Sangu and Shippo, who were curious about the Bone-Eating Well, saw Kagome coming back again. Sangu asked first,"Hey, Kagome? Did you forget something?"

"Yes, Kagome, did you forget something?" Shippo was also confused.

Kagome said worriedly:"No, it's just that something bad happened. Seshomaru ran to the modern era."

Coral asked:"Master Seshomaru! Is he in that world now?"

"No, he's been there before." Kagome sighed,"By the way, where's Inuyasha?"

Shippo replied,"In the village"


"What! You said that Seshomaru went to your world."

Hearing that Seshomaru went to Kagome's world, Inuyasha immediately felt that his exclusiveness was gone.

Miroku said:"Inuyasha, what we should care about now is why Seshomaru was able to pass through the Bone-Eating Well and go to Kagome's era."

Inuyasha was puzzled:"What's there to care about? If he wants to go, just go."

Miroku explained:"The key is to be afraid that Seshomaru has changed history. Didn't Kagome say that the two eras are related?���

Inuyasha was puzzled:"Tsk, Seshomaru would care about such a problem."

Kagome:"Inuyasha, please speak properly."

"Kagome, what's wrong with me?"

"Sit down!"


Kagome looked at Coral and said embarrassedly:"Coral, don't mind it, Inuyasha is just like this."

She knew that Coral liked Seshomaru, and the idiot Inuyasha always said bad things about Seshomaru in front of Coral.

"It's okay, I believe in Master Seshomaru." Sango didn't care much, after all, she already knew Inuyasha's character.

At this time Shippo said:"Why don't we go ask Seshomaru?"

Inuyasha suddenly realized:"Yes, Shippo, you are still smart, let's go find Seshomaru."


Jaken looked at the pill in his hand and looked at Seshomaru in confusion:"Master Seshomaru, what is this?"

After leaving the Utopia, Seshomaru found Jaken and the others, and gave Jaken a pill made of elixir of life.

"It's a good thing, you'll know after you eat it." Seshomaru suddenly felt a little guilty.

"Yes, Master Seshomaru." Xiejian swallowed it immediately without any hesitation.

"Master Seshomaru, I don’t feel anything, but the taste is good." After taking it, Jaken felt that there was no effect and looked at Seshomaru in confusion.

Seshomaru: Is it a fake medicine? This peach fairy is very brave...

However, Jaken’s reaction interrupted Seshomaru’s thoughts. Jaken covered his stomach:"Ah! ? Master Seshomaru, my stomach feels like it’s on fire, ah ah ah... Seshomaru... Master……"

Jaken rolled on the ground, holding his stomach and yelling. Then, his whole body seemed to be in pain. He didn't know where to hold his hands, so he started scratching randomly.

Jaken burst into tears:"Master Seshomaru, help me, it hurts so much."

Ling saw Jaken's pitiful appearance. She was kind and looked at Seshomaru and said"Hehehe", wanting to say something but couldn't.

Jaken had been taking care of her these past few days, so she was naturally a little close to Jaken, but she couldn't say anything.

Seshomaru watched Jaken rolling back and forth, and then he fainted after more than ten minutes.

Then Seshomaru saw the changes in Jaken's body. He was an old monster, and his skin was a little loose, but now it has become a lot tighter and he looks much younger.

Seshomaru checked Jaken's physical condition and found nothing abnormal. The medicine was real.

At this time, Ling suddenly spoke, crying and stammering:"S... Seshomaru... Master, Jaken... Grandpa... is he dead?"

"She's not dead, she's asleep." Seshomaru touched her little head and said



"That's great."

It was already evening when Xiejian woke up. He rushed into the woods next to him without caring about anything. There was a crackling sound, and Seshomaru left with Ling in disgust.

In the middle of the night, Xiejian finally came to

"Master Seshomaru, I finally found you. And Master Seshomaru, what was that meatball you gave me to eat?"

Xiejian thought he was going to die at first, but dying for Master Seshomaru was a worthy death, except that he felt it was a shame.

Unexpectedly, he didn't die, but he vomited and had diarrhea after waking up, which was very uncomfortable.

But now he feels strong all over, as if he has returned to the youthful feeling when he was fighting for territory with other monsters on the wild grassland.

He misunderstood Master Seshomaru, Xiejian, you deserve to die!

"Grandpa Xiejian, you are back. Ling saw Xiejian and happily ran over to hug him.

"Ling, you can talk now." Xiejian was a little surprised, then pushed Ling away and said,"Go to the side."

Seshomaru asked,"Xiejian, how do you feel?"

Xiejian said immediately,"Master Seshomaru, I feel full of strength, as if I have returned to my youth."

"I'm glad you're okay."

Jaken said with tears in his eyes:"Master Seshomaru, I'm so touched that you would use such a precious thing on me. I have no way to repay you. As long as you are still alive, I will always follow Master Seshomaru."

Seshomaru took out another elixir of immortality and gave it to Jaken, who was immediately so moved that he burst into tears.

Although the process was a little painful, the effect was enough for Jaken to eat it without hesitation.

However, this time there was no effect at all. Jaken just felt a little warm in his body, and there were no other reactions.

It seems that the effect was only good the first time he took it, and there was basically no effect if he took it again.

Seshomaru gave Jaken the Qi training technique he got from Peach Immortal:"Try to practice according to this, and see if you can practice"

"Yes, Master Seshomaru, I will practice hard." Jaken took it and promised, no matter what it was. After practicing for a night, the next morning, Seshomaru asked Jaken about the situation on Inuyasha's side and Hakuhime's side, and found out that it was about to be Kagura's turn to appear. He had been waiting for a long time. He asked

Jaken to notify Hakuhime to continue expanding and not to hold back, and then go find Inuyasha and the others. It would not be easy to find Kagura, but they would definitely find her by following Inuyasha and the others.

However, halfway through the journey, Jaken received a message:"Master Seshomaru, there is news from down there. Inuyasha and the others seem to be looking for you as well."

"Where are they?"

"We are near the Demonic Wolf Clan. Do you want to go over there?"



In the plot, the people of the Northern Demon Wolf Clan got the news, that is, Kagura released the news, that the lord of a city had a large piece of the Four Souls Jade, and then the people of the Northern Demon Wolf Clan approached Gangya and wanted to rob it together, but Gangya refused.

But Gangya did not restrict the tribe members, and some of the tribe members followed the people of the Northern Demon Wolf Clan, but were all killed by Kagura.

Kagura manipulated the corpses to set a trap, letting Gangya see the scene of Inuyasha and the corpses of the Demon Wolf Clan fighting, hoping to let the two fight so that she could take advantage, but unfortunately she failed. Gangya has been chasing Naraku because of this.

But this has nothing to do with Seshomaru, and what has to do with him is Kagura.

Kagura was Seshomaru's favorite character before, but unfortunately she couldn't escape the fate of Naraku's clone after all. But now it's different, Seshomaru will no longer let Kagura die with regret.

"Master Seshomaru, aren't we going down?"

Jaken looked at Inuyasha and the others at his feet, and looked at Seshomaru in confusion. Didn't he say he was here to find Inuyasha and the others? Why didn't he go down to meet them after finding them?

"No, just follow me."

Seshomaru realized when he came over. At this time, Naraku can rely on Saireikatsu to monitor him. There must be someone around Kagura, and there may be someone around Inuyasha and the others. They cannot be discovered. Kagura must be the first to find Naraku, so they use the demon energy barrier to hide.

And if Seshomaru wants Kagura to get out of Naraku's control, her heart must be taken.

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