Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 18 Chapter 314: Travels of Macragge (3)

Macragge is located in the central division of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar. In the absence of Guilliman, it is usually directly managed by the lord and Marius on Macragge.

With no need to pay taxes to the Empire, every world in Ultramar is rich. Guilliman set up some relatively special management models for them, where the Astartes, who were not involved in any politics, could be given political responsibilities here.

Of course, after the Horus Heresy ended, Guilliman actually had no intention of letting the Astartes rule over humanity. But he couldn't remove the influence of the Astartes on the political power of mortals in a short while, not to mention that he was put into a stasis position after that...

I mean, if you're thrown into a living coffin that's barely sustaining your vitals, what else can you do? dreaming?

In short, when he woke up, Ultramar had become a prosperous world governed by Lords and Astartes. He couldn't find anything to criticize, and even if he wanted to change, now was not the right time.

However, it's not like he didn't manage Ultramar after waking up.

For example, the return of the Four Heroes system, or his Thunder Wrath that time.

Remember that rare tantrum aboard the Glory of Macragge?

The lords of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar did not know that they had taken the wrong medicine, and wanted him to change the title of regent of their empire—if you don’t know what the new title is called, I can remind you for it. The first four words are the Second Reich.

In short, he does not have a good impression of the lords of Ultramar now.

On the ship to Macragge, he told his two brothers this matter succinctly.

"...So, as I said. It's normal if I'm impatient and have some negativity in my conversations with them."

Guilliman sighed as he said, "Ultramar is mostly made up of industrial worlds, but I take the environment very seriously. So they're perfectly self-sufficient, and the food is even a little bit better...I've I did the best I could, but why aren't they satisfied?"


Conrad Koz made a thoughtful sound, and then he spoke slowly.

"Maybe it's because you give them too much, Robert Guilliman. You give too much, so they start asking for more. Human nature is like that, you can't expect that kind of thing. You can trust us A small number of people are heroes, but you can't expect everyone to be a hero. In fact, most people..."

He smiled and didn't continue to say more.

"Most people are very cruel and greedy. Good people are always a minority, and it is the same in a peaceful world. The **** in our human nature and genes determines that we are always chasing something..."

Sanguinius took over from him, calmly. But the furrowed brows expressed something in him.

"The oppression is always there. And we can't even end the war, and of course we can't tell them what's good and what's bad... Frankly, I get scared sometimes, I don't know if I can make them Really understand that bullying is cheap, and I don't know if I can stop it."

"At least not yet."

Conrad Coates shrugged. "Productivity is the number one priority. People have to be fed and clothed before they can think about morality. If you tell a person who is dying of starvation that he shouldn't rob food...of course he won't listen."

What he said made his two brothers look over with strange eyes, and Curz frowned: "What's the matter? Do you think what I said is wrong?"

"No... Actually, I'm just a little surprised." Robert Guilliman said with complicated eyes. "I just didn't expect that you would have such a deep understanding of this issue."

"Oh, Robert, you need to refresh your perception of me - need I remind you again? I am in another world

The world established the new Nostramo, and I made it a utopia in the true sense of the word. "

Conrad Koz looked like he was smiling, but there was no smile in his eyes: "So I understand that if there is no power like me that can end everything to decide everything, what human beings really want to do There is no oppression, I am afraid that the only way to go is to continue the struggle. The struggle will not end, it will only continue forever.”

He was silent, and then he clenched his fist, in which darkness loomed: "Oppression will always exist."


Sanguinius ended the topic, he was unwilling to talk about it any more, it was too heavy for a tour that was about to start.

It should be brought up in a debate of philosophers and discussed in a symposium of sociologists, rather than three Primarchs sitting together and talking about it with self-pity.

He came to the porthole of the Thunderhawk gunship, and began to observe the towering exquisite buildings and sculptures all over the city through the trembling metal and reinforced glass, with a little appreciation in his eyes.

His aesthetics are naturally different from those of the artists in Ultramar, but beauty is beauty, if something is beautiful, then you can feel and admit it without your approval.

"They've done a good job here—ah, that bridge!" Sanguinius pointed suddenly. "I still remember, that's where you held my hand up."

"...Can we just stop talking about this?"

"Why? Could it be that you dare to do it or not, Robert?"

Sanguinius deliberately showed a mournful face, causing Guilliman's cheeks to twitch He took a deep breath and retorted very quickly: "Of course I won't Dare to do it or not, I just think that your behavior is very unnecessary. It has been 10,000 years later, and I have almost destroyed all the remaining materials... So, please, Brother, stop."

"Okay—since you're so sincere." Sanguinius smiled very satisfied.

Not paying attention to their little squabble, Conrad Koz sat silently. He still had that smile on his face, normal, but the darkness inside was whispering to him.

"Here they come..." Darkness said disturbedly and disgustedly. "Germs, plagues, death...they're marching..."

I know.

Conrad Koze's lips moved slightly, responding to them. He raised his head, stared sharply at a certain corner of nothingness, and slowly clenched his right fist.

He repeated it again.

I know.

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