word count to slowly get a boutique badge in the later stage is not enough to be called a dream declaration, nor is it enough to slap those colleagues who mock me as mentally retarded, stupid, and brain-dead .

I want to prove to my peers that the extra month of waiting is worth it;

I want to prove to my parents that writing online novels can be successful;

I want to prove to all my relatives and friends that the web writing I insist on is not an idle job, but a legitimate job that can earn money and support the family!

Therefore, my launch declaration is: Seven Crowns will be on the shelves on April 1, the first day of boutique! ! !

The first day of boutique! The first day of boutique! The first day of boutique!

Say important things three times! ! !

That’s right, you read that right. In the case that most of the best novels from the starting point rely on the time spent in the later stage and the number of words gradually exceeds 3,000 to get the boutique badge. At present, there are only more than 20,000 collections of football novels. My goal is to achieve the first-day high-quality goods on the day it is put on the shelves.

I don't know if this goal can be achieved, and I don't know if I will become the laughing stock of the entire Internet circle.

But after being on the street for 12 years and being despised by my parents, relatives, and peers for so long, I couldn't hold back anymore.

Even if it is a dream that is out of reach and may become a laughing stock, or even a delusion, I have to say it out loud.

If you don't say it, no one will know, and you won't lose face if you fail to achieve your goal.

But when I said it, I felt a lot more at ease.

Even if it turns out to be self-defeating and embarrassing in the end, it's still my choice, no complaints or regrets!

The road you choose, you have to walk on your knees!

Of course, because the collection base of Seven Crowns is much lower than those masters who collected 40,000 to 50,000, 70,000, 80,000, or even hundreds of thousands of collections before it was released, it is a bit difficult to order more than 3,000 on the first day of release.

Moreover, starting point distributes premium badges every day at 14:00 noon. Although the average order of 3,000 before 24:00 in the evening is considered a premium on the first day, but you can’t get the premium badges and get official recognition. It always feels a bit bad. Even if it is made up at 14 noon the next day, it will be regrettable.

Therefore, on the first day of release, apart from following the commitment to upload ten VIP chapters after opening the VIP function in the early morning of April 1st, Mingqiao should not update chapters on that day, so as to avoid lowering the average subscription after uploading new chapters, resulting in average subscriptions. If you can't meet the boutique standard line, you can't get the boutique badge.

Of course, if you really get the boutique badge on the first day and exceed the standard line by a lot, even if you add an updated chapter, it will not cause the average order to fall below the standard line and the boutique badge will be withdrawn, then I will reward or Monthly tickets are added.

Therefore, I would like to ask all the book friends here to help you. Even if you don’t like football, or feel that Mingqiao’s level is limited and the writing is not to your liking, please spend a few starting points to sponsor and subscribe to the first chapter of VIP.

If there is a book friend who wants to fully subscribe and support Mingqiao, after the shelf is on the right side of the computer PC, under the rating, next to Download, there is a Subscribe button, click it, enter the full order page, and there is a default closed on the right Automatically subscribe to the latest chapters button, choose to manually open to automatically subscribe to the latest VIP chapters.

For the starting point client of the mobile APP, long press the book in the bookshelf and a pop-up window will appear, and then under your starting point nickname is the button of automatically subscribe to the latest chapter, which is closed by default. Mingqiao's book friends can also be opened in this location of the mobile client.

However, everyone should pay attention to one thing, the button to automatically subscribe to the latest chapter, after opening, Mingqiao will update a chapter VIP, and it will automatically subscribe for you. Whether you read the book or not, please consider whether you want to open it or not.

Whether it is single order, full order or automatic subscription, it can only be operated after the VIP chapter of this book is updated in the early morning of April 1st. Please wait patiently.

Moreover, if time permits, please try to subscribe before 14:00 on April 1st. It is best to wait a little longer the night before, and subscribe as soon as I finish uploading the VIP chapter in the early morning.

It happens that March 31st is Saturday, and April 1st is Sunday. If you don’t have to go to work on Sunday, please wait a little longer, subscribe and vote for the monthly ticket before going to bed.

Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone! Thank you everyone!

In addition, because Qidian Boutique only calculates the average subscription of the first launch website. Therefore, book lovers who read this book on other channels such as Chuangshi Chinese website, QQ reading, WeChat reading, mobile QQ, QQ browser, Tencent video, novel reading network, mobile Baidu, chasing books, etc., if they have a Qidian account , I also hope that everyone will come to UU, the first website of Seven Crowns, to subscribe.

If you don’t have an account, you can download the Qidian Reading app from Qidian’s official website or App Store, register with your mobile phone number, and then subscribe to “Seven Crowns” on Qidian to support Mingqiao.

In this way, on the one hand, it can help Mingqiao increase the average subscription rate of the first launch website and realize the dream of high-quality goods. On the other hand, since the subscription on the first launch website does not need to pay channel fees, if the subscription prices paid by you are similar, the proportion of the manuscript fee that Mingqiao will finally get is higher. A little higher, Mingqiao is here to thank everyone!

In addition to the first-day boutique goal, Mingqiao also has a goal that has never been achieved before, which is the monthly ticket list for new books.

The new book monthly ticket list is not only an honor, but also a key exposure position for sports classification, because every month the new book monthly ticket list has a fixed recommendation position on the homepage of the starting point. The one below [Original Billboard·New Book].

We all know that the sports category has low traffic and few readers, and few readers click on the sports category page to find books.

