Serious People, Who is Learning Magic at Marvel?

Vol 12 Chapter 102: Above Terra (1)

No one can stop it, and no one dares to stop it.

With a burst of rage, Steve waved the flaming sword in his hand. Psionic flames spilled out from the sword, and they danced around in the air, clinging to the walls of the corridor as if they were self-conscious. It spread across the corridor at an extremely fast speed, and in an instant, this place became a boneyard for the demons of Slaanesh.


He threw the flaming sword, the two-handed greatsword turned into a brilliance, and the deadly golden glow flashed in the corridor, and each flicker meant the death of a Slaanesh demon. However, this is not enough. Because more demons are emerging from the door of the medical room, the door seems to have been polluted by the warp, and the door behind it is no longer where it should be.

The purple depraved light flickered incessantly, making Steve's anger even stronger. That instinctive hatred made his teeth tremble and his mind clearer.


"I'm here, my lord!"

Steve raised his hand, and the sword of flame returned to his hand. The blade was still as bright as new, without a trace of blood. He raised his sword and pointed at the door: "Did you see it?! Go and find the chief think tank, and go now!"

+No need, my lord, I've arrived+

Along with the surging and exuberant psionic lightning, the chief think tank Wario Tigris rushed in with five other subordinates, and the psionic communication connected the brains of every brother present in an instant. Steve smiled and nodded at him. Then suddenly jumped up.

He jumped into the midst of the Slaanesh demons without hesitation. Those creatures with pale skin and disgusting mutant organs showed him a wicked smile in joy, and Steve also responded with a brilliant smile. smile.

However, that smile looked extremely ferocious against the backdrop of the flames.

The next second, he inserted the sword of flames into the ground and exploded with all his strength. A golden eagle appeared on the ground, and the flesh and blood of the demons fell one after another, revealing pale bones. They screamed and rolled on the ground, not feeling the slightest pleasure, only pure pain. With a sneer, Steve pulled out his blade and chopped off the head of the demon closest to him.

+Wario, come to me+

+Sir, please wait a moment+

Psionic communication is extremely convenient, and Steve then pushes towards the door of the medical room. Wario and a group of think tanks were firmly protected by the guards led by Sicarius, who followed behind him. A series of dangerous psionic spells were used at any cost in the hallway. The results were also amazing, and it didn't take long before there were only corpses left.

The speed they killed was even faster than the speed at which the demons ran out of that door.

"Guilliman and Frank are behind this door, Wario, find a way to open it!"

"Give me some time, my lord."

The chief think tank's tone did not fluctuate, but fine beads of sweat already appeared on his forehead. He closed his eyes tightly, put his hands together, his index fingers stuck together, and his body trembled slightly. Everyone knew how dangerous it was to do this, but only Wario was able to do it, and he knew it himself.

Until a hand from out of nowhere patted his shoulder, a coldness made Wario suddenly open his eyes. He saw a giant who seemed to be standing in the dark and nodded to him. The voice sounded as if it came from the world of the dead, and it was chilling: "Let me come."


"This is not the time to catch up, Steve."

Batman answered him nonchalantly, then pressed his palm to the door. He went deeper, and the twisted door engulfed his hand all the way to his elbow. Without looking back, Batman said in an imperative tone, "Back off."


He placed his other hand heavily on the wall beside him and began to use strength. As if to pull something out of it, the cloak behind him trembled. Steve suddenly found the air heavier, and every breath he took in his lungs was no longer as smooth as it used to be.

Batman roared, his hand suddenly pulled out, and Robert Guilliman, who was covered in blood, was pulled out by him!

However, his face was not very good-looking. As soon as he stood firm, he started to run back anxiously, actually wanting to go back to the door again. Batman stopped him and got Guilliman's glare: "Let me go!"

"I just rescued you."

"They're still inside!" Guilliman roared, his eyes split open, showing his white teeth: "Let me in!"

"Do not."

Batman stared into his angry eyes and spat out a cold word.

"You're in charge, Robert Guilliman. Right now, you're the only person in this big, bloated empire who has the power to directly influence its decisions. You can't go wrong, go back to your office, issue orders, Evacuate civilians."

"What are you talking about—"

"There's a riot on Terra!" Batman suddenly yelled at him. "Idiot! Check out your office, I bet over a thousand letters for support have been sent to your personal terminal!"

Hearing this, Guilliman, who was swept away by the anger, immediately took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He said earnestly, "I see, Crane. Thank you, I'm too emotional."

