Seven Crowns

Chapter 146: The Last Chance

On the court, Lu Wenbin encouraged his teammates one by one to cheer them up and continue the game.

As long as he does not continue to be scored by Bayern, and then creates another shot for him in the frontcourt, he will definitely score.

With the encouragement of Lu Wenbin, who has a leadership aura, the Hoffenheim players recovered a little bit of morale.

Lu Wenbin's strength in more than a dozen games in the past has given his teammates some confidence and hope.

As long as the backcourt no longer concedes the ball and Lu Wenbin can create more shooting opportunities in the frontcourt, Lu Wenbin may not have the possibility of scoring another goal to help the team equalize the score.

After the restart of the game, Bayern Munich restrained a little.

After all, no team can maintain a high-intensity offense for 90 minutes of a game all the time.

There was no way for Bayern to have been attacking before. They were behind and wanted to tie and overtake, so they had to continue to attack.

Now that we have overtaken the score and led Hoffenheim 2-1, it is natural to slow down a little and take a breath.

This also relieved Hoffenheim's defenders.

They were attacked by Bayern Munich for more than 70 minutes and only conceded two goals. They were also under a lot of pressure.

The three midfielders, Salihovic, Copado and Eduardo who were originally in charge of the attack, can finally put more energy into the attack.

Hoffenheim began to switch from defense to attack, and the formation pressed forward to attack Bayern Munich's half-court, hoping to see if Bayern could score a goal to tie the game when Bayern's defense was shrinking and its footing was unstable.

However, Bayern Munich is no ordinary team. Of all European clubs, Bayern Munich certainly ranks among the best in terms of overall psychological quality.

Their contractions were not deflation, but strategic retreats to recuperate. Hoffenheim would be wrong to think that the Bayern players are really too tired to walk and can attack aggressively.

In the 83rd minute, Hoffenheim, who was aggressively attacking, was almost blocked by Bayern and counterattacked.

Salihovic dribbled the ball wide and was tackled by Sagnol, which fell to Sosa before passing to Ribery.

After a few minutes of rest, Ribery regained his energy. After taking the ball, he rushed out instantly. After passing Yankel, he made a cross from the bottom. Luca Toni, who followed up in the middle, made a standard diving for the top.

Ribery's cross was powerful, Tony hit the standard, and Daniel Haas had already surrendered, but this diving header hit the crossbar hard, and then popped the bottom line.

The Bayern fans in the stands lamented, and the commentators exclaimed: It's the goal post again, Bayern Munich hit the goal post for the third time today. If it wasn't for the help of the goal post, the game would have ended early. Huo Finheim is lucky.

Indeed, when Luka Toni headed the ball, Lu Wenbin was already a little desperate.

Unexpectedly, in the end, the header hit the crossbar, causing Lu Wenbin to take a deep breath and feel the feeling of escaping from death.

The goalposts at the Berlin Olympic Stadium have helped in this way, and Lu Wenbin can't give up, even if the stoppage time is added, it is only about 10 minutes before the end of the game.

As long as the final whistle does not sound, Lu Wenbin cannot give up.

When the other teammates were still feeling lingering fears, Lu Wenbin called a group of people in the front court together and said in a low voice:

Today we were lucky, the goalposts were always on our side. Therefore, even if the score is behind, we cannot give up. There are still ten minutes or so, and it is estimated that I will still be targeted by them. Therefore, I hope you Make more breakthroughs and try to take free kicks. If there is a chance, I will pass the ball to you too, and you will take the final blow.”

Eduardo and others nodded, then dispersed, goalkeeper Haas kicked the ball, and the game continued.

As expected by Lu Wenbin,

Although Lu Wenbin's game was almost mediocre except for the midfield lob, Bayern Munich still did not relax his marking at all.

It is almost difficult for Salihovic and others to pass the ball to Lu Wenbin to let him hit the goal.

Therefore, Salihovic and others strengthened their personal dribbling and breakthroughs, intending to make Bayern Munich's foul to obtain free kick opportunities.

However, Bayern was well prepared for this, and would not foul easily at all. Instead, they used their strong overall strength to assist in defense and destruction, and did not give Hoffenheim a chance to break into the penalty area or get a free kick.

As time passed by, the Bayern fans in the stands had already stood up and began to sing excitedly in advance to celebrate the victory and the championship.

Although they only scored a 2-1 win against the Bundesliga team, a victory is a victory. The championship trophy is the most important thing. The Bayern fans are not dissatisfied, and it is not surprising to celebrate in advance.

On the pitch, seeing how little time was left, Eduardo and others also became impatient, and they acted recklessly and alone more often, so that there was no threat to Bayern's goal.

Although Lu Wenbin is also impatient, he understands that impatient can't solve the problem, and he is only one shot away.

Therefore, he used the opportunity of running to comfort Ibisevic and others one by one, telling them not to rush, be more patient, pay attention to his running and the gaps in the Bayern penalty area to create opportunities for him to shoot.

Under Lu Wenbin's comfort, Eduardo and others calmed down and became more patient. They were no longer eager to die in the penalty area, but patiently looked for opportunities to pass or shoot outside the penalty area.

Lu Wenbin tried his best to run back and forth, pull and run, trying to get rid of Autor and run out of the gap, and received a pass from his teammate to form a goal.

Finally, when the time entered stoppage time, Hoffenheim, who was patiently looking for opportunities, played a beautiful and successful short pass.

At the front of Bayern's penalty area, Salihovic, Eduardo, and Ibisevic passed the ball in a row and sent the ball to the foot of Kopado who cut inside the wing in the 92nd minute.

Through the continuous short passes of a few people just now, Bayern Munich's formation was pulled and disrupted a little, and a gap finally appeared near the penalty spot in the penalty area facing the goal.

Then, Lu Wenbin, who was running to the corner of the small penalty area with Otell, suddenly stopped suddenly, turned and rushed to the penalty spot, and Copado's ball was passed in time.

Stop him! Rensing's face changed greatly, and he moved from the side of the goal to the middle while shouting.

If Lu Wenbin was allowed to get a shot from such a close and straight place, it would be an almost guaranteed goal!

Aotel, who was behind Lu Wenbin and was thrown a little distance away by Lu Wenbin, didn't have time to think about it. He flew to the ground, intending to block Lu Wenbin's shooting line with his body.

Lucio, who was attracted out of position by Ibisevic just now, also turned around and rushed back with an ugly face, and fell directly to the ground to shovel the ball.

Just between the lightning and flint, Lu Wenbin, who was actually going to shoot, found that it was difficult for him to score the ball.

Not to mention that Otell, who had fallen to the ground, was blocking his shot, and Rensing was guarding the goal.

Just because of Lucio, who is tall and long-legged, Lu Wenbin intuitively wants to shoot normally, I am afraid that Lucio will shovel the ball away before he touches the ball.

Therefore, before he had time to think about it, Lu Wenbin had to fly and shovel the ball just like Lucio.

It doesn't matter whether you can shoot or not, touch the ball first.

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