Therefore, if my book Seven Crowns can enter the top ten of the monthly ticket list of new books on the first day of its release, and keep it until the end of the month, it is equivalent to adding a 30-day starting point homepage recommendation out of thin air. This is very important for a book on sports classification, and it is of great significance.

Mingqiao's old book friends know the extent of my handicap. Basically, the output is 4000-6000 characters per day. I have never competed for the monthly ticket list before, because I don't have the confidence and code word speed.

In order to write this football novel, in order to strive for authenticity, except for the protagonist, I will try my best to search for the starting lineup, substitute list, injury list, team style, and the strength of each player in every real game in history. , advantages, disadvantages, game date, start time, etc., the start time must be converted into Beijing time and local time, even friendly matches are no exception.

For example, the five friendly matches between Hoffenheim and Mannheim, Blackburn, Galatasaray and other teams before the season were all Hoffenheim's pre-season friendly matches that existed that season. No. 1 goalkeeper Haas was taken away by Ozcan after being promoted to the Bundesliga. No. 17 Weiss was promoted to the Bundesliga and played as an avant-garde and played well. The same is true.

If I can find historical data, I will try my best to abide by the historical facts, and only make minor adjustments to the position of the protagonist.

Then, every season each team’s points, ranking, goal difference, etc., I have to re-adjust and record according to the results of the match between the opponent and the protagonist’s team, and I can’t copy it from the first round The historical standings.

Of course, because there are so many things to check, it is inevitable that there will be negligence.

If I haven't found some information, or there are omissions, wrong descriptions, or discrepancies with what the book friends know, I hope everyone will understand and correct me. I will try my best to make up for it.

Therefore, writing this highly professional football novel is more laborious and slower than when we were making up cities and fantasy in the past.

However, no matter how handicapped and how slow the coding speed is, Mingqiao is willing to go all out in order to get on the monthly ticket list of new books in the first month of its release and get more exposure time on the front page.

After complying with the promise on April 1st and breaking out ten updates on the first day of release, starting from April 2nd, on the basis of guaranteeing a minimum of 2 updates per day, one chapter will be added for every 100 monthly tickets. There is no upper limit, and the more the better.

But only in April. I estimate that after this month, I will lose 10 catties. Whether I can continue to add monthly tickets in May depends on whether I am still alive after the end of April! (cover face.jpg)

Therefore, if you want to squeeze out the potential of Mingqiao book friends, you may only have this chance in April.

Also because the code word is slow, after the chapters coded every day are used for the monthly ticket to add updates, I really can't make too high promises for the rewards.

It can only be a reward of more than 50,000 starting coins directly in the book review area, adding a chapter each time. If you reward the leader directly, two more chapters will be added.

There is no popularity, but if some book friends get the title of leader by accumulating fan points through subscription and usual rewards, a new chapter will be added.

Adding rewards can only be done to this extent, Mingqiao is here to say sorry to the book friends who generously donated rewards.

This is my launch testimonial, and it is also a launch declaration, the obsession of an old Pujie who is still clinging to his dream after 12 years.

The level of writing itself is limited, and the writing may be a bit chaotic and scattered, but the central goals are two:

1. Strive for the boutique on the first day of listing, it is best to get the boutique badge officially issued by the starting point before 14:00 on April 1;

2. Hit the top ten in the monthly ticket list of new books in April.

The rest, life or death, success or disgrace, will be left to the book friends to decide!

I hope everyone can help me!

March 31, 2018

——Mingqiao/Thank you

Attachment: starting point monthly ticket rules

1. How to obtain the monthly pass: Guaranteed monthly pass, subscription monthly pass, reward monthly pass. All monthly tickets are valid for the current month, and expired.

2. The specific rules for obtaining the monthly pass:

1. Guaranteed monthly pass: Senior members who subscribed and spent more than 1,000 starting coins in the previous month will receive 1 guaranteed monthly pass in the next month; junior VIP users who subscribed and spent more than 1,000 starting coins in the previous month will receive 2 guaranteed monthly passes in the next month; Monthly subscription consumption of more than 1,000 starting currency, the next month will receive 3 guaranteed monthly tickets. (Only limited to subscriptions of UU Reading, Qidian client, Chuangshi Chinese website, and QQ reading, tipping consumption is not included in it)

2. Subscription monthly pass: Ordinary members will receive a monthly pass for every 3,000 starting coins spent in the current month, every 2,000 starting coins for senior members, every 1,500 starting coins for junior VIPs, and every 1,000 starting coins for senior VIPs. There is no upper limit.

3. Reward monthly ticket: For every tipping of 10,000 starting coins, a monthly ticket will be given to the book by default, 5 tickets for 50,000 starting coins, 10 tickets for 100,000 starting coins, no upper limit.

3. Voting rules:

1. You can vote only when the fan value of the work is greater than 0, that is to say, you must subscribe to at least 1 chapter or reward 100 starting coins before you can vote for the monthly ticket. (Newly released works are not subject to this restriction within 24 hours on the first day, and all readers can vote)

2. Each user can vote up to 2 votes for each work within 24 hours (the leader of the book is not restricted by this article), and vote for a single work at most 5 votes per month. (Reward voting is not limited)

3. Voting channels: UU Reading, Qidian Client, Chuangshi Chinese Website, and QQ Reading can all vote monthly votes for this book. All monthly votes for the same book on these websites and APPs are all calculated together.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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