He turned around and strode away, blocking all the members of the guard who wanted to follow him: "No, you don't have to follow me. You are right here, do your best to assist these two adults, and make sure to rescue everyone in the infirmary."

Immediately afterwards, he approached Batman and Steve with uncontrollable anxiety: "You must hurry, Frank can't have an accident. There is a Khorne demon in there! Maybe more than that, I saw a few opened ones. Portal."

Batman nodded, only Steve looked odd.


"Remember my name—"


Khorne looked angrily at the human who didn't let him finish his sentence, and the other party looked at it coldly, as if he was not looking at a living creature or a powerful demon. but something long dead. The sight made it furious, and the demon drew a **** greatsword from the void.

Its huge, terrifying, twisted horns glowed red, and on top of it was a huge symbol of Khorne, made of human bones. It smelled of blood all over its body, and it was huge, six meters tall. Frank didn't put his eyes on the demon at all.

He turned and pulled the trigger, and he delivered the bolt precisely into the right eye socket of a Slaanesh seducer. The bomb exploded in its brain, blowing its head all over the place. Immediately afterwards, he retracted the bolt gun, the hand suddenly lifted, and the hammer fell from top to bottom. Hammered the head of another Slaanesh demon trying to approach into its chest.

The Punisher had a cold smile on his face.

Guilliman had just been dragged out, and he felt the psionic fluctuations of that Cran Samps. That's a good thing, Guilliman isn't here, he doesn't need to worry about anything happening to him.

Having done all this, he put the bolter back into the belt around his waist. The bullets have run out. He switched the chainsaw sword to another hand, held it in his right hand, and danced casually, walking towards the Great Demon of Khorne. The Soulless Queen saw all this behind him and anxiously tried to stop him, but was unable to send the code to his armor.

Frank blocked her in advance—to be precise, he blocked any communication requests that might disturb him.

"You are very brave, human, and I appreciate that!" The demon grinned wildly, cracking its fanged mouth, and its voice sounded very close to an angry roar when it spoke: "Therefore, I will grant you death! "

"Shut your stinky mouth, devil bastard."

Before Khorne could react to his words, Frank stood up almost instantly, swung his sword with both hands, and the chainsaw saw its face brutally.

It wasn't over yet, he stepped on the face of Khorne, and the spikes stuck out of his boots, pierced into the flesh, and firmly fixed him on the face of the devil. He started stomping on its face again and again, still with that sneer on his face.

"You **** bug!"

The Great Demon is almost mad - it has slaughtered thousands of worlds, how has it ever been treated like this? Don't let it say its own name or even step on its face! It growled and shook its head, trying to throw Frank to the ground. But the spikes pierced into its flesh were somehow terrifyingly firm.

Frank's voice sounded in his ears: "In combat, it is necessary to maintain balance."

With a sneer, he adjusted the jetpack behind him to the highest output. Under the reaction force, Khorne was forcibly pressed to the ground. UU Reading He stepped on its face and swung the chainsaw sword again, like a butcher and a tree-cutting worker. Open and close, you can't see a little so-called elegance, but the victory is remarkable.

The horns on the top of Khorne's head were cut off in a twisted way by him. It let out a deafening roar of rage, but couldn't move. The power of the jetpack and Frank himself suppressed it! The demon's blood-red eyes began to burn, it couldn't bear such humiliation!

"do not move."

Frank whispered into its ear, then began to laugh wildly. The psionic energy, which he has not used since he received the transformation, exploded with all his strength at this time, and a giant psionic hand exuding cold air emerged from the void, clenched into a fist, and Frank jumped up, leaving it and being stepped on The face for a long time - the next second, the fist slammed down.

"Hahahahahaha—" He laughed wildly and kept waving his fists, and the Khorne Demon endured the first punch, the second, and the third. However, from the fourth stroke, its eyeballs fell from the sockets, the skull began to deform, the blood flowed out, and the skin on the entire head began to crack.

It wants to talk, but Frank doesn't give it a chance. He laughed sarcastically, and threw another punch, punching non-stop until Khorne's head was smashed into meat sauce by him, and he stopped.

This is what Batman and Steve see when they enter through the medical room with their guards. Frank stood alone beside the corpse of the big demon who had just died and was still twitching slightly, covered in blood and with a satisfied smile. The Soulless Queen and the wounded pharmacists stood behind him in stunned silence.

"I knew nothing would go wrong with him..." Steve shook his head and whispered. Batman nodded without a trace, agreeing with him.

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