Fulgrim walked among the ruins of the hive, unexpectedly calm. According to the task He Shenyan gave him, Phoenix is ​​following his instructions all the way to the middle level of the hive. The corpses he saw along the way made him look away in embarrassment.

He can accept the death of a soldier or soldier, but not the wanton killing of civilians. It's a pity that the demons obviously won't have the same consensus as him.

Golden flames rose from his hands, and Fulgrim gently scattered the flames to the ground. The corpses of the desecrated civilians were set on fire, so that they would not be exposed here, and a decent ending could still be achieved. It was the only thing he could do for them.

The speed of the primarch was very fast, but in just ten minutes, he entered the power plant. The lingering smell of the plague made him frown unhappily, and the tragic death of the battle nuns and Ultramarines made Fulgrim grit his teeth - what a terrible plague? Can cause such casualties...

He came to the bottom of the power plant, where the fuel injection port of the power plant was emitting a faint red light. Fulgrim was keenly aware that there were traces of psionic power. But not evil, but a psionic power that felt familiar to him.

Phoenix closed his eyes, and his spirit began to communicate with the remaining psionic energy in this area. After realizing his own nature, he can easily do this kind of thing. Fulgrim understood that the Emperor left everyone with the potential to use psionic power, which he may have calculated from the beginning. But until the end, only a few of them will have this power.

Now, Fulgrim is one of them.

"Steve Rogers..." he called softly. "If you can hear me, please respond to me."


"Impossible..." Nurgle's voice was startled, almost moaning. She didn't believe it, she refused to believe it. "How could such a thing happen?"

However, there is.

Steve stood up from the darkness - little by little.

His knee was weak because it had just recovered and was not well equipped to take on the weight. Some time ago, his knee had been corrupted by the plague into a fragile piece too weak to even touch.

The flames tempered him and brought him back to life. The fiery flame brought him unbearably severe pain, but it made him feel extremely comfortable. The plague was expelled from his body. They couldn't get an inch in, and a dozen or so Nurglings made unpleasant hoarse noises above his head, and Steve just gave them a casual glance and they died instantly.

Every inch of his skin was glowing, a transparent, clear light. The blond hair fluttered, and Steve let out a soft breath. The high-temperature airflow caused several Nurglings to die, and Nurgle, who was still in shock, had not recovered, and she did not mourn the deaths of these things.

But Steve was mourning, he was mourning the billions of people who died, all the time. Their souls thanked him silently—he clenched his fists, and could almost see their faces. For a split second, Steve felt the urge to cry.

Darkness faded.

The sight revealed is a garden—a rotting garden, full of unacceptable sights for mortals, corpses used as fertilizer, breeding bugs, a mountain of corpses and a mouthful between the creeps. Thick and heavy pot, the pot was even steaming.

Nurgle's eyes suddenly became angry, a god's anger enough to change reality. The garden began to change its shape at her will, and thousands of demons squeaked and screeched from the rancid dirt floor. Killed towards Steve, but he didn't dodge, just straightened up and stood in the middle of this rotten garden.

She can change reality, but she can't change Steve's will.


A sudden bell rang in the garden. Then a second sound. third tone. One after another, one after another. By the end, the sound of the death knell sounded manic, making a disturbing noise.

In the noise, Steve said, "You know, for whom does the death knell sound?"

He took a step forward.

The demons took a step back in unison, and thousands of flies, large and small, flew from the rotting corpse and filled the sky. Then the body was shattered by the death knell, and it fell to the ground as fragments. Originally, their corpses should give birth to new life. But now, there is nothing left.

"Scream for you."

No new life is born - only death. The balance between life and death was broken, and Nurgle let out another unpleasant roar of filial piety.

The ground began to tremble, a demon began to scream, then a group of demons, and finally, all of the Nurgle demons began to scream. An unbearable sight is spreading through the garden. From where Steve was standing, the rotting soil and the corrupt disease that had cured it were melting away a little bit, like meeting a nemesis.

