Sequential Evolution

Chapter 588 Peeping into life, possessing the body

For a moment, Lin Tianyi's soul felt extremely itchy, as if everything about him was being taken away.

His memory began to blur, and he seemed to have fallen into a dream. In this dream, Lin Tianyi from the third perspective saw himself being led by his parents when he was a child, gradually turning into a strange man.

He seemed to be watching a life movie that had been accelerated a hundred times, from when he was born, to Yaya's toddler, to going to school, playing with his deskmates, interacting with friends, and then avoiding Su Nuo's pursuit. , successfully became an evolver...

But the only difference is that these Lin Tianyi's facial features gradually turned into someone else!

It seemed that everything was happening to others, and he was just a spectator.

This feeling was quite uncomfortable, as if he had lost something important, but he could not remember what it was that was taken away from him.

His eyes became confused, as if troubled by philosophical questions.

who I am?

Where do I come from?

Where am I going?

At this time, Nietzsche's lips curled up into a smile.

I succeeded.

Once he gets this soul, he will completely become a high-level person in the fanatical fluctuations and become the supreme second holy son.

According to his plan, he could inherit the opponent's identity as a descendant, and even leave this broken wasteland and invade Lin Tianyi's world.

"So, this is the other person's hometown?"

"It doesn't look like a great planet, and there are very few people with super powers."

"Compared to our Yatan planet, the humans there are simply not as weak as the mutated cockroaches in this world."

His invasion must start from the birth of the other party, and he also needs to experience the other party's life. Although it is very brief, he must also have a general understanding of the other party's deeds.

Of course, this process is not without cost.

He needs to quickly feel the pain of the other person, experience what the other person is thinking, and feel the happiness of the other person.

Nietzsche enjoyed this feeling very much. Taking other people's things, whether painful or happy, was actually a kind of fun for him. Moreover, everyone's life was the same. He would replace the owner of this body. Easily obtain the other person's wealth, peek into the most primitive desires, taste other people's lovers, and take away the powers and skills that he has worked hard to practice!

"Other people's is the best." He often said this.

Seeing the changing colors in Nietzsche's eyes, the eight-clawed electric eel lying on the ground raised its front claw, scratched its chin with its sharp hook and asked:

"You are so slow. This kid looks very young. Moreover, he is so stupid that he exposes his soul without any protection in front of the life thief. This is just like a female fish walking from the bathroom to the street. ridiculous."

Upon hearing his partner's inquiry, Nietzsche raised his eyebrows and said:

"You should describe it as a woman, not a female fish. The first half of this person's life was very boring, and there was nothing worthy of praise."

"However, his soul is incredibly strong. If he hadn't taken the initiative to get out of his body, I wouldn't even be able to carve his soul."

As he spoke, his eyes suddenly widened and immediately lit up horribly.

"What? Did you find something interesting? This boy's woman is very beautiful?!"


Nietzsche interrupted his partner's inquiry. The fragment he experienced at this time was exactly the scene of Lin Tianyi being successfully recruited into the Evolution Palace.

"Who are women? They are superficial catfish. I found something very interesting. Their world is not as fragile as I thought."


What is a woman?

Coming from Nietzsche's mouth, these words are as ridiculous as a crab on the beach saying that he doesn't like possessing shellfish shells.

Nietzsche was completely immersed in the grandeur of the palace of evolution.

He discovered a shocking secret, that is, the secret that these apparently weak descendants could actually invade their planet! !

What is that mysterious soul palace? !

The other party's way of gaining strength is not through injection of medicine and genetic modification?

This is simply a direct gift from the gods. As long as you pass the test, the power will be obtained as easily as plundering other people's wealth!

No training required, no time spent, extraordinary abilities, weapons and equipment all available.

"Hahaha, this is the life I want. Traveling through all the worlds and plundering some planets. This kind of life is really wonderful."

"How exciting and wonderful this is!"

"Compared to this body, the life I plundered before is simply rubbish among rubbish."

The look that burst out in Nietzsche's eyes was astonishing to the extreme.

He was shaking with excitement, as if he had seen an extremely grand stage play, or like a thief who had successfully robbed a bank vault, full of fantasies about the future.

He even commented on Lin Tianyi's performance in dealing with the ghost master Xia Hou.

"If it were me, I would directly take away the other person's life and become a ghost master. Both the female ghost in red and Jibalo Shui Bingyue should be included in the bag."

He was like a spectator watching a movie, fascinated and immersed in the scene.

However, at this moment, the eight-clawed electric eel on the side couldn't help but remind him.

"Nietzsche, that's it. You already have a nosebleed. If this keeps up, you might not be able to hold on."

Hearing the words of the eight-clawed electric eel, Nietzsche seemed to have gone crazy. He reached out his hand and wiped the nosebleed from his face and said indifferently:

"Don't worry, I can bear it."

"Compared to this body, those clones are dispensable and can be destroyed directly."

Almost at the same time as he finished speaking, all over the wasteland, outstanding superpowers, wilderness hunters, and scavengers fell inexplicably.

Some of them were having fun in the tavern, some were having intense exercises with several orc girls on the bed, and some were tasting delicacies in the city lord's mansion.

However, at this moment, these giants, who were either powerful, wealthy, or controlled a wilderness force, all died. White threads of light separated from the corpses and shot towards Spark City.

These people are the lives of other people that Nietzsche plundered.

He can enjoy the happiness and joy of these people at the same time.

Of course, occasionally, he would find some insignificant pain to endure for a change.

But now, everything is not important. Those who were in key positions and could provide information to Leviheim College, became secret agents, and were dormant, were almost immediately discarded by Nietzsche like garbage.

When all the life and all the power quickly gathered on the body, the erosion speed of the supernatural power, which was like walking hard in the quagmire, suddenly increased three times again!

"I seem to have found an interesting world, Intis? Where is the source of the power of the gods?! One of the people this body cares about most, I am about to see it with my own eyes." Nietzsche said extremely excitedly...

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