Sequential Evolution

Chapter 585 Nietzsche

Is he dead?

Looking at the messy control room, a tough man in a tactical short jacket came late, pressed against the wall, feeling the situation in the room.

Those fox hairs, like a brush, pierced the entire wall with holes.

The captain of the garrison was sweating profusely at this time.

Because the hairs of these foxes were just a few inches away, he would be harmed by the innocent.

"Sir? Has the person been dealt with?"

Cold sweat slid down the tip of his nose.

Those fox hairs shrank back instantly, and a telepathic voice appeared in his ears.

'This one is dead, but it's just a clone. This person's ability is very difficult to deal with. '

"He should have occupied the lives of some other people, so it's difficult for me to investigate."

"However, his target is still the Second Son of God, and the other party is not dead."

Hearing the words of the guardian, the latter said in surprise:

"In the capsule train, with such a big explosion, will that person be okay?"

"The city lord has an order, don't pay attention to it, it's a war between the fanatic wave and the academy. We symbolically killed this clone, which is enough to deal with the fanatic wave."


At this time, the capsule train tunnel.

A large number of armed search and rescue bionic people entered the dark passage filled with poisonous gas.

The tunnel after the explosion was in chaos.

The air was filled with gunpowder and gunpowder, and the lights were dim and flickering.

Broken stones and debris were scattered all over the ground, piled up into mountains.

The paint on the tunnel wall had been blown away, revealing gray concrete and steel bars.

Some destroyed equipment was scattered on the ground, and pipes, wires and machines had been damaged.

A large hole was blown in the middle of the tunnel, and residual metal fragments were scattered on the ground.

The interior of the tunnel was filled with smoke and dust, making it difficult to see the specific situation.

The concentration of hemomycin has been obviously diluted, but the strong toxins are not so easy to dispel. They are still slowly corroding the surrounding metals, gravel, and cables that have no nutrition.

A team of fully mechanical warriors wearing heavy protective clothing, holding biological detection lights and mold absorption instruments in their hands, worked frantically to clean up these violent toxins.

However, before this team of warriors walked too far, a lantern figure appeared in the depths of the darkness.

It was a member of the Spark wearing ordinary ground engineer clothing, with a safety helmet on his head and a gas mask on his face.


The mechanical search and rescue warrior asked.

The latter immediately turned on his work card.

"I, an engineer, am responsible for inspecting the damage to the tunnel."

The electronic eyes of the mechanical search and rescue warrior scanned the work card and biological information features, and immediately the red eyes turned green.

However, his intelligent analysis system told him that it was unreasonable for this person to be here.


Before the search and rescue robot could speak, suddenly, their positions were directly exchanged.

The next second, the powerful suction of the superconducting magnetic track seemed to connect the wires, and a violent magnetic field was instantly emitted.

Bang bang bang bang...

The entire group of elite robot teams were directly sucked into a pile of scrap metal by the strong magnet.

The lantern engineer standing in the other position sighed and said:

"It is indeed a good idea to use metal machine life as search and rescue personnel."

"However, it is just a little electricity. It is too easy to connect. Metal life is not as cheap and easy to use as humans."

The engineer walked around the scrap iron of the machine and tried to pull the rescue captain who was leading the team.

As a result, he was not strong enough and failed to pull him up.

"Hey! My brain, Xiao A, remove the power."

As an octopus crawling electric eel appeared from the corner, the restored power around disappeared instantly.

After struggling to lift the robot captain, he unfastened the safety buckle, took off the other's protective suit, put it on, and then bent down to pick up the powerful air filter.

"Well! Good quality, not broken."

As the gas mask was thrown on the ground, he put on the other's suit, took the blood mold removal equipment, and continued to walk deep into the tunnel.

"It's really troublesome. It seems to be a tough nut to crack."

"Thanks to my high IQ and many preparations, otherwise he would really run away."

The Octopus Electric Eel heard this and actually said, "I advise you to be careful. The other party is definitely not a vegetarian."

"Where can he hide? He is so cautious? He hid at the first time."

"The group of bee pupae of Spark Company are just a group of timid moles."

"This is their underground troop transport and escape route. The Spark Fox must know the other party's location. However, since the other party did not find him, it proves that Spark Company still intends to sit on the sidelines."

"If we lose, the college's plan will be in vain."

The capsule tunnel stretches in all directions, like an underground city.

Holding a lamp and shining everywhere, his unhurried steps are surprisingly fast, because he disappears on the spot without taking a step, and what remains on the spot is a piece of gravel or something else.

Interchanging positions is his extraordinary skill.

Because it is built on a complex terrain, the shape of the entire tunnel varies, making walking in it feel like being in a complex maze.

The dark tunnel is brightly lit, with bright lamp posts arranged almost every few meters, shining like countless night lights, constantly bringing light and a sense of security to people.

After all, it was built by the senior executives of Spark Company for refuge and escape.

The solidity of this place amazed the assassin of Li Weiheim.

Even after the big explosion, only the center of the explosion collapsed.

The heavy special steel tunnel walls and top make the entire tunnel safe and stable.

The most commendable thing is that the top of the central passage is equipped with a high-tech, steel-reinforced protective roof.

It can not only prevent the ceiling from collapsing, but also play an important protective role. In case of a bomb explosion, this protective roof can play a role in defending fragments, thereby protecting personnel and equipment.

Not only that, the ground here was also considered very carefully during the design. The route is made of stacked stones and precision parts. If there is no traffic, it can even be used for driving.

There are also comprehensive functional rooms such as distribution rooms, food storage rooms, mechanical rooms, and lounges next to the tunnel.

All of this is to protect those unique people from escaping in the most extreme cases.

The entire tunnel is designed as a world-class protective project. It not only has the function of emergency transfer in wartime, but also can serve as a temporary shelter in disasters.

The layout of several kilometers of underground tunnels and multifunctional rooms makes the entire tunnel appear large and complex. The first-class technology and factory-like operation have successfully passed repeated tests for this underground project.

"Nietzsche, I seem to feel a subtle bioelectricity in the tunnel over there. I guess we have found the real owner." The octopus electric eel put its head on the track and felt it slightly and said.

The assassin named Nietzsche, Li Weiheim, brightened up and said with a smile while holding a hand lamp:

"What are you waiting for? I am very interested in this guy. He should... have no fighting power."

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