Seshomaru really wants to kill 4068, this guy is like a stick of shit.

You can't say he is that bad, but such a small person always makes some small moves at the critical moment, but it can cause a great impact.

As for Tony, he is a citizen of the Lighthouse standard. If Penny tells him that she likes him, Seshomaru can't guarantee that Tony will not send Penny directly to the law school.

But for the reward of Feixue, save him first, and send him away if he doesn't consider the consequences later.

So when Tony opened fire, Seshomaru knocked out several people and threw them out.

The group of spinal gu who ran out looked at Seshomaru whispering to each other and hid in the corner again.

""That's pretty sensible."

After dealing with the spinal Gu, Seshomaru locked onto the snakes and dogs hiding in the dark. They didn't know what was happening when the spirit seeds suddenly shattered.

"Done, back to collect the reward"


Donnie's gunshot attracted everyone's attention.

Mark immediately called:"Penny, Donnie, if you hear me, please answer."

No response.

"Penny, Donnie."

Mark called several more times, but still no response.

"Something happened, let's go."

Mark took Ran Bing and others back immediately.

What they saw was five people fainted in the corridor. Mark and others immediately went to check and found that they were just unconscious.

They asked someone to drag the five people away. Mark took Ran Bing and others into the room to check, but found nothing abnormal.

Ran Bing whispered:"What happened? Why did the five of them faint in the corridor?"

"Not sure, let's wait until they wake up."

Mark didn't know what was going on. This situation was very abnormal, and no toxic substances were detected in the air.

It was even more impossible that it was man-made. There were only them here, and there was nothing worth attacking. Besides, if they were to attack, they would kill them. It was illogical to leave them alive.

Mark immediately ordered:"Let everyone speed up, Jeff, pay attention to the situation around you."

Jeff:"Got it."

Under Mark's order, everyone picked up the supplies and began to evacuate quickly. They had just heard gunshots, so there must be something going on, and everyone sped up.

At this time, Seshomaru had returned to Tobiki

"Mission accomplished, remember my reward."

There were people around, Feixue rolled her eyes under the mask, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Seshomaru smiled and followed her. If she ignored him now, she would charge more interest later.

But at this time, Seshomaru looked to the west and said to Feixue,"There is trouble. Notify Mark to leave quickly. There are a lot of extreme beasts coming from the west."

Seshomaru took off and saw a large number of snakes and dogs rushing over. This was interesting.

Hearing this, Feixue quickly jumped onto a high ground and saw a cloud of dust rising in the west. Then she immediately reported,"Captain, there is a situation. A large number of extreme beasts are approaching from the west."

"Everyone, load the supplies and evacuate urgently."Mark rushed out of the spaceship and gave orders to all channels.

For the wasteland hunters, the Extreme Devouring Beast is impossible to kill, so there is no need to face it head-on.

When others hurriedly loaded the vehicles and evacuated, Seshomaru stood beside Feixue and asked her to test the gun.

"Don't worry, try it. Who else but me has the time to care about you at this time?"

Feixue found a higher place, then activated the sniper rifle and switched to the second gear.

Because of the target locking function, plus Feixue's sniper talent, basically one shot hit the spirit seed.

Even if it didn't hit the spirit seed, the snake dog hit by the second gear sniper rifle would be temporarily dead, either exploded or had a big hole in its body.

"Well, not bad. I'll take you down to sharpen your sword someday."

Seshomaru still felt that guns were not as practical as cold weapons, so he had to let Feixue gradually adapt to close combat.

"It’s almost time, you and the team should leave first."

Feixue put away his gun and asked,"Aren’t you going with us?"

"Follow him when you see him. Don't worry, I haven't received the reward yet, so I won't run away."

Feixue kicked Seshomaru angrily and said,"Go to hell, who cares if you run away or not.""

Asshole monster!

You only know rewards, rewards

"Feixue, come down quickly, retreat."

Mo Cheng was a little puzzled when he saw Feixue kicking the air.

"I am here." Feixue returned to Mocheng and looked at Seshomaru again,"If you can't keep up, the reward will be gone."

Seshomaru looked at Feixue's figure jumping down and smiled,"It's not easy, you are beginning to care about people."

Then, meet Boss Bai Yuekui and clock in.

Seshomaru flew into the air:"Dog system, get to work"

"Come on"

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fifth-grade elixir, the Soul-shaping Pill"

【Soul-shaping Pill: Enhance the power of the soul】

"Good stuff, just right for me."

The transformation realm cultivates the power of the primordial spirit (soul)

"The host has been very happy recently, and has been giving out some unexpected rewards."The dog system is a little jealous, points, all points!

"Don't make your own calculations. I won't sell anything that can be used, but I'll consider things that can't be used."

I don't know if the dog system has kickbacks, but it's always keen to sell rewards in exchange for points.


Because of Seshomaru's intervention, the scavenger team loaded the vehicles and evacuated first.

Although there were a large number of snake dogs chasing them, the team had already moved and no casualties were caused.

However, there were still a few unlucky people who were caught by the snake dogs and fell off the vehicle and died.

When the team was halfway through the escape, the chasing snake dogs had just been cleared, but a large-scale Devouring Beast rushed out and scared everyone.

They immediately stepped on the accelerator and fled madly.

Fortunately, the large-scale Devouring Beast was not fast and had no long-range attack methods, so it was soon thrown away by the team.

Mark and Ran Bing, who were at the rear, looked back and saw Bai Yuekui standing on the back of the large Devouring Beast and Seshomaru flying in the air.

Because of the distance, the two could only see a rough idea and thought that Seshomaru was floating in the air with something.

The team gradually went away, leaving Bai Yuekui and Seshomaru.

Bai Yuekui regretted not bringing his knife at this time. The existence in front of him was definitely not a human.

And the appearance of Seshomaru reminded her of No. 19 that year.

Seshomaru looked at Boss Bai and smiled,"I think we should go to another place."

Seshomaru didn't know why Bai Yuekui had become what she is now. He could only guess that it was related to the baby she took away from the skull of the ancient creature.

As for that baby, it was probably the current Master Lai.

Bai Yuekui looked at Seshomaru and thought for a while and replied,"Follow me."

Boss Bai had the Guiyuan Method to control her emotions, so she naturally didn't worry about the Devouring Beasts discovering her. She took Seshomaru to shuttle among the Devouring Beasts, and ended up returning to the ruins of the R-49 interstellar spacecraft.

Boss Bai didn't come alone, there were Shan Da, Xu Tong, Gu Yan, Sui Xing and Xia Dou.

Several people were waiting for Boss Bai in a dilapidated high-rise building.

Xia Dou saw Bai Yuekui's figure first and wondered,"Hey! Why did the boss go to that broken spaceship?"

Shan Da scratched his head,"Didn't the boss say he would go take a look and come back to meet us?"

Sui Xing reminded,"Something is going on, a suspicious person was found."

Seshomaru had already appeared in the sight of several people.

Xu Tong was puzzled and said,"Damn it! What's going on? Where did this person come from?"

Gu Yan cursed,"Idiot, that guy doesn't look like a human. Look at his ears. How can a human have ears like that?"

Seshomaru looked at the location of the few people and smiled. Boss Bai was trying to lure the enemy with himself.

Xu Tong saw Seshomaru looking in their direction and smiling, and immediately said,"Damn it, he smiled at us. He found us."

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