Dazzling white light overflowed from Steve's eyes, and he stepped on the broken ground to heal it. They became a new form, a form that was completely unacceptable to Nurgle and her demons.

Clean and natural look.

"Ha." Steve smiled sarcastically.

go ahead.

No, it should be called a march.

A one-man army began to wreak havoc in Nurgle's gardens, and he let the filthy land crumble just by walking. No demon can look directly at him, look directly at him, he will be blind, block him, he will die. The endless light and heat emanating from his body almost turned into a newborn sun, and now the sun is walking on the earth.

"Do not......"

Nurgle murmured. She can accept her failure, but not her garden being clean. On a hill not far from Steve, the black mansion where she was said to live began to tremble wildly, the warp vibrated endlessly, and several nebulae inside were destroyed by the wrath of the loving father.

"Get out! Get out! Get out of my garden!" She couldn't take it any longer, and growled filially. The demons shivered with her anger, and some immediately fell to their knees and began to cry. Then, because Steve, who did not escape, was vaporized on the spot, his soul was completely destroyed.

"I refuse, Nurgle. Just as I refuse your suggestion to get me in. You don't want to point fingers at a free-willed human."

Steve said slowly, then looked around and smiled contemptuously at the demons: "You're all unworthy!"

He raised his right hand, as if the thick mist of early morning entwined his right hand. Then, the sun literally rose from his hands. At this moment, Steve's voice no longer sounds like himself, but like someone else.

He said, "The souls of men belong only to themselves!"

With a bang - a sun burst in Nurgle's garden.

The waves of fire engulfed everything, whether it was those leggy trees or flies, whether it was maggots rolling on corpses or demons trying to avoid the heat, even Nurgle himself let out a groan. Steve's voice penetrated everything, finally reaching the ears of every living Nurgle demon, clear enough to terrify them.

"I want you to remember today, because today the omnipotent and loving Father you believed in was defeated by a human being by his own will."

"Listen! God of Plague!" he snapped. "You're going to die! You're going to die! It's just that sooner or later, each of you will pay the price you deserve for your evil deeds against humanity!"


Nurgle uttered two words succinctly.

"Get out of my garden." She dropped the words, then threw Steve out. Let him drift in the warp. At this time, the feeling of falling came back, and at this moment, Steve heard a call.

"Steve Rogers... if you can hear me, please respond to me."

"Who are you?"


Fulgrim snapped his eyes open—he got a response!

Phoenix's right hand clenched into a fist, and in the unacceptable sour sound of his teeth, he forcibly dragged a man out of the warp. His armor was damaged to an extremely serious extent~www.NovelMTL.com~ The whole person exudes high temperature steam. Fulgrim reached out his hand cautiously, still a little startled by the fiery temperature.

What happened to him?

After a while, the man opened his eyes.

"Well, I don't seem to know you?" he said, looking at Fulgrim in confusion. At the same time, he stood up from the ground with grace, and almost instantly won Fulgrim's favor.

Phoenix showed a smile: "Hello, my new brother."

Steve looked at him for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Ah, you're Fulgrim! I never heard of you, saying that..."

He said happily: "The support has arrived?!"

"You're right." Fulgrim nodded with a smile. Then his expression changed, and he asked rather apprehensively, "Has Guilliman mentioned me to you?"

"No, but I can guess something. Your relationship shouldn't be that good, right?"

"It turned out to be a good one." Fulgrim felt a pain in his teeth, and he didn't know what to say when he met Guilliman. "As for the later, it's not so much."

"It's all right, Guilliman is a good man, and he'll forgive you."

Steve patted his breastplate with a little more force. The chest of the power armor, which had suffered a lot, fell off with a bang, hit the ground, and melted the surrounding materials.

"I hope so." Fulgrim sighed. "Then my mission is over. I'm going to take you back to the Vengeance for an inspection, would you?"

Steve looked down at his hands that were still glowing, and nodded with a wry smile.

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